Ultimately, human leaders did not stop Lei Dao, Lei Dao did not want to be a “salt”, but wanted to go to an ancient continent and continue to be “excited”, so there was no reason for human domination to stop.

Moreover, it would be very safe for humankind to have the identity of Lei Dao, the original ancestral disciple.

Even a large number of human masters have spoken to comfort Lei Dao, leaving Lei Dao without worrying about the human situation.

It’s not forbidden to let Lei Dao in the heart.

That’s not right!

Unlike he imagined.

Shouldn’t it be for humans to prevail and even let Lei Dao remain in “human boundaries” with human life prolonging categories treasure?

But it is clear that the masters do not mean that.

“thats all, I hope that when the Lord of the sword will succeed in the Lord, I will be able to return to human boundaries.”

Lei Dao’s eyes were directed towards the Lord of the sword, and he was still looking forward to the day when he saw the Lord of the sword.

“Quick, slowly 10 years, eight years, three or five years, the Seat must be the master!”


Lord of the sword is very confident.

His successor, the Lord, has no hindrance.

“I will do my best to get back, lords, say goodbye!”

Lei Dao is naturally determined, and that will not change.

When he was properly consulted with the masters, he was directly silhouette, and had drilled into the space corridor, and shadowless disappeared in the blink blink, leaving only a great deal of lords.

The leaders of the five great palaces look at each other in dismay, and the expression is full of whispering.

This information, brought back by Lei Dao, is also crucial for humanity.

Lei Dao became the original ancestral disciple for the time being and not to say that it was too important for humankind to even be born as a master. And there are mysterious continents.

Let the high human level know that there is life in the dark, and even a huge world, not all of it.

It also gives the Lord greater fear.

That world is more complicated than they imagined!

Not only are there people in the clear world, but there’s even a dark world, an ancient continent!

However, humankind is now a clear world, and the absurd continent is too far away from humankind.

When Lei Dao stepped out and came to the Azure Lotus Palace, Lord Azure Lotus had waited a long time, she had received a message from Lei Dao.

“Ray Junior Brother, are you all set up to make sure you’re going to an antique continent?”

Lord Azure Lotus was the one who laughed at his face.

“Senior Sister, I’m ready to go to the wilderness continent. However, in the absurd continent, the Senior Sister is also required to take more care of it.”

Lei Dao had already sent a message to Lord Senior Sister Azure Lotus before he arrived, and after all, this time Lei Dao was going to enter the homeland with Lord Azure Lotus.

“Well, you can make this decision, and I’m a little surprised, but you won’t regret it, and the absurd continent is the hope I waited for!”

Azure Lotus ruled inwardly nodded, and then she waited quietly with Lei Dao at the Azure Lotus Palace.

Both of them have communicated to Master’s original ancestral airspace, and even the supreme lord and unable to enter, they will have to guide their ancestors.

After all, the dark world has been moving, and no one can know where the entrance of the absurd continent is in the dark except for the great ancestors of Supreme.

Even once in a while, the entrance may change at the next moment.

That’s the characteristic of the dark world.

Not long ago, Lei Dao and Lord Azure Lotus moved and opened their eyes.

Master’s here, let’s go. ”

Lord Azure Lotus flew directly with Lei Dao to the Ming void, and then the two opened the darkness and flew directly into it.

In the dark, Lei Dao also saw that familiar “leaf”, which, in fact, was the “leaf palace” of Master’s original ancestral, and Lei Dao also saw the “leaf palace” for the second time, but it was still very shocking.


Both flew directly into the palace.

Master’s original ancestral air looked at Lei Dao and Azure Lotus, and inwardly nodded and said: “Good, since it has been decided to go to an ancient continent, adequate psychological preparations are required. Besides, Lei Dao is just a big pride, but he dares to make such a decision. In fact, the Kun Peng family is much stronger than the general correction of itinerant monk.”

“Kun Peng is stronger than the general itinerant monk in an ancient continent?”

Lei Dao’s somethin ‘, so.

He has not been to an ancient continent, and naturally he is not aware of its specific circumstances.

“Space innate talent! This is the innate talent of the Kun Peng people, which, unfortunately, has now been extinct and has not been brilliant in the past. But Kun Peng’s space innate talent, even in an ancient continent, is very strong! You’ll know when you get there.”

With Master’s voice down, the entire palace began to fly quickly to the depths of the wall.

The darkness of the darkness is in vain and endless.

Lei Dao is hard to imagine how to identify directions in the dark?

Not to mention, it’s harder to find the entrance to the antiquitous continent than to go to heaven.

Undoubtedly, only the ancestors will be able to oversee in the dark.

Otherwise, change the Lord, even the supreme lord, and in the dark world, and in all times the darkness is moving, who can take the direction? Not to mention that town guarded the pathways of the ancient continent.

Nor do we know how long it seems that the original sky is speculating, and the leaves are slowly stopped.

“Open it!”

The ancestors flew out of the palace, and then stretched their hands in the dark.

“hong long long”.

suddenly, the shadow is as if it was “torn” by a powerful force to forcibly reveal a huge channel from which Lei Dao found a very different aura.

Although this aura is very unique, Lei Dao can still feel a depressed life aura.

This passage must go to a world with life!


is no life in the dark, which is almost well known, but now there is aura in a passage, which has broken Lei Dao’s perception of the dark.

“Is this the gateway to the old continent?”

Lei Dao said hi.

“Good. This is the entrance to an antique continent! As long as they enter this corridor, they will be able to enter the homeland.”

Lord Azure Lotus has also spoken out loudly.

Lei Dao still feels confused.

“dont tell me that every time you repair itinerant monk wants to get into a homeland, you have to get it from your ancestors? Do we have this kind of treatment, as do other itinerant monk?”

Lei Dao’s face is weird.

If that’s the case, isn’t the grandfather a transport worker?

Every day, there are many repairs of itinerant monk into the homeland.

But how could the dignified ancestral be a transport worker?

“Ray Junior Brother, do you think more, dignified ancestors, how could you keep sending itinerant monk into the homeland? In fact, there are stable access routes in the shadows, and some Boss Gu communities, all of whom are specially guarded near those corridors, equivalent to fixed coordinates of each and everyone. With this approach, even without the ancestral ancestors, many repairs of itinerant monk will be able to enter the homeland.”

Lei Dao suddenly realize.

But carefully thought should be the same, or, otherwise, dignified ancestral as a transport worker, how much can you transport itinerant monk?

Besides, who’s entitled to keep our ancestors in transport?

That is, Lord Lei Dao and Azure Lotus, the official disciple of the original ancestral space, so that the original space would “deliver” thats all alone, and the other itinerant monk would not have such qualifications.

“固定入口?这么说,这里不是进入荒古continent 的固定入口?”

Lei Dao also captured the key to Lord Azure Lotus’s speech.

“Well, this is not a fixed entrance, but not far from the fixed entrance. In the dark world, the ancestors could forcibly rip off a gateway, but that would be too sudden to draw the attention of the sacred people of the ancient continent. Saints, they’re like ancestors, and then they’re not good for you. Close to an entrance, just rip up an entrance, send you in, and not be brought to the attention of the ancient saints.”

“Well, what if you noticed?”

Lei Dao felt Master seemed to have some “no spectrum”.

It’s an ancient saint, with the primitive ancestors.


you’re not afraid, you’re scared!

“Even if it is noticed, this channel is a holy land. Well, how many men can hold the saint, and then you can only run to the nearby clear point of position, and the saint won’t be able to help you.”

Lei Dao had a heart to ask, but Master had not given him a chance.

“The passage is open. Come on in!”

With the impetus of the original ancestral air, Lord Azure Lotus has moved first into the channel. Lei Dao hesitated but followed closely from behind, clenched ones teeth flew into the tunnel.


Next moment, Lei Dao felt that everyone was uncontrolled and seemed to lose focus.

This entrance is more horrible than Lei Dao, where Lei Dao has no control over his body.

However, time is too short.

Soon, Lei Dao felt eyes shine, and immediately, his body seemed to have recovered.

“Is this an ancient continent? It seems like a world where all the times are covered with a strange energy that makes people feel comfortable, where cultivating Divine Body seems to be going to be a lot faster…”

Lei Dao muttered.

He moved towards all around, and at this point Lei Dao was in void, and he saw void all around.

But when he looks down, the gods are slight.

On the ground, there are countless bodies and the life of aura terror, looking at Lei Dao and Azure Lotus, and faint, with strong killing plans soaring through the sky.

“It’s an extraterritorial devil!”

“The devil invaded our tribe and killed them!”

“I’ll always be unyielding in the rocks!”

A while of anger with murderous aura continued to hit Lord Lei Dao and Azure Lotus.

Even Lord Azure Lotus, his face looks bad.

This is an ancient Sacred Land tribe, who came directly to the abdomen of a tribe.

What is this?

walright into a trap?


Lei Dao can’t stand loudly shouted.


‘s got some sadness in his heart, and Master seems to be on the sidelines, so how can he get them out of the way?

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