

way the saints hit, that’s what crazy people do. See this scene, the top Great Emperor around void, and ask Daoist, all over complexion significantly changed.

“Crazy, crazy. These two are nuts. Do you have to be so crazy?”

“dont tell me they think they’re the only ones fighting for Mount Ray? And the many people around are asking Daoist at glare like a tiger watch his prey.

“By the way of the saint, this is a self-destructing journey, and indeed worthy of being a demon in the demons, not at all calm, without reason. And the King of Venerable Demon, the same as the King of the Devil, I see no more than a stupid generation.”

“Magic and demon, cannot afford to offend!”

Even if it’s around the top powerhouse of lively, there’s something wrong with this moment, nine Great Emperor and the King of the Devil, what is this?

When you come up, you put up a big trick, you just spell?

dont tell me they don’t know the importance of the path of saints?

No, they must know!

No one asked Daoist how important it was to know how the path of the saints was, but now they still dare to bet on their own path of saints. And the purpose, just to get into the mountains?

Or, to fight?

That’s insane!

In fact, even the Lord of the Bull thinks he’s crazy, but he’s awake. Because he understood that the power he had just acquired was illusory, fake, fantastic and misleading.

Since they’re all illusory, what else is he afraid of?

Instead, the nine Great Emperor across the other side, the Lord of the Buffalo, have some admiration, and the nine lords are looking for life and gambling, Great Emperor of the demon, are quite different, and the Lord of the Bull is deeply admired.

However, the Lord of the Bull is admired and does not mean that he will leave his hand, but instead, he will do all he can, no matter what it takes, to take Lei Dao’s care!

As the two saints collided, suddenly void was like a collapse and distortion. The remaining wave of terror, majestic moved towards all directions engulfing, is a retreat, even if the Great Emperor of Ray, the Lord of gaze at Bull, who looks “weird” and nine Great Emperor.

He really didn’t think that the two men were fighting so intensely, and that was what really was trying to do.

The path of saints has erupted, and that is absolutely a spell, and there is still a kind of retreat.

However, the path of the saint is always strong or weak, especially in the face of this direct collision, so the powerhouse is strong, even a little stronger, can prevail.


Finally, nine heads of Great Emperor complexion significantly changed.

Everyone can see that the strength of the Nine Great Emperor’s saints has begun to break the turtle, just like glass fragments, and yet another piece of starts to break.

This is a crash!

“impossible, how can you break the path of this Seat saint?”

Nine Great Emperor opened his eyes, as if I couldn’t believe the scene.

His dignified demon Great Emperor, the vibrating side, is the world’s top question, Daoist, who is usually tyrannize, transcended, headed to invincible.

This time, he left the demon community, and thought of coming to the slaughter all sides of the Thunderstorm Mountains, and getting three times Primordial Spirit Ray for his sacred road cultivation thats all.

But who can imagine that he failed, and that he failed so thoroughly, and even, that failure, he had no chance to regret.

The Lord of the Buffalo is cold, and the black flame on him seems to have risen even more, and the whole person seems to be as if it had not been affected by anything.

Even, many of the devils down there are still cheering and cheering them the king of invincible demon!

“Nine Great Emperor, the Seat said,” The Devil, who walks in the mountains of mine, kill without mercy! “You’re the first one killed by this Seat, Daoist!”

Then how can the Lord of the Buffalo be able to block the Lord of the Great Emperor, who was seriously injured, who had lost the path of the saint, who had already been crushed, and who had been seriously injured?


next moment, the nine Great Emperor was shattered by the Lord of the Bull, and the path of the saint was completely shattered, and life aura on the nine Great Emperor was rapidly falling, and it disappeared, as if it had never been.

The whole void, the silence, absolute silence!


It’s completely dead!

Not even a little aura, that feeling of life passing is too real to be wrong.

Nine Great Emperor, die!

dignified top asks Daoist, huh? It is also a matter of great shock under the eyes of the people, even in the history of the absurd continent for many years, which is enough to shock the entire absurd continent.

Even, many people don’t think it’s too real.

Is that Daoist?

Ask Daoist not all about aloof and remote, see the head of a divine dragon but not its tail, is it difficult to show up?

As for the meteor?

Often it’s just heard, and it’s hard to hear it once.

Now it’s under the eyes, that’s all?

And still the top question is Daoist, as usual.

Is this really?

Many people are silent and many do not understand, but even when the great enemies of the mines once again look to the Devil to dominate the King of the incarnation demon, their eyes have changed and are no longer as random and indifferent as ever.

It’s cloudy!

It’s very heavy!

The killing of nine Great Emperor means that the killing of other top questions Daoist is a great threat to any respect for Daoist or Daoist.

After all, in general, the ancestors, the saints, asked Daoist how hard it was to fall.

And now, one of the top questions is that Daoist is in the hands of the King of the Devil, which seems to break some balance.

“Who else wants to get into Mount Ray?”


Lord of the Buffalo is now more mindful of the wind than ever.

He was carrying hands, burning bear flames under his shoulders, and his body was like a giant man of the same dignity to support both Heaven and Earth, standing there, was a rail lock, and no one could break it.

That’s what the wind takes!

This is the king of the devil!

This is Myriad Life, be invincible, real invincible!

Nobody talks, and someone dares to break, and even before it’s the big enemy of the inevitable mine, it’s silent.

The king of the devil keeps guarding Mount Ray. Who dares to break?

After all, nine Great Emperor is the book of the front car!

Lei Dao, in the mountains of mine, naturally senses a move by the Lord of the Bull, who just killed nine Great Emperor, and in fact Lei Dao, who was a fan, killed nine Great Emperor.

Even Lei Dao, it’s not really easy.

Before in the lake of life, although he had also killed the king of the incarnation demon, Lei Dao had also used the strengths of the body’s territorial boundaries, with little confusion.

But this time it’s different.

This time, in order to be “confidential”, Lei Dao was afraid to use the strength of the body’s territorial boundaries and, therefore, all of it was used in an obscure way. It’s too much to kill Daoist with the charm’s energies, and to consume rare treasure in the world.

Even Lei Dao suspects that, if he ever kills Daoist with a fascinating rare treasure alone, he can’t kill much of Daoist, and his charm rare treasure energy will be exhausted.

It’s time to pay for it.

So Lei Dao has a little sense of urgency, which is not consistent with his plan.

He has to hurry up and cannot continue to delay Mount Railway, otherwise some outside would have to waste the crowd of rare treasure’s force repression, without paying for it, if there are people who can’t stand up to be stupid.

“We have to find Primordial Spirit Ray.”

Lei Dao Spirit Sense’s crazy search, even making the mountains bigger, has nothing to do with Spirit Sense’s search.

“En? Found it!”

Lei Dao expression is bright, and then he moved directly to some of the mountainpeak in the radar mountains.

In the mountains of mine, mountain peak has many, but it’s all false and different. Many mountain peak are now surrounded by demons, under the wreck of the wave, violently surge, contaminating everything.

Everything treasure, once it’s contaminated by the devil, has little effect. So Lei Dao has to find not only Primordial Spirit Ray as soon as possible, but even Primordial Spirit Ray before those demons find Primordial Spirit Ray.


Lei Dao came to a mountain peak.

This mountain peak, which seems to be main peak, has three Cave Mansion, all of which contain a terrible thunderbolt.

Lei Dao felt that the three chronology Primordial Spirit Ray should be in there.

“Open it!”

Cave Mansion, while closed, was directly shocked by Lei Dao’s power in the body’s area, and nothing Cave Mansion was shocked by him. That is Lei Dao, so powerful that Cave Mansion can be activated directly.

Otherwise, a little bit of a question about Daoist, maybe there’s no room for Cave Mansion to face. Therefore, not anyone who enters the mountains of mines has access to treasure, that simply impossible.

It’s not just treasure near a mine pool that usually asks Daoist to take it away, and, more importantly, to search for the rest of the treasure.

Without the “three feet” approach of this hand, Lei Dao also dares to say that treasure can shave the whole minefield.

Cave Mansion was opened, and it was filled with Jenny rare treasure, and it was Cave Mansion of Daoist, the top of the triumph of the mountains.

And in Cave Mansion, Lei Dao saw three gods.

Primordial Spirit Ray!

The three times Primordial Spirit Ray, in Cave Mansion, have been well preserved and the power has not been disclosed.

More importantly, Lei Dao saw corpse.

Three perfect corpse!


Lei Dao’s heart moves, and now I think of Daoist at the top of the mountains.

It’s all rumours that Daoist has been identified at the top of Mount Torpedo, but how the meteor has fallen, and why the meteor has fallen, and no one knows.

After all, Daoist was the first angel Demon, and Daoist had been asked at the beginning of the clock, what power would make them feel like a meteor?

And now, in Cave Mansion, there are three corpses left, and that’s weird.

How can Daoist leave corpse, even if the meteor falls, body dies and Dao disappears, the path of the saint collapses, everything goes on, and it goes down to nothing?

Maybe these three corpses are in themselves problematic!

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