Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 218: 217 Second-grade opportunity, the dark side of the Book of Heaven!

Chapter 218 217. Second-grade opportunity, the dark side of the Book of Heaven!

 In the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, the page of the heavenly book flashed with light and twitched and unrolled like paper.

 The black shadow that was like the shadow of the page before now actively separated from the book, and then vibrated around the page in mid-air.

When Lei Jun saw this, his mind was at peace, he was not impatient and impatient, and he paid attention to the spiritual energy of the earth running like a long river in the crack in the ground in front of him.

 The great river of spiritual energy is flowing, and there seems to be nothing unusual about it.

Lei Jun's mind moved and he concentrated more.

With the blessing of his yin and yang holy body, his magic power condensed and manifested into two airs, black and white. The two air currents extended out together, approaching the roaring underground river of spiritual energy.

 After a while, a shadow suddenly appeared in Lei Jun's heart, which made him confused.

The person who ruined Yang Tai's good deeds at this moment was surprisingly the important helper he had contacted with Yuan Shanji to help him, Samsara Yuan elder Sun Li!

Sun Linai is the elder of the Samsara Abyss. He is one of the few eighth-level witches in the Southern Wilderness Witch Sect's Curse and Zhu lineage. He has always been a loner. Even the contemporary Holy Master of the Samsara Abyss cannot command this senior and powerful elder.

Especially now that he has extraordinary understanding. Most of the truths in the world can be drawn from one instance to another, and he can understand even the smallest details.

Although the other six stars among the seven stars were still obscured by the light and mist, it was difficult to identify their origins, but the galaxy that Lei Jun and others had previously explored together now had a completely different look in Lei Jun's eyes.

Looking at the cultural aura and ritual styles rising into the sky from a distance, Lei Jun could already roughly see its function.

Sang Lu and Li Tianqing were in hot pursuit.

 There is no real end at this end of the galaxy, it is actually a huge loop.

The changes in the earth's veins are unusual. It may not only be the result of the battle between the four powerful men Sang Lu, Yuan Shanji, Li Tianqing, and Xiong Gang, but also the work of others.

Lei Jun stood on Qianxin Mountain and looked at Zhu Andong through the celestial eyepiece. Although he didn't know the details of Yuan Shanji and others' plan, he could probably guess a thing or two at this moment.

It can dissolve or even restore many things, returning them to their original state.

As the water of the Zhu An River disperses, the brilliance of Confucian rituals can be seen. At this time, it shines from the cracks in the cracked valley floor, and the aura of civilization rises to the sky.

“Uncle Xiong, let me see what you are doing behind the back of the master brother?” Tu Dong said with a smile.

 But Tu Dong could not relax for long, and he cursed angrily under the water.

At this moment, he went deep into the earth's veins and took advantage of Yang Tai!

He returned to Qianxin Mountain and looked far away in the direction of Zhu Andong, and saw that the battle there was still going on and was getting more intense.

I just don’t know how the elder of Samsara Yuan of the Wumen’s Curse and Zhu lineage wants to deal with it now.

Lei Jun’s mind and consciousness were focused on the heavenly book in the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar. At this moment, a clear understanding came to his mind:

 【The Dark Side of the Book of Heaven】

"Confucian eighth-level monks, in order to prepare for the attack on the ninth-level heaven, not only use the spiritual energy of mountains and rivers, but also involve some space mysteries. No wonder they need to find the opportunity to fight between the great witches of Gepo Mountain and the ghosts and gods to distort the void." Lei Jun understood clearly. .

 Just like when he captured the page of the Heavenly Book earlier, Lei Jun tried to "fish" it with the Xirang flag.

The Heavenly Book’s Zhengzhang derives from the Seven Zhengyao of the Heavens.

 Does she know about the existence of the dark side of the Book of Heaven?

Seeing that the other stars were silent, Lei Jun shook his head slightly and checked carefully again. There were no other external changes in his own Taibai Golden Sun.

This mysterious illusion contains the artistic conception of mysterious power that confuses and confuses the normal things in the world and eventually dissolves them.

Yang Tai also didn't care about settling the score with Sun Li at the moment. Although the failure made him unhappy, he didn't dwell on it too much and immediately took the time to retreat.

Taoist Master Lei compared some of the things he had on hand and instantly came up with some crooked thoughts...

The almost invisible but real entanglement made Lei Jun know that his previous induction was indeed not an illusion. At this moment, there was really some kind of existence in the aura river passing by his eyes along the rushing "river".

 The river, which was originally cut off and overflowing, became even more twisted and scattered at this moment, shooting out in all directions.

Lei Jun frowned slightly and summoned the celestial eyepiece.

At present, Samsara Yuan and Gepo Mountain are helping Yinshan Cave to fight against the Blood River Sect and Jincheng Village, but Sun Li cannot contact anyone.

This made him feel top-heavy and dumbfounded for a while.

The influence of the dark side of the Book of Heaven is as thin as its own existence, almost nonexistent, making it difficult to detect.

 What can be put to use quickly now may be another function... Lei Jun thought thoughtfully.

Lei Jun took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and left the deep valley where he was currently.

 And that special light is connected to both ends of the galaxy at the same time, as if it is surrounded by the entire brilliant galaxy.

 It’s a pity that both sides now suffer together.

It was rare that Yang Tai knocked on the door, and Lei Jun didn't want to let it go.

 The other end is shrouded in light, making it difficult to see clearly.

Lei Jun intuitively guessed that maybe Yang Tai had really come, and arrived earlier than expected, just in time for today's event.

However, Lei Jun is convinced that the Shadow of the Heavenly Book is similar to it, and the mysterious existence intercepted today is even more mysterious.

 When it was combined with that page of the Heavenly Book, it even overwhelmed the Heavenly Book, causing the Heavenly Book to fall into silence temporarily.

 Yuan Shanji and Xiong Gang are facing the pressure brought by Sang Lu and Li Tianqing and have no time to think about anything else at this moment.

However, while chasing the opponent, Lei Jun was also a little wary.

Lei Jun looked carefully and saw that his field of vision was gray, with no light or shadow. At first sight, there was only a blur, as if there was a gap between the real world and the real world.

Compared with the main chapters of the Heavenly Book that explain the principles of all things in heaven and earth, the intuitive effect of the dark side of this Heavenly Book appears to be very negative.

 Taking advantage of the abnormal movement of the earth's veins, Yang Tai's expression suddenly changed when he saw that he could complete his plan.

 However, the two sides are still harmonious when they fit together. There is no conflict, but an extraordinary harmony.

 Similar situations have been extremely rare since Lei Jun obtained Xirang Banner.

He did not help Xiong Gang, who was also of the Blood River lineage. Instead, he passed through the Zhu'an River and dived underwater to explore the changes in the earth's veins and the rituals used by Yang Tai.

Feeling that this mysterious book of shadows also showed signs of differentiation, Lei Jun couldn't help but feel a little interested.

But there are strange black smoke, entangled with these cultural atmospheres, rising from the ground together.

 The dim spiritual light was thrown out like a fishing rod and line and fell into the river of spiritual energy.

Originally, at the two ends of the Brilliant Galaxy, one end is divided into seven and connected to the seven rays respectively. It seems to symbolize that the main chapter of the Heavenly Book is divided into seven, with a total of seven pages or seven volumes.

 The feeling is similar to the first time I came into contact with the Shadow of the Book of Heaven.

How can this not make Yang Tai and Yuan Shanji so angry?

Looking at the reactions of Xiong Gang and Tu Dong, it seems that they are not on the same page.

Yang Tai and Yuan Shanji, the elder of Gepo Mountain above, said in unison at this moment, gnashing their teeth: "...Sun Li!"

So this mysterious illusion merged with the previous shadow of the heavenly book, and then fell into the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

The mysterious existence has finally become stable, changing from an illusion to something concrete.

 Don’t be alarmed by anything else, calm down and figure out the principle of this two-sided world at the same time.

  The difference in understanding was revealed at this moment from transparency to tranquility, and Lei Jun quickly figured out the trick.

 But he had his own plans.

The current Book of Shadows is probably the counterpart of the complete Book of Heaven. The two are the inside and outside of each other, two sides of the same body.

 …The sun is shining!

Lei Jun looked at this scene, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

The Liuyao on the side is connected to the galaxy at only one end.

He has never understood the civil strife in Gepo Mountain.

 One hundred three. One seventy two. Sixty five. One hundred and thirty eight

This place was already in a mess due to the competition between the four masters and the chaos of the earth's spiritual energy. At this time, the ground began to collapse in pieces, creating a scene of doomsday.

Now, the direction of the other end of the galaxy, which was originally shrouded in light, finally appeared in Lei Jun's field of vision.

Xiong Gang then got closer to Yang Yuqi and Yang Tai, who were direct descendants of the Sui Dynasty.

 And Tu Dong bumped into him head on.

However, with Zhu Andong's current fierce battle situation, Lei Jun had no intention of intervening immediately, but waited for a further suitable opportunity.

Now it seems that this person corresponds to the risk of winning the lottery.

Yuan Shanji, Xiong Gang, Yang Tai and others finally managed to win over this person, but today they were let go by Sun Li, so that the ambush that Yuan Shanji originally used to greet Sang Lu turned out to be empty talk.

Even though the spiritual power of Xirang Banner is long, deep and endless, it is still disintegrating rapidly at this moment, making it difficult to continue.

However, whether Ri Yao, who has mastered more of the true chapters of the Heavenly Book, can discern any clues, remains to be seen.

The ancient mirror showed a distant scene. Lei Jun noticed that another piece of blood suddenly flashed, but it did not join the battle group. Instead, it sank into the Zhu'an River, which was flooding against the current.

Zhu Anjiang was suddenly stained with blood, as if his whole body turned red.

 No wonder there will be serious entanglements in cause and effect, so we should handle them with caution... Lei Jun suddenly smiled.

 In this way, the "fish" finally took the bait.

At this moment, the dark image is of a complete book, mainly anti-guest, making the page of the Heavenly Book with only one page look slightly thin.

 At the far side of Zhu Andong, there are a lot of changes at the moment.

 The Eye of Heaven disappears as soon as it appears.

Yang Tai stared at the black smoke entangled in Wenhua's aura, and his face turned livid at this moment.

 Tu Dong, on the other hand, is like a die-hard Wei Ancheng loyalist.

He gathered his divergent thoughts, withdrawing his mind from the universe in the book, and turned to speculate more about the dark side of the book itself.

But the feeling of mental strangeness was fleeting and disappeared, making Lei Jun almost think that he had an illusion.

 And when Lei Jun looked at the starry sky at this moment, he had a completely different new feeling.

 Tu Dong was surrounded by a sea of ​​blood and escaped in embarrassment.

Although the dim light derived from the spiritual power of Xirang Banner was still being eliminated, it was finally maintained for the time being as it continued continuously.

 An elder from the Blood River Sect in the Three Heavens was so panicked that when the people around him saw it, their expressions changed even more.

 Attracted by the Book of Heaven, the mysterious existence located in the river of spiritual energy, now no longer so repulsive to Lei Jun.

But the mysterious existence seems to have completely hidden spirituality, but when it comes into contact, it is not as peaceful as the heavenly book. Mysterious spiritual power flows out of it quietly, quickly disintegrating the dim spiritual light generated by the Xi soil flag.

 And that shadow has the tendency to merge with it.

Lei Jun’s mind re-entered the starry sky in the universe in the book, and the Taibai Golden Sun that represented him lit up.

According to Lei Jun's speculation, Riyao is most likely the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Queen Zhang Wantong.

 The one connected by the loop is one of the seven branches at the other end of the galaxy!

  In other words, it is one of the seven celestial beings.

The dark side of the Book of Heaven seems to have become part of the Book of Heaven at this time, and the two sides are indistinguishable from each other.

In the previous divination of the light ball flashing to bring good luck and avoid bad luck, Yang Tai was not mentioned.

Lei Jun's own magic power turned into black and white energy, combined with the page of the heavenly book that contained the artistic conception of Yin and Yang of Liangyi, and then connected with the mysterious existence in the river of spiritual energy, and finally dragged it out of the river of spiritual energy.

 What’s worse is that the elder from Samsara Abyss has actually arrived.

He found a relatively safe place, and then he refocused on the Heavenly Book and the dark side of the Heavenly Book in the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave.

 Lei Jun finally moved at this time.

The ritual collapsed and the situation worsened. Yuan Shanji and Xiong Gang seized the opportunity from the chaos to get rid of Sang Lu and Li Tianqing and retreated far away. They had to wait until later to face Sun Li, the elder of Samsara Yuan who let them go. Let’s talk about it later.

 However, no damage was caused to the Book of Heaven.

 It is also like the initial shadow of the Book of Heaven expanding as a whole, becoming thicker and larger.

 “Tu Dong!” Xiong Gang snorted coldly.

  It is not the opposite of the changes in nature, but it is accompanied by the changes in nature and the negative effects that follow. The two sides accompany each other, but they are one body and two sides but closely dependent on each other.

 His person is really secretive. Her relationship with Tianshu Zhengzhang is probably deeper than others, and her grasp of the situation is also deeper.

 I just don’t know if the fact that the others each received a page from the Heavenly Book has something to do with her.

However, when he knew that what he was trying to obtain this time was a second-grade opportunity, Lei Jun was mentally prepared.

 The main chapter of the Heavenly Book is not only divided into seven pages, but more.

But I don’t know if the dark side of the Book of Heaven can also derive existences such as Dark Yao and Hidden Yao?

 I don’t have enough time now, so I will study it later.

At present, the main chapter of the Heavenly Book is incomplete, and Lei Jun only got one page. However, the dark side of the Heavenly Book seems to be complete at present.

At this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He followed the restlessness of the heavenly books and shadows in the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, almost subconsciously, and immediately activated his Xisang flag.

Lei Jun did not use the Xirang flag to contain it, but still used his own page of the heavenly book to guide him.

 The Xirang flag was recovered and brought the mysterious existence back to Lei Jun.

It’s just that the spirituality is almost completely hidden, and even Lei Jun almost missed it.

 So in addition to Xirang Banner, Lei Jun also used various methods to distract himself at the same time and activate the Heavenly Book and the shadow he already had.

  She remained calm, but how much did she know about the identities and details of other people?

Even though he has taken it in front of him, Lei Jun's senses still feel a bit nihilistic and unreal.

The **** light that fell into Zhu Anjiang was actually Tu Dong, another elder of the Blood River Sect who was in the seventh heaven realm.

The followers behind him were shocked: "That's... that's the head-lowering technique of Samsara Abyss?!"


 Preliminarily, there is no possibility of exposure.

 Under the influence of the dark side of the Book of Heaven, Lei Jun felt that his path to the stars in the book was disturbed.

If Lei Jun hadn't obtained the dark side of the Book of Heaven, he probably wouldn't have been able to see through the truth.

Taiyang Riyao has mastered more than one page of the Heavenly Book.

According to this, although Wei Ancheng is very powerful when he reaches the realm of the Nine Heavens, the Blood River Sect is not monolithic.

 It also looks like a book, but its shape is ethereal, like a shadow.

Is it because the other party actually has no clues about the Celestial Master's robe, or is there another mystery?

Lei Jun’s eyes were calm, unhurried, and followed quietly.

PS: I have been sleeping a lot recently. After all, I can only lie down all day long, but the time is a bit irregular. The lack of sleep before adjusting my schedule may also be the reason for the decline in immune resistance, so now I prioritize sleeping more than sleeping schedule. , Only when you have enough energy can you write more words.



 (End of this chapter)

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