Three people crossed the shuttle space, and soon arrived at the garden.

“Finally come back!”

Lei Dao relaxed, and this time the total is unthinkable, bringing back the goddess.

“Mother 。”

And at this time, the Lord of the Flowers saw the Lord of Heaven, and he cried immediately. She finally saw daughter again, and she was anxious to ask daughter.

But God seems to understand something, not at all, to be honest, but just to be vague.

After all, she was the Lord, and she had some insights, and she knew what was fascinating, and it was important, not that she could just say it, and if that was true, it would have to be Lei Dao.

“Lord Ray saved daughter.”

The Lord said only lightly, but the rest did not reveal it.

everyone is the supreme lord, even Daoist, where is it not clear that there must be some secrets? So it’s just a scan on Lei Dao, and it’s not a question.

But Lei Dao shaked heads, and said, “Indeed, there is nothing to hide, and that hallway is not likely to disappear soon. ‘Cause I got a World in the hallway called” The Ecstasy. ”

Lei Dao then explained a little bit of confusion.

Knowing that Illusion Technique can be put into a real, unthinkable position, and even the top question is that Daoist is real, and everyone is really not convinced.

Especially the Lord of Language.

She’s the top question, Daoist!

Never heard of what Illusion Technique could have affected Daoist’s top question.

So she thought, “Lord Ray, do I want to get into the jungle and feel like it’s not working?”

“Are you sure? Once I get into the jungle, I’m under control.”

Lei Dao said with a smile.

He’s a very clear fan, and don’t say that bullshit is just a top question of Daoist, even if he’s a tenth pride, there’s no problem for Lei Dao, and it’s easy to suppress it with the power of obsession.

“haha, I naturally believed in Lord Ray.”

Nor does the Lord hesitate.

“Yeah, we’d like to go in and experience it, wouldn’t we? It’s a shame not to go in there and try it.”

And the Lord of the Flowers is also eager to try.

“Father, Mother, you guys…”

The Lord is a fairly human being.

She was confused. How low and desperate is that? She swore that she would even pay all the costs and leave the world.

But now, her father and Mother, are they still thinking about something, trying to get into obsession?

Thinking is absurd.

However, it is also very attractive where the world is so miraculous.

Lei Dao spotted nodded, directly picked up fascinated rare treasure, and fastly surrounded by silent domination and the rest.

“Then you go in and try.”

Soon, these people are trapped in the jungle.

The silent lord is the top question of Daoist, and she wants to try to ruin her obsession and want to leave the world. Just, without any effect, she wouldn’t have been able to even carry out all the methods, even trying to destroy the obsession. The obsession has been destroyed, and it will be restored in a moment.

Of course, that was because there was Lei Dao, the charming owner, so the recovery of the world would be as fast as possible. But even without Lei Dao, it’s the same.

And as for the Lord of the Beef and the Lord of the Flowers, they will certainly be more exaggerated.

They also saw a number of “old friends” in the confusion, who had been caught in an obsession, were not willing to leave the world today, or, in other words, were not ready to leave the world.


‘s been a long time since everyone left.

And the Lord of the Bull has to be exaggerated: “This is an incredible place, the natural resources are unlimited, and it seems like it’s true. Even if it was a fake idea, it would feel really in the heart of perhaps over time. This Illusion Technique, terrifying, it’s terrifying!”

“However, there is also merit. If you stay in there from time to time, you can make a difference from the top lord to asking Daoist, then go back to the open world and ask Daoist if there’s a lot of hope for success. It’s a good way to break up cultivation bottleneck and shackles!”

The Lord of the Flowers is different from the Lord of the Beef and the focus of the Lord of the Unspoken.

After all, the Lord of the Buffalo and the unbelievers have embarked on the path of their ancestors, all of whom ask Daoist, who are concerned about the achievement of their ancestors.

If there is no help for the ancestral fathers of achievement, it will have little effect for them, and it will be rare to look at it.

But the Lord of the Flowers is different.

The Lord is only the supreme master, who, unlike the goal of asking Daoist, dreamed of walking out of one of her ancestors and becoming the question of Daoist.

Just, even if she doesn’t have any innate talent extinction, she can’t do anything to ask Daoist.

You know, even if there is no teaching in the original space, the many disciples have been collected and become disciple asking Daoist, just a very few, can be counted on the ones finger. Seeing Daoist is not a big white dish, it’s very difficult.

But if there was an obsession, then the Lord believed that she would be able to ask Daoist if she had given her time.

Unfortunately, how long did Lei Dao impossible stay in the garden?

And the master of all flowers has always been in Lei Dao’s fantasy, or the Lord of the Bull will not be mad, nor is Lei Dao clear, and, after all, it is also a strange thing that others’ companions have been following in their own fans.

“Maybe, there’s a way.”

The Lord of the Flower thought, and suddenly he said to the Lord of the Bull, “Did you return to the homeland too? Why don’t we go back to the homeland together?”



Lord of the Bull doesn’t know what to say.

It’s hard for him to spend that many years in the wilderness continent, just to ask Daoist, then leave the homeland, and go back to the garden of the Minh Jin and dominate the family.

Now you’re going back to the ravage continent?

Then why did he endure so many years?

“What, you don’t agree?”

The Lord of the Flowers is staring at the Lord of the Bull.

“Agreed. How can we not agree? It’s a good old continent, and I’m in the city with Lord Ray, and there’s a response between them.”

“Good, then the master of the flowers wants to get into the world, and can come back to this Lei anytime.”

After all, she needs Lei Dao to go to “disturb” Lei Dao. After all, she needs Lei Dao’s fancy to help her cultivation and to see the mystery of her way to her home early.

Just, Lei Dao looked at the cow’s lord in the face of grief and the elegant master of the flowers, who always felt something wrong, but couldn’t say it.

But the master of the flowers is such a “passionate” attitude, but let Lei Dao move.

He used to sell Secret Realm’s quota the previous day, but it was a shock to the entire wilderness continent, making Lei Dao make a big profit, and it was a fascination?

This obsession, the bad effect, is not the same, can you sell some quotas as cultivation Sacred Land, perhaps, not like Secret Realm, the other day?

Lei Dao will be able to make steady progress by then.

Just, you have to pay attention to a question.

Ancient question!

His obsession, after all, is different from Secret Realm, a very secret thing, and if some information flows out, will it be turned out to be the original ancestors?

Although Lei Dao does not like to be able to harness others with the greatest evil, the heart of the defense cannot be ignored. In addition, the Ming and Ancient continent, which was originally the weak is prey to the strong place, Azure Lotus Ruler said that no one could believe in the absurd continent would be more vigilant than Lei Dao.

“Black coffins, maybe they can suppress their ancestors.”

Lei Dao frowned.

Black coffins can suppress their ancestors, just a speculation from Lei Dao.

Or, he had a top question about Daoist, who had suppressed his ancestors with treasure, and how big a shock would that be? Are the other ancestors, saints?

I’m afraid it’s all a big question.

So, less than a million years ago, Lei Dao will never be on the same side as his ancestors.

“By the way, it’s too dangerous to think of people, dignified’s ancestors, how can you keep staring at the younger ones?”

Lei Dao is also slightly relaxed.

Besides, he’s not a groundless bubble.

He’s the disciple of the original ancestral, and his master, the seven hijackers!

One pride is most likely to be, but who really pissed off the seven hijackings that took place at this age, and what kind of horror would that have erupted?

So Lei Dao is not an unfettered man, and he’s also a background person.

“I too weak, I can no longer search for natural resources on the line of duty, or wait until the sky falls out of pies, with good things similar to Secret Realm’s death. It is important to take the initiative to scratch life prolonging categories of treasure, so it is very shocking, very attractive, so fascinating, that is, treasure, and, perhaps, just a little bit of a small measure to keep people out of it, and it should be a little bit less problematic. At least, hold on for a while without question.”

After all, treasure’s too much.

Whether it’s a clear or absurd continent, a wide range of treasure is really very poor.

Lei Dao has a comparable with Secret Realm’s treasure.

dont tell me where my ancestors are going to visit themselves?

It’s impossible!

The ancestors are busy preparing to override the age robbery, and nobody cares about treasure.

There should be no question as long as the treasure is not disclosed in relation to the life of the interface.

So far, Lei Dao has never been able to reveal things that have been linked to the life of the heterogeneous world, and the life of the outside world is known only by Lei Dao and Little Black, and no one else knows.

“All right, that’s it!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, with a determination already made in mind.

This time we go back to the wilderness continent, we must have searched for it.

Powerful power. It’s too painful.

Vulnerable is the original sin.

Lei Dao must be stronger and stronger than Daoist.

Until then, the ancestors of achievement!

“It is not a matter of late, and the Lei is ready to return to the homeland.”

Lei Dao looked at the Lord of the Beef with the Lord of the Flowers.

“No question, we can go anytime.”

The Lord of the Flowers is too simple.

“Well, go now.”


Lord of the Buffalo has to agree with his face.

As a result, the two people had given a second time to the Lord of the Unspoken, and had handed over another one, and then joined Lei Dao into the dark, moving towards an ancient continental channel.

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