Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 224: 223 No one can take Taoist Master Lei’s benefits in vain

Chapter 224 223. No one can take the benefits of Taoist Lei in vain

 “An irresistible offer... you can probably imagine it.” Yuan Mobai looked at the battlefield in the distance.

The Blood River Sect Wei Ancheng can persuade Maitreya to come to the Southern Wilderness in the future and rely on him as a back-up. He was so confident before, and of course it is not just empty talk.

Must have also prepared a treasure that can make the White Lotus Sect's heart beat, so that he can ask him to help.

 In this case, Maitreya's rebellion in the future is not just as simple as being an enemy of Wei Ancheng.

Compared with Shangguan Yunbo, Xu Duan of the Shushan sect, and everyone in Nanhuang who are against him, I am afraid that the White Lotus Sect is now even more hated by Wei Ancheng.

The Blood River Sect is being besieged from all sides as the public enemy of the world, and now even the Mountain Gate Holy Land has been defeated early. To a certain extent, the Blood River masters are close to being carefree, lawless, and more dangerous than most powerful people in the same realm.

Although there are few direct conflicts between the Tianshi Mansion and the White Lotus Sect, the White Lotus Sect and the Blood River Sect are both the scourge of the Tang Dynasty in Central China, and the Tianshi Mansion is in the same boat as the Tang imperial family, so the current situation is a bit delicate.

Then let’s ask the leader of Blood River Pai Wei to take a shower and sleep today.

He had been injured by Shushan elder Xu Duan's magic weapon before. At this time, he was trapped in the ghost and **** sacrifice array by Sang Lu and Li Tianqing. He was exposed to the most intense sunlight and was exhausted from running for his life. If he didn't pay attention for a moment, he was attacked by Xu Duan again.

 The Blood River Sect, on the other hand, is an existence that even if some people don't mess with it, it will actively mess with people.

If he can get over today's calamity, he can also continue to settle scores with the White Lotus Sect and have a good showdown between the two evil holy places.

Sang Lu called to Li Tianqing.

Yuan Mobai nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Lei Jun: "Although I don't understand Buddhism, I have studied the Buddhist aggregates and gained some understanding. Master, if your old Buddhist friends are in need, you can find an opportunity to sit down with me later."

In addition, the Bodhi Temple suffered a catastrophe, and the Vajra Temple was intercepted by Buddhist outsiders on its way to welcome the new abbot. In recent years, the life of orthodox Buddhism has been very difficult. Many people say that the Tao disappears and the devil grows, which is sighing.

Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun, master and apprentice, looked at the distant sky.

After Lei Jun passed on the Buddha Yun, I think the White Lotus Sect will gain more momentum in the future.

But the black magic pattern on the **** water is still entangled.

At the same time, there was also the bright sunlight shining from the ritual array of ghosts and gods outside.

 The former performs a ritual dance and sets up an array of ghosts and gods, while the Jiu Ge·Da Siming's sacrificial array unfolds, which also freezes the changes in the void and blocks the expansion of the sea of ​​blood.

 The reason why it was damaged and lost earlier was because the founder of the White Lotus Sect took it away when he came out of the mountain gate, which can be regarded as supporting evidence of the importance of this treasure.

At the same time, the figure of Feng Gui, the Holy Lord of Samsara Abyss, seemed to disappear in the void.

In this situation, Wei Ancheng didn't care about Xiong Gang's previous little move, and with a flash of blood, he helped Xiong Gang intercept Xu Duan's subsequent pursuit.

Abbot Liao Yuan of Bodhi Temple and others also serve as a warning.

In addition to the incompleteness and loss of the Chengjing Dan recipe, it also caused the loss of some Buddhist scriptures. According to disciples' speculation, it was very long ago and involved the establishment of the Bodhi Temple before the sect was established. Therefore, even the monks of the Xuantian Temple had gone to the Xianliu Mountain area to try their luck. "

 But it was too late.

Although Bodhi Temple is now suffering from the disaster of the end of Dharma, it had abundant savings in its early years and is most closely related to the beginning of the rise of Buddhism.

As Wei Ancheng had expected before, if this young monk joins the battle, the balance of the battle will be broken.

 The war situation was extremely tragic.

Since Wei Ancheng has been offended, he must either do nothing or do nothing.

At that time, I will communicate with the real Buddhist monks and discuss the Dharma. The Buddhist monks opposite will gain something from listening to it.

The Blood Sea Map is also more about leaving a last escape route for the Blood River Sect, so as not to seriously fight the enemy until all the blood is shed.

Under attack from both inside and outside, Xiong Gang's flesh and blood disintegrated into a sea of ​​blood, and every drop of blood seemed to be burning.

Yuan Mobai nodded slightly, but his expression was indifferent: "Everyone has his or her own destiny, so it doesn't matter."

On the pure white nine-pin lotus platform, the young monk is sitting upright with a calm expression.

 The picture scroll is full of blood red, and all you can see is the rolling ocean, which is shocking.

The Blood Sea Map was temporarily immobilized by the ninth-grade white jade lotus platform, preventing him from breaking through the void to escape. Shangguan Yunbo seized this momentary opportunity and rushed forward with Kou Jinge in hand.

Many black magic patterns suddenly appeared on the surface of her body.

Although Maitreya is the scheduled next sect leader in the future, there has never been a precedent for taking over the ninth-grade white jade lotus platform in advance.

He was not in a hurry to give the young monk a good look at the moment. Instead, he raised his hand and unfolded a scroll.

Wei Ancheng did not speak, but as the Blood Sea Map was forced to be re-opened, he once again firmly forgot to glance at the young monk in the distance.

Lei Jun’s understanding on the journey of spiritual practice is biased towards the two categories of yin and yang, but it is not limited to this.

 The Descendants of Blood River are almost public enemies, most of them are warlike and crazy.

At the time, there were many Buddhist treasures in the temple that seemed inconspicuous but were actually very important.

The Shushan old man who had been fighting on the outside and would not show up easily to avoid being attacked, at this moment showed a bravery that was not inferior to Xiong Gang.

Yuan Mobai smiled: "The understanding that has reached a quiet level is indeed different from before."

As Lian Ran shouted angrily, his body disintegrated and turned into blood.

 “Nine-grade lotus platform?!”

 In the blood sea map, Xiong Gang's cold snort could be heard.

On the basis that he does not practice Buddhism, it is an exaggeration to say that Lei Jun can actually gain something by looking at the Buddha's aggregate, and that one Dharma can lead to all Dharmas.

Among the four holy places of Buddhism spread today, the Bodhi Temple has the longest history and the earliest establishment.

 The latter waved his hand, and a whirlpool of defeat appeared.

 Xiong Gang, the elder of the Blood River Sect, was the first to be eliminated.

 The Blood River Sect failed to escape, and a fierce battle suddenly broke out between heaven and earth.

 About six or seven years ago, the future Maitreya began to walk in the world.

The two sides fought with real fire, almost destroying the world and destroying the earth. Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai and others who were watching the battle from a distance had to be on guard.

The three-day cultivator Liu Xun had to use the precious blood to sacrifice many living beings to perform the Abyss Drop, but now the wind is at his fingertips.

 Feng Gui's figure actually condensed in the blood before Lian Ran and reappeared.

If the White Lotus Sect takes this step forward, it will lay the foundation for future hidden dangers with the Blood River Sect.

Dang Kou Jin Ge's function is relatively simple. In other aspects, it is not as good as the Blood Sea Map and the Nine-Rank White Jade Lotus Platform, but in terms of attack and killing, it is absolutely sharp.

Countless vermilion flames exploded from the inside of Xiong Gang's body.

Xiong Gang grunted, and finally stopped resisting, retreating back to Wei An City under the overwhelming sea of ​​blood.

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This future Maitreya has a solemn appearance and a calm face.

However, the benefits of Taoist Lei will naturally not be taken for nothing.

 But when he looked at the Buddha's aggregate, he was naturally different from others.

The blazing sun is facing **** for tat with the surging sea of ​​yin and evil blood. The sunlight is everywhere, as if completely sealing the void, further limiting the possibility of the Blood River Sect's retreat.

The Zhu Yan on the flying fork burns. It does not seem to be a fierce fire, but it has an obvious effect of destroying evil. It is not afraid of being infected by the blood of the Blood River Sect in a short period of time, and in turn burns Xiong Gang's protective blood light, making Xiong Gang's blood The secret method of river cannot heal flesh and blood wounds as quickly as possible.

Let Lei Jun, who is now thirty-six or seven years old, start practicing other Taoist methods from scratch. With the holy body and pure understanding, he can still achieve something. Not only can he easily complete the three days before the age of fifty, It can still last three days before turning 100 years old.

Two great witches from the eighth heaven realm of Gepo Mountain, at this moment, tried their best to set up the same kind of ghost and **** ritual array.

Surprised, Shangguan Yunbo had a momentary thought in his heart, but he immediately wiped it out. Today's target is focused on Wei Ancheng and Yang Yuqi.

 But when it comes to the level of Wei Ancheng, the manic intention is more to affect the opponent than himself.

Shangguan Yunbo's Chang Ge fell, and Wei Ancheng had to draw his sword to meet him.

 Crisis, crisis.

The so-called understanding is by no means only a Taoist practitioner.

Maitreya is willing to take such a causal action in the future, which shows that the conditions laid out by Lei Jun are extremely important to their White Lotus Sect.

 In addition to opportunities, there are also dangers.

The nine-grade white jade lotus platform is the most sacred treasure of the White Lotus Sect. It has always been the symbol of the sect leader and is now personally in charge of Maitreya, the Holy Lord of the White Lotus.

Rather, they are called the four holy places of authentic Buddhism. Although there are young eminent monks with profound wisdom, they are not as prominent as the two heretic Buddhist disciples.

 Now that he has made a decision, he will not look back or look forward.

 Including Yang Yuqi, no one resisted.

Earlier when the Tianshi Mansion encountered internal and external disasters, blood river masters would always gather around them like sharks attracted by the blood.

As far as Lei Jun knows, among the monks in this realm, only Tang Xiaotang seems to be significantly younger than this young monk.

Although Xiong Gang's counterattack also injured Xu Duan, who was approaching at the risk of his own life, the twelve Zhuyan Flying Forks worked together and directly stabbed the Blood River Sect elder into a burning man.

Xu Duan directly placed his soul on the flying fork, his natal magic weapon, and suddenly got close to it, heading straight for Huanglong.

 After the initial surprise, Wei Ancheng has regained his composure: "The White Lotus Sect's choice is unwise."

Seeing that the Blood Sea Map was about to disappear in mid-air as it was being rolled up and closed, suddenly a white lotus bloomed in the sky above the Blood Sea Map.

 The rest should be older than him.

Not to mention opponents, Shangguan Yunbo, Sang Lu, Feng Gui, Xu Duan and others who were currently temporary allies were also surprised when they saw the white lotus. The surprise was almost as surprising as seeing Maitreya suddenly switch sides.

 The Blood River Sect’s most precious treasure, the Blood Sea Map.

Lei Jun: "Master, do you have old friends in Buddhism?"

It was just the winning hand prepared by Wei Ancheng, but now it has become the winning hand of Lei Jun, Shangguan Yunbo, Sang Lu and others.

 For anyone else, Taoist Master Lei might have just sat on the Diaoyutai and watched the show calmly today.

 At that time, the young monk had already reached the seventh heaven.

Although the White Lotus Sect is also a secluded holy land and its whereabouts are secretive, it is still a big threat if it messes with a powerful person from the Nine Heavens like Wei Ancheng.

Then there are Li Tianqing, the proud son of Wumen who is also in Mianlong Lake, and the legendary new generation Buddhist disciple of Dakong Temple. They seem to be a few years younger than the future Maitreya.

“I just didn’t expect the candlestick to be so magical before?” Yuan Mobai sighed.

“It’s a pity that the magic weapon was seriously damaged and if it was dismantled by the disciple, the Buddhist amulet inside it would not last long before it would dissipate. Otherwise, the disciple would have planned to keep it longer and wait for a more suitable time to trade it for favors.”

 Among the young generation of the current generation, this young monk can also be regarded as a latecomer.

Lei Jun even passed by him in the valley outside Xianliu Mountain.

 But today, the future Maitreya of this generation was actually brought to the Southern Wilderness with him?

That is a nine-grade white jade lotus platform. The light is flexible and condensed, and it seems to freeze time and space at the same time.

 “Can’t the Buddha’s body be preserved for a long time?” Yuan Mobai sighed after hearing this: “It is indeed a pity.”

Xiong Gang, the elder of the Blood River Sect, was the first to lose. When he was resisting Maitreya's attack in the future, Xu Duan, the elder of the Shushan Sect, seized the opportunity. Four of the twelve Zhuyan flying forks passed through the blockage of Xiong Gang's blood-red sword light and hit Xiong Gang. Although the Blood River Sect elder was not nailed to the ground on the spot, his injuries were serious.

Sang Lu and Feng Gui were surprised at the same time, but their men were not slow and took action together.

"Later, ask him what he means." Yuan Mobai turned his gaze to the increasingly fierce battle in the distance: "But the White Lotus Sect is gaining momentum!"

 The most outstanding figures of the younger generation of Buddhism, one is in the White Lotus Sect and the other is in the Dakong Temple. They are both Buddhist heretics in the eyes of the world.

But now, seeing each other again in Nanhuang, he has reached the realm of the eighth heaven.

Lei Jun: "For this sect, and for others, it may not be of that great significance, but for the successors of Buddhism, it is extremely important. It was left behind by one of the founders of the White Lotus Sect when he broke out of the gate of Bodhi Temple in the early years. of Buddha.

  It makes people feel a little nervous just talking about it.

The whirlpool swept across all directions, joining forces with the ninth-grade white jade lotus platform and the ghost and **** sacrificial array to drag the blood sea map out of the void bit by bit.

 I saw the young monk making great aspirations, and the Buddha's light manifested into a pure white peacock, soaring in the sky with great majesty and great wisdom.

Lei Junyan said: "Since the current situation is about to dissipate, we can only focus on the present. Although the situation in the Southern Wilderness is complicated, no matter how the situation changes, it is not appropriate for the Blood River Sect to live too comfortably!"

Lian Ran, the elder of the Blood River Sect who was also surrounded by the sacrificial array and under the attack of the blazing sun, suddenly felt an ominous sign in his heart.


This treasure is used for fighting, and it is certainly sharp, but neither Wei Ancheng nor the previous heads of the Blood River Sect before him rarely fight with others directly based on the Blood Sea Map.

 Hold the bow without turning back.

At this time, he unfolded the Blood Sea Map and immediately drew in Lian Ran, Xiong Gang, Yuan Shanji and even Yang Yuqi who were present, and then he also threw himself into it.

"Although the foundation is a little thin, it can still be used for great purposes." Feng Gui said calmly.

Then under the control of the black magic pattern, the **** water turned towards Yang Yuqi and Yuan Shanji who were standing aside.

 (End of this chapter)

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