Seed Of Speed

Chapter 87 - Jobin Oasis

The Jobin Oasis of the Telryn Clan had welcomed a new period of growth during the past year. With the addition of a Demi-Body cultivation manual, nearly a dozen men who had been firmly stuck at the Peak of the Mortal Body were finally able to break through the shackles that had kept them restrained for over a decade, if not longer.

With their swell in strength, the clans that had once suppressed them now felt the retribution of Telryn blades. Toba and Anoe, both Demi-Body cultivators, led their warriors first to the Langu and Yung clans to settle a decades long grudge. Although both clans had their own Shamans to protect their oases, the name of Ishu Telryn, or Core Disciple Adapt Brightmelody, had already reached their ears. When the warriors came, the Shamans refused to fight against them and only sought to protect the women and children of the clan.

After defeating the warriors of the two clans, Toba and Anoe understood that their victory was due in large part to the lack of Shamans. Upon taking control over the two additional oases, the head shaman made a deal with the Telryn Clan that the survivors of the Langu and Yung clans would be vassals of the Telryn Clan to serve them for the next hundred years loyally. Because it was a contract written by the Shamans, the Konto Sect would also be partially responsible and have to help keep the people in line, but with their other options being death or slavery, the remains of both clans could not argue too much.

When the Telryn forces surrounded the Happa and Wejun clans, the last remaining pocket of old enemies, surprisingly, there was no battle. After hearing about the fall of the Langu and Yung clans, the remaining faction knew their time had come. The Patriarchs of both clans rode out to meet with Toba and Anoe and signed a similar vassal contract under the Telryn banner.

In less than a year, the Telryn Clan had united their small section of desert under their control since even their allies had nothing they could do except ride on their coattails. It was only a quarter of the eastern desert, considered a backwater region of those in the capital, but to Barru, it was his empire!

None of the former Patriarchs of the clan had ever ruled over a second oasis, but now he had five. With the return of Toba and Anoe, bringing the treasuries of the different clans, the Telryn received another boost in strength as some of the items they looted were the ingredients needed for their new cultivation method.

With even more Demi-Body cultivators under his control, Barru had wanted to push their territory even further, but Firesand finally had to step in. The sect was willing to look aside while they claimed a few smaller villages, but if they kept pushing, the Shamans would step in. Barru might have lost himself to the new-found power, Toba, Anoe, Oro, and Hugo understood that there was a limit to that strength. Magic was still a tightly controlled, mystic form of power that they were not willing to confront needlessly.

Barru completely disregarded the fact that the Demi-Body manual had come from his son and the Konto Sect, but with the three heads of the factions and the captain of his forces refusing to march, there was nothing he could do except sulk in his anger inside the Bastion. For over a month, he holed himself up in the Bastion, trying to rush to the higher levels of the Demi-Body.

"Jastrab, your hunters had a good luck today!" Toba called out as he urged his dracolisk to meet his nephew.

Jastrab led a team of five men mounted of dracolisks, all dragging two Four-Horned Rogen Rams each. Not only had he taken to leading his own band of hunter in the past year, but he had also been recognized as one of the best in the Hawk Faction. He had also put on over a dozen centimeters, so that he would now be taller than Ishu, if he was still around.

"We did. It would be worthy of a feast tonight if father would allow it," Jastrab replied without too much emotion.

"Your father has been trying to reach the Second Stage of the Demi-Body," Toba explained.

"Is that what you call it when you sulk like a child not getting your way?"

Toba shook his head in exasperation, "If your father heard you say that…"

"He would leave me near the Wulim Sands with my hands and feet bound so that the Devil Worms could feed on my flesh, but Lord Father will not always be the Lord."

"Just make sure you live until Ishu and Tovao return, or no one will be able to save you from his wrath."

"I still know my place," Jastrab ȧssured his uncle then ordered his hunters, "Take the kills for cleaning and processing and take an extra portion of rations for your hard work."

The hunters gave their acknowledgement and thanks then made their way towards the heart of the oasis. Jastrab joined his uncle and helped to patrol the area around the oasis as they normally would. Although Peyni was the likely candidate to take the position of Captain after Toba, Jastrab still liked to help his uncle and mentor.

The day had been uneventful, but just as the sun began to dip under the horizon, a dark figure appeared with the sun to its back. Since such a scene was uncommon in their remote stretch of sand, Toba and Jastrab rode out to meet the stranger.

At nearly three meters tall, the man's skin was onyx black with blood red runes carved into his flesh which gave him a frightening and intimidating appearance. Bands of gold decorated his arms, legs, and neck, but otherwise, he only a beast skin as a loincloth, so all of his muscles were visible, hinting at the explosive power contained within his body.

"Hold, stranger, this is the territory of the Telryn clan. What business do you have here?" Toba said, pointing his spear at the man.

When the stranger turned his crimson eyes to Toba, he felt like he was suffocating by the sheer power the stranger radiated. He could not help but lower his spear and look down at the ground below the stranger's feet, unable to work up the courage to meet those crimson eyes again.

"Uncle…" Jastrab said, but then the eyes turned to him and he felt the same suppression.

"I have come to meet with your Patriarch. A debt of blood is due to my master," the stranger said in voice that sounded like two, overlapping on top of each other.

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