Seed Of Speed

Chapter 57 - Rematch Against Quicksand

Swordflash led Diego into one of the largest private sparring rooms within the Gambling Arena where Quicksand and his master, Grand Master Plasmachop, were already waiting on them. Unlike before when he just wore his school robes, Quicksand was geared up in light-metal armor. His dark silver brėȧstplate only covered the upper half of his torso while his forearms and shins were covered by metal guards.

"Brother Brightmelody! Long time, no see! Congratulations on being a core disciple! I see you've been busy," Quicksand laughed.

"Yeah, it's been awhile. Thanks," Diego replied as he put on his helmet.

"Don't except me to take it easy on you this time. This is a ranking fight and I am really tired of being the lowest rank core disciple."

"Just be careful. I've spent the last three months being beaten by my master and I truly don't want to see what he will do to me if I lose my first fight."

"Enough talking, begin!" Swordflash ordered.

Quicksand was a little stunned by Swordflash's abruptness, but after three months of strict training, the moment Diego heard the word begin, his figure blurred as he activated his [Speed Clone] skill and two more Diegos appeared. He passed each of his clone a spear while in the hands of his true body, the ki'ta Rainshower had given him appeared.

The two clones with spears charged forward while Diego casted [Sand Clone] and passed it a drum. Although his magically-based clones could still use his bardic abilities, it was at half the strength as his true body or his [Speed Clone]. He would not have even bothered summoning a magic clone if his chosen song did not start off with a drumline. He channeled his {Encore of Battle} as Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" rang out.

"Oh, we're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

Oh, we're not gonna take it anymore…"

Quicksand may have been stunned at first, but he was no amateur and started casting his spells right after the first notes rang out. Although the sandy ground turned into quicksand, the stone floor was just a few centimeters below, so the Diegos playing the music did not bother to use [White Lightning Array] to stay above. Just before the two clones with spears could strike at Quicksand, his body erupted with violet and yellow energies then vanished.

"We've got the right to choose it

There ain't no way we'll lose it

This is our life, this is our song…"

Thanks to the enchantment of the helmet, Diego could easily follow Quicksand's path which heading straight for his true body. Diego smiled as he displayed another new spell Katalina had taught him during his training with Swordflash, {Spatial Swap}. His true body and one of the [Speed Clone] switched positions instantly and the clone stabbed out his spear. Everything happened too fast for Quicksand to understand and he only managed to dodge taking the spear to his heart by twisting his body, but brėȧstplate received a gorge across the spot to the side and his shoulder was bloodied.

Don't pick our destiny 'cause

You don't know us, you don't belong…"

Although the wound looked bad because of the blood, it was nothing more than a flesh wound and would not hinder Quicksand's movements by much. In fact, he took more damage from the shock alone and could have gotten himself killed if Diego had been any stronger. Quicksand brought up his dagger in his other hand as he twisted, his mana flaring. With the dozens of paper thin wind blades extending from his dagger, making it rival a sword in length, the clone did not take on the attack and retreated with [White Lightning Array], but while one was retreating, the other charged forward towards his back.

"Oh, we're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

Oh, we're not gonna take it anymore…"

Quicksand could sense the second attack coming for his backside and erupted with pure Wind and Thunder mana in attempt to prevent the second clone from approaching. The second clone compressed its body with the [White Lightning Array] as it charged forward, dampening the effects of the Wind mana's attempt to throw him backwards while his body naturally absorbed the Thunder mana thanks to his perfect affinity. After the wave of mana passed him, the clone broke out of the evasion skill then used {Mirage}, creating five more images of Diego rushing at Quicksand. All six images moved in unison and struck out with [Ten Strikes, One Thrust]. By now, the skill had advanced to the point that four ghostly spears struck out along side the spear in his hand. Each of the {Mirage} images also copied the skill, so that there were thirty spearheads heading straight for Quicksand.

"Oh, you're so condescending

Your gall is never ending

Although Quicksand could normally sense the differences between a clone or spell image like {Mirage}, that was only when he was calm and focused. After the sudden switch of Diego and his clone, a seed of doubt had formed in Quicksand's heart and, as he faced the incoming attack, he felt that he could only retreat. He used his evasion technique to move back, but he was ultimately herded towards Diego's other clone.

"Your life is trite and jaded

Boring and confiscated

If that's your best, your best won't do…"

While Quicksand faced off against the second clone and the mirages, the first clone took the time to form three {Sand Clones}. A major drawback of magic-based clones was that they could not execute chi-based skills, but thankfully, they could still use spells. Just as Quicksand was pushed back towards the small group of Diegos, all four raised both of their hands like guns and shot off a total of eight {Thunder Bullets}. Barely dodging the Heaven ranked skill just to face down eight bullets of electricity, Quicksand had no more options than to pull out his trump card as his body released a burst of energy that kicked up the sand around him, obscuring vision of him.

"We're right, yeah

We're free, yeah

We'll fight, yeah

You'll see, yeah…"

"We're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

We're not gonna take it anymore

We're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

We're not gonna take it anymore…"

The two [Speed Clones] charged forward, both striking out with [Ten Strikes, One Thrust]. The one behind Quicksand saw his back brighten just before the attack landed while the one in front saw his ċhėst dim. Quicksand completely ignored the clone behind him as he struck of with his daggers to block the other attack. Although there were five spears attacking, they were tightly grouped which made it easier for Quicksand to block by crossing his daggers and creating a wind shield around them. Three of the five were completely blocked by the daggers while the two that slipped passed were slowed to the point that they could be stopped by the [Partial Scarlet-Gold Body], let alone the magical armor.

"No way!

We're right, yeah

We'll fight, yeah

You'll see, yeah…"

Now, with the power from his armor, Quicksand started his true counterattack. He slashed out with his daggers that were once again, wrapped by wind blades and extending their true length to nearly sixty centimeters long. It was too late for Diego's clone to dodge and he could sense the danger in the attack, so his only choice was to dismiss the clone. Quicksand seemed to expect this as he continued his attack as he swung around to strike at the second clone. The clone had time to move back while activating its [Partial Scarlet-Gold Body] and blocking with his spear, but even so, after the {Wind Swords} smashed against the shaft of the spear, the wind blades exploded and lashed his body, managing to draw blood despite the defensive skill.

"We're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it

We're not gonna take it anymore…"

Diego summon another [Speed Clone] and sent it to retrieve the fallen spear while the other clone retreated from Quicksand's repeated attacks, as he had learned that he could not completely block the damage from {Wind Swords}. Unnoticed by Quicksand, Diego's true body and the new clone shared the same wounds as the clone who had blocked his attack. The new clone scooped up the fallen spear and charged forward.

"We're not gonna take it (no!)

No, we ain't gonna take it

The retreating clone used {Mirage} in hopes of distracting Quicksand again, but he ignored them as he could see through the spell in his state. The {Mirage} images struck out, but each shattered into specks of light when they made contact with Quicksand's body. Without many choices, the first clone used [Ten Strikes, One Thrust] to counter Quicksand's double chop. At the same time, the second clone approached from Quicksand's backside.

We're not gonna take it (come on)

No, we ain't gonna take it (you're all worthless and weak)

We're not gonna take it anymore (now drop and give me twenty)

Once again, Quicksand shifted the energy to defend his back while he focused on the clone in front of him, but that was a mistake. Unlike last time, the second clone activated [One Strike, Ten Thrusts] which combined the power of four strikes into one point. The golden spear wielded by the first clone ended up shattering from the impact against Quicksand's full-power attack and its body was thrown back as the [Partial Scarlet-Gold Body was dimmed to the point where his blood dyed it crimson. The attack of the second clone hit at the same moment and pierced through the armor, stabbing through Quicksand's shoulder blade.

When brunt of Quicksand's attack transferred through both the body of the other clone and his true body, Diego could not help, but let out a groan of pain, destroying the effects of {Encore of Battle}. Before anything else could happen, both grand masters rushed forward, healing their disciples, and thereby ending the spar. The two [Speed Clones] vanished, leaving behind blood and their spears, or the remains of said spear, as the only proof of their former existence.

Diego was covered in wounds and bits of his golden spear had imbedded itself into his hand. Swordflash had to remove all of the pieces before he could start healing the injury that would have crippled his hand without the aid of magic. But when Diego looked up at his master's face through gritted teeth, for the first time, he saw a look of pride in the cold man's eyes.

Quicksand, although the clear winner, was not in much better shape. Diego's final attack that had broken through the armor had shattered the hard bone and even turned the bone fragments so that they further exacerbated the wound. It was so bad that Plasmachop could only numb the pain and stop the bleeding, so that Petaltear could heal the wound correctly as he did not trust his own skill.

"I need to take Quicksand for proper healing. That was an interesting fight, Brightmelody. I look forward to your progress," Plasmachop said as he held a hand on Quicksand's injured shoulder.

"What did you learn from this defeat?" Swordflash asked.

"That despite the advantages of my unique cloning spell, there is still great danger when confronting my enemies since my wound transfer. If someone was able to kill one of my clones before I could dismiss it, I would die as well," Diego replied honestly.

Swordflash nodded and said, "It is good that you understand."

"My I ask what that armor was? It seemed like a spell, but I've never seen one like that," Diego asked.

"That armor and even his daggers were Manifestations, created through the usage of prana, a form of energy formed by combining chi and mana together. This is actually why I wanted you to compete against him again in a private setting. Although the sect will ask you to keep the fact hidden until you set into the adapt rank, creating your own Manifested armor and weapon is your requirement before I permit you to advance to the Demi-Body stage.

"Go to the Great Library, second floor, and you can find texts to help you understand the process of combining the two energies, but do not be disheartened with failures when you first begin as it is a very difficult process that most do not attempt until they have consolidated their Third Eye. If you continue to have difficulties for over a week, talk with your other master and have her pick out a Magic Cultivation Manual for you. Once you have a Crest, your mana will be more plentiful and easier to control," Swordflash instructed.

::Just go to your room, and I will give you a run down. Whatever method they would try to teach is likely overly complicated due to their ignorance, and could limit your foundation with a weak, improper manual::

Diego smiled as he bowed and replied, "Yes, master Swordflash, I understand."

"Good, then you are dismissed from my lessons for the week while you seek to understand the mysteries of prana."

His smile grew bigger at the realization of his newfound freedom from his daily beatings, but he still had enough sense to bow a second time before he quickly left. Hundreds of ideas flashed through his mind as he made his way back to his dorm room for different looks his armor and weapon could take.

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