Seed Of Speed

Chapter 83 - Phase Two - Victory!

"Let's go!" the last of Diego's [Speed Clones] said to Rainshower, Korto, and Kibal.

The two brothers gave an excited nod and charged forward. Rainshower lowered her hands and released her {Ice Needle Rain} spell then gave Diego a smile.

"Ice spells will be extra strong while I'm playing this song," Diego added as they ran after the two brothers.

"Jalu and I can handle your senior-sister then," Rainshower replied with a nod.

("You two handle the red-haired girl, Rosepetal,") the [Speed Clone] sent mentally to Kibal and Korto.

The martial students could not send back their agreement, but Diego could still sense it through the mental connection. He cut off the connection a moment later as they reached the group of three: Radiantspear, Rosepetal, and Dreamcaller.

It was clear that Rosepetal was the hot-head of this minor group as she had already engaged the Hammer and Flail Brothers while the other two just stood in the back and watched. Four seeds had flown out the moment she saw them approach and they buried themselves in the sand. When Kibal had been unlucky enough to step on one silver vines exploded out of the sand and ensnared his leg, tumbling him to the ground.

Before Korto could even turn around to help his brother, another bunch of vines exploded, tangling the upper half of Kibal's body when he hit the ground. The usual flail in Korto's hands was exchanged for a knife, but he only managed to cut a few vines when Rosepetal's next attack came. Korto felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck and he rolled forward, over his brother's body, but the gaps where his brėȧstplate did not cover the back of his shoulders, he was sliced by a vicious {Air Blade}.

Rosepetal took a step forward with a green wand which had a red rose carved into the bottom of the handle. With a flick of her wrist, she sent another {Air Blade} at Korto which would decapitate him if he chose not to block. Of course, Kibal was not about to lay down his life and instead, grabbed his brother's fallen hammer to reinforce his chi guard using a simple technique [Crossed-Guard Block]. While he withstood the attack, Rosepetal simple sent another four which Korto chose to dodge this time.

Korto retreated while defending himself Rosepetal's constant attack, but if she was paying attention, she would have realized that he was slowly drawing her closer and closer to his 'trapped' brother. Rosepetal's insane affinity with earth magic, especially the 'plant' branch, would allow her to 'feel' what plants around her could, so she approached Kibal with no fear as she could clearly feel her silvervines were still intact. The problem with her arrogance in underestimating her martial opponents was that her ability was well known throughout the sect.

When Korto had rolled over his brother's body to dodge the first {Air Blade}, he shoved the knife into Kibal's hand. So, Kibal simply waited as the silvervine thorns dug into his skin until his brother dragged her enough. Showing her pettiness and arrogance, she gave Kibal a weak kick so that he rolled onto his back and placed a foot on his ċhėst as she continued to chase Korto around with {Air Blades}.

Silvervine was a tenacious vine that even a cultivator at the Seventh-Stage of the Mortal Body wouldn't be able to simply rip through. It was also highly resistant to fire, but it did have a weakness, electricity. The metallic properties of the vine would allow lightning to be channeled through it, but it would also superheat those elements which would kill the plant that was normally resistant to fire. If anyone had bothered to read the several books on types of dangerous plants, or had a wonderful system that stored all the books it was exposed to like Diego, they would know this fatal flaw… just as Kibal did.

Kibal, who had been laying rather weakly on the ground, suddenly came alive when Rosepetal stepped on him. His body became wrapped in a violet glow of chi as a weak few bolts of lightning formed, creating his [Lightning Cloak] which was a weak chi-technique normally used to dissipate a Thunder attack, but it also worked for him now. As if touched by the foulest thing in the world, the silvervine attempted to pull away even as its outer ends turned to ash.

With as much politeness as she had shown him, Kibal ruthlessly grabbed Rosepetal's leg and pulled her down as he pulled himself up at the same time. Rosepetal might be a Demi-Body cultivator, but she had never put much emphasis on training her body, so long as it was strong enough to handle the mana she control, it was enough. Now, however, it proved to be her undoing as within a second of springing his trap, Kibal had her in a vice grip with the knife at her neck.

"You are dead. You will be removed from the contest," a black robed elder said as he appeared in thin air.

"But!" Rosepetal snapped, but before she could complain too much, Kibal released her and the elder and her vanished in the neck moment.

"Enjoy her foot on your ċhėst?" Korto teased when he rejoined his brother.

"Strong women are good, but I would have to discipline her if she was my woman," Kibal laughed.


Diego carefully watched Radiantspear and Dreamcaller while Kibal and Korto took on Rosepetal. He was a little worried about the fight since Rosepetal should be able to outclass them as a shaman and a Demi-Body cultivator, but each time he considered intervening, an invisible wave of pressure would descend on him. This was not a form of magic, or even chi, but the formless aura of power contained within Radiantspear's body.

The title Head Disciple was not an empty one. As the person disciple of the Head Grand Master for nearly fifteen years, his power in the sect was just below the Grand Masters and Masters who had been training for nearly a century. His body cultivation was stuck at the Fifth-Stage of the Demi-Body only because of the sheer scarcity of the ingredients he needed to advance any further. His Magic Crest was also at the fifth rank, but only slow practice could raise it any further.

("Just let them fight their own battles, junior-brother,") a domineering voice rang through Diego's head. ("Rosepetal is foolish at times, but the sect has spoiled her too much since she rarely leaves. It won't be hard for her to fall into those martial student's trap.")

("Aren't we in the middle of a duel right now?") Diego asked.

("Do you really think this is simply your test to go out on an Expedition? You've already proven that your team has the needed level of power. The world may be dangerous, but when would you truly fight against the ten strongest members of a super power?")

("Part of me honestly just believed this was because I singed my master's robes during training last week.")

Laughter filled Diego head for a moment before it calmed and Radiantspear explained some of the finer details, ("No, junior-brother, this is to show the leaders of the sect just how powerful a Soul-Singer could make group of average members. Your kind is very rare in the desert, to the point that you are the first in four hundred years, so only the oldest members of the sect were alive to remember those days. No one will say it out loud, but each of the dozen or so Grassland Nations across the sea could rival the combined power of the sect and the empire and the general belief as to why are their Soul-Singers, or Bards as they call them.")

Diego scratched the back of his head as he tried to carefully explain that he was not like most Bards. ("While I'm flattered to be an example… I don't think most Soul-Singers would be as strong as me, I've had some lucky encounters…")

("The Grand Masters all know this, but there is still a need to push the Masters who would be the ones to go searching for possible candidates.")

("Then are you going to bother competing in this duel?")

("Do you think you can defeat me?") Radiantspear asked, amused. After a moment of silence, he continued, ("If you truly want to test your metal, we can spar when you are not also fighting two others whose strength eclipses your own.")

("Well, that's anticlimactic,") Diego mused.

Diego heard the laughter again then Radiantspear said, ("Send your companion forward. If she can defeat Dreamcaller, this will be your victory.")

Diego made a complicated face as he turned to Rainshower. Although he knew his senior-sister would not hurt her, Dreamcaller's magic was nasty, to say the least. Having contended against her spells in the past, he was a little hesitant to send Rainshower against would basically be her greatest fears, but he also understood that there were benefits to fighting such.

"Is Dreamcaller calling for me?" Rainshower asked, noticing Diego's face.

"Be careful, Mind Arts are her favorite pastime," he warned.

"Healers have to create power shields around our minds with healing magics, or we'd feel our patient's pain and be unable to concentrate on the healing. I have confidence as long as I don't give her free access to my mind," Rainshower said.

Diego nodded and stored away his new spear since he would not need it for this body. He took Rainshower's hand in his own, causing her to blush mildly, and walked forward to meet Radiantspear and Dreamcaller shortly after Rosepetal was taken away.

"Good to meet you in person, Brightmelody," Radiantspear said, offering his hand.

"As it is to meet you as well, Head Disciple!" Diego replied, grabbing Radiantspear's forearm.

The two women did not talk as the moment their eyes connected, the invisible battle of 'Wills' began. Kibal and Korto walked up a minute later with their weapons out, but neither were ready to use them after Diego's hand sign to not engage.

"You two have a good chemistry together," Radiantspear praised the two brothers.

While they fumbled to even give their thanks at the recognition, Diego chuckled and said, "They are the Hammer and Flail Brothers of the Apprentice Class, if you've heard of them."

He nodded and replied, "Yes, they live up to their reputation… As does Kang Chen. Your team may be mostly apprentices, but you did choose a stellar line-up. Everyone has their own unique gifts."

"Except Tovao, he's only good for a laugh," Kibal said, resting a hammer on his shoulder.

"And how strong were you six-months into your time here at the sect?" Radiantspear asked with a raised eyebrow.

Korto laughed hard and gave his brother a shove, "He showed you!"

"You've looked into my brother?" Diego asked, surprised.

"I'd be a poor leader if I didn't look into every member of your group's background… only you are a bit mysterious since I don't think you've fought anyone at your full strength other than your master."

"It's not like Grand Master Swordflash would allow me to waste my time battling others without correcting my flaws… and he sees so many," Diego complained.

Radiantspear laughed and clapped a hand on Diego's shoulder. "You've lasted the longest of all his disciples, so I'm sure your strength has skyrocketed since… Look, it's been settled."

Almost as soon as he said the words, both Rainshower and Dreamcaller both stumbled back with blood dripping from their noses. Dreamcaller was slightly worse as a single bloody tear fell from her eye, but she did not look upset.

"The {Shera'don Mental Wall} is still as strong as ever. Was I not so restricted, I would enjoy challenging you again," Dreamcaller said.

"I'd welcome it," Rainshower said with a tired smile.

"Residing Elder!" Radiantspear called out, causing a man in black to appear. "Have the rest of my team been defeated?"

"Mountainaxe is still stubbornly holding on, but his fate is sealed while the rest have been eliminated," the elder replied.

"Good, then our team concedes defeat to Brightmelody," Radiantspear said with a nod.

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