Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 221: 220 New Clues on the Heavenly Master's Robe

  Chapter 221 220. New clues about the Heavenly Master's robe

The eldest son, Yang Tai, looks calm.

 But his mood at the moment was far from as calm as he appeared.

An accident occurred in Zhu Andong, and Yang Tai's sacrifice was in ruins.

Later, when he saw Wei Ancheng, the Lord of the Blood River, at Mianlong Lake, Yang Tai, who was already frustrated, felt even worse.

 The two masters Yuan Shanji and Xiong Gang, like Yang Tai, seemed to have eaten flies.

 But Yuan Shanji had to stop his escape, turned around and counterattacked Sang Lu and Li Tianqing, delaying them in Mianlong Lake.

  After all, this is a powerful enemy that is closely related to him.

At this moment, if there is a chance to get rid of Sang Lu in turn, Yuan Shanji is willing to do so, even if Wei Ancheng takes advantage of him.

Xiong Gang had no choice but to bow his head to the leader of Blood River, whom he had never been convinced by, and cooperate with him, otherwise it would be difficult for him to have such a good opportunity again.

 Wei Ancheng's attitude was calm when he sent the message, not so forceful.

 But the manner in which the imperial envoys from all directions unified and controlled the forces of various families made Yang Tai helpless and even resentful.

Shaken the Southern Wilderness Territory, and established the Mountains and Rivers National Destiny Dragon Line to fight against the Northern Middle Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty. It was the descendants of the Sui Dynasty who had been operating for many years. It took more than one generation of hard work and lost more than half of their lives to achieve today's results.

If not, why would Yang Yuqi, Yang Tai and his son be in such trouble and be involved in the situation by Wei Ancheng?

Without the actions of the direct descendants of the Sui Dynasty to shake the earth's blood, Wei Ancheng wanted to unify the Southern Wilderness, so it was left to him, which would attract the attention of the outside world on the bright side.

 As direct descendants of the Sui Dynasty, they can develop secretly and sit quietly on the Diaoyutai to watch the changes.

  But since they have been secretly managing the mountains and rivers for many years, they do not want to be too high-profile.

However, a few years ago, news of the activities of King Shengkang's bloodline came out in the southwest, which even attracted people from Shushan and the Tang Dynasty imperial family to send people to the Southern Wilderness through the southwest.

 …But those were not the direct descendants of their Sui clan!

 That super **** from Wei Ancheng who has long been ambitious!

Later, although Yang Yuqi spread the news through the Jinzhou Ye Clan and exposed the details of Wei Ancheng's life experience, turning more attention from the outside world to Wei Ancheng, many Middle-earth masters went south, causing chaos in the Southern Wilderness, which still led to many things beyond the control. Control of the details of the descendants of the Sui Dynasty.

 Nowadays, the command of many things falls into the hands of Wei Ancheng.

 After he arrived near Mianlong Lake, he contacted Yang Yuqi in front of Yang Tai:

“At this critical moment, we should unite and cooperate sincerely, so that the imperial family is expected to be revived. I also ask His Highness the Crown Prince to lend me a helping hand.”

Wei Ancheng spoke politely and did not give Yang Tai any trouble. Instead, he ordered him to stay away from Mianlong Lake, which would become the site of the next battle.

Yang Yuqi responded calmly after a brief silence: "What Master Wei said makes sense."

After Yang Tai left Mianlong Lake, he rushed to meet his father Yang Yuqi.

With Yang Yuqi was Gao Pu, the elder of Jincheng Village.

 The two of them will then turn north and take the initiative to intercept a strong enemy.

The commander-in-chief of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty and the general Shangguan Yunbo.

To be precise, Shangguan Yunbo went south with his martial arts magic weapon to defeat Kou Jinge.

Speaking of which, Yang Tai also knew that the reason why Shangguan Yunbo personally led many Shangguan clan masters to the Southern Wilderness was precisely because his most valued nephew, Shangguan Peng, died in the Southern Wilderness.

 The loss was at the hands of Yang Yuqi and Gao Pu.

 Under normal circumstances, Yang Yuqi would not easily touch someone like this who might bring instability.

The reason why Shangguanpeng was moved was because Gaopu was in urgent need of refining the evil soul and the zombies were almost starving. Secondly, the follow-up was to prepare for Wei Ancheng.

 But obviously, Wei Ancheng also had his own plans.

 He is certainly not afraid of fighting.

 But he must be the one who can call the shots!

Most of the rituals were destroyed, and Yang Yuqi had nothing more to lose.

 If it had been someone else, he could just throw up his sleeves and leave without buying into Wei Ancheng's fault.

  But he can't.

He is a direct descendant of Shengkang, and he shoulders the important task of one day bringing the Sui Dynasty to great prominence and going north to compete with the puppet Tang Dynasty for the world.

 He can make plans in secret and accumulate strength silently, but he cannot just live in the dark and dare not see the light.

 Especially today when Wei Ancheng already exists and the branches are strong and the trunks are weak.

“I regret that the sacrifice was not completed. Although I saved the dragon eye, most of the other treasures and materials were destroyed!” When Yang Tai saw his father Yang Yuqi, his face was full of shame.

Yang Yuqi was very calm: "Those who want to achieve great things must be persistent and unyielding. The troubles in front of them are insignificant."

He ordered Yang Tai to retreat, while he and Gao Pu, the elder of Jinchengzhai, headed north with their capable men.

Yang Tai was in a bad mood, but had a calm nature and a calm face. He went to another stronghold of the direct descendants of the Sui Dynasty, Jin Xizhang.

 “His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!”

The men and horses stationed in Jinxi's camp all saluted and welcomed Yang Tai into the camp.

Yang Tai's face was as dark as ever, and he was not angry: "This place has also started to be tidied up and prepared for transfer."

 Everyone was mentally prepared: "Yes, His Royal Highness."

Yang Tai nodded and was about to take a step forward when he suddenly felt something strange: "...What's going on?"

He seemed to feel a slight surge of energy, and it was definitely not caused by the Earth Line Sacrifice here at Jin Xi Zhang...

 “Bang… bang!”

Just when Yang Tai was alert, a stick suddenly appeared behind him.

 A very large stick.

 The whole body is jet black, with blood streaks on the surface. It is more than three feet long, with one end thick and the other thin.

 When the stick is swung, it crackles like lightning sparks.

By the time Yang Tai noticed it, the stick had almost hit the top of his head.

At this moment, a literary spirit suddenly flashed across his body, and a thick mass of ink appeared automatically, forming a text, like a barrier, protecting Yang Tai's body and helping him block the sticks coming from behind.

 But in just an instant, the mass of ink characters was completely broken up.

Having been active in the **** and chaotic area of ​​Southern Wasteland for many years, Yang Tai was not slow to react even though he was suddenly attacked. He did not bother to draw his sword to fight back, so he slipped forward first.

The sneak attacker can sneak up behind him, so he is obviously not an idle person. At this time, it is best to keep the distance between the two sides... Yang Tai thought of lightning in his mind.

The cultural energy around him surged, somewhat like the energy flowing from the earth's veins, converging into a long river.

Yang Tai was like riding the wind and breaking waves at this moment, sliding out instantly with the long river of Wenhua Qi.

This is called a gentleman who perceives danger and avoids it. This is a wonderful method used by Confucian monks in the Sixth Heaven.


Yang Tai found that his body only shook for a moment, but could not move out.

Under him and at his feet, strands of white light were like vines, binding him in place.

The source of the white light is a strange Dharma flag, and the flag is fluttering in the wind.

Yang Tai felt something bad in his heart, and the long sword on his waist was automatically unsheathed as the dragon roared, and the torrential aura turned into a long river and began to flow...


 But after just a moment's pause, the big stick fell down for the second time, this time hitting Young Master Yang in the back of the head.


Yang Tai's eyes turned black, stars appeared randomly, and his body collapsed uncontrollably. The emotions that had been frustrated and suppressed for the past few days finally burst out. He lost his past demeanor and turned into a curse word. The retainers beside him and the young and old of the Sui Dynasty who were guarding here looked at the sudden appearance of Taoist priest Gao behind Yang Tai in surprise. Only then did they come to their senses and hurriedly rushed forward.

Lei Jun was holding the golden bamboo from the supernatant that had grown twice in size after absorbing the blood of Kui Niu, with a calm expression.

The black ink-like Guishui Yin Thunder automatically appeared around him, directly sweeping over everyone around him.

The black thunder water spread out over a huge area, instantly turning the Jinxizhang Valley into a black thunder pool. A large number of Sui monks were immediately swallowed up by the black thunder water.

The people guarding the ceremony under the mountain rock were alerted. On the one hand, they sent people to investigate and on the other hand, they urgently contacted the outside world.

Lei Jun was unhurried and even commented leisurely: "It's not as good as the people over at Xinglongyuan. It seems that after repeated losses, the manpower here is starting to be short."

Although they have been in business for many years, the environment in which the old and young people of the Sui Dynasty are living is difficult and dangerous, making it difficult to accumulate, and it is even more difficult to replenish it in a short time due to the loss of manpower.

The people guarding Jin Xizhang, although their cultivation strength is not as good as that of Xing Longyuan, are still vigilant and try to contact the outside world as soon as possible.

 But, it doesn’t make sense.

The ritual here has not yet collapsed, and although the earth's spiritual energy has been shaken, it has not been chaotic enough to completely disrupt the exchange of internal and external spiritual energy. It stands to reason that some means of communication should be able to maintain it normally.

The person in charge opened the book, and the pages were blank.

 He wrote on it and used the scroll to convey information.

This is a magical way for Confucians to communicate remotely. It is called seeing words as faces, and it can only be used by monks who have been in high school for at least three days.

 But at this moment, the pen and ink on the page cannot be condensed and can not be seriously implemented into tangible words on the paper. It is just a blur.

 This is what it looks like right now…

 Has it been closed off by invading enemies?

 Is this a master who has been there for three days? !

 The person in charge suddenly felt his heart sink to the bottom.

"Although it was suspected of working behind closed doors before, and there were too few Confucian contact methods at hand, fortunately, the effect is still there, but it still needs to be improved." Lei Jun nodded slightly, and first slapped a thunder talisman on Yang Tai's forehead.

  The basic talisman's immobilization talisman is not Lei Jun's natal talisman, and cannot be upgraded with him like the wind-riding talisman, the divine talisman, and the Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa talisman.

Although Lei Jun, who is in the sixth heaven realm, can make the best immobilization talisman and the best sealing talisman, it is a bit overwhelming to use it to restrain Yang Tai, who is also in the sixth heaven realm.

 So Taoist Lei posted a thunder talisman.

Thunder Talisman does not have the function of immobilizing or sealing a person.

But if Yang Tai dares to move, the top-level Thunderbolt Talisman will blow off his head and still have room to spare.

Yang Tai immediately let go of his hand.

Although he was dizzy with stars in his eyes, he almost subconsciously held an extra book in his hand.

 Scrolls are also used for communication.

Moreover, the effect is far better than others.

Although Yang Yuqi did not personally draw the dossier for his two sons in order to conceal his whereabouts, Yang Tai had a special status after all. There were other great Confucian scholars of the last three days who drew the dossier so that he could contact him for help in times of crisis.

Yang Tai holds the scroll in his hand, and there are words on the paper at this time.

However, the literary spirit rising from the scroll was invisiblely blocked as it rose out of the Jinxizhang Valley.

The extremely majestic power of magnetism spread across the entire Jinxi Mountains at this moment, covering the vast mountainous area and blocking communication methods such as musical notes from thousands of miles away and words from face to face.

 Some of the remaining members of the Sui Dynasty, old and young, saw that there was nothing they could do and had to flee.

After all, there are many people, and the area of ​​Jinxizhang is not small. With people fleeing in all directions, it seems difficult for Lei Jun to take care of both at the same time.

 But at this moment, puffs of white light suddenly lit up among the mountains.

One after another, strange Dharma flags are fluttering in the wind in the mountains, and many white silk threads extend out, as if they are alive with rattan.

Lei Jun waved, and the Yuan Magnetic Dragon Flag that had previously locked Yang Tai flew up and fell back into his hand.

Lei Jun then threw it out.

In addition to the eleven Dharma flags that had been arranged on the periphery, a total of twelve Yuan Magnetic Wrapped Dragon Flags formed a mysterious formation at this moment. The power of Yuan Magnetic was surging, and a large number of vines transformed by white light were intertwined, suddenly filling the mountains and fields, covering the entire Jin Xizhang is shrouded and closed.

 Liangyi Yuan Magnetic Locking Dragon Formation.

Lei Jun had previously used the battle formation to cover Jin Xizhang, isolating internal and external communications here.

At this moment, the large formation was under his command to seal off the mountain. At the same time, the white light vines began to automatically capture those who were fleeing in all directions.

 No one present can escape from this place.

Yang Tai did not dare to act rashly at this time. He looked at Lei Jun steadily and said after a long time: "Elder Lei from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain?"

Lei Jun had no intention of talking to the other party. The reason why he attacked at close range instead of rewarding Young Master Yang with a Yuanci Sword Pill from a distance was to avoid damaging the Confucian latitude and longitude box that the other party carried.

 After taking the Confucian latitude and longitude box, it is not easy to dismantle it violently, and you must be careful about whether there is any conspiracy inside.

 In the past, Lei Jun would have been more careful.

 But now…

He stretched out his hand, opened the five fingers of his palm, and waved it towards the latitude and longitude box.

Although he has not yet fully mastered the dark side of the Book of Heaven, traces of shadows are flowing out of it.

 When touched by the shadow, the latitude and longitude box immediately became loose.

  There may be restrictions or marks directly attached to the spiritual objects. Lei Jun is currently unable to perform precise operations to remove the hidden marks left by others without damaging the object itself, so he is not greedy.

He would not take anything else from Yang Tai, only the same thing.

 This is also the goal of his trip.

 Awesome, it is also a nine-color brilliance.

 A nine-color radiance originating from the Tianshi Mansion’s most precious treasure, the Tianshi Robe.

Mr. Yang really did not disappoint.

 He really has a clue related to the Heavenly Master's robe.

On the contrary, it was the finishing touch that Yang Tai had attached great importance to before. Now it is not here. It was previously given to his father Yang Yuqi.

Lei Jun didn't care much about this. He got new clues about the Heavenly Master's robe, and this trip was already worthwhile.

“The loss of the Celestial Master’s robe is heartbreaking. Yang also hopes that the Celestial Master’s robe can return to Longhu Mountain as soon as possible.”

Yang Tai calmed down at this time, with a soothing look and a calm tone: "Elder Lei, in fact, not only today, but also in the future, we can continue to cooperate. There is no enmity between us. In the past, there was a relationship between the Sui Dynasty and the Longhu Mountain of your sect. We get along well with each other."

Lei Jun glanced at the other person.

Mr. Jin Yi is calm in the face of danger, talks eloquently, and looks good.

 It means that a magic talisman is stuck on the forehead...

“The imperial family of the Tang Dynasty only made use of Taoist holy places such as Longhu Mountain.”

Yang Tai stabilized his mind and said: "Even if we can't cooperate, we don't have to be enemies at all. Elder Lei... To say the least, as long as we are here, the Blood River Sect will always have some ties, right?"

Lei Jun nodded first, then shook his head: "Maybe you are right, but these things depend on your father, Prince Shengkang, and have little to do with you."

 After saying that, the thunder talisman exploded, and endless thunder spread, drowning Yang Tai.

 (End of this chapter)

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