
Lei Dao stepped out of the secret room and came outside the secret room. Now, outside the secret room, the Lord of the Star has long waited.

After seeing silhouette in Lei Dao, the star owner, Setis bright.

“Junior Brother Lei, congratulations to Junior Brother on his successful achievements, and now Junior Brother is at the top of the whole clear world!”

“indeed, it’s hard to stand at the top line.”

Lei Dao sighed, it’s really not easy!

Lord, in theory, it’s already Peak of cultivation, as for the ancestors, that’s another level. Moreover, the original ancestors are basically looking at the head of a divine dragon but not its tail, rarely showing up, really before or at these great masters.

So, to this step, Lei Dao actually went to Peak.

It’s not easy to think, Lei Dao, to be 32 years old, to go this way for almost 13 years.

“Ten years of bullet means a moment, maybe when I started martial arts, I never thought that I could go this far.”

Lei Dao all somewhat distracted.

When he was martial artist, he just wanted life protection thats all.

Just, practice seems like a super god now, life protection? It’s no longer necessary, for the whole five billion years of lifespan, which was the lifespan that Lei Dao didn’t even think.

However, five billion years of lifespan is what.

Now Lei Dao’s eyes are bigger.

He’s very clear, a clock is 1.2 trillion years, and what’s the point of life span in the area of 500 billion years? It’s just one of the nine cows, not worth mentioning than a clock.

And, if you don’t become a ancestral, it will eventually be ashes, a big hijacking, all the brilliant, all the efforts, all of which will be pervasive.

Only if there is a primitive ancestor can real free and unfettered be present until the next era.

For a while, Lei Dao’s mind has shattered many ideas and thought a lot.

“Lord Star, Lord Blue Robe hasn’t come yet?”

Lei Dao naturally did not forget the Lord of the Star River.

Even though he hated the Lord of the Star, it was because Lei Dao had to “emergency” breakthrough the achievement of the Lord because of fear of retaliation from the Lord of the Star.

Otherwise, Lei Dao does not open hundreds of frontiers, and how can he match the solid foundations that were laid before?

But now everything is hopeless, and he has become the Lord, and he can no longer return to the past. Lei Dao naturally hated Lord Blue Robe, which almost broke his path!

“Yeah, he hasn’t come yet, maybe, he hasn’t had a full hold yet.”

The Lord of the Star is shining in bright glow.

Indeed, the Lord of the Star does not want Lord Blue robe to come, even Lei Dao has become the master, many times the power of promotion. But Lord Blue Robe isn’t ready?

We’ll see who’s ready for it by then.

But if Lord Blue robe never comes, the Lord of the Star River has some concerns.

After all, blue robe can’t come now, but if Lei Dao left for a long time, then Lord Blue Robe will come back and the star master won’t be bode ill more than well?

So now the stars dominate the depths of the heart.

“Junior Brother Lei, can you give me a convincing letter that you now have the Lord and how much you have in mind for those great gods? I mean, any top lord!”

The words of the Lord of the Star are very strong.

He must have a bottom in his heart, otherwise he will not be able to settle.

“Well, if it were any supreme lord, I would not have a full grasp.”

Lei Dao shake ones head, he doesn’t want to lie to the Lord of the Star, and he doesn’t want to talk to the Lord of the Star. The reason is simple. Lei Dao does not know, and, after all, according to Lei Dao’s speculation, the top lord is also divided into many levels.

These are important indicators, for example, on top of the top, for example, a few more bodies on top, and so on.

Lei Dao knew that, when the Lord of the Buffalo in the first city, it was actually very powerful and one of the biggest masters in the city. But even so, the Lord of the Buffalo, after having passed the baptism of the Dragon pond, suffers another body with a stronger strength and even a deeper degree of uncertainty.

But the Lord of the Buffalo is still the Lord of the Great Power, and there has been no achievement.

Lei Dao doesn’t have the power to deal with the Lord of the Buffalo, so how can Lei Dao have a full hand? And how dare Lei Dao say that there is plenty of certainty?

So Lei Dao is still quite honest, and he won’t cheat on the Lord of the Star River.

“without full control…”

The Lord of the Star is disappointed.

But think about it, it seems that he’s too high for Lei Dao.

That’s gaze at Lei Dao breakthrough, and then be invincible, across invincible, across the eight, this possible? Lei Dao recently broke through the achievement of the Lord of God, how can we reach the end of the day without any genius, and then the invincible gesture?

It’s impossible!

“By the way, my expectations for Junior Brother Lei are too high… I hope Lord Blue Robe will not find a powerful supreme lord…”

The Lord of the Star River is sighed.

Now he can only wait for silence, and Lord Blue Robe is not too powerful to find the supreme lord, but this possibility is minimal. With the prudence of Lord Blue robe, the last time I had a loss on Lei Dao, would it not have been ready for it once it was going back?

Once it’s true, maybe it’s in trouble.

So, in the mindset of the stars, Lei Dao well consolidated his own cultivation base and was familiar with the power of the Area.

Lei Dao’s current territorial boundaries, however, are twice as different, and it has been transformed from 100 to one, and the strength has not known how many times increased.

If it’s not good to brush and get familiar, it’s hard to control it thoroughly.

Time passed day by day, and Lei Dao didn’t feel a fibre, and the day was very quiet. But this calm, whether Lei Dao or Lord Star, seems to be ready for silence.

It’s a tranquillity before the storm and rain.

They don’t know when Lord Blue Robe will come, but they know that Lord Blue Robe will come!


in void, there was a circle of space ripple.

Immediately, two figures went out of the space corridor.

“Lord Black White, this is it!”

blue robe dominated a Great World at Gaze at a distance, with a glimmer of bright glow in his eyes.

“This is the Star, the Lord of the Star, the Lord of the Star River, the disciple of the original ancestral air. Is it possible that you want old man to deal with the disciple of the original space?”

Black White Master eyebrow raised.

Although he promised Lord Blue robe to deal with the original ancestral disciple, who was the original great-grandfather disciple, blue robe, who didn’t at all tell the Black White Lord, and the Black White Lord did not ask.

It’s all the original disciple. What’s the difference?

He only has the power to destroy it, and the rest is not very interested in the Lord of Black White.

“Lord Black White, you’re wrong, not against the Lord of the Star, but against another disciple under the elephant sky.”

lord Blue robe told the Black White Lord of what was about to happen.

This is the shame of Lord Blue robe, but since it has arrived at the Star River, the whole sequence of events must be told to the Black White Lord, otherwise black white will not necessarily come out.

a Good while, the Black White Lord has some weird gaze at blue robe. “If old man doesn’t listen, then you’re a Lord dignified, and you’re still the top master, and you’re defeated by Venerable Lord, and even have to flee into the dark world?”

“Uh… yes, not at all. The Lord is only the Lord, but it is not the Lord of Allah. I doubt that it was the last time that the ancestral sky took down the closest disciple of innate talent, otherwise the impossible defeated me with the authority of the Lord. Besides, I’m starting to be a little bit smaller, so that’s why the loyal lord went into it in vain.”

lord Blue Robe really feels embarrassed.

Whatever he conceals, no excuses can be denied, and he was defeated by a Lord.

It’s a shame!

For so many years, who can defeat the supreme lord in the presence of God?

Even if it is the very knowledge of the ancestors of power, I’m afraid it has not been heard.

The Lord defeated the Lord, although rare, but not impossible, and there were even many examples. And God defeated the supreme lord, and I almost impossible, at least within this age, never happened.

After all, it is difficult for the supreme master to cross the gap, even though there are no qualitative differences.

“Well, old man doesn’t want to hear your excuses. Oldman was interested in the Lord, so many talents in the world, and old man wasn’t seen, and he could defeat the supreme lord with the authority of God.”

Black White Lord Louis squint, apparently interested in Lei Dao.

Some of the supreme lords, defeated the Lord, and the Black White Lord even had seen it. Such are the striking ones, and the mighty successors of the Hereafter will surely be the powerhouse of the supreme Lord.

But it is too rare for God to defeat the supreme Lord.

Not even the Black White Lord has seen it, not even heard of it.

“Lord Black White, be careful. The Lord of the Star River and the rest, did not attempt to find some other disciple boxing in the original space, watch out for their ambush.”

blue robe is a cautious reminder.


The Lord of Black White suddenly turned his body straight, arrogant: “In front of old man, there is no avail for more powerful lords. In addition, disciple of the original ancestral space, old man, is also aware, although the ancestral spaces are still invisible, many disciples. But in front of old man, what kind of pride does disciple look like before old man?”

The Black White Lord is full of endless hegemony.

That’s his self-confidence too!

Look at your ancestral disciple like nothing!

Even if the Lord of the Star is hidden, he sees the Black White Lord so confident, so heavenly, and in the depths of his heart there is gradually peace.

He invited the Black White Lord. Who else can the Star Lord invite?

“Lord Star, the Seat will crush your galaxy today! And that god, Die!”

blue robe flipped a hard light in the eyes of the Lord.

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