Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 231: 230 I am a research talent and not good at fighting.

  Chapter 231 230. I am a research talent and not good at fighting.

  It was mentioned in the previous lottery that what you may get is a third-level opportunity with the opportunity for subsequent expansion. The subsequent expansion of this opportunity seems to depend on whether the root bone physique can be improved again... Lei Jun thought.

 The root bone of the immortal body.

Looking at the current world, it is also extremely rare.

Looking at Tianshi Mansion from a vertical perspective, as far as Lei Jun is aware, currently there is only one young senior sister, Tang Xiaotang.

Looking further ahead, there is an immortal body in the Tianshi Mansion, Li Cangting, the son of the second Tianshi Li.

 But that was more than a hundred years ago.

Many years after the original turmoil ended, Tang Xiaotang had just entered the gate of Tianshi Mansion, so Tianshi Mansion could not feel the joy of having two immortal body descendants at the same time.

 Now, there is some hope.

Moreover, it’s not just the bones of the immortal body.

"Well..." Tang Xiaotang stood up directly and walked around Lei Jun twice with interest, looking him up and down.

  Lei Jun: "Senior sister, please don't look at people with such an attitude and gaze that can easily lead to misunderstanding."

 “What’s the mess?”

Tang Xiaotang rested his chin with his fingers: "I was just thinking that you can be considered a special talent. From ancient times to the present, although there are few people who are born with immortal body and quiet understanding at the same time, there are always precedents. However, both the ability and understanding can be improved the day after tomorrow. If you succeed at this level, you should be the first one, right?"

Lei Jun corrected: "The root is not there yet."

Tang Xiaotang seemed not to have heard his correction: "It is rare to improve the day after tomorrow, and it is even rarer for you to improve continuously like this."

 Lei Jun repeated what he said earlier: "It all depends on luck, and it's not easy."

He looked at Tang Xiaotang: "Of course it is good to improve the day after tomorrow, but compared to a genius like you, little senior sister, it is a waste of time after all."

 Someone goes from being a Taoist to a Heavenly Master in one step.

 Looking at it from another perspective, it also corresponds to her short cultivation time.

 When he was more than seven years old, he was picked up by Xu Yuanzhen and brought back to Longhu Mountain.

Then eight-year-old Tang Xiaotang had already overcome the catastrophe between the first and second heavens and successfully built the foundation.

 The next nine years old, the third heaven Dharma altar.

 Eleven-year-old fourth level Tianyuan Talisman.

 Thirteen years old, fifth level Heavenly Palace.

 At the age of fifteen, he attained the sixth level of Heavenly Dao Seal.

 Eighteen years old, seventh heaven, reaching the heavenly realm!

With full calculation, in the early ten years, you will reach the realm of the three highest realms.

 Under normal circumstances, many people of this age are indeed still serving as Taoist boys in the Taoist courtyard.

From the seventh heaven to the eighth heaven, Tang Xiaotang’s ascent seemed to have finally slowed down.

 But during this period, someone spent a considerable part of the time floating outside, looking for the lost Tianshi Sword...

Of course, Tang Xiaotang’s rapid promotion is extraordinary.

Even though she is born with a divine body and a quiet understanding, her improvement speed is still among the best since records began.

"But having said that..." Lei Jun suddenly remembered something: "Senior Sister, do you know what level of skills and understanding Senior Sister has?"

Tang Xiaotang shook his head: "I don't know. It's not just me. I'm afraid my junior uncle is not completely clear either."

She suddenly said to Lei Jun with some mystery: "I actually have a guess. Senior sister is just like you, and her qualifications have been improved over time."

 Lei Jun was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Tang Xiaotang was a little bored: "But I don't know the specific details. I will ask my senior sister face to face when she comes back this time."

“Whether you ask or not is the next best thing, as long as the senior sister comes back safely, that’s fine.” Lei Jun said.

The tall woman in front of him curled her lips: "I will definitely come back safely. Lin Che can come back. How could it be possible that Senior Sister can't come back? I just don't know where she is happy right now?"

His tone of voice sounded quite envious and yearning.

Lei Jun: "Although our sect has been adhering to the purpose of recuperating and not acting rashly in recent years, we can pay attention to the movements of the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou and the Daheishan Mountains in Northern Xinjiang."

After the two chatted for a while, Lei Jun took leave from Tianshi Palace and returned to his residence.

 The balance of movement and stillness, after being intertwined with Lei Jun's magic power, gradually turned into a heavy liquid rolling like mercury, losing the previous shape of the balance change between the two instruments.

 Then, Lei Jun used his own flesh and blood to temporarily integrate this balance of movement and stillness into his body.

 He possesses the Yin-Yang Holy Body, and his cultivation strength is much higher than that of Meng Shaojie. Naturally, he can roughly control this treasure.

Even when faced with extreme power concepts like pure yang and pure yin, the balance of movement and stillness in Lei Jun's body will not lose control and will not be aroused to flow into his soul.

What's more, even if the balance of movement and stillness flows into the soul, there will also be the Heavenly Master's Seal and the Heavenly Book in the Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

Lei Jun put away the balance between movement and stillness, and began to continue to concentrate on his own practice.

The light above his head flashed, condensing into a jade seal that resembled the Seal of the Heavenly Master, mysterious and concise.


 Thirty miles outside the capital, the carriage of the East Palace was temporarily stopped.

 Once here, safety is no longer a problem.

Chu Yu went to the capital first to report to the queen, while the others stayed outside the city to await the order.

 Prince Zhang Hui wrote carefully and neatly, and soon a beautiful painting was completed under his pen.

 After putting down the pen, Zhang Hui looked up and down for a moment, then nodded with satisfaction, took his personal seal and stamped it on the painting.

At this moment, there is only one companion beside him.

 Ye Song, Qingzhou.

“Cousin, come and see my new work.” Zhang Hui said with a smile.

 In the painting, the scenery of mountains and forests is pleasant, with white clouds curling up, giving it a fairy-like atmosphere.

 It is the place they visited in Longhu Mountain.

Ye Song said: "Your Highness always has the universe hidden in his mind, and he writes like a god."

Zhang Hui smiled: "It's not that mysterious. It was not convenient to write down the scenery at that time. It's just now that I can reproduce it."

 Ye Song also smiled.

However, his smile quickly faded and he asked softly: "Your Highness, you are about to return to Beijing. It will be difficult for you to be as comfortable as before in a short time."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said casually: "I can't say I felt very comfortable coming out this time. Uncle Wang Xun'an has been keeping a close eye on me."

 Ye Song regretted: "It would be nice if I could have more time..."

 Zhang Hui: "Be calm and don't be impatient."

Ye Song sighed softly: "Your Highness, you are so talented. Even if you stop for a moment, you can go straight to the sky at any time if you want, but... it will still take some time."

In addition to the blessing of the emperor's imperial skills, Zhang Hui's spiritual practice is based on the lineage of Confucian classics.

If you can accumulate a lot of money, you will be able to sharpen your sword and chop wood.

But even if you accumulate a lot and your practice will progress rapidly in the future, you still need to pay attention to the natural chasm between the great realms.

 “Be calm and don’t be impatient.” Zhang Hui repeated calmly.

 Ye Song lowered his head: "Yes."

Zhang Hui looked relaxed and smiled: "After this trip, won't we have reached a higher level of success?"

 Compared to the previous time on Longhu Mountain, in just a few days on the way back, he had successfully taken a step further and reached the fifth level of heaven.

 There are plenty of reasons on the surface.

His Royal Highness, who has been living in the capital and in the deep palace, has left the capital for the first time in his life. He finally appreciates the majesty and splendor of the splendid country of the Tang Dynasty, broadening his horizons and broadening his mind.

Moreover, I heard about the unrest on the Southern Wilderness border and the remnants of the previous dynasty who were causing trouble. I was even personally assassinated. I realized that it was not easy for the country and the people to live in peace. His Highness, the Crown Prince, was so ambitious that he finally made progress in his cultivation. but…

With Zhang Hui’s talent, what more could he do?

 But a lot of things just follow your heart.

 Ye Song stopped talking and his mood returned to peace, no longer anxious as before.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at his cousin, smiled and nodded.

 But the smile flashed across his face, and then he looked a little more serious:

“However, under whose orders did those Huangtian Taoist disciples outside Longhu Mountain come?”

 Ye Song's expression became solemn and his brows furrowed.

That amorphous assassination was not a thief cry from their side.

 The assassination disrupted Prince Zhang Hui's schedule.

 The original plan was to visit a few more places outside the capital.

 It doesn’t look like it’s the Queen’s side.

 It is not said whether the Queen will arrange for someone to get rid of her nephew.

Assuming that she knows how to do it, her movements are not so sparse.

 Is it just a temptation to alert the enemy?


"Is there a third party who is trying to take advantage of the troubled waters?" Ye Song guessed.

 Zhang Hui stood with his hands behind his hands: "You still haven't found out who is supporting Huang Tiandao behind the scenes?"

He knew that famous families such as the Ye Clan in Jinzhou and the Ye Clan in Qingzhou were secretly supporting Huang Tiandao and containing the Tianshi Mansion.

 But the current situation is rather strange.

 The penetration of Huang Tiandao by Jinzhou Ye Clan, Qingzhou Ye Clan and other forces has stagnated at the middle level.

Someone else took the lead and established a spokesperson at the top level within Huang Tiandao.

Moreover, various signs indicate that they are still divided into two families, but the origins and background of the people behind them are quite mysterious.

Although Qingzhou Ye Yan and others have some speculations in their minds, they have no conclusive clues.

Ye Song also regretted: "There is currently no more information. Qi Shuo and Zhao Zongjie are both very cautious. Although they had been on the line with Qi Shuo before, he was very wary. We have not found anything more for the time being.

The only valuable clue now is that the person who planned the assassination should have been ordered by Zhao Zongjie, the elder of Huang Tiandao, but the reason is unknown. "

 Zhang Hui nodded slowly, then smiled: "It doesn't matter, it's all the same, the water flows slowly."

 He turned to look at the drawing paper depicting the scene of Longhu Mountain in front of him:

"Although I have to return to Beijing in advance, this trip is not empty-handed. I have been to Chunyang Palace, to Shushan Mountain, and to Longhu Mountain. After walking around in person, you are now familiar with Longhu Mountain. What do you think?"

Ye Song said without hesitation: “The current situation is indeed dark, and although there are signs of spring coming out of dead trees, it actually all falls on the shoulders of a few three or five people.

If Jinzhou really wants to nip problems in the bud, the sooner they start, the better. "

Even though Ye Song said this, he also understood the simplest truth.

 Who will pay the price?

Zhang Hui smiled and traced the table with his fingers.

 Xu, Tang, Yuan.

 After changing one line, he added the word "雷".

Although Zhang Jingzhen, who also came from the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty, is currently in seclusion to attack the seventh heaven realm, and there are also Shangguan Ning and Yao Yuan who are already in the seventh heaven, Zhang Hui did not write down their surnames.

 After finishing writing, Zhang Hui paused for a moment, tapped lightly on the word "雷", and pondered silently.

 Ye Song nodded lightly: "Shangguan and Zhang may not be unable to win. As for Yao, we can basically see all the potential."

 He also looked at the word "雷": "According to Elder Lei, his practice progress is extremely fast, but in other aspects..."

 Zhang Hui: "He also went to the Southern Wilderness on this trip. He also acted together with Xiao Xueting and Shen Qubing, but he made no achievements."

Ye Song recalled carefully for a while and then said: "If you think about it carefully, he is indeed not known for his fighting skills."

During the new civil strife in Tianshi Mansion and the war between Li and Wai, Taoist Master Lei didn't even have a strong sense of presence.

 It is just rumored that he did not directly participate in the war against the Li family's children, but acted on the outskirts of Longhu Mountain to guard against the invasion of foreign enemies such as the Blood River Sect and Jincheng Village.

It was later rumored that when Zhao Sen, the voodoo master at Yinshan Cave in Wumen, fought against Monk Nan Bodhi Ruyuan, he attacked and wounded Zhao Sen in a sneak attack, but Zhao Sen escaped.

He also went to this battle in the Southern Wilderness.

  But it’s basically just soy sauce, and the sense of existence is thin.

His master Yuan Mobai even entered the Jiuli secret realm and participated in the interception of Yang Yuqi at the end of the battle at Mianlong Lake.

And when Lei Jun, Xiao Xueting and Shen Qubing went to explore the star Longyuan, there was no movement.

The only achievement of a certain person that impressed the outside world was that there was news that he appeared in the Zhaojiang River Basin, and he killed Zhao Sen, the Gu magician whose body he had previously destroyed.

 But the previous time when Zhaosen and Monk Ruyuan were fighting, he made a sneak attack, and the latter time Zhaosen's strength was no longer at its peak.

 For the top descendant of the Holy Land-level force who can be called the pride of heaven, such a record is indeed not very impressive.

Of course, for a middle-three-day monk, it makes sense to act cautiously in the dangerous environment of Southern Wilderness.

It's just that every time Lei Jun became famous over the years, it was because of his rapid progress in cultivation, or because he assumed the position of elder of the Tianshi Mansion at a young age.

 But it is difficult to find specific achievements.

If you must look for it, I heard that he is keen on improving basic talismans and contributing to the inheritance of the master's classics.

 In the early years, everyone said that this was the rise of another genius in Tianshi Mansion.

 But recently, the outside world has gradually begun to have some controversy and murmurs.

 Could it be that this is a talent who is dedicated to studying and practicing, rather than someone who competes with others?

 From this perspective, it is also considered as the cornerstone of the sect and should not be underestimated.

 But their nature has changed and they belong to two types of people.

“Perhaps he can hide his secrets like his master Yuan Mobai and become famous in one fell swoop?”

 Zhang Hui finally tapped the table with his fingers: "You still have to pay attention and don't relax, but..."

 His fingertips moved upward to the three characters "Xu, Tang, and Yuan": "The key is still here."

 Ye Song nodded slowly.

However, they can only pay attention to the news. What to do specifically is a problem for the Jinzhou Ye people.

 The Ye Clan in Qingzhou has another important matter.

“The decree has come, we are ready to enter the city.” Zhang Hui looked at the scenery of Longhu Mountain on the painting and tapped it casually.

The drawing paper burst into flames and he burned it casually.


 In Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun ignored external disturbances and steadily advanced his own practice.

 One night, after getting the contact, he plunged his mind into the universe of heavenly books and stars.

In addition to the current dimness of Chen Xing Shui Yao, six stars including Lei Jun's Taibai Golden Yao were flashing together at this time.

 Lei Jun came here because he really wanted to get some news.

Concerning Lin Che, the leader of the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou, and the news about the Daheishan Mountains in northern Xinjiang, the reason is naturally due to his senior sister Xu Yuanzhen.

 But Lei Jun did not directly ask about the relationship between Daheishan and Jiangzhou Lin people.

His question is: "Is there any friend who has current news about the Lin Clan in Youzhou?"

 (End of this chapter)

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