Seed Of Speed

Chapter 11 - Seventeen Sons Gather

The sun broke the horizon on the day that was marked to be the end of the Days of Ascension, yet the Jobin Oasis had long sense awakened. The common folk of the clan could not help but be excited at the thought of the day's sport to soon be held on Simu Stage in the heart of the oasis. As a small desert clan, they rarely had any big events that gather the whole city in one place other than the Equinox Festival held twice a year.

Diego had woken up before the sun as well, but instead of preparing his gear or warming up, he sat on his bed with his chin resting on his fist while he scrolled through his 'Lore Window' since Katalina said that the 'Search' feature would only activate after he recorded over a thousand entries. His first true night of sleep had not been as restful as he would have hoped. He had relived a number of Ishu's memories and, although they were happy ones, it had caused a lump to settle in his gut when he thought about his future.

The Telryn Clan was a just simple tribe, struggling to live in this harsh environment, but they were people with their own lives and loves. Gaining his freedom would mean becoming the Patriarch of this clan, so their lives were his to protect. He could leave for a time, but he would have to return, or the fate of the clan would likely be slavery or death. The Patriarch was supposed to be the strongest and he was about to kill the strongest of his generation as none of his cousins could measure up to the standards Barru had pushed on his sons since birth.

Each and every one of his sons had been trained since they could stand for the Days of Ascension. Barru had always expected that there would be a big tournament of skill, yet his sons resorted to schemes and deal made in the dark. He was disappointed and angry, but Clan Law forbade him from interfering, so he could only watch on in disgust.

"Finally!" Diego explained as he found the passage he was looking for.

Eight generations ago, although the Days of Ascension still existed, they were merely a series of spars against the heirs in which few actually died. He wanted to know why things had changed, so it took some digging to find the information.

It was the third son of the previous Patriarch who had won the Days of Ascension that year, but the spar had been particularly close between him and the first. The third bȧrėly managed to win by severing one of the first's arms in the fight. The first had been so disheartened after the loss, he journeyed to the Bantoi Cliffs where he traveled for three years before he suddenly returned to the clan, far more powerful than before. He demanded to claim his rightful position and challenged his brother to another duel which he won. After killing his brother, he took over the clan and made the requirement that every other son must die before one can be named heir. The irony was beautiful, but Diego could tell this was the start of the decline with the clan, just as Catro had said.

(What do you think? Can I convince Barru to let me spare my brothers?) Diego asked.

::Perhaps, but it will require a level of charm I don't believe you have::

(You wound me, fair maiden!) Diego laughed in his head.


Dark lines appeared on Diego forehead at Katalina's dry, monotoned laugh. (Joking aside, this is important. I can't just leave this clan to be swallowed by another after I kill sixteen of its most promising protectors.)

::It is the Clan Laws that have made it to be this way, it is not your fault they are like this::

(But the deaths of my brothers will still stain my hands, and by extension, the clan's if it falls. I should have left the moment I arrived here.)

Diego could only sigh in disappointment, but there was no way to change the past and it was too late to leave, now. He dismissed the window and climbed out of his bed. He made his way down to the secret room where his armor and spear were stored. Instead of directly changing into his armor, he pulled it out piece by piece, wiping everything down with an oiled rag. Once his armor gave off a gentle shine, he put on the padded clothing, dyed a bright orange for the Hawk Faction, and then his armor. He picked up his spear and could not help but tighten his grip once he felt the familiar weight. He closed the compartment then the secret room before he left his bedroom as well.

Tue was in the kitchen when he entered, and she froze at the sight of him in his armor. He seemed taller, his shoulder broader, and there was a powerfulness about him that she had never felt from him before. He gave her a smile, revealing a small amount of white teeth, and her heart fluttered for a moment. Upon realizing this fact, her face instantly grew hot and she turned back to the stew, trying to hide her red face.

Oblivious to her sudden flux of emotions, Diego stepped over to the pantry cabinet and pulled out a few strips of jerky and a handful of dried fruits. "I'll be leaving now. Do some shopping this afternoon and get some fresh meat and eggs, I want a large breakfast tomorrow," Diego said.

"Of… of course, young master," Tue stuttered.

Diego chuckled as he walked out of the room and left his house. The event was to be held an hour after dawn, so he knew his brothers would likely be leaving their homes soon as well. Sure enough, he saw another figure in leather armor and orange under armor, but he carried a bow as well as a spear. He was Jastrab, his full-blooded brother.

He was fifteen this year and he shared the same sandy blonde hair as their father, but he had their mother's red-brown skin. His eyes were larger than normal and seemed to capture all the movement within his field of view like a predator. When his eyes landed on Diego though, they were filled with a strange coldness as there was no hostility.

Diego knew why after inheriting Ishu's memories. Ishu had been the true culprit behind the poisoning of their third brother and framed the third son of Verla, so that he could challenge him to a duel to avenge the very brother he had killed. It was actually an impressive ploy, but in no way had Ishu come up with a single part. Everything had been arranged by Oro and Ishu just slipped some powder into his little brother's drink when no one was looking then kill the 'culprit'. Jastrab knew the truth, but only after secretly witnessing the poisoning and confronting their mother. Only two months had passed since Ludan's death.

"Shall we walk together, brother?" Diego asked.

"Our destinations are the same, so there is no point in taking a longer path," Jastrab replied in a cold tone.

Diego could only sigh as he rested his spear on his shoulder and munched on his breakfast. The pair walked in silence down the sand road to Simu Stage which was already filling with people. Again, the theme of crisscrossing bolts of fabric were present over the stands, providing shade for the people sitting below. Down in the center of the stage, there were already ten figures sitting in their own family groups and all dressed in red under armor, representing the Wolf Faction.

Jastrab fell in a step behind him as they made their way to the ring. Each member of the Wolf Faction sat with their eyes closed in the lotus position, their weapons of choice lying across their ŀȧps, and did not respond to their arrival with so much as a crack of an eye. As if on cue, the next to arrive were the sons of the Lizard Faction, all dressed in yellow under armor. The five were led by Catro and all five carried a sword and shield. They too found a spot in the sand and sat down together, taking a meditative position.

With no other choice, Diego too sat and began to meditate. Nothing would happen until Barru Telryn, Patriarch of the Telryn Clan and father of all seventeen, arrived.

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