Seed Of Speed

Chapter 29 - It's Not A Date!

Although Diego had donned his armor and was carrying his spear, it was more for formality rather than any plan to use them. Smoke happily trotted along through the sand with the ki'ta strapped across the back of the saddle. When Diego reached the top of his chosen dune, he slid out of the saddle and pulled out the pop-up cover that most of the watchmen used.

It was four rods with a hide tied between the ends. He would have just enough space to sit under it comfortably and he threw another hide on the ground in an attempt to keep the sand from creeping into his clothes. He stabbed his spear into the sand then wrapped Smoke's long reins around the end. He grabbed his ki'ta and sat down in the small, shady spot.

(Alright, what can you tell me about being a Bard? Any idea how the magic works?) Diego asked as he checked the instrument.

::All magic works off of 'Intent'. The runes you have been learning for your spells are just a tool for focusing that energy. Your songs are the focus for that 'Intent'::

(I guess that's better than nothing… So, is Smoke enough of an audience for this to work?)

::While yes, it will affect him if you want it to, it can also work on yourself::

Diego nodded as he strummed the ki'ta. Although the real version of the song did not only have a sole guitar, there was no mistaking the first six cords: Bon Jovi's "It's My Life".

"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted

No silent prayer for the faith-departed

I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd

You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud

It's my life

It's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life

My heart is like an open highway

Like Frankie said, "I did it my way"

I just want to live while I'm alive

It's my life…"

This time, despite finishing the entire song, he never felt the draw of the mana in the air, but he just took a deep breath and started his next song. Steve Miller's Band's, "Rock'n Me", then Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" played out. Playing the theme song of Rocky, Diego could no longer stay sitting as he got into the song. Next came Joe Esposito's, "You're The Best" from the Karate Kid and then he felt it. That thump of mana.

Although he could not stop playing to focus on the feeling of the magic, he found he did not have to. As one song finished, he started another as his body seemed to have an endless supply of energy.

::{War Song} created::

Only after Diego finished "Iron Man" by Black Sabbeth, did he finally come to a stop and the feeling disappeared, leaving a hollow sensation. He sat back down, under the shade, and pulled up his Profession Page.

Profession: Soul Singer (Bard)

{Singing} – Level 1 – 9/10

- Ability to keep vocal tone, later levels improve pitch and vocal range

{Ki'ta} – Level 2 – 16/20

- Skill with the Ki'ta, later levels improve technique

{Harmonizing Technique} – 7/25

- Combining two or more instruments, boosting power of the melody, later levels improve the effect

{Tranquil Heart} – Level 1 – 1/25

- Soothing melody that calms the heart, easing bottlenecks in cultivation, later levels improve the effect

- Energizing melody that reinvigorates the heart, boosting all forms of energy amount of compacity, later levels improve the effect


(Hmm… {War Song} isn't too bad, but it needs more.)

::You're biggest problem right now is you lack of knowledge. Clearly, Firesand is restricted by what all he can teach you before you truly join the Konto Sect. You can only trudge along under your own efforts until you get in::

(Yeah, if this was easy, it would be no fun.)

Diego chuckled as he strummed a calmer song this time, working on his {Tranquil Heart} skill: the Eagle's, "Take It Easy". A calm feeling began to wash over him as he played and even stretched out to Smoke, who uncharacteristically began to settle and lay down by the second chorus. Enjoying the mood, he next played Journey's, "Wheel in the Sky".

And that was how he spend the rest of his day, playing music for an overgrown lizard. When he finally called it quits for the day and checked the skill, he had managed to raise the {Tranquil Heart} to level three. He packed up his gear and hopped onto Smoke's back then trotted off to camp.

With night approaching, the camp was livelier than when he had left it and the scent of roasting meat filled the air. One of the perks of being the 'young lord' was that he could have someone else handle Smoke and his gear while he made for the source of the smell.

Towards the center of camp was a large, open-walled tent where three Lizard Faction members would cook the meals for the entire camp. There were no tables to sit at or even plates of food, instead, they served a large mug of thick stew, topped with a slice of meat. It was a simple meal, but it kept you warm when the sun went down and tasted well enough.

"Senior-apprentice Rainshower," Diego called.

"Junior-apprentice brother! You're recovered?!?" she exclaimed.

"More or less, how about you?"

She gave a half-hearted smile, but her pale complexion gave her away as she replied, "I'm fine, are we going back in?"

Diego chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm still recovering and taking the time to try to understand my Soul Singer abilities."

"Oh, well, that is important too," she replied.

"Yeah, but I feel like there is something lacking from my songs. I can't seem to focus my Intent right."

"You already understand 'Intent'? That's impressive without a teacher."

"Well, I have a vague understanding, but no real idea how to use it. I spent the whole day practicing, but everything felt… lacking," Diego explained. "Now that I see you though, I wonder, would you be willing to give me a few pointers? Smoke was been my only audience and he has terrible communication issues."

"I was just about to get a meal for myself, do you want to go somewhere and eat while we talk?" she offered.

"I'd love to. While you get your food, I'll track down Rueh who was tending Smoke for me and get Dew saddled at the same time," Diego agreed.

Rainshower smiled as she nodded before she turned and headed for the food line. Diego watched her walk away with a slight smile on his face before a teasing voice interrupted his joy and he hurried off in the direction of the corral.

::Date under the stars? And you are going to serenade her as well, no doubt. Ha! Although Emily was forced to rely on a boombox for the music, it's not too far off from our first date::

(It's not a date!) Diego denied as he felt his cheek flush for a moment. (I just want someone to help me with this ability, if you can't.)

::Yeah, yeah… Just remember, although this world is 'corrupted' by our point of view, walling yourself off from people here can turn you into someone with the same mindset. One side seeks power at all cost, killing innocents and loved ones if a greater award can be achieved, while the other side has lines it will not cross. People can walk down the path of 'good' for eons then one day change, slaughtering their closest friend over a treasure, and an 'evil' man can sacrifice everything was for the sake of a beloved child. The most important this you can do is be true to yourself::

(You seem to question your own side in whatever is going on up there.)

::It is the nature of my God Seed: Wisdom. I can't help but see the 'futility' behind this war. Though that is a topic for a later date. Go, enjoy your date::

Diego just sighed instead of trying to refute her words. After all, Rainshower was a beautiful woman and she did seem interested in him. Would it really be so bad to have a girlfriend? He laughed at himself as he shook his head and went searching for Smoke.

Luckily for Reuh, he had first eaten his dinner before working on Smoke's gear, so he was only halfway through unsaddling the lizard. Diego offered to re-saddle Smoke while he had Reuh saddle Dew. Although it was more than a little shameless to keep this kid back and help him, he made a mental note to tell Juni that he had been doing a good job which should help him out in return.

By the time they had finished readying the dracolisks, Rainshower was walking up with her food. They both mount and road off, but Diego did not lead them too far as he could feel Toba's hawk-like eyes on him. They stopped in a small valley between two dunes that was still in the captain's sights. It was less romantic, but Diego had the feeling that Toba would appear if he really tried to hide.

They ate in an awkward silence that was almost painful to watch, but the mood changed when he grabbed the ki'ta. Rainshower seemed to be curious about everything new, so her eyes sparkled when she saw him pick it up. Diego did not know whether to laugh or cry, but that was one of her cuter aspects.

"Show me what you can do," Rainshower said.

Diego smiled as he ran his fingers over the strings. He closed his eyes and plucked a gentle tune, The Beatles's, "I've Just Seen A Face".

"I've just seen a face I can't forget the time or place where we met,

She's just the girl for me and I want the world to see we've met.

Mm mm

Had it been another day I might have looked the other ways and,

I'd have never been aware but as it is I'll dream of her tonight.

Da da

Falling, yes I'm falling,

And she keeps calling me back again.

I have never known the like of this I've been alone and I have,

Missed things and kept out of sight for other girl were never quite like this.

Da da…"

::{Heart Song} created::

Although the alert dampened Diego's mood, Rainshower's cheeks were a little red and she had on a dreamy smile. Diego coughed when he finished his song and she still had not recovered, causing her blush to only deepen when she returned to her senses.

"Sorry, that seemed to be a different effect than normal," Diego said as he rested the ki'ta in his ŀȧp.

"No, no, it was… The effect was certainly… noticeable, but you said that wasn't the normal effect?"

"Yes, it's either been the calming effect that helped your breakthrough, or today, I've been able to produce an energizing effect, but this seemed different," he said with a light chuckle at the end which only increased Rainshower's blush.

"That definitely wasn't what I felt," she replied with a laugh at her own.

"Let me try again, but I'll be more focused this time."

For the rest of the night, Diego would only use {War Song} or {Tranquil Heart} when playing and then Rainshower would explain the sensations and the pulse of magic she felt during the song. They would talk back and forth about the song, but nothing more. Diego was determined to not make this a date.

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