
Lei Dao’s got a killing plan!

It’s like killing your parents. It’s not a common enemy!

Lei Dao is now a “businessman”, and he’s trying to make a business quiet, sell Secret Realm access to quota thats all that’s so hard.

“This Lei Dao is really a fierce man, and the brief remark spreads the killing plan?”

God dares not to slow down, and there’s a huge imposing way on him.

“Lord Ray, you have to understand that this is the ancient land of the saint, and this was the day before Secret Realm appeared on the ancient ground of the saint, which should be held by the Seat. The more you are, the harder you take over Secret Realm, the first day, the more brutal, the real worthy of which is Demon out of the outer world, and there is no bottom line.”

Sun’s loudly said.

He’s already manifest out of true body, his true body, faint seems to be a huge peacock, hidden in phantom. Moreover, there is also a mystery of light on the top of the head with multi-colored rays that seem to form a day Great Dao.

That’s the way!

The path of the sun!


belongs also to the path of the saint of the sun.

Obviously, the sun has embarked on the path of the saint, and it’s true’s question of Daoist!

Lei Dao’s mood is extremely dizzy, a true question of Daoist, and that’s what he did when he first saw the real question of Daoist, and I heard about Daoist thats all the time.

In fact, many people just heard about Daoist, who really had seen to ask Daoist was can be counted on finger.

In fact, the number of people asking Daoist is naturally much larger than the saints, the ancestors, but in fact, many people do not see Daoist, wanting to see Daoist, seems to be more difficult than seeing their ancestors or saints.

The reason is simple.

Very few questions were asked about Daoist’s activities outside.

Most asked Daoist was perfectly concise and was on his own “path of origin”, and many of the way of origin needed to be repaired, so few people could see Daoist.

Even Lei Dao has seen Daoist really for so long in an ancient continent.

If it wasn’t Lei Dao’s “hegemony” this time, Secret Realm, maybe Sun will not show up.

Lei Dao raised his eyebrows, the immediate angel was asked by the saint, Daoist, and seemed to occupy “great”, but in Lei Dao’s view the so-called “great” had nothing to do with it.

“God, it’s useless to say more. Where Secret Realm came from the day before, where did he belong? Come on, this Lei knows, we have to talk with strength at the end! If you can defeat me, you can naturally take over Secret Realm.”

Lei Dao was also standing in void, with a negative hand, looking at all living things, looking at the sun.

What about Daoist?

Lei Dao 现在同样是问Daoist !

Even, Lei Dao had some excitement, a jump, and he wanted to see how powerful Daoist was?

“oh la la”.

next moment ,无数的顶尖Great Emperor 、顶尖大主宰,都统统后退。

Even the two people left the void slowly so that they could not reach Secret Realm the previous day.

Are you kidding me?

This is the two respects that ask Daoist, the ancient ancestors, the sacred seeds, what is so difficult to do with such a great existence? No one wants to miss such great war.

As a result, the eyes of countless tracks have been brought together to both.

The sun looked deep at Lei Dao and said, “For over 100 thousand years, old man has been doing it first time!”

Sun’s expression is very heavy, and he felt a slight threat from Lei Dao.

Threatened, that proves that Lei Dao’s power is absolutely beyond him, and it is true that Daoist is asking.

It makes the sun very cautious.

Ask Daoist, it’s hard to defeat.

Every one asks Daoist, is the most sophisticated existence, the various methods are poor, and even have their own “Dao”, trying to defeat, and even harder.

However, the sun is also confident.

He hasn’t been able to do it for over 100,000 years, and he stayed in the parade of the ancient saints, listening daily to the reminder of the saint, and even his saint’s path has gone far.

Even though it still does not feel possible to become a saint, it is no longer a general question that Daoist can do more than it is.

So, the sun is also confident.

However, even if he had confidence again, he would not have lost his mind and would never have slipped Lei Dao.

No one will ask Daoist!

So, next moment, the sun will do everything in its power and take the lead.


The sun manifest came out of the peacock trubody, and he was the top Great Emperor of the peacock community. Its true body manifest, the size of incomparable, and the rays of light on multi-colored bodies appear to have blocked the entire void.

It’s hidden like Lei Dao’s territorial domain.


Lei Dao clearly felt that the other side’s five-rays of light were also a domain. And more powerful than Lei Dao had seen in the past, or any noble Great Emperor or the supreme master.

“Origin Divine Body!”

next moment, Lei Dao dared not to slow down, and the same manifest came out of his ancestor Divine Body.


When Lei Dao’s original grandfather Divine Body showed up, suddenly, void was like a distortion. Of course, it’s a mistake that void doesn’t distort, and that’s where Lei Dao’s power is strong, and that’s what happens.

Origin Divine Body, first time show in front of someone now.

There are characteristics similar to the Kun Peng, and the Dragon Race and the Maroon have become one of the giants, so it seems familiar, but strange and contradictory.

However, Lei Dao’s original ancestor Divine Body is really strong, and even far apart, the top Great Emperor and the supreme lord can feel their strong pressure.

“What is this?”

“What the hell is this extraterritorial true body? How come it seems familiar, but it seems strange?”

“Whatever it is, this exonymous magic is strong and powerful, stronger than any noble Great Emperor or the supreme lord. Even void has invisible distortions, even misperceptions, which have reached a certain level of strength.”

“Ask Daoist, really ask Daoist! This power, only to ask Daoist about it.”

At this point, no one doubts the identity of Lei Dao “asking Daoist”.

“Five domain, repression!”

The sun manifest out of true body, and it’s even more like a saint who spreads five-colored rays of light, and faint makes his shirt strong.

Of course he’s not a saint.

He’s far from cant compare with the saint.

But in many Great Emperor and Magic eyes below the saint, the sun has nothing to do with the saint, and no one is the opponent of the Sun, and his five-party domain represents Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, five Great Dao of Earth.

It’s a domain of Great Dao’s integration.

Name can suppress any power under the saint!

Even if you ask Daoist’s power, it can be repressed!


The power of the five domain immediately came to Lei Dao’s body, layer pressure, like Mt. Tai’s top is generally pressured by Lei Dao. And this force seems to be endless, perpetuating, at all times repressing Lei Dao, at all times brushing Lei Dao’s original ancestral Divine Body.

But let Lei Dao wonder that his original grandfather Divine Body was not hurt.

“No injuries? Just suppression, worthy of asking Daoist, my ancestor Divine Body, now barely reached 2 per cent, and it’s a little weaker. But the five-party domain of Sun’s, why can’t my ancestor Divine Body?”

Lei Dao was actually ready for psychology.

His original ancestor Divine Body, actually not too strong, had just increased to 2% of the original ancestral bloodline thats all, even though the original ancestral Divine Body, just condense, had barely stepped into the path of origin and entered the Daoist level.

A lot of years ago than the Sun’s, the top powerhouse of Daoist, naturally, is far from the same.

Lei Dao just wanted to try his original grandfather Divine Body thats all of it today.

I didn’t think about it, but I found the original grandfather Divine Body strong, really strong. Not on the attack, but on the defense, really strong terrifying, and resilience.


was repressed by the Five domain of the Sun, and it was just suppression, without injury.

“really strong’s body, looks like you really ask Daoist, and you ask Daoist, all of you know, that fleshy body is strong, but in my domain, your strength has been weakened a lot, and how long can your fleshy body resist?”

The sun’s temperature shows its peerless powerhouse.

Daoist is the strongest!

The sun is the most powerhouse under the sanctity of the saint. Otherwise, the saints will not leave matters within the boundaries before they leave.

God has such strength!

“haha, try it.”

Lei Dao didn’t mean to, instead, inspired his fighting intent.

He’s the original grandfather Divine Body!

This is his way of origin!

How can it be frightened to fight even if 2 per cent of the original ancestral bloodline is in?


next moment, Lei Dao seems to fight intent ounce, all around is fighting intent, majestic eruption. His ancestors Divine Body, whether Dragon bloodline or giant bloodline, or Kun Peng bloodline, will not fear fighting.

Even, the more brave!

So Lei Dao body vibrated, sending the original grandfather Divine Body to pinnacle, and faint has Kun Peng, Dragon, Giant and Fire Phoenix’s roar voices, vibrated.

Even under the five-party domain, it is possible to operate.

Seeing these horrors, the other top Great Emperor, the supreme lord, has no difference.

Such a level of fighting, such a layer of power, is what they dream of and can only ask Daoist about such a terrible force.

They’ll all get inflict heavy injury, let alone fight, just a little bit.

Ask Daoist, although it is also the Great Emperor level, in fact there is a superficial position.

For no reason, it’s because it’s too powerful!


next moment, the sun’s true body started, big silhouette, stretched a claw, directly moved towards Lei Dao’s ancestral Divine Body fiercely.

pu. “

Lei Dao’s great ancestor Divine Body, there’s a huge blood mark.

It’s hurt!

Lei Dao’s original grandfather Divine Body was hurt too!

This is the first time!

“Lord Ray, while you’re asking Daoist, it’s supposed to be just promotions to ask Daoist, and the power is a little worse. Keep going, you’ll Die!”

The sun’s eyes are cold gaze at Lei Dao.

“indeed, I just became a question for Daoist, and the strength was a little worse. The original ancestral Divine Body, it’s only 2 per cent, it’s too weak to reach half of my power in the body’s area. It seems that I can only use the body’s territorial boundaries to do everything I can!”

Lei Dao’s ghost sighed, and the tone reveals a little regret.

The original ancestor Divine Body, indeed, is too bad to predict.

Or in the body’s geographical boundaries.

Now the situation is urgent, and Lei Dao can only unleash the power of the region and show real strength!

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