Seed Of Speed

Chapter 74 - Ascension to the Demi-Body Stage

Swordflash was waiting side by side with Shadowbolt when Diego returned to the manor the following day. They did not spare any words as Swordflash immediately summoned a black stone longsword which he threw down and it swelled in size until it was five meters long and a meter wide. He stepped on it and a white glow erupted from it. Shadowbolt was next to step on and she motioned for Diego to the same.

When he placed his feet on the blade of the sword, the white light wrapped around them and he felt himself rooted in place. The sword lifted up off the ground with a rise of Swordflash's hand and then shot forward with incredible speed. Despite the high speed, Diego felt nothing but a gentle breeze as the white glow moved to cover his body the instant they began to move. If Diego's griffin could travel at a hundred kilometers per hour, then this sword was reaching speeds of a thousand kilometers per hour.

They headed northwest, along the coast, for nearly an hour before the sword made a sudden course change and zoomed above the ocean waves. The sun had fully set by this point and the deep blue-black night sky was blanketed with stars. A dark moon was beginning to rise above the water's edge, creating a black void they appeared to be heading straight for, but after another ten minutes, the sword began to slow as a small island came into view. They circled the whole island once before the sword landed in an empty area in the center.

"Everything required from the manual is inside," Shadowbolt said as she handed him a storage token.

"Thank you, master… both of you," Diego said as he took the ring and bowed.

Swordflash merely flicked his eyes towards Diego for a moment in acknowledgement before scouring out into the darkness while Shadowbolt gave him a nod of approval then stepped back. Neither of them could interact with him once he began the ritual or they would risk a backlash, but they would watch over him and ensure nothing happened as he worked. Although no one had told him, preforming his advancement out at sea like this would without a doubt draw in the dangers the waters hid, so they would not just be standing around, though a single Grand Master, let alone two, would be more than enough to handle any curious creature that was foolish enough to venture close.

Diego sunk some energy into the token and looked inside. The gems and cores were inside as well as a large bottle of white power which was a special recipe of crushed herbs. Instead of getting straight to work, Diego sat down and opened the [Nine Hells Thunder Body] manual within his mind to familiarize himself with it. Everything had to be arranged in a certain place at a certain time while channeling both his mana and chi into it all so that it connects properly. Needless to say, it was a difficult task.

::You do realize I can perform it with [Mimic]::

(No way…)

::That was the original intent of me giving you the skill. The better you can carry out these rituals, the better your foundation will be in the future::

(Then why do I need a spell scroll and to see someone cast a spell to use it?)

::Because at the time you learned it, you should not have been able to cast without that much. This makes you a prodigy instead of a suspected reincarnator::

He could hear her chuckle within his head as he activated the [Mimic] skill. It was as if his body was on autopilot as he stood up. He walked around in a circle five meters wide placing a Thunder gem down every so often that they were evenly spaced. He took two steps inward then repeated the process with the Fire gems and Shadow-based beast cores, alternating between the two. Once the gems and cores were placed, he retrieved the bottle and began to pour the contents to create a thin line of powder that circled each of the Thunder gems and connected them together. Next, he did the same around the second ring then drew out a series of runes in the space between the white circles.

When he had finished the last of the runes, he returned to the center of the circle and sat back down then commanded, "Siv Jonkan Terulo, I summon the trial of Heavenly Thunder. Duno Yehin Shere, I summon the trial of Hells' Flames."

The white powder ignited with violet, red, and black flames and released silver smoke that had the faint glow of energy, although when he checked, it contained neither chi nor mana. The [Mimic] skill controlling his body deactivated as a rumble broke the silence of the night overhead. Clouds were growing at a visible rate in the formerly empty sky and the ground was beginning warm up.

::Remember Diego, stand strong in pain, stand firm in pŀėȧsurė::

Diego nodded his head as he looked to the storm clouds and took a deep breath. The manual warned that he would be tested by a trial of pain and one of pŀėȧsurė each time he advanced, then for each of the bottlenecks, he would undergo a trial of the soul as well. The [Scarlet-Gold Sun Body] manual was a very basic cultivation with limited dangers coming from its practice which was why it was so widespread, but that also meant Diego had never faced any true channel while cultivating.

Having read several cultivation mangas in his past life, the idea of some mighty, impossible challenge had been planted in his mind, so he felt a little fear, but also… excitement! Just how strong was this new world? Just how strong was he? Could he really challenge the Heavens and ascend? This would be just another step in his journey and one he would meet head on!

White lightning arced through the clouds above and Diego dug his fingers into the sand as he pushed himself to his feet. He activated his [Speed Sight] and his [Complete Scarlet-Gold Body] as the first bolt of lightning came crashing down. For each of the major bottlenecks of his cultivation, a portion of his body would be refined to take on the quality of gold; first, his skin, then his muscles, and finally his bones. His defensive skill turned him into a human lightning rod passing the energy harmlessly through his body to the ground… or so it seemed at first.

He took the first bolt of lightning without flinching, but after the second and third, he realized what the cultivation method had been lacking: refinement of his internal organs. Each bolt of lightning that passed through him left an incredible amount of heat which his metallic body kept happily. Very quickly, he began to feel the torturous experience of roasting from the inside out. He desperately channeled his chi through his body in an attempt to thwart the pain, but even with that and his enhanced regeneration, after the seventh bolt, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The eighth bolt smashed against his back and Diego could not help but fall to a knee. He was a ghastly sight with crimson blood dripping from his nose, eyes, and ears and pouring out of his mouth. His defensive skill was flickering on and off while his consciousness teetered on the edge. The clouds above though had no intention of giving him a chance to recover as a golden bolt raced throughout the insides. He lifted his head as the ninth, and final, golden bolt fell and his [Complete Scarlet-Gold Body] failed.

Diego simply focused on his pain and fought to keep from passing out while he waited for the next trial to begin, but he felt nothing. He turned his head to the side at one point, but he was unable to see anything past the silver smoke that seemed to cling to the surroundings instead of blowing away in the wind. He flexed his aching body and pushed himself over so that he was laying on his back… but was there something missing?

From outside the Ritual Sigil, Shadowbolt and Swordflash had an up-close view while clones dealt with the few naga that were drawn by the released power. Shadowbolt could only watch nervously as the bolts of lightning fell on her newest disciple and, when he collapsed after the eighth bolt of lightning, she thought she was going to lose him. The Golden Bolt of Heavenly Thunder seemed like a death sentence when it built in the sky above, but then her disciple looked up at it defiantly and took the final bolt of lightning. Honestly, she would have thought he was dead if not for the silver smoke not dissipating.

Swordflash watched his discipled with an expressionless face, but the trained eye would be able to detect the tightening of his grip on the sword hilt on his waist. He could sense the power contained within that final bolt of lightning and it made his hand itch with anticipation. His eyes narrowed though when the small, red flame ring appeared and formed around his disciple's body. Within a few moments, his disciple was coated in the red flame, but surprisingly, he began to move some. When he flipped over onto his back, the small red flames, exploded, doubling in size while also taking on a darker, crimson color.

Diego looked up at the starry sky and let his mind wander. What would ascending be like? Would he travel through space Superman style, or was it more like going to another plane of existence? How would he find Emily once he got there?

From the eyes of those outside, the flames coating his body doubled in size once again and turned black. Again, greater powers were brought forth, but where the Golden Bolt of Heavenly Thunder gave off a feeling of reverence, these Black Flames of Hell were haunting. The Grand Masters could only watch on from the outside as their disciple fought to not be consumed.

Diego released a contended sigh as every inch of his body relaxed. It was as if he was floating on cloud, slowly rising into the Heavens. It was just so peaceful, he did not know why he had to keep pushing, but there was a part of him telling him to fight. Why can't he just relax for once? He had already died once before, why couldn't he just enough this bit of peace while he had it? Wait… He had already died before, and this was his new life. Everything came rushing back in a flood and he shot up to a seated position.

The black flames broke, and the silver smoke lost its color as it moved with the wind. Swordflash's hand relaxed while Shadowbolt teleported to Diego's side and casted a simple inspection spell on his body to see if he needed healing. To her surprise, he was in perfect health, no sign of any kind of backlash from the ascension. After seeing him collapse to the eighth bolt of lightning, she thought there would have to have been something, but he was fine.

Diego looked up at the concerned face of his master and he felt his heart warm. The lightning had indeed caused severe damage to his body, but the flames had healed and refined his body, bringing it to the Demi-Body stage. Raw power was coursing through his veins and his chi was far purer than before, now appearing as a liquid instead of a condensed gas.

"I did it, master!" Diego said with a grin.

"Yes, you did. Now, all you need to do is craft a four-ring spell sigil, and you can become an adapt," Shadowbolt said with a smile.

"Maybe tomorrow, but right now, I'm exhausted," Diego chuckled.

"Then let us return to the sect," Swordflash said as he retrieved his black sword golem.

The stone sword grew in size once he released it and then he stepped on. Shadowbolt and Diego both stood up and stepped onto the sword then they were off without another word. Diego watched the stars with a smile on his face as they flew back to the sect in silence.

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