Cave Mansion Hall, Lord Bull is closing his eyes and waiting.

This time back to the city, the Lord of the Buffalo reflected.

Find out he’s really got a little bit of an inflation lately.

Ever since the Dragon Warehouse, the Lord of the Bull has hidden a little bit of an inflationary, and felt that no one was his opponent, the first lord of the city.

And now Lei Dao defeated, and he’s a thousand zhang, which seems to be suddenly realized.

What’s the first master of the city, all of them?

What was he doing here in the wilderness continent?

Achieve the ancestors!

That’s the only purpose!

What is the name of the first lord in front of the goals of the ancestral fathers? There is no role at all.

This time, although the Lord of the Buffalo received the Supreme Treasure wood of the Fire Phoenix tribe, in fact, it did not help his cultivation.

Now, with the help of the Dragon Club, the Lord of the Bull has reorganized his body once, and thus finally reached the threshold. If it goes further, it’s Daoist!


Lord of the Buffalo has recently been “looking for a way”, and he wants to find the way to accomplish his ancestral ancestors, thus embarking on the path of origin and becoming a question for Daoist.

Just, he’s been looking, but he’s never been able to find it.

It’s not enough of his chance, and he needs some weight, some thieves think about it. And such a precious, inexorable, and no supreme lord gets a deal.

Thus, even if the Lord of the Bull is now “rich”, has a dragon pool, even a dragon quota, and does not know how much treasure has been obtained, but none of it has helped him on his way to his ancestral homeland.

So treasure, which supreme lord is not dreaming, but at all costs?

And now, the chance is coming!

Holy treasury!

Lei Dao got the saint treasury!

This makes the Lord of the Beef warm. After all, how many good things are in the treasury of the saint? Some of them have little advantage for them.

I can even ask!

Yeah, just ask!

The absurd continent does not lack such an example, and there are some saints who gave treasure to some of the top Great Emperor realize, resulting in a number of Great Dao in actually realize, thus becoming Daoist.

Of course, Daoist was asking Daoist, the saint was a saint.

Being a question of Daoist does not mean that it is possible to become a saint, or even a section asking Daoist, that no one can be a saint.

The same is true of the clear world.

Ask Daoist how little it is, but how much can it be to accomplish the ancestors? This age is just one of the original ancestors, thats all.

But even so, it would be a chance for Daoist to become his ancestor, and the Lord of the Bull is not asking Daoist now. He only wants to get a treasure and a chance to ask Daoist, and he wants to do whatever he wants!

So the Lord of the Bull came here.

There’s no way to see treasury, and after all, the bull master can’t beat Lei Dao, and since Lei Dao can’t fight Lei, he has to find another way, for example, when the bull master knows that Lei Dao likes life prolonging the treasure category.

Some treasure would even be used to deal.

Maybe that’s the chance for the Lord of the Bull.

“Lord Bull, we are honored by your presence, the Lei excuse me for not going out to meet you anymore.”

Soon, Lei Dao finally showed up.

“Lord Ray, you’re welcome. I took the chances of visiting and disturbing Lord Ray.”


Lord of the Bull also said with a smile.

The first two people were also familiar, although they were unhappy at the Medal Avenue, in the final analysis they were all for their own benefit. Besides, the Lord of the Buffalo didn’t even do it.

“Lord Bull, what are you doing here?”

“How dare you call Lord Ray? Actually, this time I came here to ask for something.”

“Something to ask for? The Lord of the Buffalo, say it straight.”

“Simply, Lord Ray got treasury this time, and that’s the saint treasury, and I wonder if treasury, in treasury, could help me ask? And if so, ask the Lord of Thunderbolt to make sure that I will pay any price to deal with the treasure.”

“The treasure?”

Lei Dao has been groaning for a long time, and now I think of that whole power of destruction, which is treasure that can help people ask?

Lei Dao would have preferred to promote this complete extinction and then choose to auction. However, if the Lord of the Bull can give Lei Dao the satisfaction, then Lei Dao wouldn’t mind giving that complete power of destruction to the Lord of the Buffalo.

Think of it here, Lei Dao said with a smile: “Why is it precious that this helpers ask treasure? However, in treasury, at the venue, there is one such thing, just not knowing whether it is the treasure that the cow lord needs.”

“What treasure?”


Lord of the Buffalo eyes shine.

He bet, among the saints treasury, there’s really treasure to ask.

“A complete power of destruction!”

Lei Dao said it directly.

“Is it the hijacking of the age?”

The Lord of the Bull was thrilled immediately, and even some noise was shaking.

“Robbery? Good, it’s a big hijacking.”

Lei Dao nodded.

This whole power of destruction is indeed the hijacking of the last era, which was intercepted by the holy man and kept until now.

Look at Lei Dao nodded, the Lord of the Bull is more excited.

What a robbery!

And it’s a complete robbery!

It’s incredible to know that, while it can destroy everything and destroy everything, it will, likewise, carry some traces while destroying it.

If it is a complete extinction, it is even more capable of carrying the great section traces of the devastated era, in which there are some Great Dao.

If it was a long time realize, it might be possible to move on to the path of origin.

A complete power of destruction is the treasure of the most ideal among the Lord of the Bull. No, not even beyond the vision of the Lord of the Bull.

“Lord Ray, do you dare ask this whole power of destruction, can you cut love? I know that while the landlord, despite the power of the whole city, and even many people, has been told that the landlord has embarked on the path of his ancestors and has begun to ask. But in fact, Lord Ray should be just powerful, but realm, there should be no place to ask, this whole power of destruction, what is it now not at all for the Lord?”


Buffalo master said carefully.

Nor is he stupid, and after confronting Lei Dao at the Stadium, he realized that Lei Dao seemed to be different from other questions about Daoist, Lei Dao had only strong power, and comparable with Daoist’s power.

But on realm, maybe Lei Dao wasn’t asking Daoist.

And this is very good to explain how long does Lei Dao have to be the master? There are many ways to upgrade power, but realm upgrading is not that easy, and it takes time to accumulate.

Lei Dao said with a smile: “The Lord of the Buffalo, you’re guessing well, and this whole power of destruction is not available for the time being. However, it is only temporary, and if this Lei has reached the threshold one day, it is best for realize.”

“Moreover, this whole power of destruction, if it is publicly auctioned, the Lord of the Bull should know how immense it would cause?”

Lei Dao still showed a smile.

He means, too, very clear, this whole power of destruction, not sad!

If so, Lei Dao could sell a high price, not necessarily deal with the monsters.


Lord of the Buffalo dominates the corner of his mouth for a little bit.

He understood what Lei Dao meant.

Lei Dao, “Ray One blade”, this man-made approach is not bad, even before Lei Dao’s “Bull One Blade”.

Lei Dao meant that it was about to “kill a blade” against the Lord of the Bull, but the key thing was that the Lord of the Bull was now willing to be “slaughtered” by Lei Dao.

“Lord Ray, I understand what you mean. I can pay for a complete extinction!”

The Lord of the Beef said firmly:

“At any cost? Are you sure?”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

He said so much to the Lord of the Buffalo. Naturally, he saw something from the Lord of the Bull. Otherwise, how could he say so much to the Lord of the Devil?

“Yes, at any cost!”

The Lord of the Buffalo has long made a determination. He must find treasure, whatever it takes, who must embark on the path of his ancestors and become Daoist, so that he will have the opportunity to become his ancestors.

Even if this opportunity was minimal, he was willing to try it.

Lei Dao slightly squint eyes, starting to sink.

The whole city, if it were the richest Lord, wouldn’t have necessarily been Lei Dao.

The reason is simple, and since Lei Dao got a lot of treasure this time, these treasure, it takes time to make a difference. Secondly, the most important point is that his treasure is limited.

The whole city, the richest Lord now, is certainly the Lord of the Bull!

There’s only one reason. That’s the dragon pool!

When the cow masters first got 100 quotas out of the dragon pool, they almost scratched treasure in the whole city, even many of the top lords in the city, or some very rich lords came to the city, bringing treasure, which had accumulated for many years, into a dragon cell quota.

And after 100 quotas, you think this is over?

That’s so naive.

The Lord of the Buffalo turned around and released another 100 quotas.

For a while, the whole city, even the city, countless lords and the Lord, stare.

敢情之前牛魔主宰一直说的一百个quota ,根本就无法耗空龙池,一百个quota 卖完之后,再来一百个quota !

It’s just… it’s too hard!

Even if Lei Dao knew the “operation” of the Lord of the Bull, it felt too hard, more than he did, to be worthy of the title of “Bull One blade”.

But now, famous cow, Blade, is now in front of Lei Dao, willing to be “slaughtered” by Lei Dao, and very hard to let the Lord of the Bull stare.

“The conditions of this Lei are simple, and all treasure, including the Dragon Club, including treasure, who was a hundred previous quota auctions, are all for me! Well, Cave Mansion can keep it, not let the bull dominate the streets, dignified top lord, always needs a little decent.”

That’s Lei Dao’s condition.

Apart from Cave Mansion, the Lord of the Bull, everything must be given to Lei Dao, which is the condition of Lei Dao’s deal!

The Lord of the Buffalo stares.

It’s too hard!

What is this?

This is a net exit!

He kills people all the time, and now he’s finally killed!

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