Seed Of Speed

Chapter 108 - Mountain of Experience Points

Stepping out of the portal, Celita gave a long whistle which made Diego cringe from the shrill sound. He rubbed his ear as he gave her an annoyed look, but she just smirked in response. A few moments later, the hulking presence of both of her sons, Yengu and Ngufi, appeared on the tree branch they were waiting on.

Similar to his big brother's appearance, Ngufi was the same size and shape, but unlike the browns and greens of Yengu, his colors were reds and yellows. His skin was a deep red with the same soft-scale texture as his brother. The streak of small feathers was a bright, sunny-yellow, and the row of small horns were a bright red that stood out against his skin. As their color suggested, Yengu affinity was a strong Earth while his brother had two weaker affinities of Fire and Wind, but both were equal in strength despites the difference.

"Mother, why did you call us?" Yengu asked.

"I want you two to help me with something. Follow us, we are moving towards the border," Celita replied.

Yengu and Ngufi gave her a nod and fell in line with Diego.

"How'd you boost your power so much so quickly?" Ngufi asked Diego quietly as they walked.

"My dantian had been injured which was why I was so weak, in the first place. It has finally healed, so I began cultivating again. Rozama gifted me some power from the divine tree to help which was able to boost me to this level," Diego explained.

"But it's only been a week?!? How can you advance so much?"

"It's because of the God Seed I have. No other human would be able to match me with cultivation speed."

"I hope not… The grassland nations would have wiped us out if they could raise soldiers at your speed," Ngufi said.

Diego nodded in agreement. Their small group reached the end to the branch and, while the three beastmen jumped to the next tree, six silver wings appeared on Diego's back.

He stepped off the branch, but then soared into the air with speed surprising to even him. By relying solely on his cultivation's technique, his flying speed was faster than what he could achieve through use of mana. It was nearly the same speed he could reach on the ground relying on his body alone.

::Cast your {Wings of Wind} and see the added effect::

Diego grinned and formed the spell in his mind. His six silver wings flashed with a yellow light and he rocketed forward at three times his previous speed. He could not help but laugh as he zoomed around in the air, quickly outpacing the others.

"The brat's suddenly grown up," Celita chuckled to herself. "Boys, meet us where your final test was," she shouted back to her sons. Before they could respond, Celita kicked off a branch and shot off into the distance.

"Go on, I'll catch up," Yengu called to his brother.

"Might as well stay with you. I won't be able to catch up to either of them," Ngufi replied, shaking his head.

The two brothers chuckled at the realization that a human, a tenth their age was suddenly stronger than both of them. It was absolutely ridiculous yet appeared to be the case. (A/N: The brothers are Lesser Drakes around a hundred years old which is 'young' for their kind and, with all draconic beasts, age equal power. They were born with the strength of a Mortal Body Cultivator at the 7th level and, in their hundred years, their strength has risen to the 9th level.)

Celita quickly caught up with Diego despite his speed and she yelled out, "Do you even know where you are going?"

Diego laughed and flipped over in the air to look at her. "No, I don't!" he laughed without care.

"Keep up!" she ordered then kicked off a branch and shot off in another direction.

Diego smirked as he formed a block of ice in front of himself then kicked off it to chase after Celita. He poured more mana and chi into his techniques, but he could only catch glimpses of her, due to her intentionally slowing down. She led him much deeper into the jungle than he had ever been before, but there was a difference to this region.

Signs of battle were present all around him, from wounded and uprooted trees to large gashes in the ground below. Although the jungle was still cast in shadows, there were breaks in the lush canopy that allowed sunlight to shine in which was needed as there were no Svetlo fruits in this area. Celita landed on the root on one of the hutia trees and Diego joined her a few moments later.

"Get ready. My sons and I are going to draw some of the Earth elementals for you to fight, but I don't want you using that cloning technique of yours. I want to see your power alone because there are places it may not work," Celita said.

"Alright, I have a mountain of skill points to spend anyways. How long do I have?"

"I'll give you thirty minutes," she replied.

"Great, that will give me enough time to work out a few new techniques," Diego said as he retrieved his spear.

"I will return master, stronger than you can even imagion!" Diego said with resolution in his eyes.

First thing first, he got the new basic skills out of the way like [Chi Skin Barrier] and [Chi Wall Barrier]. Next came the [Sonic Oscillating Drill] and his own version, the [Tri-Bladed Drill].

::[Chi Skin Barrier] skill learned. 5 mastery points awarded::

::[Chi Wall Barrier] skill learned. 5 mastery points awarded::

::[Sonic Oscillating Drill] skill learned. 5 mastery points awarded::

::[Tri-Bladed Drill] skill learned. 10 mastery points awarded::

(Why did I get more for the [Tri-Bladed Drill], it is weaker than [Sonic Oscillating Drill]?) Diego asked silently.

::Because you created through your own understanding of a technique taught to you. I've always told you that your own efforts are rewarded more than what I give you::

(Alright, show me my Skill Page!)

Unused Skill Points: 13,922

[Six Silver-Wind Wings] - Level Maxed

- Evasion skill that uses chi to boost the speed of the caster based on the number of manifested wings by 5% per wing

- 1 chi per wing per minute

[Serpent's Strike] – Level 16 – 69/160

- Spear attack that uses chi to flex and bend the shaft of the spear to strike at odd angles

- 35 chi

[Unyielding Thrust] – Level 8 – 9/40

- Spear attack that uses chi to strengthen the caster's muscles to increase attack power at the cost of agility

[Spinning Shield] – Level 8 – 1/21

- Spear defense that uses chi to increase the centrifugal force to deflect incoming minor attacks (Able to deflect attacks weaker than caster's strength)

- 1 chi per second

[Ten Strikes, One Thrust] – Level 13 – 97/130

- Unique speed-based spear attack that uses chi to increase the caster's speed to the extreme, allowing six separate strikes to hit at the same time

- 100 chi

[One Strike, Ten Thrusts] – Level 10 – 55/100

- Unique speed-based spear attack allowing five strikes to overlap and strike out with a combined force

- Can not exceed [Ten Strikes, One Thrust]

[Speed Sight] – Level 2 – 19/20000

- Specialty skill of the 'Seed of Speed' that allows user's perception of time to shift in vision only

- Skill points can not be invested into this skill

- Warning: Prolonged usage of the skill will result in brain damage until host reaches the Fiend Body Stage

- 1 SP (Seed Power) per second

[Speed Clone] – Level 5 – 841/5000

- Specialty skill of the 'Seed of Speed' that allows user's to create exact copies of their body

- Skill points can not be invested into this skill

- Warning: Clones must stay with fifty-meter range.

- Warning: If 'True Body' is ensnared, the technique will be broken

- 1 SP (Seed Power) per second per body manifested

[White Lightning Array] – Level 9 – 75/90

- Unique evasion skill, derived from five separate evasions skills, which allows caster to compress their body, negating certain types of attacks, and travel at high speeds along chi lines

- 10 chi per second

[Barbed Spear] – Level 7 – 4/21

- Spear attack that uses chi to create spines that cause bleeding if attack is landed on opponent

- 12 chi

[Explosive Lunge] – Level 4 – 9/20

- Spear attack that uses chi to create an explosion of Fire and Thunder chi upon piercing a target

- 25 chi

[Charging Bull Fist] – Level 10 – 25/50

- Fist attack that uses chi and the buildup of momentum to unleash a strong punch

- 10 chi

[Rising Thunder Knee] – Level 10 – 13/50

- Knee attack that coats the caster's knee in Thunder chi to deliver a strong attack

- 15 chi

[Lightning Fist] – Level 9 – 36/45

- Fist attack that coats the caster's fist in Thunder chi to deliver a strong attack

- 15 chi

[Shooting Star] – Level 5 – 21/25

- Archery attack that uses chi to empower an arrow, granting it high speed and more penetrating power

- 25 chi

[White Lightning Shooting Star] – Level 4 – 11/40

- Combination attack that combines [White Lightning Array] and [Shooting Star] to create a powerful charging attack, the further the caster travels, the stronger the attack becomes

- Can not exceed [White Lightning Array] or [Shooting Star]

- 10 chi per second

[Chi Skin Barrier] – Level 1 – 1/3

- Defensive technique that uses chi to create a barrier over the caster's skin

- 5 chi per second

[Chi Wall Barrier] – Level 1 – 1/3

- Defensive technique that uses chi to create a barrier in front of the caster

- 25 chi

[Sonic Oscillating Drill] – Level 1 – 1/5

- Unique speed-based chi technique that creates small chi wall blades that rotate at high speed to penetrate even the toughest defensives

- Can not exceed [Chi Wall Barrier]

- 150 chi

[Tri-Bladed Drill] – Level 1 – 1/5

- Unique speed-based chi technique that creates three large chi wall blades that rotate at high speed

- Can be launched forward, attacking outward until power is consumes

- Can not exceed [Chi Wall Barrier]

- 150 chi


(Advance [Ten Strikes, One Thrust], [One Strike, Ten Thrusts], [White Lightning Array], [Shooting Star], [White Lightning Shooting Star], [Chi Wall Barrier], [Chi Skin Barrier], [Sonic Oscillating Drill], [Tri-Bladed Drill], [Barbed Spear], [Explosive Lunge], [Rising Thunder Knee], and [Lightning Fist] to level twenty. Invest the remaining into [Charging Bull Fist] to the highest level it can achieve then tell me how much I have left over,) Diego said silently.

::You have fifty points remaining::

(Then level up [Unyielding Thrust] once.)


Unused Skill Points: 19

[Six Silver-Wind Wings] - Level Maxed

- Evasion skill that uses chi to boost the speed of the caster based on the number of manifested wings by 5% per wing

- 1 chi per wing per minute

[Serpent's Strike] – Level 16 – 69/160

- Spear attack that uses chi to flex and bend the shaft of the spear to strike at odd angles

- 35 chi

[Unyielding Thrust] – Level 9 – 0/50

- Spear attack that uses chi to strengthen the caster's muscles to increase attack power at the cost of agility

- 65 chi

[Spinning Shield] – Level 8 – 1/21

- Spear defense that uses chi to increase the centrifugal force to deflect incoming minor attacks (Able to deflect attacks weaker than caster's strength)

- 1 chi per second

[Ten Strikes, One Thrust] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Unique speed-based spear attack that uses chi to increase the caster's speed to the extreme, allowing ten separate strikes to hit at the same time

- 100 chi

[One Strike, Ten Thrusts] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Unique speed-based spear attack allowing ten strikes to overlap and strike out with a combined force

- Can not exceed [Ten Strikes, One Thrust]

- 150 chi

[Speed Sight] – Level 2 – 19/20000

- Specialty skill of the 'Seed of Speed' that allows user's perception of time to shift in vision only

- Skill points can not be invested into this skill

- Warning: Prolonged usage of the skill will result in brain damage until host reaches the Fiend Body Stage

- 1 SP (Seed Power) per second

[Speed Clone] – Level 5 – 841/5000

- Specialty skill of the 'Seed of Speed' that allows user's to create exact copies of their body

- Skill points can not be invested into this skill

- Warning: Clones must stay with fifty-meter range.

- Warning: If 'True Body' is ensnared, the technique will be broken

- 1 SP (Seed Power) per second per body manifested

[White Lightning Array] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Unique evasion skill, derived from five separate evasions skills, which allows caster to compress their body, negating certain types of attacks, and travel at high speeds along chi lines

- 10 chi per second

[Barbed Spear] – Level 20 – 0/60

- Spear attack that uses chi to create spines that cause bleeding if attack is landed on opponent

- 12 chi

[Explosive Lunge] – Level 20 – 0/60

- Spear attack that uses chi to create an explosion of Fire and Thunder chi upon piercing a target

- 25 chi

[Charging Bull Fist] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Fist attack that uses chi and the buildup of momentum to unleash a strong punch

- 10 chi

[Rising Thunder Knee] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Knee attack that coats the caster's knee in Thunder chi to deliver a strong attack

- 15 chi

[Lightning Fist] – Level 20 – 0/100

- Fist attack that coats the caster's fist in Thunder chi to deliver a strong attack

- 15 chi

[Shooting Star] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Archery attack that uses chi to empower an arrow, granting it high speed and more penetrating power

- 25 chi

[White Lightning Shooting Star] – Level 20 – 0/200

- Combination attack that combines [White Lightning Array] and [Shooting Star] to create a powerful charging attack, the further the caster travels, the stronger the attack becomes

- Can not exceed [White Lightning Array] or [Shooting Star]

- 10 chi per second

[Chi Skin Barrier] – Level 20 – 0/60

- Defensive technique that uses chi to create a barrier over the caster's skin

- 5 chi per second

[Chi Wall Barrier] – Level 20 – 0/60

- Defensive technique that uses chi to create a barrier in front of the caster

- 25 chi

[Sonic Oscillating Drill] – Level 20 – 0/100

- Unique speed-based chi technique that creates small chi wall blades that rotate at high speed to penetrate even the toughest defensives

- Can not exceed [Chi Wall Barrier]

- 150 chi

[Tri-Bladed Drill] – Level 20 – 0/100

- Unique speed-based chi technique that creates three large chi wall blades that rotate at high speed

- Can be launched forward, attacking outward until power is consumes

- Can not exceed [Chi Wall Barrier]

- 150 chi


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