Chapter 228 227. See the sign above

  When Tang Xiaotang left, he was obviously in a daze.

Lei Jun looked at her back and touched his chin: "Is this a bigger impact... It seems that we should pay attention to avoid it in the future."

 Fortunately, Tang Tianshi had a big heart and soon stopped taking it seriously.

Lei Jun currently only listens to the news about the pure yin daughter of Chunyang Palace as gossip.

 Relatively speaking, he paid more attention to other news.

 For example, news came back from Nanhuang one after another, introducing the latest situation.

Although Wei Ancheng escaped, the Blood River Sect suffered heavy losses as a whole.

"Dakong Temple has withdrawn its troops from Tianlong Temple." Chu Andong said slowly, "Someone from the Chu tribe in Suzhou joined the imperial army and began to clear out the rebels in Dakong Temple."

  【Win the lottery, during the prince's visit to the mountains, he will stay in the mountains but avoid contact with the visitors and his entourage, there will be no extra gains and nothing to lose, flat. 】

 Explain what?

The prince of Zhao did something without authorization, which was not the old prince’s intention?

Then there is some explanation on this matter.

But this time, the Crown Prince of Zhao went south to quell the rebellion under the orders of the capital center, making the situation confusing again.

 There are also many injured people left.

In addition to the Blood River Sect, Jincheng Village also suffered heavy losses. The Shanmen Holy Land, which was rebuilt not too long ago, was once again abandoned and destroyed. The descendants of the Ghost Dao lineage were scattered and hidden, and their whereabouts were hidden.

However, when Wei Ancheng led Xuehe to conquer Jinchengzhai, Jinchengzhai first defeated the backbone of Cao Chu and others, and now Gao Pu and others were killed one after another, and Jinchengzhai was also severely damaged.

Chu Kun was hesitant: "Senior brother, although His Highness the Crown Prince has never been interested in political affairs and devoted himself to calligraphy and painting, now that he is out of the capital, he feels a little restless and wants to show the meaning of his existence in front of the world."

 The government still retained his status as a disciple and arranged some simple errands for him, so Chu Andong stayed in the mountain.

 Sang Lu, the Holy Lord of Gepo Mountain, was seriously injured in the battle at Mianlong Lake.

Although he was a little later than Lei Jun, he successfully passed the Shilu and became a disciple of the Longhushan Shilu.

So, the attitude of the old King Zhao today is a bit ambiguous.

This time the situation of the Blood River Sect took a turn for the worse, and Xing Feng accidentally appeared to help a few Blood River descendants escape.

 Samsara Yuan and Yinshan Cave, led by two masters Feng Gui and Hu Hengyuan, participated in the follow-up war.

Earlier, when he looked at Lei Jun, Chu Kun and others in their prime, he would still feel a lot of emotion in his heart, but now it has become calm.

 Dakong Temple shows off its power at the doorstep of Tianlong Temple, completely ignoring Tianlong Temple’s geographical advantage and foundation in Suzhou.

Thinking back to the previous two changes in the throne, especially after the death of the late Emperor Zhang Qilong, King Zhao was one of the candidates for succession but in the end he missed the throne again. Now the attitude of the old prince is really arousing people's imagination.

 But he was not seen assisting Wei Ancheng, the head of the Blood River.

This gentleman's previous behavior was very different from that of the Blood River Sect. He rarely took the initiative to kill people or even provoke others.

 Dakong Temple was therefore evacuated, and the siege of Tenryu Temple was lifted.

 When other people see this behavior, they can’t help but guess that the situation within the Blood River Sect may be a bit subtle...

 This reaction was expected by many people.

  【The above sign indicates that during the prince's visit to the mountains, if he stays in the mountains and entertains the visitors, he will have the opportunity to obtain the third grade to expand his opportunities, no risks, no future troubles, good luck! 】

 Earlier, Chu Andong was one of the potential seeds cultivated by Tianshi Mansion.

 He did not shy away from talking about relevant matters in front of Lei Jun.

 The harvest was indeed rich. In addition to Wei Ancheng himself, most of the other Blood River monks also gained.

And he was used to walking alone, and he rarely interacted with other people in the blood river lineage.

“So, is it going to happen in Suzhou as well?” Lei Jun looked at the two Taoist priests in front of him and asked with interest.

In addition to paying attention to some gossip news from the outside world, Lei Jun continues to study his own practice and magic.

However, in this battle that centered on Mianlong Lake and expanded outward, the Blood River lineage suffered heavy losses. In terms of casualties, not only did they regurgitate all their previous profits, but their overall strength even declined compared to the early years.

However, beyond his expectation, this time writing appeared on the light ball in his mind, showing this:

                                                         ifylegnus ‘ When the emperor is climbing a mountain, there will be waves inside and outside him , so be patient and calm , for good or bad luck will follow the thunder . 】

The general who led the army to help Tianlong Temple to suppress the rebellion was the Crown Prince of Zhao.

 As a result, their threat to our sect has been further reduced... Lei Jun nodded secretly when he heard the news about Jincheng Village.

The two people in front of him were both wearing dark red Taoist robes and dressed as Taoist priests.

Under normal circumstances, when the prince comes to the mountain later in the evening, they will also have to make a show of receiving him together.

From this perspective, although the Tang imperial family failed to retain Wei Ancheng and Yang Yuqi this time, it has achieved its initial goal.

Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is noble, he is not like the Queen after all. The etiquette requires the Heavenly Master to personally greet him.

Chu Andong: "It's true that you can win with perfect combinations and surprises, but with all due respect, Her Majesty the Queen's current chess moves are mostly based on strange moves and rarely on perfect combinations. Although this often has unexpected results, the gaps on the chessboard are still missing. It’s getting smaller and smaller, and in the end we still have to decide the outcome head-on…”


In addition to Shangguan Peng who died earlier, the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty lost another seventh-level martial arts master.

Since Tu Dong, Xiong Gang, and Lian Ran, many Blood River elders have been surrounded and killed in succession, and the casualties of various backbones are countless.

 So all we need is Shangguan Ning to pick it up.

 Unfortunately, he came in a hurry and left in a hurry. After Wei Ancheng escaped, Maitreya was also lost in the future, leaving only huge doubts to the world.

After the war, Tang Xiaotang ascended to the position of Heavenly Master and did not leave any disciples like Chu Andong.

 “The people over in Suzhou are very surprised.” Chu Kun said softly.

 At that time, a considerable part of the energy of the Tang imperial family was involved in the Southern Wilderness.

Siting in Youzhou, the old prince, the oldest and one of the most elite members of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, is the eldest son of King Zhao.

Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion has no intention of expelling him.

 At first, it was naturally not like this.

There is no shortage of masters like General Shangguan Yunbo who can stand alone.

On the contrary, the Queen also played a strange and unconventional move, which made people unpredictable.

 Wei Ancheng and Xuehe suffered heavy losses, and the direct descendants of the Sui Dynasty were equally sad.

But how can the prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River be allowed to be ruined by Dakong Temple?

The Tang Dynasty decisively sent troops to support Tianlong Temple.

"Our Majesty the Queen is really unexpected in her actions. Even in terms of poaching corners, she is very skillful." Lei Jun said with a smile.

They are currently in the southern wasteland and everyone is shouting for a fight. They will have to seek self-protection for a long time in the future. The possibility of going north to cause trouble to the Tianshi Mansion is greatly reduced.

Zong Han, the Holy Lord of Jinchengzhai, the "Ghost King", also lost an extremely powerful evil spirit in order to escape.

 But even so, Xingfeng still stands out in the Blood River lineage, and his talent and strength are evident.

"The conflict between Prince Zhao and Prince Zhao is huge, and there is even the possibility that his father will dethrone him." Lei Jun said: "Although this possibility is extremely low, but compared with what is happening now, it is indeed difficult to speak."

 One hundred three. One seventy two. Sixty five. One hundred and thirty eight

One of the few people involved who knows the inside story, Taoist Master Lei of Longhu Mountain hides his merit and fame, and is calm and composed, as if he is completely listening to other people's gossip.

It would be a disaster if there was no secret support from the Suzhou Chu people behind this.

 He did not return to the Chu people in Suzhou.

Yuan Shanji, who was expelled from the gate wall of Gepo Mountain, also escaped and was never cleared by the Shenwu lineage. However, he was also injured in the battle of Mianlong Lake and disappeared, and he has not been seen again since.

Although on the surface, the Zhao Palace and the Youzhou Lin Clan are still **** for tat, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the attitudes of both parties have softened a lot.

Xingfeng is known as the number one among the younger generation of Blood River.

His words were unclear, but both Lei Jun and Chu Kun could tell that the people coming from Youzhou meant that the Zhao Palace sent a special envoy to the Chu people in Suzhou.

 Of course, there are also losses.

There seems to be some unclear connection between King Zhao and the Ye Clan of Jinzhou and even before the Ye Clan of Qingzhou.

But it was Chu Andong who was also from the Chu tribe in Suzhou, and started before Lei Jun and Chu Kun.

The Chu people in Suzhou were also bachelors. After recognizing this situation, they naturally remained loyal to the imperial court and cooperated with the army to suppress the rebellion.

Next to Chu Kun sat a Taoist priest who looked about thirty years old, but his hair was already gray and stained by wind and frost.

It was rare that most of the Blood River disciples who had been hidden in the past reappeared together. They were so majestic before, but now they are so dangerous. They were eliminated and besieged by all forces.

Even, other people in Jinchengzhai who were originally subdued by Zong Han and Gaopu may have other ideas to change the situation in Jinchengzhai, which originally had a tendency to unify.

Not only did Wei Ancheng finally take the first step from the eighth heaven to the ninth heaven, but the overall strength of the Blood River Sect also made great progress.

 But the person leading the army exceeded almost everyone’s expectations.

 Lei Jun: “It’s not impossible.”

 Zong Han, Gao Pu and others traced their lineages upwards, and they all had a bad relationship with the Tianshi Mansion. Therefore, after Zong Han unified Jincheng Village, the Holy Land of Witchmen and Ghost Paths became another enemy of the Tianshi Mansion.

 We are all disciples of Longhu Mountain.

It was difficult for them to accumulate some talents, and Yang Yuqi, the prince of Shengkang, was almost dismissed as a bare commander.

 A dedicated person has come to contact us to discuss the schedule and reception.

 After all, Queen Zhang Wantong and other powerful members of the imperial family did not go south at all.

“I heard that someone from Youzhou went south overnight and rushed to Suzhou, but I’m not sure what they said specifically.” Chu Andong said calmly.

Li Tianqing chose to support her in returning to the Holy Land of Gepo Mountain.

 It's just that his cultivation was basically ruined.

However, on behalf of the imperial family center in the capital, he led troops south to quell the rebellion, causing the Chu people in Suzhou to murmur.

The reason why the natural disaster is called the natural disaster is that it is not only difficult, but also extremely dangerous. If you make a wrong step, there will be no chance of recovery.

It is a pity that things are unpredictable, and Chu Andong failed to succeed when he attacked the natural chasm between the realm of the third-level heavenly altar and the realm of the fourth-level heavenly yuan talisman.

That is to say, he was born in a famous family such as the Chu clan in Suzhou, and his apprenticeship was in a Taoist holy place such as Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion. Therefore, although Chu Andong is no longer in cultivation, after years of training and strengthening his roots, it seems that he is now normal. People are no different.

 Luckily among the misfortunes, Chu Andong did not die directly in the disaster and barely managed to save his life.

Even if the elders of the Suzhou Chu tribe came to help Li Song, Chu Andong would be just like Chu Kun, ignoring the matter as it had nothing to do with him.

 Lei Jun and Chu Kun were both thoughtful.

One of them looks young and looks to be no more than 20 years old. In fact, he is still less than 30 years old. He is Chu Kun, Lei Jun's junior brother from the same clan.

 In the past few years, they were like a group of carrion-eating vultures, following the scent of blood, fanning the flames and taking advantage of the situation, covertly and openly.

Chu Kun was very aware: "It is best not to get involved in the matter between the emperor and the prince. Should we simply avoid it in advance?"

 The same is true for Chu Andong.

Of course, the biggest mystery in the eyes of countless people during this battle in the Southern Wasteland is that the future Maitreya of the White Lotus Sect suddenly took action against Wei Ancheng of the Blood River Sect.

 The Prince of the East Palace, after leaving the Shushan Sect, the next stop was the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

To put it more bluntly, if King Zhao can really ascend to the great treasure and take over the Tang Dynasty, then the Crown Prince of Zhao will be the new crown prince.

Under such a situation, the restoration of the country is like a mirror in the mirror. Even if Yang Yuqi himself can persist, how many of his subordinates, old and young, still have the determination and confidence to continue?

His lineage can be traced back to Li Song, and he is Li Song's direct disciple and grandson. However, in the earlier battle between Li and Wai, his cultivation had been destroyed and he stayed out of it.

 The Shenwu lineage will no longer participate in the battle to hunt down the Blood River lineage.

What Prince Zhao thinks is unknown to the outside world for the time being.

Yuan Mobai went into seclusion and Wang Guiyuan went out. This group of people, Ding Shao, is now headed by Lei Jun and Chu Kun.

In addition to Gaopu, it is rumored that they also had two elders from the Seventh Heaven who died.

Although Buddhism and Taoism are two sides of the same coin, they sometimes show sympathy for each other. Tianlong Temple was able to escape the siege, and everyone on Longhu Mountain breathed a sigh of relief.

 In the war that ended later, Xiao Xueting and Shen Qubing's achievements and reputations were achieved.

 Not to mention that Chu Andong did nothing, even most of the other people in the house focused on appeasing them.

To be honest, Lei Jun has also considered this aspect.

 In order to protect himself and the enemy, and to **** the incomplete Sui imperial seal back to Beijing, he had to retreat from the front line and return north early.

Why did the Crown Prince of Zhao want to undermine King Zhao?

 Failed to explore the further depth of the Tang imperial family.

Over the past few years, Chu Andong has adapted to his current situation and life.

  Until, finally, something was about to happen before my eyes.

 What made Lei Jun pay a little attention was about another master of the Blood River Sect.

If we say that in the previous one or two hundred years, King Zhao was one of the pillars of the Tang Dynasty. He was in charge of the northern border of the Tang Dynasty, frightening Xiaoxiao and restraining the Youzhou Lin tribe, one of the five surnames and seven Wangs.

 For such actions, it was natural to explain to the Chu people.

Not to mention what the future holds, just the blessing of mountains and rivers and the blessing of the country, and the cultivation of the emperor's imperial skills are the dreams of all the emperor's children.

  【In the lottery, during the prince's visit to the mountains, he left the mountains for a while and had no extra income. He encountered some storms and waves. There were no dangers, but there were hidden dangers. Be careful in the future. It's bad luck. 】

It might be a problem to avoid going out, but would it be a good thing to stay in the mountain to entertain the prince?

 (End of this chapter)

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