When he came to the sea of consciousness, he saw Xiao Jin floating in the air, struggling hard from a soft skin just like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon or a snake shedding its skin.

Zhou Yihang knew that in this situation, he must not help with good intentions, because it would bring negative effects. After waiting for a while

, a hole appeared in the soft skin, and then Xiao Jin's head stuck out. Zhou Yihang was quite surprised to see Xiao Jin's appearance at this time. Originally, Xiao Jin's back was a little black and his abdomen was golden, but now his whole body turned yellow. Moreover, in the center of the soft head, something like a horn actually grew out.


"I shed my skin successfully!"

It didn't take long for Xiao Jin to get out of the old skin. The horns on its head hit the old skin, and the old skin turned into a golden light and sank into its body.

"Xiao Jin!"

"You are quite frugal!"

Zhou Yihang knew that this old skin must contain Xiao Jin's original power.

Although it was little, Xiao Jin was reluctant to throw it away.


"Your little cutie is very frugal!"

"Oh, by the way, master!"

"Although the faith of the people in Renjia Town is not much, my clones have increased to 16,000, and my visualization ability has become much stronger!"

Xiao Jin twisted his body proudly.

So that's how it is!

I just heard Xiao Jin talk about faith, it turned out to be from Renjia Town!

Thinking of the gratitude and kneeling of the people in Renjia Town that I just saw with my spiritual sense.

Zhou Yihang stroked his chin.

"did not expect!"

"He trained five masters, but the last one gave back to me, his benefactor!"

Just when he was feeling proud , the next moment

, everything that had happened since he crossed over suddenly flashed through Zhou Yihang's mind like a movie.

Movie replay?


It was like re-visualizing past memories!

Zhou Yihang discovered that the zombies, martial arts classics, pig monsters, zombie kings, crystal coffins, etc. in his memory were not only clearer than before, but also had a magical thing compared to the previous clarity - charm!

If the previous visualization was taking a photo, then now it was like a great painter painting, copying all the charm in it.


The sea of consciousness was filled with explosions again, which was the state of the acupoints opening one by one.

Xiao Jin's voice also rang in his ears.


"You have opened another 8679 acupoints!"


"Your Two-Broken Sword and Iron Shirt have evolved again. The Two-Broken Sword now has 44 acupoints opened, while the Iron Shirt and Black Cloth have a range of up to 50 meters!"


"Your Liuku Immortal Thief has reached the realm of perfection directly from the second level!"


"Your domineering soul-binding technique has evolved again and become a special skill - absolute control!"


Hearing Xiao Jin's congratulations, Zhou Yihang quickly checked the evolved skills one by one and couldn't help laughing.

The two-broken sword with 33 acupoints.

It already has such power. Now it has 44 acupoints. What will it be like?

And the iron shirt.

The black cloth is released, covering an area of 50 meters.

In that way, once the crazy meat grinder is used, Zhou Yihang can be sure that no grass will grow within a radius of 50 meters!

Thinking of that cool scene, Zhou Yihang felt his blood boiling and couldn't help his emotions!

"The Immortal Thief of Liuku!"

"What kind of effect will there be after reaching the perfect state?"

After calming down his excitement, Zhou Yihang carefully looked inside himself, and the next moment he burst into laughter again.


"From now on, I won’t be afraid of not having enough blood and energy, and my blood and energy can be refined dozens of times!"

At this time, the six-storehouse immortal thief who had reached the perfect state could actually convert spiritual energy and blood into each other!


Thinking of his 16,000 clones at this time, practicing in one day, catching up with others' 45 years of practice.

Zhou Yihang couldn't help but secretly praise it!

Because in this way, he would no longer be afraid of letting more people awaken their innate skills and causing himself to lose blood and qi!

After checking the last item - the absolute control transformed from the Tyrannical Soul Binding Technique,

Zhou Yihang laughed foolishly.

Absolute control is also a kind of spiritual secret technique. It not only has all the functions of the Tyrannical Soul Binding Technique.

Moreover, this magical power has another effect when combined with Zhou Yihang's blood and essence.

As long as you take your own blood and essence and then use the absolute control technique, then the person being controlled will absolutely obey Zhou Yihang's instructions for a period of time!

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"That's a good idea!"

Zhou Yihang smiled.

He looked at Jessica in the crystal coffin and thought, why not try it on her first to make himself feel good?

After thinking about it, he gave up.

After all, according to Lan Ling's divination, Jessica will become his wife in the future.

Let his wife serve him.

And use secret techniques to control her, this is too low!

There is no romance at all.

Just thinking about it, Jessica suddenly snorted coldly, and there was a bit of resentment in her eyes.


"What's that expression on your face!"

Zhou Yihang asked in confusion.

Jessica said angrily,"What are you talking about, you heartless person? I will be your wife in the future. Why do you only care about Lan Ling's divination? You even give benefits to Uncle Jiu, Simu and others, but I don't get any benefits!"


The resentment in Jessica's eyes deepened, and with her cold face, there was a different kind of charm.


This jealous look is pretty good!

Zhou Yihang secretly praised in his heart, and then observed carefully after a warm current surged in his eyes.


Maybe because this girl is still a vampire.

Zhou Yihang did not see any innate skills, or innate items or something.


"I want to help you, but because of your physical condition, you don't have the talent!"

Zhou Yihang said apologetically. After all, they are both wives, so of course he can't favor one over the other.

However, when he thought of Ren Tingting, the first person he met after traveling through time, his cheeks stiffened again.

"Damn it!"

"We have to find a way to let Ren Tingting practice!"

Just as she was thinking about it,

Jessica suddenly said,"My talent is vampire, just give me blood and essence!"

Zhou Yihang was stunned, and thought to himself that it was indeed the case! He was about to give her blood and essence.

Thinking of the wonderful use of the Six Treasury Immortal Thief at this time, he hurriedly said,"Wait a minute, wait until I refine the blood and essence, and then give you something better!"

Jessica was stunned and then overjoyed.

She had just heard Zhou Yihang's words, and knew that Zhou Yihang's Six Treasury Immortal Thief could greatly purify the blood and essence.

Thinking of absorbing blood and essence that was dozens of times purer than before.

Jessica's heart thumped:"What will I become after absorbing it again!"

Just thinking about it.

A mysterious breath suddenly surged into her heart.

This breath...

Jessica shuddered and shouted,"Zhou Yihang, it's not good, Queen Lilith has descended on the container Elena who lives in your old house!"


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