
blue robe dominated relaxed, so long as the Black White Lord promised, he was right, but he still felt a little less insured.

“Turn the Lord of Black White, and I will find the Lord of the Unseen again.”

“Don’t have to go to the witch, there’s old man alone.”

Black White Lord indifferently said.

blue robe dominated said in a low voice: “Black White Lord, maybe you don’t know who’s going to deal with this time, but it’s not easy. It’s also the original ancestors disciple, and maybe they invited many great supreme gods, and we had to be ready and well equipped.”

“The ancestral disciple?”

The Black White Lord bears his hands and arrogantly says, “Whoever of his ancestors disciple does not come alone, then no one will be useful. You think old man’s been doing nothing on this mountain peak all these years? Come on, go back early, remember what you said, a big force of the Tribulation. Otherwise, even your ancestors can’t keep you behind!”

It’s not very comfortable to hear that the Black White Lord is such a hegemonic man, even hidden in a single threat, and that Lord Blue robe is a little less comfortable. The current Lord of Black White seems to be increasingly arrogant and tall, and it seems that no one is placed in the eye except for his ancestral ancestors.

However, given that Black White Lord formerly’s war performance, if there has been another breakthrough in that period, then only Black White Lord will be able to resolve the problem.

“Well, this time, thank you for your trouble Black White Lord!”

blue robe, Lord clenched ones teeth, can only be said.

This time, it is the Lord of Black White, even though the Lord of Black and White God has control over himself, that is the power of his own.

“hmph, Lord Star, this time no matter how many young Master killed you have come, it won’t work until you die.”

blue robe, the hellight in the eyes of the Lord, passed away.


Lei Dao refining set the last life prolonging category treasure, which is also the limit to the support of the Star River Manager, who has taken almost all treasure out of the deal and has really done “hard work.”

That made Lei Dao very moved, so he didn’t even waste a life prolonging category treasure, all of which refining.

next moment, Lei Dao looked towards his lifespan.

“600 million countless years lifespan!”

This is Lei Dao’s increased lifespan, without 700 million years of lifespan, and the Lord of the Star River has finally done everything he can, but this is the clear world, not an ancient continent.

Thus, these 600 million counts are less years lifespan, which is already very limited.

But Lei Dao don’t at all feel disappointed.

Because he’s got more than 33 million years left before, plus these 600 million counts less years lifespan, Lei Daos remaining lifespan has been over 100 billion years!

“More than 100 years of lifespan, it’s not easy!”

Lei Dao is very impressive.

If it was in an ancient continent, his lifespan would have been over 100 years long ago, even if there were no seeds of life, but if there were other life prolonging categories of treasure, it would be no difficult to have more than 100 years of lifespan.

But this is in the clear world, 100 million years of lifespan is really hard to escape.

“One hundred years lifespan, and then there’s nothing to hesitate about.”

Lei Dao immediately mobilized the isolated energy.

“Open the boundaries!”


As Lei Dao moves the energy, suddenly, a lot of life has passed, and that’s 100 billion years of lifespan. As life passes, Lei Dao’s in the body is even more vibrating.

The 99th frontier should be shipped!

Ninety-nine jurisdictions, in fact, do not make any difference from the first one, but still do not lead to a qualitative change.

However, Lei Dao is not anxious.

Next is the key.


Another wave of shock.

This was the birth of the first hundred frontiers, and when this 100 was born, Lei Dao gave it great hope, even very much expectation, and watched the first hundred.

Only, with the birth of the first hundred frontiers, the colour of the expectations on Lei Dao’s face has gradually disappeared.


Soon, 100 frontiers were born.

However, not at all Lei Dao’s imagination that the changes in world-shaking would seem to be radical, except for the fact that he seems to have really been dying to suppression on of his stupid intentions, and in the body area, where there is a constant resonance, under the “collusion” of the regional boundaries, it seems that next moment will become a territorial boundary.

But it’s different from Lei Dao’s imagination.

In Lei Dao’s imagination.

Once 100 frontiers were born, that would necessarily result in qualitative changes, and the whole in the body world would change over time. Don’t say “celebration” to Lei Dao, why do you have to do it, too?

This is 100 frontiers!

However, nothing.

Even Lei Dao can feel that it doesn’t seem to be a limit.

As long as he wishes, he can also have one hundred, one, two, one hundred and three or even more frontiers, even if his Divine Body is able to support and if he is able to suppress the limits of the territorial boundaries, then it does not seem problematic to open up another 200 or 300.

In Lei Dao’s imagination, the limits of meditation are not at all.

At this point, even Lei Dao has a little stuck.

“Does this continue to open?”

Lei Dao somewhat hesitating.

Until then, he felt that 100 frontiers seemed to be a limit, Perfection, and that once hundreds of frontiers had been opened, it would be satisfactory, where water flows, a canal is formed’s success.

However, it was not the case that he truly opened 100 frontiers. If the conditions were met, he could even open two hundred and three hundred frontiers.

There is nothing to say about the backbone.

So, what’s the point of opening up so many frontiers?

“No, I’m sure it will be useful to open so many frontiers that my accumulation will be more ambitious and, once I have achieved the Lord, it will lead to a qualitative change…”

Lei Dao remains convinced that it would be useful for him to open so many frontiers.

He opened up Small World, Great World, didn’t he?


stronger the accumulation, the stronger the breakthrough!

“Almost then breakthrough, otherwise it will not be possible to open up more frontiers.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath.


more boundaries are to be opened, it is necessary to find ways to build more lifespan and to continue to strengthen Divine Body’s strengths, and Lei Dao will never be able to do so in half a time.

In addition, he promised the Lord of the Star River, 100 per cent of whom were masters of achievement. Today, the Lord of the Star River has done everything he can to help Lei Dao collect life prolonging categories of treasure, so Lei Dao naturally cannot eat.

That is why this Lord must also be achieved.

“Oh, I didn’t think I’d be the Lord of God in such a situation, which was forced by Lord Blue Robe, Lord Blue Robe, which was breaking my way!”

Lei Dao was angry at ten thousand zhang.

If there were no threats from Lord Blue robe, how could he choose to be the master so quickly?

At least a dozen more Paramount hundred frontiers will be opened to achieve the dominance of the two or three hundred frontiers, when his foundation will be solid.

As for now, 100 boundaries?

Even Lei Dao felt that the hope of his ancestral achievements would be very slight, and that the opportunity and luck of illusory would need to be as high as other supreme lords.

“Lord Blue robe, who has broken my way and forced me to be the Lord of God, does not share in God’s revenge!”

Lei Dao gnashing teeth, hate Lord Blue Robe.

It’s evil, it’s evil, it’s evil, it’s evil, and nobody can let go!

Lei Dao no longer hesitates to think about it.

“Then change.”

Lei Dao closed his eyes, freed his heart, and no longer suppression of 100 frontiers in the body.


With Lei Dao suppression in the body’s 100 boundaries, suddenly, this 100 frontier has started to shake, resulting in resonance and, at the same time, in a hierarchy of power, the source of continuous birth from one hundred frontiers, which has completely surrounded it.

As the boundaries become more depressed, Lei Dao can conceivably feel that his territorial boundaries appear to have gradually been combined.

This connection, not all of which are linked, is not the case with the formation of a larger frontier. The boundary is also a frontier, but it is linked to all the boundaries because of its strengths as a link.

As long as Lei Dao’s mind moves, it seems that the power of hundreds of frontiers can be erupted in an instant manner.

Lei Dao also needs to distinguish his heart from another frontier.


next moment, over 100 frontiers of Lei Dao, finally trembling, and at the same time, the power of the depressed area has completely surrounded hundreds of frontiers in it, start! The mutation.

It’s a change in the World Series.

Lei Dao very clear, he’s going to be the master!

This mutation, but it’s very big, even full.

in the body’s boundaries, just one starts thats all.

More importantly, there’s Divine Body, Kun Peng Divine Body of Lei Dao.

At the same time as Lei Dao’s power has risen, a mysterious force has entered Kun Peng Divine Body, and suddenly Kun Peng Divine Body has also been shocked.

It’s a reorganization!

Like Lei Dao promoted from Grand Pride to Lord, Divine Body reconstituted!

“Restructuring Divine Body, right, no dead grandmother, you can lead Kun Peng Divine Body to reorganization while cultivating your grandmother.”

Lei Dao remembered immediately that his Kun Peng Divine Body had reached Perfection, and now had a very difficult opportunity to restructure and would not be random.

To restructure, and to reorganize along the path not to die, it is also in cultivating not to die, and even Lei Dao does not need small accomplishment, Entry.

And once Entry, Kun Peng Divine Body of Lei Dao, has turned into a corpse of grandpa, which is a complete change and a promotion to the Lord!

Lei Dao just wanted quiet cultivating, quiet breakthrough.

But he looked too small to see his World Series system, particularly the shocks caused by the transformation of hundreds of frontier areas.

When he started to change in the body’s boundaries, the entire galaxy was shaking.

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