“Is he Lord Ray?”

The venerable Half Saint, behind the saint, opened his eyes, slowly started talking.

“Good, he’s Lei Dao. God, don’t be surprised, Lei Dao this child is the best disguise, and it’s very weak to pretend, even in the bones, and it’s a little less prudent. Even the Saint, he was killed for his intentions, incarnation, laughing at the Lord.”

This is Half Saint, known as the Lord of Heaven.

generally speaking, the saint named title in one word, the title in the absurd continent is a claim that only the strong presence of aloof and remote has a title.

Half Saint in front of the moment, although there is no Sanctification, is above Daoist, and is also championed in one word, called the Lord of Heaven!

There are, of course, exceptions, such as the Holy Ghost.

Just, most of it’s a title.

“The saint feel at ease, I will not be vigilant, but the other side, though not Half Saint, will be able to do it again, and the third to kill the saint incarnation, which is almost as strong as Half Saint, and even stronger than Half Saint in general.”

“The Saint has confidence in your power, and as long as you don’t lose your mind, there’s no question. Moreover, this Saint has also communicated with other saints, and in addition to robbing Half Saint, the rest of the saints, you can all join forces when you meet Lei Dao. Make sure you kill Lei Dao without any loss!”

In the

eyes of the saint, killing intent.

Clearly, this time he has made his determination to kill Lei Dao in any event. After all, this is a rare opportunity to break the space, powerhouse like clouds, and its ancestors cannot interfere.

“Whether it is to break the stone or to kill Lei Dao, I will do it. I hope the saint, Your Majesty, will not forget the promise.”

The emperor also deeply looked at the holy man, who apparently promised him the generous reward so that Imperial Capital could not refuse.

Even such incentives directly involve the ability of the Lord to Sanctification.

“This Saint’s promise will naturally materialize, and once you kill Lei Dao, and you get enough stone to destroy you, even at the end of this age, you have a great chance of Sanctification, and then you’ll be able to spend a long life free and unfettered, undying and indestructible time!”

The holy man’s tongue seems to be filled with “confusion”.

No one can resist such temptation.

longlife free and unfettered!

undying and indestructible!

How big’s temptation to fix itinerant monk?

Not long life free and unfettered, undying and indestructible?

Even if it is Saint Saint or the original ancestral, it is not true that long life free and unfettered, undying and indestructible, but at least a long life era, free and unfettered.

Even as a saint, there’s a lot of possibilities for free and unfettered.

Who doesn’t want Sanctification?

The Emperor looked forward to Lei Dao again and seemed to remember Lei Dao deeply in general.

Lei Dao doesn’t care much.

In fact, after he showed up, there were countless eyes on him. Lei Dao also knows that most of these are unsatisfactory.

He was guilty of five sacred people, and reputation was outside, and he was watched by a lot of Great Emperor on the side of the saint, and asked Daoist wasn’t anything.

Lei Dao’s mentality is calm, and he’s really calm, not watching anyone else, but watching the whole space.

It’s a broken space, and it seems to be a frontier. Nor can it be said to be self-contained, but rather a region, where the vast amount of extinction that has flowed from space has been shattered and a large area has become empty.

This is also tantamount to breaking space.

“It’s the power to destroy.”

Lei Dao moved in the heart.

Indeed, the power of destruction is very subtle and cannot touch it, or even Daoist can’t hold it if it’s the top question. However, Lei Dao was well acquainted with the power to break, and the Divine Body of Lei Dao had been destroyed once again in order to absorb the seeds of life.

Let Lei Dao suffer.

But don’t think that trying to break the power of destruction can stop it. Indeed, it doesn’t work at all. If Lei Dao’s original ancestor Divine Body is again exposed to the power of destruction, there will be no change and will remain extinct.

This is also the characteristic of the power of extermination.

There’s nothing to stop!

Otherwise, the power to break will not let dignified saints and ancestors fail, many saints and ancestors die in the midst of the Great Age. Even Primordial Spirit, the saint, will be extinguished and see how terrifying it is.

“Almost complete, and now all saints, whether gods or gods, have access to breaking space. Remember, breaking space is likely to collapse at any time, leaving it before it collapses, or anyone else will not save you.”

everybody shivered in one heart.

Destroying space collapsed, and many saints and ancestral fathers mentioned it.

Generally, the destruction of space will not collapse. But there is a possibility that the ruin of the stone in space is too much taken away and that it can be supported by the destruction of the rock.

Once there is not enough to break the stone, then the space will collapse immediately.

However, as long as this is found, it is possible to leave the space for destruction in a timely manner.

In other words, once everyone enters the space for destruction, care must be taken at any time that the space may collapse and, after all, no one knows when it will be cleaned out.

“All right, go ahead.”

The original homeland, many of its ancestors and many powerhouse under the sacred, have flew over the entrance of moving towards the destruction of space.

You don’t have to fight, the entrance is too big. Don’t say that. Even deduction success can enter together.

Lei Dao flies with the Lord of the Buffalo to the cave.


next moment, Lei Dao felt a little twisted, and the whole man had disappeared in the hole.

“Do you know how many rocks have been destroyed this time?”

“Maybe there are dozens of them?”

“Maybe there are hundreds of them, not necessarily.”

“How many broken stones can be brought back, and they have to see Daoist’s performance.”

Many saints and ancestral ancestors, mutually took a glance, were silent and did not produce any conflict.

Clearly, no matter who respects the sacred or the ancestral ancestors, there is a great deal of respect for the destruction of space. Before you get rid of the stone, who would not be in trouble to avoid being mad at each other and destroy the space.

Now, the two parties, everyone minds of the own business, make two great array battalions clear.

However, the time has come not to do so, nor will it ever again.

Once the Lord and Great Emperor came out, whoever had a huge harvest, who had two hands empty, then those who had two empty holy saints or their ancestors would do something, and no one knew.

As for now, they can only wait!

“weng” 。

Lei Dao flew out of the corridor to break the space.

“Huh? Where’s the Lord of the Bull?”

Lei Dao looked around, not only the Lord of the Bull, but none of the other lords or Great Emperor, all around them were empty and seemed very empty.

“The space passage just now, is it a spatial transmission? It’s kind of like, and it seems to be random, and even the Lord of the Bull doesn’t know where to go.”

Lei Dao’s heart sinked.

If it was random, it would be even harder to get rid of the stone. Because that’s lucky!

This time powerhouse is like clouds, even when Daoist is asked.

Even if Daoist was asked, it would be hard to split up a glass of space and get a rock of ruin. But if it’s random, it’s completely lucky, it’s not sure.

Many of the supreme masters or the top Great Emperor also dared to enter the breaking space, which was to crash into luck.

Once someone gets rid of the stone, he leaves the space for destruction, and that’s lucky to keep it.

“By the way, how did you get out of the dead space?”

Lei Dao slightly dumbfounded.

He recalled that when entering the space was broken, it was a huge portal that allowed deduction success to enter simultaneously. But now, where’s the portal?

Lei Dao didn’t see any of that section’s accounts.

all around is empty, dark, where’s the door?

“I was randomly transported to the depths of the space, and I wonder how far it is to break the space portal, and only if it is found to break the space portal, it will be possible to leave the space for destruction.”

Lei Dao shivered in one heart.

It doesn’t seem that it’s that easy to fix itinerant monk who wants to crash.

It’s a simple way to block the door, and whoever comes near the door, let him hand over the rock of ruin.

Of course, such an approach has also been fraudulent.

First of all, there has to be pressure on someone, and here is the supreme lord, Daoist, Daoist, and Half Saint. Even Lei Dao wouldn’t dare say he could block the door.

Thus, this possibility is minimal.

Besides, once the stone has been broken, even the Lord, there are ways to hide it, and who can’t feel it, and how can it be searched?

There are, of course, some bad luck lords who have been found dead stones.

It’s time to leave. Once arriving at the door to break the space, it is likely that the stone will be robbed.

Such things cannot be avoided.

Lei Dao knew that someone would do that.

But it’s not about Lei Dao, as long as he doesn’t come to rob him of the rock.

“We have to find the door to break the space. This is top priority! Otherwise, as soon as the space collapses, then find the door, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Lei Dao is still sober.

It is important to break the stone, but life protection seems to be more important.


would be the safest way to find a way to break the space portal and then leave the mark, wherever it is destroyed, to feel where it is.

So Lei Dao started searching with Spirit Sense, just, all around a vacuum, and it wasn’t easy to find the door that broke the space, but little by little.

“En? That’s…”

Lei Dao’s heart moved, and his Spirit Sense suddenly found something.

Looks like there’s something to be detected by Lei Dao.

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