“Black coffin…”

Lei Dao muttered, his heart had been recovered from the black coffin, but his eyes were unwavering to look at the black coffin, especially the corpse in the black coffin.

It was indeed a corpse, but the black coffin’s role was to “revive” that corpse.

Of course, it is not a mere resurrection; indeed, corpse is corpse, which is dead, always dead, even if consciousness has arisen again.

Even if it is resurrected, it is not the master of corpse.


role of a black coffin, actually based on Lei Dao’s speculation, should be in the “refined corpse”.

This corpse, death is extremely depressed, and even has a slight power to break.

Yeah, it’s the power of a big time robbery.

Nor do you know how many centuries the black coffin has gone through, so that the dead can have the power to break, and that there is a piece of broken attribute.

That’s horrible.

The general corpse, even if it was the original corpse, should not bear the power of destruction. After all, under the ravages of devastation, all ancestors will be annihilated, completely meteorite, and even a corpse?

But this corpse is able to withstand one of the erosion of the Great Age Robbery, and little by little absorbs the power of destruction and uses the power of destruction.

This is certainly related to the protection of the black coffin.

Otherwise, it is a corpse alone, and it is certainly not possible to confront majestic’s era of mass robbery and extermination. How horrible is it to have a black coffin blocking most of the destructive power, and then to slow Corpse to absorb the power of extermination, thereby creating a change and resurrecting “on a given day?

“Little Black, you’re conscious. How long is it?”

Lei Dao asked Little Black.

“Master, I don’t remember much. Maybe a century, maybe a few, my memory is very confusing, and it should be a consciousness, and then a big hijacking destroys my consciousness, and then a consciousness. For a long time, I don’t even know who I am.”

Little black is also grievance and obsession.

It’s just a very vague sense that the black coffin was born with corpse, and it’s actually very weak, and it doesn’t even hold out of the clouds.

If the black coffin really exists for a long time, maybe a few centuries, or even longer, that may be a problem, and no one can guarantee that corpse in the black coffin will be resurrected.

“The strongest way to destroy corpse, but I can’t do it!”

Lei Dao shake ones head.

Even if he refining the black coffin, he can’t destroy corpse.

Simply, this black coffin has two floors, first layer, the ordinary black coffin. And 2nd floor, it seems to be an independent space, even if refining black coffins are not in control.

The corpse lies in the 2nd floor black coffin, and the quiet “lie”, and no one knows when it will be resurrected or what it will be like after it.

“If it’s a different life, then throw this demarcation corpse into the open world, and it’s too big a pencil with the extermination of the age robbery, and perhaps it’s not as simple as the original ancestral level.”

Lei Dao frowned.

It’s getting more complicated.

Black coffins, corpse, borderline life, etc., is a mess of trouble, and the key Lei Dao has not been able to know about these things, the whole sequence of events, and even the whole thing seems to be in a mixture of fog.

More importantly, why is the black coffin connected to rare treasure in the world?

It was because of the fascination of rare treasure, Lei Dao, who was able to refining the black coffin so many secrets that the obsession rare treasure, like the “power” of the black coffin, provided a source of constant motivation for the black coffin.


long as Lei Dao wishes, he can use the black coffin to suppress anyone.

Even, the ancestors!

Lei Dao didn’t try, but he felt that the black coffin could try, and the black coffin was no longer a black coffin, and the fascination rare treasure, gave the black coffin the “power” to turn it into a real treasure.

And it’s a different treasure!

“If, according to such speculation, a black coffin can be triggered, it can only be a dissenting treasure. So, the fascinating rare treasure, in fact, is the opposite treasure? And the fascination rare treasure is connected to the intersection, and the whole obsession, is something left behind by a different treasure or a life?”

Lei Dao had a guess.


Lei Dao, in his hand, had a transparental crystal, and that was, of course, rare treasure in his former masters.

This rare treasure is full of energy and very scary energy. In his hand, Lei Dao suddenly had a sense of connectivity with the fan, and he immediately withdrew from the body’s territorial boundaries, which was all the more evident.

It’s like he’s really in control of the world!

This is also in the absence of refining, when the dominant Alliance Lord was getting this fascinated rare treasure before the body’s territorial boundaries in suppression Lei Dao, even forcing Lei Dao to extinction.

Lei Dao slowly closed his eyes.

Neither does this rare treasure need refining, nor does there exist any refining.

Lei Dao closed his eyes, careful realize with this rare treasure.


Indeed, in Lei Dao’s mind, there was a horror giant beast like giant wolf, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and face upwards in the open void, which seemed to be able to swallow everything.

Of course, it’s just this picture.

“This rare treasure, not treasure, but the core! At the heart of a powerful, exotic life, or can you be understood as a heart?”

Lei Dao moved in the heart.

He actually speculated.

What if the fascinating rare treasure is a heart, bringing together all the elite and power of the life of the opposite world?

dont tell me, is it the body of a different life?

No, it doesn’t look like, the obsession, everything is illusory, it’s fake, how can it be the body of a different life?

Then there’s only one possibility.

The whole obsession, in fact, is the “idea” of the life of the opposite world.

Simply speaking, it’s the single thought.

This is the world that was formed by single thought after the death of an exotic life, which was not supported by energy, so it would be dispersed sooner or later, but it was biased, and it had a heart.

That’s this fascinating rare treasure.

With the presence of this obsession rare treasure, the concept of life in the dianerant monk thats can only be underpinned, and then become obsessed, even when the perimeter corridor in the Minh world is dead, some of the ideas of proliferation are formed, just without the support of heart energy, so that it is not possible to hold the itinerant monk thats all.

But if Lei Dao’s speculation is established, then the life of the demarcation will be terrifying.

After death, the concept can form a huge world, even stuck in the top and ask Daoist, what kind of horror is this?

If the obsession is also related to the life of the outside world, the black coffin is also a borderless treasure, which is combined with the black coffin, that makes sense, perhaps both of which come from the same place.

“If I take this heart, will the fan collapse?”

Lei Dao suddenly raised his head, and he was ready to try it.


Lei Dao flew out of the secret room to void outside the Union.

Now, near the Rally, people are watching, especially Lei Dao, the new fascinating first question, Daoist, even the whole fan, who doesn’t care?

Lei Dao received attention from the sea, and he showed up and immediately drew everyone’s attention.

“That’s Alliance Lord Lei, right?”

“Alliance Lord Lei has taken the fascinated rare treasure, which, before dominating Alliance Lord, seems to have nothing to do with comprehend, but has nothing to do with it. Will Alliance Lord Lei be able to comprehend something, even if you take us out of the world?”

“It is not clear, after all, that rare treasure was in the hands of the Lord of Alliance, and what happened? There’s nothing to remember, not to leave the world. Even Alliance Lord Lei has regained the fascination rare treasure, and it’s not a short time to comprehend it, let alone get us out of the world.”

“hahaha ,那可就不一定了。主宰盟Alliance Lord 是什么innate talent ?在陷入迷界之前,仅仅只是主宰that’s all 。但Alliance Lord Lei 呢?那可是明界真正的顶尖问Daoist ,两者innate talent 相差无比巨大,说不定,Alliance Lord Lei 就能在短时间内comprehend 迷界rare treasure 呢?”

Many actually have a glimpse of expectations.

Many people have placed their hopes on Lei Dao since they were aware of the fascinating rare treasure.

Even if they don’t get rare treasure, they want to leave the world.

Lei Dao doesn’t care about the view around, he’s just here to try, and the speculation in the authentication of thats all.


Lei Dao had a fascinating rare treasure in his hand, a treasure in the heart of a suspect life. When rare treasure appeared, in response to the periphery’s remoteness, Lei Dao was able to easily mobilize everything that was lost for the purpose of suppressing someone within the periphery.

Even, it doesn’t cost anything like easy as pie.

Lei Dao knows that this is virtually false, repressed in the lost world, actually just Illusion Technique thats all. But if Illusion Technique can’t get out of it, it’s not the same as true.

That’s what’s fascinating about.

Here, Daoist is asking Daoist, and the top question is that Daoist can even squeeze out Daoist, and as long as he can’t get away from Illusion Technique, he must be subject to confusion.

“Take it!”

next moment, Lei Dao threw a fascinating rare treasure into a black coffin.

At this juncture, the fascinated rare treasure was completely isolated and the black coffin had full capacity to isolate rare treasure. And Lei Dao still manipulates a black coffin isolated rare treasure.


All around the world is starting to get a crack, and the whole world is like mirrors, and it’s starting to break, and it’s going to happen in every part of the world.

“What’s going on?”

“The obsession seems to be going to collapse.”

“The demarcation collapsed? So we can all go back to the clear world?”

“hahaha, I can even feel the power of the bright world…”

Many people to be wild with joy.

As if they were in a cage, they were trapped in it.

And what they dream about is to get out of the world.

And now, it seems hopeful?

Lei Dao, however, frowned and took rare treasure out of the black coffin instantly.

Everything just came back, as initially, and it seemed never to happen.

But that silhouette in the gaze at void, whose eyes are no more than fanatical.

Even the most foolish people know that the changes that have just taken place are bound to be linked to Lei Dao.

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