Seed Of Speed

Chapter 106 - No Slacking when you have a Mental Plane

::You didn't really think I would just let you spend this week doing nothing but meditate, did you?::

Diego chuckled as he found himself in the familiar azure world that was his mental plane. Katlina was in a loose-fitting, black shirt and a pair of violet pants that was a few shades darker than her hair and eyes.

"I guess not. So, what will you be teaching me this time?" Diego asked.

::A number of things now that you are in a safe area. When you finally leave the jungle, I want you to have the power you need to be able to stand at the top of this world::

"No more restrictions?" Diego asked with a little doubt.

::No more restrictions. You are no longer in an environment where my outside knowledge will lead to your doom, but I can't make you all powerful with information alone. Everything will require your own effort to actualize::

"Of course," he replied with a grin.

::The first thing I want to teach you is [Chi Barrier] which can manifest in two different ways. The [Chi Skin Barrier] is an elementless form of your old [Scarlet-Gold Sun Body], so you should have the ability to use it without any difficulty. The [Chi Wall Barrier] is more complex usage of chi, but vercitality gives you infinite oppurtunities. While a few of the techniques from the Konto Sect brushed upon these principles, they never truly understood it, so I did not want to reveal too much. Turn around, and I'll demonstrate the basic form of it for you::

Like in the past, Katalina placed her hands on his back and stirred his chi. He felt the energy in his dantian swell, but instead of the chi flowing through his body, it shot out and formed a wall in front of him.

::That is the most basic form of the [Chi Wall Barrier], but with practice, you can create all sorts of shapes...::

Again, his dantian pulsed with power then shot out a bolt of energy, but instead of becoming a wall, it was thin as a hair and moving forward at high speed. It was similar to how he wielded his Spear-Intent, but unlike the Intent, the System would be able to recreate it for him with more ease than he could.

::Judging by your Spear-Heart and your Seed of Speed, the technique that would suit you best is [Sonic Oscillating Drill]. While combining it with your spear will make the move stronger, you can wrap the effect around any attack. Now, throw a punch::

Diego did as he was told and threw a punch. Like before, he felt his chi excite under Katalina's control, and this time, it travelled along his arm then escaped from his hand. A dozen or so, hair-thin chi barriers were created around his hand like the threads of a screw which spun at high-speeds around his fist as it moved. He could even imagine the whirling sound that would, no doubt, accompany this attack.

::What I've shown you is just the basics, so it's your job to come up with your own way to apply it. The [Sonic Oscillating Drill] power is rooted in its speed, so the technique is something you should master, but that does not mean there is no room for improvement. Using the skill as a template will allow you to create your own technique that will have even more power because you are the creator, so it will suit you best. Once you leave the mental plane, a new special mission will appear in regards to creating your own skill, but until then, use this chance to practice::

It was like a light bulb went off in his head as he thought of all the possibilities that the simple [Chi Wall Barrier] opened up to him. He was no long the senseless boy who had first awoken on this new world, so he could easily understand some of the principles the technique. With just a bit of work, he could recreate [Sonic Oscillating Drill], and from there, he could make much more.

"Thank you, Kat!" Diego said excitedly since it had been awhile since something peaked his interest like this.

::Keep your thanks until you can give them to me in person::

Diego chuckled and gave her a nod. She smiled and vanished from the plane, but he was not bothered by it. Instead, he began his practice. The [Chi Wall Barrier] was his starting point since everything else was based off of this technique. Unfortunately, it was not as easy as Katalina had made it seem.

His first attempt at the [Chi Wall Barrier] ended as soon as it was formed because it collapsed in on itself. The next few tries were not much better since chi became infinitely harder to control once it was outside of his body, much like the prana energy that was created from chi and mana fusing together. Unlike prana though, his connection to the energy was severed the moment it left his body, forcing him to have the technique fully formed within his mind, but that proved to be much harder than expected since it was not like magic where he just needed to from the right linking of runes.

Seven days of meditation translated into seventy days within his mental plane where his energy was always full, and he never grew fatigued. Although he had no idea what level of the Mortal Body he would reach while he was in his mental plane, he knew that when he awoke, his power would make a quantum leap forward.

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