void was calm, and even the thunderstorm demon tide had begun to disappear.

But no one cares about the wave of magic, but many people look like they can’t believe in the scene. What did they see?

Two priests, incarnation, for powder!

Yes, for powder, the power of Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries was instantly pollen, not an incarnation, but an incarnation that was easy for the saint and the sacred man of the Holy Ghost, all of which had been crushed into powder.

In this case, it is like breaking some kind of “regulation” or “balance”, and in the heart of all the Lord, Great Emperor, a very deep mark has been printed.

Can the saints be asked Daoist to defeat?

Even an incarnation!

“The saint incarnation, really crushed?”

“completely crushed, even extinguished, at least this incarnation has nothing to do with it.”

“This is a god. A top question is Daoist did it?”

“So, ask Daoist to kill the saint incarnation…”

Many lords, asking Daoist, are now very touching. They didn’t even think about it before, asking Daoist to be able to fight with the saint incarnation great war, let alone defeat the saint incarnation, which is almost impossible to accomplish!

But now, it’s right now that the saint incarnation was crushed by Lei Dao, and the whole two saints incarnation. This is very important for the Lord, asking Daoist.

At least let them understand that the saint may be invincible, but the saint incarnation may not necessarily be.


saint incarnation, too, can be asked to kill Daoist!

It can be imagined that this information will be like hurricanes, and it will spread across the entire wilderness continent.


next moment, the sky has changed, void seems to have distorted.

A strong incarnation, once again united, this is the incarnation of the saint!

At the same time, the spiritual saint was equally condense with an incarnation, and the two noble people fell in incarnation, and this time incarnation was clearly more than ten times stronger than before.

“Lei Dao!”

The saint is easy to angry roar, and his anger is as if it were in substance. Even the dignified saint, it is not possible to contain the anger inside.

The same is true of the Holy Spirit, who sent down a powerful saint incarnation, apparently looking very seriously at the matter.

Are you kidding me?

But still during the wave, Demon Country and the Devil should be the “main”, but now? By a clear question, Daoist robbed the wind.

And, in any case, it can’t be stopped.

Even the saint incarnation was wiped out by Lei Dao. Why is this the main event of world-shaking?


spiritual saints and the saints are easy, and the saints who have been hijacked several times, and what have they never met? What kind of genius didn’t see?

But like Lei Dao, to ask Daoist, to kill the saint incarnation, even the most common, the weakest incarnation. They didn’t even see it.

Ask Daoist to kill the saint?

Smell it!

So, even if it’s two sacred people, now there’s both anger and shock in the heart.

Just, the two noble saints incarnation came, and they saw the mountains, where were Lei Dao’s tracks? It’s already gone.

At Lei Dao’s speed, I don’t know where it’s been. Moreover, Lei Dao was able to cross the shuttle space, even if it was not long enough, but there was so little time enough time for Lei Dao to escape.

The saint is easy with the ancestor, mutually took a glance, the ancestor saint, said solemnly: “The saint is easy, the absurd continent seems to change again, don’t you think there’s much change in the absurd continent? Ask Daoist to kill the incarnation of my saint.”

“Too much change?” Dont tell me. “

Blht glow in the eyes of the saint.

He knows what the spiritual saint means.

Chronicle robbery!

This is a sign of the premature outbreak of the era robbery.

In fact, an age of about 1.2 trillion years, but it is also likely that less than 1.2 trillion years will be possible to erupt at any time as long as it reaches the end of the era.

Just, in general, a big robbery would not have erupted too early.

But no, once it erupts in advance, there will be a variety of very unusual things at the end of the clock, or some strange treasure, etc.

Anyway, it’s all anomalies.

Now this old continent already has this beauty, just that the saints don’t think much. But now the question is, there’s a Lei Dao who can kill the saint incarnation in his capacity as a question for Daoist.

One or two ordinary incarnation, in fact the saints don’t care, and then they can regroup.

But the key was extinguished by Lei Dao, a question about Daoist, which was not the same, or even very serious. This means that the saint Supreme’s awe-inspiring is challenged!

After that, will there be more questions about Daoist provocating the saint?

Maybe the saints can be strong in suppressing everything, maybe Lei Dao is just an example, but it’s finally a bad beast. Moreover, the ease of the saint and the Holy Ghost will also be a mockery among the ancient continent’s saints.

“Lei Dao is the master of the city.”

Saints of the Spirit, like a smile yet not a smile, continue to say, “If the saint is willing, the Saint will accompany the saint to the city.”

“To the city?”

It is clear that the saint is distressed by his deep look at his grandfather.

Everyone knows that there are some incomplete agreements between the ancient continent saints and the dawn ancestors. In general, the saints are not going to shock.

As soon as the shock strikes, it will surely erupt a great war between the saints and their ancestors.

Then that’s gonna be a big deal.

As Demon Country’s saint, natural Ba ‘a must not break great war with the original ancestral ancestors of the Minh world, which would be much better for Demon Country.

“The Holy Spirit still cares about you, demon. After today, there is another magic on this Saint’s territory who asks Daoist, the Saint does not mind cleaning up the Sisters.”

The saint’s easy to speak, not even very hard.

Just say, the saints have left the shuttle.

The Holy Spirit also knows that the saints are now on the air, and this is not the time to get rid of the saints. So he took all demon spirits around the radar.

The thunderstorm tide, this is over.

The devil is gone, and the saint has left, and the whole mountains have returned to calm.

Just, there are many remaining masters, Great Emperor look at each other in dismay.

This thing, for them, is too much shock, and there’s still some shock.

First is the wave of magic, then the king of the devil, and then the top question is great war between Daoist.

Then the saint came, and then the King of the Devil’s identity was revealed, and the last king of the Devil was at the top of the horizon, asking Daoist Lei Dao, and finally Lei Dao also overturned two saints, incarnation.

This is so shocking.

They just came to meet try luck in the mountains, and they wanted to get three times Primordial Spirit Ray.

It’s not even possible to think that things are going to go this way.

Ray Great Emperor clenched ones teeth, he wants to go into the mountains and see if the mountains are broken, and see if there are three of them, Primordial Spirit.


So when Great Emperor of Ray started his head, there were a lot of questions about Daoist coming into the mountains after all he had fought for.

Just, to the mountains, everyone stares.

There’s already a wolf in the immediate mountains, just like locusts, where’s treasure?

And, it seems that treasure in many places is not the devil.

Lei Dao!


must be Lei Dao!

Lei Dao must have been in the mountains before. It’s three feet shaved, and it’s all engulfing.

Many asked Daoist too, and only quickly left the mountains.


Outside the city, void showed a circle of ripple.

two figures rushed out of void.

“Finally came back…”

Lei Dao saw the front town, and finally the heart was slight.

It’s not easy!

Anyway, he went back to the city, and he was on his way to the shuttle, and even six percent of his ancestors Divine Body were about to crash, and he was afraid to stop and fear being chased easily by the saints.

He knew, however, that this time he had been guilty of two sacred people, and thought carefully that Lei Dao had been guilty of a lot of holy people, and that the so-called debt was too weak, and Lei Dao seemed to feel nothing.


Lord of the Buffalo also saw the city, and he relaxed, and he had some sense of avoided a catastrophe for the Lord of the Buffalo.

It was so scary before. It was just the top question of Daoist.

And the top question is, Daoist doesn’t seem to be anything. What kind of opponent do they face?

Holy man!

And it’s a noble saint!

I really think it’s scary.

Fortunately, although the process has been very distorting, it seems that the results have been very good, at least they have hidden from the hunting of the saints and returned to the city.

“Brother Lei, this is a big time.”


Lord of the Bull looked at Lei Dao, laughed bitterly, and said.

He’s looking at Lei Dao now, and his feelings are complicated. I thought it was just with Lei Dao to pick up convenient, get some benefits, get Primordial Spirit Ray.

But who thought it was so exciting?

Not only did you kill Daoist, but Lei Dao also fought with the saints, but more magically, the saint incarnation!

This is Legendary!


Lord of the Buffalo felt he had spent so many years in an absurd continent, and it was really exciting that no one had ever been able to experience more than a million this time.

Even the Lord of the Buffalo has some envy.

Somehow, Lei Dao has grown to be able to kill the saint incarnation, and what about him? Still just ordinary asking Daoist thats all.

Lei Dao said with a smile: “Can’t you be guilty of two sacred men? It’s not exactly what I’m guilty of, is there a few saints? If you don’t say far away, I will be guilty of the holy man near the city. Now it’s just two more saints, thats all, nothing.”

Lei Dao was thinking very well.

“By the way, there’s a Chronicle Primordial Spirit Ray, you deserve it!”

Let’s just say Lei Dao directly took out a primordial Spirit Ray, even to fill the spirit of this monster’s master’s ”shock”.

“haha, then I’m impolite.”

The Lord of the Bull has taken over this age Primordial Spirit Ray, and this time the mountains are gathered, and he is a great man.

Subsequently, both returned directly to the city, each returning to Cave Mansion.

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