With the return of the saints and their ancestral ancestors, the landscape has gradually recovered calm, and no more, as was the case at the time, is fighting with fire, all over slaughter.

The two sides seem to have returned to the former state, sometimes outside the main fleet, sometimes with full harvests and sometimes with heavy losses.

But Lei Dao was always in the city.

It’s just that his war tornado quota is already hard to sell. Fifty quotas seem to be limited, so long after 50 quotas, he sold only three quotas and obtained three hundred years of lifespan.

Since then, no one has come to buy the dragon quota, and Lei Dao’s cultivation has fallen into a stagnant state.

This makes Lei Dao very inappropriate.

He was all advanced by leaps and bounds, fast.

And now?

Slow like snail.

Not only has power increased, but even lifespan has not increased much.

At such a rate, what time does that ever come to make the ancestors?

In addition, there has been a recent information that seems to be too soon from the age robbery to leave Lei Dao with little time.

But where’s life prolonging treasure?

Lei Dao alone to collect, too slow.

It’s just that Lei Dao doesn’t have a good way to wait.

Bull master Cave Mansion.

Since the Lord of the Bull closed Cave Mansion, “secluded ed cultivation”, no one has come to disturb the Lord of the Bull. Anyone knows that the Lord of the Buffalo can’t ask Daoist, and he can’t turn off without going on the way to his ancestors.

And many people admire the courage of the Lord of the Beef, but who knows that the Lord of the Buffalo is given a complete power of destruction? It is because of that complete power of destruction that the Lord of the Bull will be so powerful.

This whole power of destruction has brought too much inspiration to the Lord of the Beef, and has also helped him a lot. The Lord of the Buffalo had been reconstituting a fleshy body, reaching the top Great Emperor and asking Daoist’s threshold, and if he was on duty, he wanted to go to Daoist and get on the way to his ancestral.

Whether to embark on the path of origin, it is by consciousness and opportunity.

Maybe a little comprehend can get on the way to the ancestral. It is likely that it will be trapped for a lifetime until the end of the age, and that it will not be possible to embark on the path of origin.


Lord of the Buffalo is certainly lucky.

He got this whole power of destruction, and he finally learned a few months after his heart planted.



Lord of the Buffalo has come up with a dark and broad path, which is the path of the ancestors! This represents the direction behind the cow’s master, and it represents his will.

shua. “


Lord of the Buffalo opened his eyes and shined through a bright glow.

Now, of course, he knows what’s going on, and he’s on his way to his ancestors, and now he’s a real man asking Daoist!

“hahaha, finally on the path of origin, became Daoist. Anyway, there’s such a slightest chance to achieve the ancestors!”


Lord of the Buffalo is excited. Anyone who walks on the path of his ancestors, reaches the right course, and his heart gets excited. Even if he was on his way to his ancestors, he was excited to know how far he was.

After all, that means hope!

It’s really desperate that there is no way of embarking on the path of origin, no hope, no direction of effort.

He worked so long, he stayed in absurd continents for so many years, and there was always a harvest, on his way to his ancestors.

“This time, I was really asking Daoist. The Lord of Ray has reached a certain level of strength, and comparable with the general question of Daoist thats all, I’m not really asking Daoist, I’m still the first master of the city!”


Lord of the Buffalo walked on the path of his ancestors, and the first time I thought it was Lei Dao.

He also took the name of Lei Dao, the first master of the city. No name, no one cares. At least the Lord of the Bull cares.

Last time, before he seclusion, Lei Dao defeated him, leaving the Lord of the Bull with pain, and he must be successful in asking Daoist. Lei Dao at that time, probably just the strength reached the Daoist level, and realm wasn’t there, not really asking Daoist.

Now, the Lord of the Buffalo has finally embarked on the path of his ancestral life, and has succeeded in asking Daoist and naturally satisfied.

“I don’t know how surprised Lord Ray would be if I knew what I did to Daoist?”


Lord of the Buffalo showed a smile in the corner of his mouth.

He then came up directly and opened the secret room door.

“Time to go out.”


Lord of the Buffalo withdrew Cave Mansion’s array and even deliberately dispersed a special aura belonging to Daoist, which was above any major lord.


suddenly, the whole town seems to feel aura, the Lord of the Bull.

“This is the aura of the Lord of the Bull?”

“The Lord of the Buffalo isn’t seclusion?”

“Terrible aura, this is totally above the Lord, and this dont tell me is Daoist’s aura?”

“Ask Daoist…” Yes, the Lord of the Buffalo will rule this seclusion, not ask Daoist, Dont tell me… “

“Ask Daoist, the Lord of the Buffalo has stepped on the path of his ancestors?”

Many of the lords of the city are surprised.

Nobody thought that the Lord of the Bull would be asking Daoist so soon.

In fact, for so many years, the city did not ask Daoist, but many asked Daoist to go after the outbreak of an ancient continent, and they didn’t know what to do. In the last thousand years, the city has not asked Daoist’s birth.


Lord of the Bull was the supreme lord before, but it was the closest question to Daoist, and it was just Lei Dao who later lived in more than thats, but many people still had high hopes for the Lord of the Bull.

Now, the Lord of the Buffalo is really going to ask Daoist, on his way to his ancestors.


A lot of the Lord came to Cave Mansion, the Lord of the Bull.

“Congratulations to the Lord of the Bull, who has embarked on the path of their ancestors, and who will be waiting for their ancestors after that!”

“haha, worthy of being the Lord of the Buffalo, is determined to seclusion, so short, in a few months, on the path of origin.”

“Good. Who can think of the cow lord in such a short period of time on the way to his ancestors, becoming Daoist? It’s almost on track with Lord Ray.”

“The landlord is the top question, Daoist, who then defeated the sun, killed Great Emperor in prison, the Lord of the Bull was strong, but could not speak to the landlord mention on equal terms.”

“Yes, the Lord of Thunderbolts cannot compare with other gods, but the Lord of the Bull is a very good one, worthy of the first lord in the city.”

“Maybe the Lord of the Buffalo will be able to catch up with a little bit of the landlord. Then we’ll have two big questions about Daoist oversee. Why is it strong?”

Many lords, the Lord, have come to congratulate the Lord of the Bull on his achievements and ask Daoist to embark on the path of origin.

At first, the Lord of the Buffalo had a smile on his face.

After all, how can he be unhappy about Daoist when he’s the most brilliant time?

Just, as more and more lords come out of Cave Mansion, people talk a lot, and gradually reveal some information that keeps some stalemate on the masters’ faces.

Today he became the one who asked Daoist, not all to congratulate him, how did each and everyone mention Lei Dao?

And it seems that Lei Dao has done something amazing.

What happened in a few months?

So the Lord of the Buffalo found a familiar master, and he said, “What’s going on? Lord Ray, Dont tell me what happened again?”

“Huh? Lord Bull, how do you know?”

“Is there a lot of peace?”


Lord of the Buffalo is amazing.

Lei Dao had a lot of noise before, ruined the piano, moved treasury from the plumbing channel. That was enough. What else can we do now?

“hehe, Lord of the Bull, if you turn out earlier, you’ll know. Lord Ray is a model of my life.”

Thus, the Lord took Lei Dao from the former Secret Realm, defeated the Sun, and killed Great Emperor in prison, culminating in the anger of the holy man, came personally and even recalled all incarnation, and came to a shocking war with the ancestral airspace.

The Lord of the Buffalo has been staring at.

“To defeat the sun?”

“Kill Great Emperor?”

“to bring out thousands of incarnation and the great war of the original ancestors.”


Lord of the Bull doesn’t know what to say anymore.

How does he look like a thousand years out there? No, for a thousand years.

My ancestors and the saint great war, they won’t be able to meet in 10,000 years.

As for Secret Realm, who was captured by Lei Dao the previous day, even defeated the sun.

It’s the Sun God, the ancient family of the saints, really asking Daoist!


Lord of the Buffalo is still aware of some famous questions about Daoist, in which the sun is the famous question of Daoist.

Lei Dao is just a power comparable with asking Daoist, can you defeat the sun?

And that’s more than that.

Even Lei Dao killed Great Emperor!

The Great Emperor of the Prison, which is even more famous, Brilliant, has many rumours about Great Emperor.

But whatever the legend, it turns out that Great Emperor is the top question of Daoist!

And now, the top question is that Daoist was killed by Lei Dao.

Is this world changing too fast, or is Lei Dao too evil?

“So I became Daoist, compared to Lord Ray, not worth mentioning?”


Lord of the Bull muttered.

The smile on his face has completely disappeared.

The joy of becoming Daoist seems to have disappeared.

“Well, becoming a question of Daoist’s eventual return is good and future ancestors are hopeful. The Lord of the Buffalo is like the Lord of the Thunderbolt.”

Suddenly, the Lord said in a low voice.

“Lei Dao’s here?”

What’s Lei Dao doing this time?

He was vigilant immediately.

He’s a dead man now, and there’s more simple and crude in Cave Mansion to the extreme point, and there’s nothing left to be shaved by Lei Dao.

Lei Dao’s “Search”, almost allowed the Lord of the Bull to have a psychological shadow.

“Lord Bull, congratulations on becoming Daoist, and in the future we can all interact more.”

At this time, the Lord of the Bull passed a familiar voice around his ears.

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