Grand Willow Kingdom, in the Imperial City of 巍峨, a huge willow, entrenched in the middle of the Imperial City, the scattered branches are like a huge canopy, with a full range of severe hundred zhang.

The folks have never heard of such a huge willow.

Someone rumored that this is Willow God, which symbolizes the national will of the Grand Willow Kingdom.

Giant willow does not fall, Liu Guo is not bad!

This giant willow, has been firmly tied to the Grand Willow Kingdom, regardless of each other.

Next to the giant willow is the Divine Martial Guard, the Divine Martial Guard is the eyes of the Imperial Family, all over the corner of the entire Imperial Family large and small.

Basically, there is nothing in the Imperial City, but the Divine Martial Guard.

At the moment, within the Divine Martial Guard’s stronghold, Chief Command Envoy Ma Yuan calm and easy going, the Malaysian gold blade sits on the main seat and does not speak.

In front of Ma Yuan, there are dozens of Divine Martial Guard large and small officials standing side by side. Each and everyone’s face is solemn, closed and the atmosphere is dignified.


Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

A Divine Martial Guard guard hurried to the hall and shouted: “Lord Chief Command Envoy, there is an order!”


Ma Yuan opened her eyes fiercely and stared at the guards in front of her eyes.


“There is an order with Divine Martial Guard Chief Command Envoy Ma Yuan, Divine Martial Guard and Dark Guard, and the Great General will be caught in imprison! and Great General, and all will be handled by Divine Martial Guard!”

“it is good!”

Ma Yuan beaming with joy.

I finally waited until this day.

Last time Ma Yuan was defeated by Great General in Cloud Prefecture City.

But even if he is a diignified Divine Martial Guard Chief Command Envoy, he can’t help the Great General.

After all, the Great General enormous influence, especially in the military, is the illusion of influence, deep roots, and a slight carelessness can cause a great disorder.

However, Ma Yuan very clear, it is not him who really wants to deal with the Great General, but the Grand Willow Kingdom, which is the Imperial Family!

After returning to the Divine Martial Guard, Ma Yuan sent people to pay close attention to the Great General’s every move, and finally he was given the opportunity.

Divine Martial Guard investigated that Floating Cloud Escort Agency’s Lei Dao had found Profound Heaven Treasure and handed Profound Heaven School tempering inner organs’ martial art to Great General.

This is the way to the Great General!

Originally, the Imperial Family was very jealous of the Great General, but I used to hesitate and didn’t know how to deal with the Great General.

After all, Great General great influence, and also great work for the Grand Willow Kingdom, if it is dealt with rashly, causing the army to change, it will not be worth the loss.

But now, Great General is trying to get tempering inner organs’ martial art, which is beyond the limits of Imperial Family tolerance.

Therefore, with Ma Yuan’s report, the Imperial Family immediately decided to take action against the Great General.

As for the possible turmoil?

Ma Yuan very clear, in the entire Grand Willow Kingdom, there may be a lot of influences.

But whether it is Aristocratic Family and Great Clan or Jianghu Secret Sect, the real master is still the Grand Willow Kingdom Imperial Family!

Without any influence or individual, you can challenge the awe-inspiring of the Imperial Family!

Ma Yuan is deeply aware of how terrifying the Imperial Family is.

Therefore, even if he is ambitious, already Divine Martial Guard Chief Command Envoy, even the Human Body Limit expert, but the Imperial Family is still respectfully, dare not have any disagreement!

“Without Great General, Lei Dao, Qingyuan, who can you rely on?”

Ma Yuan flashed a stern color in his eyes.

The last time I went to the Cloud Prefecture City, I couldn’t kill Old Daoist Qingyuan. Ma Yuan has always been worried.

Even if Ma Yuan has already got Life Nurturing Art, the existence of Old Daoist Qingyuan is like a thorn, so that Ma Yuan is in the throat, not unhappy.

Now, the time is finally here!


On the spacious official road, the fleet of Floating Cloud Escort Agency is almost ready to return to Lei Family Castle.

Lei Dao did not ride horses, but sat in the carriage.

Although he is no longer a sickly person, his body has completely healed, but he is still not used to riding, and he is more comfortable lying in the carriage.

“Special ability still didn’t respond…”

Lei Dao muttered, he has some helplessness.

In the process of rushing, Lei Dao is not idle, trying to mobilize the special ability to see the situation of special ability. However, I found that the special ability still has no movement, that is, the “upgrade” may not be completed yet.

This time, what is the “upgrade” of the special ability, and even Lei Dao himself is not very clear.

But he always feels that the previous special ability seems to be “simple and crude”, and really is too simple and crude, and it looks like a low-level goods. I don’t know what it will become after this upgrade.

The special ability is temporarily unable to move, and Lei Dao naturally cannot use the special ability to enhance martial art.

Of course, without special ability, Lei Dao can also martial artist.

However, after Lei Dao worked hard for a while and tried to use Qi and Blood tempering inner organs, he found that it was too slow.

He worked hard all day, only to tempering 10% of the inner organs, that is, it must take about ten days to successfully tempering an inner organ.

If you want to tempering 360 times and completing the Dragon Elephant Art second revolution, it will take at least another ten years to practice for many years.

Although this is the speed of normal people, Lei Dao still feels too slow.

Even Lei Dao has no “passion”.

After thinking about it, Lei Dao finally gave up.

There is no special ability, although he can also martial artist, but it seems that the efficiency is too slow, not cost-effective. He is still used to “improving” martial art with special ability.

At worst Wait a while, wait until the special ability “upgrade” is completed, he will use the special ability to “work hard” a little, then the strength can naturally be advanced by leaps and bounds.

Soon, the team has arrived at Lei Family Castle.

Along the way, with the banner of Floating Cloud Escort Agency, the team has basically not encountered any questions.

After all, the current Floating Cloud Escort Agency is in the entire Cloud Prefecture, and that’s the day!

No one hijack strong guy dared to play the idea of ​​Floating Cloud Escort Agency.

“It’s the Great Young Master.”

“And Second Young Master and Third Young Master are back.”

“Fast, fast, and inform the Castle Lord and Madam.”

The team just arrived at Lei Family Castle and Lei Dao saw many familiar silhouettes.

Lei Dao jumped out of the carriage and his walking posture is awkward.

Without it, because the back is carrying Profound Heaven Ruler and Meteorite Heavy Blade!

It’s just Meteorite Heavy Blade and it’s fine, but three hundred jin that’s all.

But Profound Heaven Ruler is a few thousand jin!

He always carries a few of Thousand Jin’s Profound Heaven Ruler, so that Lei Dao has to be careful to walk, for fear of accidentally reaching other people, but it is going to kill people.

“Uncle Zhang.”

Lei Dao saw Zhang Qinglong coming oncoming.

“Hahaha, Dao Boy is finally back. I really didn’t expect that Third Young Master left Lei Family Castle. In a short time, it’s incredible to make such a big name and create such a foundation!”

Zhang Qinglong seems to have to re-recognize Lei Dao.

“Name? What can I have…”

Lei Dao shake one’s head.

He really didn’t know what he could have.

“Third Young Master don’t know? Today at Jianghu, Third Young Master is the ultimate Cloud Prefecture Blade King!”

“Cloud Prefecture Blade King ?”

Lei Dao is a bit stunned.

Dare to have this nickname?

People on Jianghu generally have nicknames, but most of them are self-styled. Only a small part of it is a famous name, slowly spread and form a recognized name.

Lei Dao didn’t expect that he could have this treatment now.

However, how does this “Cloud Prefecture Blade King” sound so awkward?

Lei Dao shake one’s head, regardless of the nickname, but asked casually: “father and mother?”

Zhang Qinglong expression A positive, then eccentrically said: “Dao Boy, Castle Lord and Madam are meeting in the hall.”

“Meeting? What guests?”

Lei Dao saw Zhang Qinglong’s words and expressions, and his expression was a bit strange, and he didn’t know why.

“Oh… I don’t know. But it seems to be a guest of Madam, Dao Boy goes in and asks.”

“Mother’s guest?”

Lei Dao shivered in one’s heart.

Who is Mother?

Lei Dao didn’t know it before, but since the Ghost Hand, Lei Dao understands that Mother’s identity is not simple, from Jianghu mysterious Great Sect Red Lotus Sect.

Is it possible that , Mother’s guest is Red Lotus Sect?

“big brother, second brother, let’s go in and see.”

Lei Dao greeted Lei Wei and Lei Wu and walked directly toward the living room.

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