Seed Of Speed

Chapter 20 - Riding Out into the Sunrise

By false dawn, the team lead by Diego was already gathering on the edge of the oasis. There were six sled wagons each being pulled by a single dracolisk, a strange, scaly, horned beast that look like a cross between a horse and a lizard. Being cold-blood creatures, they were sluggish in the early mornings before the sun could warm the sand, but their keepers had long known of these problems and had warmed all of the lizards with a large bonfire.

When Diego had walked up to the meeting point, there was already a team of twenty men in warrior's armor hitching up the lizards to the wagons or tending those still by the fire. There were another ten that were loading up the wagons with food, water, and equipment that only wore a light hide cuirass, so it was easy to guess that they were some of the miners from the Lizard Faction. Everyone greeted him respectfully and a miner took his bag to be loaded as he approached while Toba walked over to his side to give a report.

"The wagons will be fully loaded in half an hour and the rest of our group should arrive by then," Toba said, saluting with a fist over his heart.

"That's good, but why have you prepared so many dracolisks?" Diego asked.

"The wagons can only how a total of sixty people and, for the fifteen remaining, we are giving them personal mounts, so that they can act as our vanguard if we are attacked."

"That makes sense. Save a mount for myself, my brothers, and Shaman Rainshower so that we can be the first to engage small groups."

"That would put you in much greater risks, young lord," Toba replied with some doubt.

"How do you expect us to grow if we don't take a few chances?" Diego asked with a smile. "I won't throw my life away, captain, but you can't expect to shield me from every fight."

"Your words are true, young lord, forgive me," Toba said with a bow.

"Always so serious, Uncle Toba," Diego chuckled.

"My duty calls for such. Might I suggest that you pick your mount? Juni can help you pick one," Toba said as he pointed to the man who was tending a large, gold dracolisk.

"Thank you," Diego replied with a nod then head in the direction of the man.

Juni was a thick, burly man with short, messy orange hair and skin that matched. He was hunched over with one of the golden dracolisk's back claws held between his thɨġhs as he filed each talon to a sharp point. Diego waited until he released the foot before he cleared his throat to make his presence known.

"Oh, young lord, forgive me," Juni said in a gruff voice.

"It's fine, you were working," Diego said with a friendly smile. "Captain Toba suggested that you could help me pick out a good mount."

"Of course, young lord!" he replied excitedly. "Although Goldlight here is pretty, he is the laziest and most stubborn of the lot. I've got three over here that have good temperaments, come look."

Diego followed Juni away from the group of eight dracolisks and over to the second bonfire where the other seven were lined up to be saddled.

"The gray is named Smoke and is a bit excitable, but he listens well-enough and is good in a fight. The red is Dune, very steady and reliable. The blue is Dew and she has a very affectionate personality, but she is a bit skittish in a fight, so our hunters normally ride her," Juni said.

"Got anything to feed them?" Diego asked.

Juni smiled as he untied a pouch hanging from his belt. Diego reached in an pulled out a strip of dried meat as he walked up to the dracolisks. Smoke immediately saw the treat in his hand and began to prance in place while Dune and Dew looked at him with hopeful eyes. Before he held out his hand, he activated his [Scarlet-Gold Skin] to cover his hand and forearm because he could not help but fear the excite Smoke's jagged, beak-like mouth as he clicked it repeatedly together.

Smoke's head shot straight down to snatch the jerky out of Diego's hand, but he controlled his beak with incredible precision and did not even graze his hand. While Smoke goggled down his piece, Diego pulled out two more strips and fed them to the other two lizards. Dune carefully plucked the piece from his hand while Dew nuzzled his hand before she snagged the jerky. Diego felt a nudge on his arm and found that Smoke had reached his long neck over Dune to beg for more treats. Diego laughed as he pulled out another piece and gave it to the lizard.

"Save Dew for Shaman Rainshower, I think they would be a good fit. As for Dune, give him to Tovao, and I'll take Smoke. Peyni will also need a mount, preferably your strongest as he is on the heavy side as will Jastrab, but he will need something a hunter would ride… And give Goldlight to Catro," Diego said with a chuckle.

"As you command, young lord," Juni replied.

"Thank you, Juni,"

Juni bowed as Diego nodded and walked away. Tovao and Peyni were walking up when Diego made his way over to the wagons. They were both in metal-studded, leather armor and carrying the same weapons they had used in the duels. When they saw Diego, dressed in his new armor and his black spear slung across his back, they whistled and laughed.

"Pays well to be the young lord, eh, Peyni?" Tovao laughed as he nudged Peyni.

"Starite-studded armor," Peyni whistled.

"The new spear is too," Diego said with a gloating expression.

"Bastard," Tovao laughed.

"And?" Diego grinned.

Jastrab slowly made his way over to the wagons and Diego waved him over. He wore normal leather armor and he had a quiver of blue feathered arrows across his back while carrying three more in his hand.

"Although we are still missing Catro and Rainshower, Juni has arranged mounts for us and I want us to act as the main vanguard for the lesser beasts, so that we can get some experience working together. Jastrab, you'll ride with us until we reach the range you can support us safely while Peyni, Tovao, and I engage in close courters. Rainshower will use her spells to help while Catro will remain behind with you two to defend you incase anything slips passes us," Diego explained.

"Shaman Rainshower is really coming?" Tovao asked.

"She seemed quite excited yesterday, so I'm pretty sure," Diego replied.

"Hehe," he said, rubbing his chin, "I've never had the chance to spend any quality time with young shaman. I'm sure she would like to exchange pointers."

(I'm going to need popcorn if he really asks.) Diego laughed to himself. "Fat chance," Diego said aloud.

"Just watch, with my looks, there is no way she could resist me," Tovao replied with a cheesy smile.

"I thought you were going to beat those out of him, Ishu," Peyni laughed.

Diego shrugged, "Moonwater is a great healer and he has learned to block his face, what can I do?"

A vein could be seen pulsing in Tovao's forehead while his eyebrow twitched, and the two brothers laughed. Jastrab tried to maintain a neutral face like Toba normal had, but his eyes gave away his inner laughter.

The brothers taunted each other back and forth as everyone arrived. Just before sunrise, the entire party had gathered. Diego, Toba, and Tunba took the lead with the four brothers and Rainshower following right behind as the rode into the sunrise.

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