“Who? Who’s so paranoid?”

“A top pride? The battle for the stone mine is getting stronger.”

“thats all, the struggle for the stone mine is not what our dignitaries can think, but look at lively or it’s okay, where’s divine? How dare you speak of monopoly in front of so much of the great dignity or even the supreme pride?”

“The hegemony, that’s bullshit! Just take over the whole mystery, even if it’s the tall pride, don’t you dare do that?”

Lei Daos voice, passed the whole Great World.

A lot of itinerant monk has heard.

A lot of people envy and very curious. Who the hell is such a great pride?

Among them, peanut women, each and everyone, are as stuck as they are, and the nerves are tight, and it is clear that they have heard the voice of Master.

Lei Dao!

Master Ray!

Yes, they saved their radar pride before!

It’s just that Ray was so calm before he saw a Great World like nothing, so how could he now directly take over the whole rock mine?

That’s a lot of big priests and even a tiger watch his prey, and never give up the stone mine!

“Lord Ray, you’re confused! Even if you’re anxious to get a stone mine, you shouldn’t be so palpitation, it’s gonna be a target!”

Big pride inwardly worries for Lei Dao.

“What shall we do?”

“What do we do?”

Darling clench ones teeth and said, “Lord Ray saved us, and now he’s in trouble, and we can’t ignore it. So, you all go into spaceship, look away, go to the Great Divine, look at the Stone Mines, and maybe you can help.”

Actually, she can go away, but she finally thinks she’s going to look at it.

At this juncture, many of the great priests in the Stone Mines are furious.

“impudent, a stranger, too, who speaks of monopoly on stone mines?”


“The Stone Mines are all thinking, but eventually it will not be so high that they can really get the great dignity of the Stone mine.”

“It’s so urgent to heavenly hegemonic ore, only dead end!”

These great respects look at Kun Peng Divine Body of Lei Dao, but each and everyone have not regressed, despite their mental disorder. Even, they’re excited, and now there’s such a high level of respect as Lei Dao, and perhaps the next battle for the stone mine will not be calm.

In chaos, maybe it’s only a chance!

Tiger and Great Dignity are all suspicious at this time.

They naturally see that Lei Dao is a stranger with great respect and the rest, and just, how can he be so heavier? Is that so unscrupulous?

dont tell me that I’m not afraid of so much dignity?

It’s not so wise to be any top pride.

“Things must always be demons, and we’ll look at them!”

The two of you are very cautious.


fact, not only are the Tiger and the Great Dignity, but it seems that things must be demons. Hence, each and everyone are determined to be willing to sit on a mountain tiger fight and will not be easy to do.

This has led to a phenomenon.

Lei Dao is so unscrupulous that he speaks of hegemony over the whole mystery, resulting in a lot of speculations, a lot of anger, but a preference for no great pride.

“Yes, it’s still high!”

Lei Dao sees how big you are not dare to make a move, and it’s very distressing.

He was also trying to deter the killing of a few grand priests, even the supreme ones. Now, it seems that there is no need to deter, and these great dignity are not going to act blindly without thinking.

It’s also good to get high!

Since these nobles are afraid to act blindly without thinking, Lei Dao can do impolite.

He’s so cynical, that’s really depressing. And his purpose is clear, and that’s the stone mine.

“Get up!”

Lei Dao shouted.

suddenly, his strength in the world formed a big hand, and it was going to capture the whole mystery. With Lei Dao’s supreme pride, don’t tell me how to distinguish a rock mine, even if it’s a Great World, it’s going to be extinct and broken.


“Leave the stone mine!”

“Since your courting death, we have nothing to worry about, kill!”

There were some cruelty on Lei Dao, not dare to make a move of these great respects, and I saw Lei Dao actually starting to move the rocks, so that he couldn’t sit there for a while.

each and everyone have a bunch of loudly roared, moved towards Lei Dao.

And not a big pride, not even two, but a dozen great dignitaries, which seem to have a “silence”.

Among them, there’s plenty of pride!

Lei Dao vision swept, he felt the killing plan, the fierce killing plan, which was forbidden to make Lei Dao look slight.

“The Lei just wanted to get this stone mine thats all, and never thought of killing you. Even if it were to defeat you, Lei Dao had never thought of killing, even if it was bloody hell, that Lei gave them a chance to change their own chances.”

“But now, you’re trying to kill this Lei, and in order to make a region of a rock mine, a little zombie, you’re moving the killing plan, and you’re just going to see how hard you are, I’m afraid that killing people like scything flax, slaughter overflowing the heaven, is a terrible sin! If that’s the case, then this Lei won’t leave you!”

Lei Dao seems to have been angry, and his Kun Peng Divine Body has expanded to pinnacle, and majestic’s horror has passed to all directions.

At the same time, his presence in the body’s World’s strength, even more suddenly, was more fierce than when it was born before.

After all, Ray Dao Body is six Great World!

hong long.

the void shock, even the Great World, is already volatile, as if it were to be broken at any time.

Fortunately, the great war between Lei Dao and the rest is not about this Great World, and this Great World is much stronger than the usual Great World.

Otherwise, this Great World has already collapsed.


Next moment, countless attacks landed above Kun Peng Divine Body in Lei Dao. Lei Dao is going to be high to get the stone mine, which will necessarily require the creation of a horizontal scanning of invincible images.

So Lei Dao didn’t hide, but he was just tough.

lei Dao has even been prepared to get hurt, but as a result, the attack on the great dignity of Lei Dao fell on Kun Peng Divine Body, just letting Lei Dao’s Divine Body shock some thats all.

At the same time, the power of Lei Dao’s world exploded and moved directly towards dozens of dignitaries.

pu. “

Some of the prime priests, just deep respect, were passed by Lei Dao’s World Power engulfing, suddenly, each and everyone screamed.

The vast body is also unable to resist Lei Dao’s power in the world, just as it was terrorized, and direct majestic crushed into powder.

A few of the top priests, too, have gone crazy, but they can’t stop Lei Dao World’s eruption, they’re all blown up by Lei Dao fist and turned into powder!

This screen fell into the eyes of great dignity, and each and everyone showed incredible expression.

Even how big you think they’re stuck in hallucinations?

Ten grand priests, many of them top priests, were blown up by Lei Dao fist, and the meteorological landed.

I can’t even resist it.

“impossible, how can this be possible?”

“Ten dignitaries, five of them, but they can’t stop it, they can’t stop it, they can’t stop it. Are you sure this isn’t the Lord?”

“Can’t stop, really, how could it be so horrible?”

“Smoke invincible, it’s a real transcendentible! No wonder if the bottom breath is going to crush this stone, so powerful, who can compete with it?”

How much of your big pride is horrible, and I can’t believe in the scene.

Don’t say that, even Lei Dao himself scared a big jump.

“Am I so strong?”

Lei Dao has some doubts.

Although Lei Dao knew that he was full deserving of humankind, without any reservations’ first pride, the greatest pride in general was not his opponent.

But not right!

This is a clear place!

Does he have the strength of bringing together all the supreme dignity of the bright world and even the great dignity that can be opposed to the Lord?

But now?

fist broke dozens of big priests, which Lei Dao thought seemed too weak than he imagined.

Or, Lei Dao Body has opened a few more Great World, some of the more powerful ideas of Lei Dao himself.

Six Great World, so strong?

“Maybe they too weak, yes, it must be. Real tall pride, it should have not come yet, or not come out, and they’re watching in the dark, and they’re definitely looking for my mess. No, it can’t be exposed too much, or it will be trouble to be seen by the top priests of those dark eyes.”

Lei Dao expression is very heavy.

It does not seem to be more prudent to relax because he fist broke dozens of great dignity.

Even Lei Dao felt that there must be hidden supremacy among the great priests below, and that he was now being analysed in a comprehensive manner.

Once it’s analyzed, Lei Dao will have to do it, or even kill it!


great world, the billions of races, all kinds of top genius are too many, and who knows what’s going to be the greatest pride?

And it will not be wrong if there is a Message of the supreme respect against Allah.

After all, the cave won’t wind!



Must have such a tall pride before the rumors come out.

Lei Dao must be careful, otherwise it is not impossible to override the ship in the gutter.

“Be careful, I have revealed Kun Peng Divine Body, even the power of the world, but the time of the outbreak was short, and the supreme dignity of the darkness, and I must not have completely discovered my fragmentation. Now start searching for some of the rocks that should be safe for the time being.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, followed by a great hand, and continued to slow down the stone mine.

A lot of rocks have been captured directly by Lei Dao in the body world.

The more it is, Lei Dao, the more cautious.

He knows that as he keeps searching for the rocks, the tall pride that is hidden in the dark will certainly not let him do so, and he will certainly do it.

Lei Dao has to be ready to resist at any time.

So, a breath time passed, no silence.

“These supreme nobles, each and everyone, are intelligent, very intolerable, not yet ready, certainly still observing.”

Two breathing hours have passed, and there’s still no quiet.

“Come on, those tall priests may be on hold, they’ll have to do it and be careful.”

Lei Dao muttered, and more so he released his feelings to pinnacle, observing all the actions of great dignity.

Three breathing hours have passed, and those big priests remain silent.

“Can you hold it? There’s such a patience, such a top pride, more terrifying.”

Lei Dao was more vigilant in his heart and more nervous, so that he was searching for the rock faster, turning around, and almost half of the mystery mines were loaded by Lei Dao in the body World.

Ten breathing hours passed, and Lei Dao put the last stone in the body world, but there was still no movement around the globe.

“Well, in my mind, I don’t know what the greatest pride has in mind, thats all, so tolerant big shot, cannot afford to offend, really cannot afford to offend! At the stone mine, I’m still sneaking away, avoiding collision with the top pride, and I’m not necessarily a opponent.”

Lei Dao thinks the top pride in too terrifying is so intolerable. He put stone mines in the body world, and none of those great priests did.

The more intolerable, that means how much it is, and Lei Dao is afraid to stay.

Then Lei Dao, step by step, silhouette drilled into the space corridor and disappeared shadowless.

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