Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 233: 232 The foundation stone of Tongtian, Yin Yang, Five Thunder and Five Elements Talisma

  Chapter 233 232. The cornerstone of the sky, the yin-yang, five-thunder and five-element talismans

This signing surprised Lei Jun.

His attention first fell on the eight words "The safety of relatives and friends is only a matter of thought".

Lei Jun was confused about the meaning, and guessed that the fate revealed this time was not only related to his own good or bad luck, but also directly affected the safety of his junior brother Chu Kun.

 From the perspective of luck, no matter what Lei Jun chooses, he is not in danger at the moment.

  There is a lucky draw which is not because of the great potential for disaster, but because there is no gain or benefit at all, but there are adverse effects, and it is a loss. Therefore, the fate indicated by this lucky draw is classified as a lucky draw.

 But for Chu Kun, safety and danger may lie in Brother Lei's thoughts.

The talisman array holds the center and is divided into four directions, and is composed of five smaller talisman patterns.

 The big seal looks very similar to the Tianshi Seal.

 “Brother Chengming, excuse me.”

This made many people start to murmur again, making the atmosphere in Jiangzhou delicate.

  First of all, this is the third derivative of his natal magic, and it is already more powerful than other spiritual talismans.

 Secondly, he combined the two evil spirits of yin and yang and the two gangs, and the power of his spells was even greater than that of ordinary people.

"What did you say, brother Hongzhen? Thanks to you and Qingzhou, Jiangzhou was able to maintain peace." Lin Che said: "In order to seek privacy, it is really rude to entertain guests in the back hall. Don't be offended, brother."

 Lei Jun has also heard some news from the outside world.

This talisman array still does not rise and condense into the Tao Seal.

Lin Lang, who was standing behind him, lowered his head.

Lei Jun's first skill, the Heavenly General Talisman, and his second destiny skill, the Wind and Thunder Talisman, have all been summarized and condensed into the Dao Seal.

"Qingzhou Ye, Suzhou Chu, plus our Jiangzhou Lin..." Lin Che muttered: "It's hard to say about Jingxiang, but in a short period of time, we are no longer enemies."

 “Someone is causing trouble for you and wants to find a way out of it?” Lei Jun’s thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, but his face remained calm and he asked seemingly casually.

The Fang Clan in Jingxiang, the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou, and the Chu Clan in Suzhou are all lined up along the river.

 You happen to be going deep underground on this trip, so I use this treasure to protect you. "

The two sides were not too polite, and Ye Yi quickly got to the point: "Brother Chengming, what do you think of the current situation in the world?"

 Hence, the choice of the Jiangzhou Lin people is actually fixed.

As the light flickered, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world gathered and quickly condensed into a spiritual talisman.

Lin Che nodded: "Take him to the back hall."

But in this case, most of them are basic spiritual talismans and high-grade spiritual talismans below the top grade.

The king of Zhao’s fiefdom is in Youzhou, and it can be said that he and the Lin clan of Youzhou have been at tit-for-tat for half a lifetime.

Chu Kun felt the majestic, surging and endless earth element aura, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Brother, this is..."

   The rune patterns manifest five colors respectively, corresponding to the five elements, five internal organs and five qi.

"Mr. Ye from Jinzhou has made a decision. He went to Youzhou in person and met His Highness King Zhao." Ye Yi said slowly.

The queen of the late emperor Zhang Qilong was the legitimate daughter of Ye Yan, the leader of the Ye clan in Qingzhou.

 “Are you exploring the earth’s veins? It’s good to gain more knowledge, but you still have to pay attention to safety.”

It is the embodiment of the moral and artistic conception of Lei Jun’s third skill of Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa Talisman.

Lin Che sighed: "A few years after Lin passed away, the world has changed greatly."

On the other hand, the Lin clan in Jiangzhou was relatively quiet, and Lin Che's return did not immediately cause a big storm.

 Lei Jun has now completed the summary and condensation.


Basically, it can be regarded as the second master of the royal family Zhang, second only to the northern land of the queen Zhang Wantong.

 It seems to be fine, but destructive forces are constantly attacking inside the body.

 He reported softly: "Father, someone is coming from Qingzhou."

 From the fifth level of Heavenly Dao Palace to the sixth level of Heavenly Dao Seal, this stage is essentially an overall summary of what you have learned previously.

Although a person is still in the realm of the sixth heaven, some of the fog has lifted for him on the road ahead.

But don’t worry about not having enough power, use Dinghuo Yin Lei to penetrate a little bit, and then use Guishui Yin Lei to infiltrate the whole thing.

 …You boy, what are you going to do next?

Lei Jun was actually a little curious this time.

 Don’t say that the relationship between the North and the South is not harmonious. Even if the two sides have a close relationship, they will not choose the same investment target at this moment.

If you succeed in cultivating the Seventh Heaven, what you have learned in one body will be integrated into the whole body to further sublimate and transform it.

 After the two sides chatted for a few more words, Ye Yi said goodbye and left.

At the same time that the Nine Lights of Hundong were added to his body, a seemingly complex yet simple talisman began to appear in front of Lei Jun. It was the Dragon and Tiger Talisman.

 There is a new academy that is still in its infancy but is all-inclusive and does not matter where the students come from.

After bidding farewell to Lei Jun and reporting to the sect's deacon's hall, Chu Kun immediately descended from Longhu Mountain.

 It’s just that the closer you get to the end, the harder it is to cut off the roots.

Just like the Yin Five Thunder Zhengfa Talisman is now the same as the original Five Thunder Zhengfa Talisman of Tianshi Mansion.

 Give a middle-grade high-grade spiritual talisman that is obviously not as powerful, but it points to the fate of winning the lottery.

Lei Jun made the talisman himself, even a middle-grade spiritual talisman would be more powerful than other people's average middle-grade spiritual talismans.

But Lei Jun now has other ideas.

In the great war more than ten years ago, after Lin Qun, the former leader of the Lin tribe, and Li Qingfeng, the former Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, died together, the Jingxiang Fang tribe and the Suzhou Chu tribe also followed Jiangzhou closely.

But unknown risks are always the most concerning, so after thinking about it, Lei Jun decided to lend the Xirang flag to Chu Kun.

 You have the right to bite off more than you can chew, there is no need to be too greedy.

 There may also be a lot of grievances and entanglements between famous families over the years.

In the past, the Fang people in Jingxiang and the Chu people in Suzhou lived upstream and downstream, sandwiching the Lin people in Jiangzhou.

Clan leader Lin Che returns.

"Jingxiang and Suzhou, what do you say?" Lin Che asked slowly.

Lei Jun said, reaching out and directly sketching it with his fingers in mid-air.

“It’s better to choose Bingsi today.” Director Chu nodded calmly.

Lei Jun is currently thinking about the future.

 After Chu Kun left, Lei Jun continued his practice.

After Lin Che returned to Jiangzhou, Ye Yi just said goodbye and left, and today he visited Jiangzhou again.

Chu Kun looked at Lei Jun's movements with some curiosity.

 A moment later, Lin Lang came with a middle-aged scribe. After the two parties greeted each other, Lin Che and the other party sat down, while Lin Lang stood aside.

 With your current cultivation level, although you cannot fully exert all its magical effects, you can already mobilize part of the spiritual power of the treasure to protect yourself and hide your body.

 He knew that his father was not trying to make someone look fat.

What Lei Jun didn't expect was that giving the opponent a stronger top-grade or top-grade high-grade talisman might lead to bad consequences.

Lin Lang looked concerned: "Father, your body..."

Lei Jun: "This treasure is called Xirang Banner. I got it accidentally before and it has many wonderful uses.

He is now also a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion. He wears a crimson robe and has a lot of freedom and convenience in his movements.

The future of Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa Talisman will be... Yin Lei Dragon.

This contemporary leader of the Lin tribe in Jiangzhou is standing in front of the desk, writing quickly.

Just before, the Jiangzhou Lin clan had no leader and suffered heavy losses. Now with Lin Che's return, everything should finally be on track.

 After saying that, he coughed a few times.

Lei Jun stood on Longhu Mountain, looking to the northwest where Jiangzhou was, and fell into deep thought.

This talisman is not Lei Jun's natal talisman, but he is naturally familiar with the first talisman of Longhu Mountain, which is known as the Tianshi Talisman, and has good attainments.

Unexpectedly, the two sides now have the possibility of cooperation.

Lei Jun kept working and made another Dinghuo Yin Lei Talisman, which was also derived from the Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa Talisman.

He pointed out: "Where the earth veins are located, they often don't move. A movement is shocking and difficult to predict, so you still have to be careful.

 Taoist Fulu Sect is in the sixth level of Heavenly Daoyin Realm, and there are no further internal subdivisions.

However, as time continued to pass, the thunder light of the two talisman arrays gradually began to stabilize and no longer flickered continuously.

 For quite some time, both sides will cooperate more than confront each other.

 The combination of the two large talisman formations above the head is advancing steadily.

It is his own natal Yin Five Thunder Talisman, which is derived from the Guishui Yin Thunder Talisman.

 But the Queen Zhang Wantong is not the only one with the surname Zhang.

 There, there was a young emperor who had just ascended the throne.

But what caught Lin Che's attention the most was that the Queen had opened a new school palace, and the Xiao clan outside Longwai had completely moved towards the Tang Dynasty imperial family, turning the five surnames and seven surnames in the Tang Dynasty to a certain extent into the four surnames and six surnames.

Although Chu Kun did not intend to tell others the secret of the portal, he basically told the truth about the purpose of borrowing the high-grade spiritual talisman. This would also make it easier for Lei Jun to judge what talisman to give him.

Fang and Chu had many contacts with each other, and they often married each other. They often kept the Lin clan in Jiangzhou in check.

Rather, a brand new talisman array appeared, corresponding to the Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa Talisman Array.

Now after a period of recuperation, most of the raging power and artistic conception have been refined and eliminated by Lin Che.

Lin Che: "Ye Hongzhen?"

 Joined forces with the Ye Clan of Qingzhou.

If you want to make top-grade and top-grade spiritual talismans, Lei Jun also needs to open an altar to do so.

 Two leaves are not in the same boat.

 When Lin Che just returned, the situation was much worse than now.

 The Dao Seal suspended in mid-air shines brightly.

Then based on the root system and cornerstone, the three natal skills and three methods are the backbone or pillars for further expansion.

Lin Lang: "Yes."

 So the choice of the Youzhou Lin Clan has already been decided.

Lei Jun studied the dragon and tiger talisman while combining two five-thunder and five-element talismans to combine the positive and negative aspects of both sides. They are all spells that he is familiar with. Although the talisman array is flashing with lightning, there is no fierce confrontation. At best, it is temporarily unable to unite.

The danger is not dangerous, but the Lingyan at the foot of the mountain is closed. Chu Kun has studied it for a long time and confirmed its location. Now he needs to blast it open.

 But in the future, more often than not, they will be connected with each other.

He handed these three middle-grade high-grade spiritual talismans to Chu Kun together: "Take these three talismans with you, help me do a test on the way, accumulate and record some experience, and return them to me later."

Although he was not sure whether the superimposed power of Lei Jun's two middle-grade high-grade spiritual talismans could meet his needs, Chu Kun was also quite curious about Lei Jun's self-created talisman and was eager to try it.

 With Lei Jun's current level of cultivation, he can easily create a talisman.

 Then, nine colors of light began to appear on Lei Jun’s body.

  Fu Bao Prince Zhang Hui.

 It is exactly the nine lights of the Hundong Cave cited from the Heavenly Master's robe.

Under Lei Jun's control, the two talisman formations, which have similar principles and artistic conceptions, but have many completely different differences, are in sync with each other, and the two are in sync with each other.

  二a Zero Two: Five Eight Seven: b Zero c: d Seven a Two: Five a Seven b: Three Nine Four Seven: Be Four: Six ddd

This made Lin Che almost wonder whether the other party was determined that he would have to recuperate even if he returned to Jiangzhou and was unable to cause trouble to the Tianshi Mansion, so he continued to stay in a foreign land so carelessly.

Although Lin Che's injuries were not caused by Xu Yuanzhen himself, they were related to it.

But he didn’t intend to use it in the outside world, so there was no risk in this regard.

 In the following days, Lei Jun went to the Imperial Bookstore on duty during the day and concentrated on his own practice in the rest of the time.

Chu Kun was very interested: "Is this the talisman you created yourself, senior brother?"

"Well, this is a spiritual talisman created by my senior brother. Not to mention the outside world, few people in our house know about it. Even if some traces are left, it is not easy for the outside world to understand that it is the inheritance of our sect." Chu Kun understood.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst, so take this with you."

 Looking for a secluded place, taking cover, with no one around, Chu Kun raised his hand and tapped his finger between his eyebrows.

Seeing Lin Che looking at him, the young Confucian scholar hurriedly saluted: "Father."

Since the Jinzhou Ye Clan has chosen King Zhao, they will definitely try their best to bridge the relationship between the Zhao Palace and the Youzhou Lin Clan.

Then there is the Jitu Yin Thunder Talisman that integrates offense and defense but can be used for protection.

Now it is the third technique, Yin Wu Lei Zhengfa Talisman.

Although it is not that violent, if you spend a little more time, the effect will probably not be much worse. You are here to test it for me. "

This process of summarizing and summarizing, as well as the Taoist Chapters and Sutras of one’s own practice, are the foundation and cornerstone.

If he can successfully break through to the seventh level of the Taoist Fulu Sect in the future, he can then choose to practice his first magical power.

 Whether King Zhao or the Youzhou Lin Clan, if they want to achieve success, they can only work together to avoid internal strife.

"It's much better than before." Lin Che shook his head.

 Lei Jun crossed his legs and looked up, quietly meditating.

 He looked up at the five-color and five-element talisman formation above and nodded slightly.

 When you are immersed in practice and practice, you will not realize that time passes quickly.

It is the Five Thunder Zhengfa talisman passed down from the Tianshi Mansion, or it can be called the Yang Five Thunder Zhengfa.

Although Lin Che was inside the house, his eyes were looking towards the north.

 Because, we all have a common enemy.

Lei Jun was sitting cross-legged in meditation, with a calm expression and his eyes closed.

Now that the Heavenly Master's seal has been re-glowed and the Lei Fatian calligraphy urn has returned to the gate of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, if Lei Jun is willing, he can choose the Nine-Heaven Thunder Patriarch's Dharma Image as his first magical power during the third day, which is Yang Leilong.

Of course, it is not immediately comparable to the Yang Lei Dragon that Tianshi Mansion has refined and inherited for many years.

His injuries were caused by being lost in the chaotic void and then accidentally entering a foreign world.


Chukun’s stated purpose just saves Lei Jun from making other excuses.

In the world opposite the door, Chu Kun plans to explore a spiritual mountain in the near future.

 The five thunders and five elements are transformed into the world, and the wonderful way manifests itself.

 Giving top-grade or top-grade spiritual talismans is even better than not giving them at all.

It was precisely because of Xu Yuanzhen that Lin Che was injured by the strange disaster that existed in the foreign world.

The turmoil in the Southern Wilderness finally subsided slightly.

Lin Yuwei, who was in the limelight before, has died down.

 After all, they still have a common opponent.

Having attained a quiet level of understanding, he made inferences about other things while practicing Taoism.

 They have a good relationship with Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou, and there are reasons for this.

He has prepared a lot of similar places in recent years.

 With Lei Jun's temperament and cultivation, he would not be stingy in this matter, so Chu Kun was not dissatisfied, but just curious.

 Lei Jun: "Well, yes, there is room for further improvement and improvement, so we must continue to accumulate and practice."

Ye Yi said: "Later, when there is a reply, everything will be finalized when Brother Chengming returns. Before coming to Jiangzhou, I just visited Suzhou. I will leave Brother Chengming later later. I will continue to Jingzhou." Xiang and his party."

 But in the future, after Lei Jun continues to improve and eliminate the bad and keep the good, he is confident that the Yin Thunder Dragon will eventually stand side by side with the Yang Thunder Dragon.

 Use high-grade or even top-grade spiritual talismans directly. If the earth's mountains and rocks are destroyed, it will be risky for you, so these three talismans I have are all medium-grade.

 He seemed to be asleep.

 He was sitting cross-legged in meditation, with a large, shining seal hovering above his head.

But it took some time for Lin Che to return to Jiangzhou and he did not do anything more.

Lin Che stopped after writing for a while, put the pen aside, and looked up.

 There was no big disturbance within the Lin clan, but many people still had a tight knot in their hearts.

There are many people who speculate whether Lin Che will reintegrate the entire Lin clan inside and outside by establishing external enemies.

He had no intention of exploring Chu Kun's secret, but this time he had no intention of "treating" his junior brother badly.

 This is still the country of Datang.

Lin Che did not make it difficult for the Lin tribe represented by Lin Yuwei, but instead comforted him a lot. He even rewarded and even reused Lin Yuwei for killing Li Zhengxuan on the river. However, Lin Yuwei has been living in seclusion and keeping a low profile these days.

 It may seem small, but it may be the root of a clan in troubled times.

 Hence, when he drew the three talismans, he even deliberately controlled the power of the talismans.

Of course, the fact that the two leaves and the two forests stand in separate teams does not mean that they will further draw a line between each other and start a war.

 In the ancestral land, in the main house where Lin Che lived.

  But it began to change gradually.

He and Lei Jun have been getting along for a long time, and they all understand each other. They know that Lei Jun is not the type to find out the secrets of others and is not greedy for other people's gains, so they don't have so many scruples when talking.

Xu Yuanzhen from Tianshi Mansion also fell there.

Chu Kun shook his head: "Our sect is currently resting and recuperating, how can I easily make grudges with others?

It’s just this trip. Well, I want to find a suitable place, explore the ground, and gain some knowledge. Sometimes I have to open a road through the mountains. "

He followed Chu Kun's words and continued: "If others are invited to check and find that it is the magic talisman of our sect, it may cause some misunderstandings. Well, there is..."

 Lin Lang returned after seeing off the guests and came to his father's side: "Father, Mr. Chu, have you chosen the prince?"

 Because Lei Jun guessed that the fourth-grade opportunity mentioned in the lottery would fall on this junior brother again this time.

According to speculation, his winning the lottery should also mean that Chu Kun will be safe and sound.

This is Lei Jun's own spell, but the difficulty of condensing it is not higher than the previous two.

For the Xingxue Palace, the fierce fighting between the famous people and the Datang royal family has played many times.

There was a shocking sound of thunder, which seemed to be heard in succession from far and near.

Five thunderbolts were intertwining and flowing over Lei Jun's head at this moment, but they did not enter the upper Dao Seal for the time being.

 The text on the paper is extremely small and dense, but it still gives people a sense of well-organized.

Lei Jun's mana flowed, integrating his own essence, energy, and spirit, and gradually condensed into a huge talisman array between himself and the Taoist Seal in the sky.

The Battle of Li Wai broke out in Longhu Mountain, the Bodhi Temple was almost wiped out, the Blood River Sect and the remnants of the former Sui Dynasty caused the Southern Wilderness Rebellion, and so on.

After Lin Che returned, he looked as if nothing had happened. He only briefly mentioned a few words to Lin Lang about the old injuries in his body.

In fact, Chu Kun was not particularly worried about his own safety. He had other treasures to protect himself. However, hearing Lei Jun's good intentions, he did not refuse: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will observe the records carefully. Anyway, thank you in advance for this trip." !”

At the same time, his three natal skills and three methods will also undergo a new sublimation and transformation.

 He has not chosen his first magical power yet.

 Overall everything went smoothly.

 After that, Xu Yuanzhen was still stranded in that foreign land, while Lin Che struggled to return to this world.

 The direction of the capital.

 In the end, to further attack the seventh heaven realm, we must further condense and lay the foundation on this basis.

 “Thank you, senior brother.” Chu Kun put away his Xirang flag, looked more upright, and thanked Lei Jun.

 A young Confucian scholar happened to come to the door at this time.

 During the time when he was trapped in a foreign space, many major events happened.

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Lei Jun guessed based on fortune telling that the key to changes in good and bad luck is more likely to be the power of the talisman.

However, Daochang Chu did not continue on his way not far after leaving the mountain gate. Instead, he found a secluded place near the mountain gate.

Lei Jun gave a few verbal instructions, and then mused slightly: "We have all the magic talismans, but now is a troubled time, touching the earth's veins and causing changes, it is easy to attract attention from many parties..."

But Lei Jun was also interested in Ming Gongren's calligraphy urn.

At Lei Jun's current state of cultivation, he no longer needs sleep like ordinary people. Breathing in and out while practicing will naturally recuperate his body and mind.

The middle-aged scribe came from Qingzhou and was born in the Ye Clan of Qingzhou. His surname was Ye Mingyi and his given name was Hongzhen. He was one of the senior officials of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou and had spent a lot of time in Jiangzhou before.

 In Jiangzhou, the ancestral land of the Lin people, the current atmosphere is tense on the outside and tight on the inside.

 That's why he showed mercy just now and specifically suppressed the power of the talisman to avoid exceeding the limit.

 So the Ye Clan in Qingzhou naturally had a choice.

 Because the two leaves are in different boats, the Jinzhou Ye clan naturally chose another target.

 “It’s an insult to Siwen, it’s an insult to Siwen.” Lin Che coughed a few times and his breath became stable again, but his face didn’t look good.

 Then he disappeared in this world without a trace.

 The other things learned are branches and leaves or bricks and tiles.

 Ye Yan’s grandson, Zhang Hui, the prince of the East Palace.

 The visitor is Lin Che’s son Lin Lang.

Lei Jun said, took out a spiritual flag and handed it to Chu Kun.

 Er Lin will not be in the same boat.

Lin Lang was unable to answer the call and bowed to leave.

However, as his understanding has improved to a quiet level, many of Lei Jun’s previous ideas that were only on paper have become possible to be implemented in practice.

 After a shining talisman was condensed and formed, Lei Jun took out the talisman paper and the talisman was officially printed.

Lin Che nodded: "My dear brother Hongzhen is running around in the middle."

Lin Che shook his head slightly, put all the negative thoughts in his mind, and headed to the back hall of the mansion.

"I have heard it." Lin Che's expression remained unchanged and he nodded slowly.

 The Ye Clan of Jinzhou and the Ye Clan of Qingzhou have no intention of replacing the world.

“What about the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain?” Lin Lang asked softly: “I heard that the Jinzhou Ye Clan is also paying close attention to Longhu Mountain.”

Lin Che: "The King of Zhao and the Crown Prince are not enemies yet. We are the same as the Ye Clan of Jinzhou, so naturally we are not."

PS: 6k chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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