“What’s going on? The High Level of the Dragon League is almost all moving.”

“Is that three vice Alliance Lord? And the lead, it’s supposed to be the recent mysterious new Alliance Lord of the Dragon League, and the top question is Daoist Lei Dao?”

“Look at the top of the Dragon League, where is this going?”

“Look in the direction, can it be the dominant?”

“The Dragon League, the new Alliance Lord, dares to provoke the Lord?”

A lot of lords, grandpriests, all shining in the eyes of bright glow, even some exciting looking at Lei Dao and the rest.

The obsession is so boring.

It’s hard to have some interesting things going on, and they’re also good at lively. The most interesting thing lately is undoubtedly the Lord of the Dragon League. I heard the Dragon League came up with a noble new man asking Daoist, who was overwhelmed by the entire Dragon Union, so that the Royal Alliance Lord’s place was now easy to become the new man of the venerable.

But few people have seen the new Alliance Lord, and the rumors may be exaggerated, and many repairs of itinerant monk do not believe it. Where’s the new man who just arrived so good?

Or ask Daoist, that’s even more strange.

They came to the jungle for so long, and they haven’t heard of what kind of pride Daoist was caught in an obsession, usually the Lord or the Lord, and became the question of Daoist after he had fallen into it.

Very few questions about Daoist falling into obsession, at least they haven’t seen.

Lei Dao was asked whether Daoist or Daoist was the top question, and naturally many people had doubts about attitude.

At this juncture, when Lei Dao All Group imposing modes of movement towards the dominant coalition flew, many people were followed by them, all of whom were going to see lively’s amendment itinerant monk.

Lei Dao naturally knew that he followed many people, but he didn’t care.

Lei Dao doesn’t care, but Lord Long Fai cares, the three Vice Alliance Lord of the Dragon League cares!

What do you want to do?

Lord Long Fai was so afraid that Lei Dao had provoked the misperception of the dominant coalition, with Lei Dao’s idea of “anomaly”, that things might have evolved to an irreplaceable point.

Lord Long Fai has seen Lei Dao’s “unusual” thinking anyway.


‘s just because a little god, Lei Dao, can think of how irregular it is to destroy the entire Lord.

Lei Dao’s power is strong, and they’re not following, that’s really not feel at ease.

Soon, the dragons’ men have come to the influence of the dominant coalition.

So many people, and they ask Daoist for the prime or four-dignitary, and Major really doesn’t.


A pride asked Daoist himself to come outside, and he looked at Lei Dao, not knowing him. But he knew Lord Long Fai, so frowns said, “What do you want to do when you come to my Lord?”

Lord Long Fai also knows this pride and asks Daoist, called extreme Peak Lord Kill.

So Lord Long Fai was very busy explaining: “Extreme Peak Lord, this is our new Alliance Lord, Lord Lei Dao. We Alliance Lord are looking for a friend, called the Lord of Heaven. According to the information we have just been exploring, the Lord is a member of the Lord and a waitress beside Elder. God just sent us information, and she wanted to leave your alliance, so we Alliance Lord came alone.”

“Leaving from the Lord?”

This extreme Peak Lord, who watched Lei Dao, then said with a sneer: “Lung Alliance Lord, you don’t know, although it’s just a regional dominant, it’s a full member of my dominant coalition. You see, we’re the full members of the League, and you can leave the Lord alone?”

“En? Can’t you leave?”

Lei Dao’s eyes sharp like blade, staring at extreme Peak Lord.

Lord Long Fai is sinking in his heart: “Shit, it’s going to be bad!”

Lord Long Fai is afraid that if there was a misunderstanding, that would be overflowing the heaven. So Lord Long Fai will say, “Alliance Lord, not that, let me intervene.”

Lei Dao looked at extreme Peak Lord’s slaughter, saw Lord Long Fai again, and finally nodded, believing in Lord Long Fai for a while. As long as Dragon Fai can take him away from God, then everything will be said.


Lei Dao didn’t say anything else, Lord Long Fai Shaned, who would take extreme Peak Lord to the side, gloomily said, “Extreme Peak Lord killed, the general governor of a district, thats all, even if he was separated from the dominant coalition? You open the price, and anyway, we will respond to all your demands, as long as we can get Alliance Lord to take away from God.”

The extreme Peak Lord has taken a deep look at Lord Long Fai, and then said with a smile: “Lord Dragon Fai, you can dignified Daoist, even before that, it was created by a strong presence of the Dragon Alliance, and now you’re thinking about selling life for this Alliance Lord Lei?”

Lord Long Fai doesn’t know how to explain, and he can only laughed bitterly, and say, “extreme Peak Lord Kill, the Royal League was created by me, but now the Dragon League has become a mine, and then I will be respected by Alliance Lord Lei! It’s very important for Alliance Lord Lei, so, anyway, you don’t want to see it because of this, Alliance Lord Lei? I can tell you clearly that Alliance Lord Lei is the top question, Daoist, the real top question, Daoist!”

The peak looks slight.

He understood the meaning of “real” asking Daoist.

He heard some stories before, but he didn’t care too much.

A new man, the top question, Daoist, is the real hegemony of the Ming world!

Cross-border, be invincible!

Is it going to fall into a jungle?

Anyway, he doesn’t believe in such rumors.

But at this juncture, Lord Long Fai said himself, and watched Lord Long Fai’s attitude towards Lei Dao, not only compliments, but also fears, which he must not believe in.

Maybe Lei Dao really is the top question. Daoist!


the dominant coalition is very cautious if it comes to the top question.

The extreme Peak Lord had thought that it was just a district leader, thats all, that it would be hard for the Dragon League to pay a little price and let the Lord go away from the Lord.

So, extreme peak Lord Zero slowed the opening of the mouth and said: “Okay, Alliance Lord Lei, please come with old man. People can take it, but the Dragon League has to pay a little.”

He’s still not used to calling the Union.

Lei Dao doesn’t care, but the name of the Dragon League is just the same as he did.

“It’s natural.”

The former Lord Long Fai had passed a ditch with Lei Dao, and the full membership of the League was not so easy to leave, but it was not problematic to pay a little price.

So Lei Dao naturally promised.

Thus, extreme Peak Lord, with Lei Dao and the rest, entered the dominant coalition and moved towards Cave Mansion of Elder.

Soon, the whole group came to Cave Mansion of Elder.

Lord Wild Elder felt the horror of aura, especially if it was a man’s extreme Peak Lord, who really asked Daoist, even though it was also Elder, but asked Daoist differed greatly from his supreme master, identity and status.

“Imagine Elder.”

“What’s up, Elder?”

“This is Alliance Lord Lei.”

Thereafter, the extreme peak has said something about God, and the face of Violet Elder is becoming more and more difficult.

What is this?

Lei Dao insisted?

He’s Lord dignified, Lord Elder!

The Lord is in the middle of the world. Who dares to make it?

Although Violet Elder does not really care about God, it makes Lei Dao take it, and it makes him feel uncomfortable.

So he turned his eyes on Elder, said solemnly: “The Horn Elder, the old man, is also the dominant Elder. You are also the Lord’s Elder. When can any other influence force me to dominate Elder? Where will our Lord be?”


Lei Dao, suddenly opened the mouth and said, “Lord Dragon Fai, am I right? Look, it’s not that simple.

Lord Leung Fai, complexion greatly changed, even looked at Elder’s eyeballs.

This is courting death!

It’s like a top lord in the Elder district, which is trying to pull the tiger skin. But he might not know what terrifying consequences would have, which was to drag the entire Lord’s Allies down.

How can Dragon Fai make Violet Elder wish?

“Will Elder, dont tell me we Alliance Lord, can’t even save an ordinary lord? Our Alliance Lord is the top question of Daoist, even in the Lord’s Allies, which is the highest. Are you trying to confront Daoist with a tall question?”

Lord Long Fai has been very impolite.

Even lazy pretend to be polite, it’s very powerful.

That’s what’s going on in the world.

Not only does influence need to be strong in itself. Of course, if there is a strong power to do so.

“Top question Daoist?”

Imagine Elder startled in one heart.

He actually heard about what happened to the Dragon League, a new man, even if he was strong, how could he conquer the entire Dragon League? But in fact, the Dragon League was overwhelmed by Lei Dao.

Moreover, Lord Long Fai said himself that Lei Dao was the top of asking Daoist, looking at Elder, and not refusing, and it seems to be really.

“But God is my waitress, and you’re a oppressor, a maid?”

Violet Elder raised his red face.


fact, he has regretted it, but now it’s in the Lord’s League, even if the top question is Daoist? What else can I do with him?

“Imagine Elder!”

There are also some resentment in the slaughter of extreme Peak Lord, who has come himself, and the way Elder does not give him face, which gives him some anger in his heart. Is it interesting to have a general lord in the area?

Violet Elder looked at extreme Peak Lord’s slaughter and looked at Lord Long Fai, who was better in the situation than anyone, even Elder, the dominant leader, but he had to be prioritized under several questions about Daoist’s “persecution”.

“All right, I’ll let you go, God.”

Witness Elder clenched ones teeth, followed by sound transmission to Cave Mansion.

Soon, Venerable Lord has come with a lover.

Lei Dao recognised the goddess at first sight.

“Lei… Alliance Lord Lei.”

God to be wild with joy.

She didn’t know Lei Dao, but Lei Dao was very excited to save her.

“Dear Lord, I am a good friend of your father’s cow lord. Your father and Mother are now well, and they let me find you in the hallway and take you back.”


There is no Lord of the Visible Bull at all.

She confirmed, however, that Lei Dao did come to her or took her parents’ leave.

Just, how can Lei Dao get her out of here?

Just as Lei Dao was ready to leave with a lover, Wilder Elgnashing teeth, opened the mouth and said: “Alliance Lord Lei, today you are a big man, and you can certainly take the Lord with you. However, the old man will report this to the Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Lord, who will be the owner of old man!”

shua. “

It was like Elder was in the mood and put it out.

But Lei Dao suddenly turned around, staring at the Lord of the Vision, like blade.

“Are you threatening?”

Lord Long Fai in the heart of thumpd, he knows that when Wild Elder is so clearly threatened, he’s afraid Major Event’s not good!

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