Seed Of Speed

Chapter 36 - Leaving The Clan Behind

Of the seventy-five people that left to travel to the Void Passage, only fifty returned alive. An entire wagon had been devoted to carrying back those who had lost their lives, but despite the survivors' heavy hearts, they carried themselves with a sense of pride. It had been a bloody battle, but under the power of their young lord, they had gained victory. It was only glimpse of the future heights that he would be able to lead them to!

Barru had arranged a massive feast for the entire clan on their return while Diego used it as a chance to preform the funeral rites for the fallen members of his party. At sunset on the edge on the oasis, Diego personally lit each of the pyres, cementing the image of a noble heir in the people's hearts. After the fires died down, Barru and Diego led the clan back to the Bastion where a series of long tables had been arranged to seat everyone.

Barru had been impressed by how Diego had behaved in Toba's report, especially when he described the magic that his son had used during the attack. A power that could empower his warriors truly could turn them into a power to rival the empire one day. He only grew more excited to see how strong this son of his could become.

A few days after the return, a Quko messenger came bearing a letter requesting aid to war on the Langu and Yung, but surprisingly, Barru turned it away, stating that he could only join in three months. He had already moved up plans to send the tribute to Rensa, the capital of the Anzoli Empire and home of the Konto Sect. Firesand had even promised to escort the shipment since he was also taking his daughter to the sect.

This month-long journey would be the last time Diego see any of his clansmen. Although he was an outsider, he still carried Ishu's memories of the people. In a small clan like theirs, everyone knew everybody. Ishu had known each of the men who had died in the Langu and Yung attack, so it felt as if Diego had known them as well. And now that the time to leave them all behind, he found himself missing them more than he thought he would.


Rising out of the red sand desert, massive black walls stood twenty-five meters into the air, ringing in the largest city in the entire desert. It spanned over the confluence of three rivers, only achievable through the power of the shamans that resided within the city. Ships drifting down the rivers were just as common as wagon caravans entering the city. On a dune overlooking it all in the distance were Diego, Tovao, Peyni, Jastrab, and Rainshower.

"There it is, your future awaits," Tovao said after a while.

"You all should try out as well. Shaman Firesand said they also take in body cultivators like you three, you just need to pass the tests," Diego encouraged.

"There is no point for me. I'm just an archer," Jastrab said.

"Too many rules," Peyni grumbled, "I'll protect our people while you are gone."

Diego gave a hopeful look to Tovao, who shrugged and replied, "I can give it a shot. It's not like I have someone to learn from back home."

"Good, it will be nice to have an extra familiar face. Sect life isn't like the oasis," Diego said.

"Come on, if we hurry, we can reach the city before nightfall!" Rainshower said, giving Dew a gentle prod to move on.

"You heard the lady," Diego laughed and urged Smoke forward.

The five dracolisks charged down the large dune and joined up with their caravan. The trip had been relatively tame thanks to Firesand accompanying them. The two bandit raid attempts had ended with a simple wave of Firesand's sleeve.

Firesand's signature spell the Hundred Pound Fireball. He had a unique gift with gravity magic stemming from his earth affinity, so the spell would use handful of sand that's weight had magically been increased within the fireball. It had a very stunning visual impact when he released it upon the unlucky bandit that stopped the attacks right after. The bandits wanted an easy meal, not one that would likely kill them all.

So close to their destination, the caravan pressed on through the heat of the day and reached the city walls just before the sun began to set. With such a large number of warriors, there was no way that the caravan could enter the city, but they were allowed to make camp on the river's edge. Hugo, escorted by Captain Toba and three more warriors, traveled inside the city to meet with the officials of the empire while Diego and Ruski were left in charge of setting up for the night.

In the morning, Firesand led Diego, Rainshower, Tovao, and two more warriors who would be bringing back Diego's, Rainshower's, and possibly Tovao's dracolisks. While they rode through the city, Firesand explained the different parts. The rivers divided the city into four different sections, each belonging to their own group of sorts.

The side they had entered through belonged to the Imperial Family and the other nobles which was the second largest. Every business or home that stood within this district all had to have a claim to royal blood or they could not move inside.

The largest section of the city, the Veymu, was the true heart of the city where most people lived and carried out business. Although the Imperial District had their own shops, this was where the whole desert did its trading. In the Great Bazaar, ever changing merchant would cycle through, bringing specialties and treasures from the far reaches of the desert.

The fourth district belonged solely to the Konto Sect and was divided into two by a twelve-meter tall wall that ran into the city walls. The outer court was where business that were under control of the sect would set up and sell medicines and talismans to the outside world. Inside the walls was the inner court and where members of the sect lived and trained.

Even though Rainshower and Diego could instantly enter the sect due to their gifts with magic, Tovao had to complete a trial through combat. Firesand led them to a large building placed just outside the main gate to the inner court. The four of them dismounted and left their lizards under the two warriors watch then made their way inside.

Like most buildings in the desert, the building was made from red sandstone, but being built by shamans, the craftsmanship was vastly different although it appeared similar on the outside. Inside, the walls were perfectly smooth coming to ninety-degree angles with the polished stone floor. Light orbs, like those Rainshower had used in the cave, floated against the ceiling, lighting the room.

They entered a large room that had a few tables where people were applying to join the sect, but Firesand walked past them all. A few disgruntled looks of envy were shot their way, but there was no mistaking Shaman Firesand for anything else, so they could only bottle up their complaints.

Firesand took them down a corridor of doors and checked the name listed on each one until he found the one that he wanted. He opened the door and walked into a room that was predominantly a sparring ring ten meters in diameter. A yellow-orange skinned man sat on a chair, sipping on tea as a flame above his hand took on different shapes. The flames vanished as he looked up at the group in surprise that turned to joy when his eyes locked on Firesand.

"Big Brother Firesand! What brings you back to the sect? I thought you retired!" the man laughed as he stood up.

"Little Brother Searingstrike!" Firesand greeted the man with an arm shake and a slap on the back. "I'm bring my daughter and a candidate to the sect, but I have another promising member without the gift. Could I trouble you to test the young man?"

"So, this must be little Rainshower. Your mother was so proud you shared her gift with healing. Well, when you are in the sect, if anyone gives you trouble, you can call on your uncle's name; Master Searingstrike!" the man laughed happily. "I'll test the boy for you, but you had better of brought a bottle of Moonwater's Polus Unda, I don't work for free!"

"Of course, my friend," Firesand replied as a blue bottle appeared in his hands.

Searingstrike snatched the bottle out of his hand with a laugh and it vanished once again to be replaced with a staff. "Which one of you are testing? I'm giving Firesand enough face by letting you skip the line, but I won't take it easy on you. You must meet the basic requirements of the sect, or you cannot enter."

"I understand, sir," Tovao said as he pulled his glaive from its holder across his back.

"Good luck," Diego said as the rest of them backed out of the ring.

"Alright, young man show me your strongest attack," Shaman Searingstrike said as he pointed at Tovao with his staff.

Tovao held his glaive as he charged up his Solar Energy then took a step forward and pivoted on his heel as he activated [Rolling Chop]. The shaman poked out with his staff, meeting the blade of the glaive with the buŧŧ of his staff, and reflect the energy back, sending Tovao spinning in the opposite direction.

"Again!" Searingstrike yelled out.

Tovao fought to regain control of his body and used the momentum to fuel his next [Rolling Chop] as he continued to spin. Again, the shaman blocked the attack, but Tovao switched the direction of his spin to return as much of the force that back into the next attack. At the end, he gave up the [Rolling Chop] to use [Coiling Viper], trying to slip in closer to the shaman. Unfortunately, Searstrike twisted his wrist and Tovao's glaive went sailing into the air before magically returning to Searingstrike's hand.

"Not bad. I guess you just reached the benchmark," the shaman said as he returned Tovao his weapon.

"What if I say their clan has no glaive skills and the boy is self-taught?" Firesand asked with a smile as the three walked back over.

"More impressive then," Searingstrike said, rubbing his chin. "If you don't find a master in your first month, come find me. I won't make you a direct disciple, but an honorary comes with a number of benefits."

"Thank you, shaman," Tovao said with a bow.

"You don't need to see us off old friend. I must leave after registering these three and handle clan matters. If I have time before the caravan leaves, we can share that bottle," Firesand said, shaking his hand in a tamer manner this time.

"You mean one that you are supplying, right?" Searingstrike laughed. "Here," he said, snatching a silver token out of thin air then flipping it to Tovao, "this is your proof of passing the test into the sect."

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