Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 247: 246 Gao Gong Elder, Lei Chongyun (two in one

Chapter 247 246. Elder Gao Gong, Lei Chongyun (two chapters in one)

The remaining descendants of the Nan Zonglin tribe, after breaking out of Jiangzhou separately, gradually put down their steps, contacted each other, and sought to reunite, but everyone was still in shock.

By recruiting these people and combining various news from Youzhou and Xinzhou, other outside forces gradually pieced together the "whole picture" of the Jiangzhou battle.

“The Tianshi Sword did go to Jiangzhou, but Yuan Mobai, who was in the eighth heaven realm, did not leave Longhu Mountain and still guarded the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar.”

Fangdu, an old man from the Fang clan in Jingxiang, and Chu Peng, an old man from the Chu clan in Suzhou, looked at each other and sighed: "The Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain has a new high-gong mage who has been in power for three days."

Fang Du looked in the direction of Jiangzhou: "It's not Zhang Jingzhen, but Lei Jun... He has been practicing Taoism for only twenty years, right?"

 Chu Peng nodded silently.

 “What a genius!” Fang Du sighed.

Chu Peng had no objection and was deeply convinced.

 He knew that Fang Du had a different experience in this matter.

The younger generation of the Fang people in Jingxiang can be considered to be full of talents.

 The most eye-catching one is Fangyue Fangduan Peak.

His real age is probably a little younger than Lei Jun from the Tianshi Mansion. It is said that he is expected to become a **** before the age of forty and achieve the realm of Confucian chanting of the Seven Heavens.

But the problem is that Fang Yue has been known as a child prodigy since he was a child, and he was known as Qilin'er. In his weak years, he became famous all over the world as Mr. Yongshan, not just in Jingxiang.

  Counting from the time he officially entered school and began to practice, it is now more than twenty years ago, and the progress is actually slower than that of Lei Jun of Tianshi Mansion today.

This is not the most uncomfortable thing for the Jingxiang Fang people.

 What made Fang Du sigh was that Fang Yue went to Beijing and entered the Capital Academy.

   The best crops in my own land were cut away by that foolish king Zhang Wantong.

Then look at the good crops growing one after another in the Xinzhou Tianshi Mansion, one can imagine how Fang Du feels.

He shook his head slightly: "Based on the speed of Lei Chongyun's previous progress, reaching the three-day realm this time is still a bit faster than everyone expected."

Chu Peng: "Not only does this boy improve quickly, but his actual fighting skills are also very good. Although Lin Fengxing was greatly affected by the destruction of Jiangzhou's ancestral land, after all, he has been famous for many years and has accumulated profound cultural connotations. As a result, he died from the Dou Mu Star Divine Law." Under the elephant…”

 Fengxing is the pseudonym of Lin Chi, the elder of the Lin clan in Jiangzhou.

 The Jiangzhou War ended so quickly that Fang Du and Chu Peng had not expected.

 In fact, even the Lin clan did not expect that they would be defeated like a mountain in an instant.

So that most people were ignorant and buried under the ruins.

The few people who escaped were still in shock. Looking back on what happened, they felt not only horror but also confusion and disbelief.

 The war situation is chaotic and it is difficult to distinguish reality from reality.

In addition to Tang Xiaotang and the Tianshi Sword who were shouting loudly in the sky, the invading enemies of Tianshi Mansion even made the survivors of the Lin tribe feel confused.

 The only two things that left a deep impression were the weird long-range attacks and the image of Doumu Star God that appeared in the distant mountains.

  The morale of the Lin clan members, who were in disarray, gradually collapsed after the death of Lin Chi who rushed into the mountains.

Without the clan leader Lin Che’s order, most people would probably consider evacuating first.

So everyone in the Lin tribe didn't even know who the Dou Mu Star God's Dharma Image was at that time, and thought it was Yuan Mobai or even Xu Yuanzhen who killed it.

After all, among the current high-gong elders in Tianshi Mansion, they have the impression that Yao Yuan and Shangguan Ning are both Yin-cultivating Fire Tigers, and only Xu Yuanzhen or Yuan Mobai are the Ming-cultivating Star Gods.

“Based on the news from Xinzhou that Lei Chongyun sent the Heavenly Master Sword, the image of Dou Mu Star God should be Lei Chongyun.” Fang Du said slowly.

From this point of view, the time for this son to reach the seventh heaven realm is even earlier.

 Otherwise, he would not be able to catch up in time to practice the calligraphy instrument of the Celestial Master's Mansion, and to cultivate the magical powers, Dharma, and Ming Xing Shen.

Chu Peng: "In the past, it was only said that his cultivation level had improved by leaps and bounds, but his fighting skills were rarely seen. It is only now that his true appearance has been seen.

  Although I had paid attention to his existence in the past, it seems that I still underestimated him. "

Fang Du: "Yes, master and apprentice Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun are already a blockbuster even if they don't say anything. It's a pity that there are no more details about the battle of Jiangzhou."

"The people of Jiangzhou were confused and lost their minds. They didn't even have a clear grasp of the enemy's situation. However, the enemy used strange and cunning means to destroy the ancestral homeland of Jiangzhou. We can't blame them for being confused."

Chu Peng frowned: "Now we know about Lei Chongyun and Doumu Star God's Dharma Image, but besides that, what's the matter with the weird cold arrows and magic weapons?"

He looked at Fang Du and added: "There is news from Youzhou, Shuyin is in the north."

If Chu Yu also came to Jiangzhou together, then everything would be easier to explain.

  After all, he was a master of the divine archery inheritance at the eighth level of heaven.

But Chu Yu and Tang Xiaotang's soldiers pursued Lin Yuwei and Lin Che in two groups, and then joined Zhang Rui, King of Huayang, and went to Youzhou together, but did not go south.

“Or the imperial clan.” Fang Du shook his head slowly.

 The four surnames and Liu Wang are in the same spirit now and have no intention of trying to undermine each other.

The Xiao Clan outside Long currently does not have any great Confucian of the three-day level of divine archers.

In the royal family, there are some great Confucians who have reached the third level.

  But having said that, Fang Du was not completely sure.

 Regardless of what the Tianshi Mansion may have done, the imperial court responded very quickly and decisively this time, and it looked like it was well prepared.

Four surnames in the high level, I am afraid that someone leaks ...

"I'm going to check on the news from the imperial court." Chu Peng said, "On the other side of Shushan, I'm going to trouble Brother Kuanze."

"I have already sent a letter to the eldest brother." Fang Du originally thought that with Fang Huansheng and other Fang clan masters watching, Shushan would not be able to send more people to Jiangzhou.

 But now he is not sure either.

Not only Lin Zhen, current news shows that even Lin Che, who had the Dragon Snake Pen, died.

 There are other masters who help the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain to besiege Jiangzhou.

 Shushan, the imperial court, or someone else?



The former ancestral land of the Beizong Lin Clan has also been reduced to ruins.

The cultural treasure that once penetrated the sky and lasted forever has disappeared into smoke, marking that the cultural context of the ancestral land of the Youzhou Lin people has also been cut off.

Compared with the Jiangzhou side, the casualties among the Youzhou Lin tribe were not so tragic.

 But before that, Lin Litao, Lin Likong and other elders of the clan were still damaged.

 Ye Moquan and Ye Yan, the contemporary heads of the two Ye clans in Jinzhou and Qingzhou, stood side by side at this moment, both looking solemnly, looking at the ruins of the wall in front of them.

“In recent years, it will be difficult for Jade Capital to take the step towards the Nine Levels of Balance.” Ye Moquan, who looked like an old man, said slowly.

Ye Yan, a middle-aged scholar from Qingzhou, sighed silently.

Lin Huan is extremely talented and still young. Now is the time when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is surging, which is conducive to the advancement of monks. Everyone inside and outside Youzhou is almost sure that she can make further progress in the near future, but they did not expect to suffer such a disaster.

 If she had a choice, it would be natural for her to concentrate on practicing first, and then leave the mountain after her merits are perfected.

It is a pity that things never go as people wish. From a certain perspective, Lin Huan and the Youzhou Lin Clan were implicated by Lin Che and the Jiangzhou Lin Clan.

 But the experiences of the two forests in the north and south proved that that strange foreign world was indeed extremely important to the four surnames and six hopes of the Confucian heirlooms.

Nowadays, one wrong move will have serious consequences.

“When I went to Daheishan and his party, I noticed something was wrong, but I was still dismissive and failed to realize that it contained such cruel and dangerous power.” Ye Yan sighed lightly.

Ye Moquan: "Things in the world are ever-changing, how can you and I understand everything? If it is too late to regret, it would be better to say that planning the Bodhi Temple before the Tianshi Mansion was a serious mistake in grasping the small and large ones. But let's talk about it now. It’s useless to talk too much about this matter, we can only do our best to remedy the situation.”

Ye Yan said softly: "Brother, next summer, you will be with Xu Yuanzhen from the Tianshi Mansion..."

Ye Moquan smiled and said: "With old bones, it is natural to avoid fighting with young people, but there are some things that cannot be avoided."

Ye Yan: "Later, I will also make a trip to Jiangzhou."

 In the past, there were five surnames and seven hopes, but now there are four surnames and six hopes.

The Lin clan in Jiangzhou and Lin Yuwei, a great scholar of the eighth heaven, survived, so they could barely maintain the lintel of the Lin clan of the Southern Sect. However, they could never return to Jiangzhou and needed to find another place to settle down and reproduce.

 The Youzhou Lin people have lost their land. Next, they will make every effort to rebuild their ancestral land in Youzhou and try to restore and continue the cultural context.

 Other famous families are currently facing the same enemy and will come to help.

 But things are not completely over.

 Ye Moquan and Xu Yuanzhen have already entered into a war treaty, only about half a year ago.

 During this period, several major aristocratic families joined forces to first try their best to decipher the mysteries and threats of the "barbarians".

In addition, news came from the south. In the Jiangzhou War, in addition to targeting the "barbarians" banned from the ancestral land, there were also shackles targeting individual Confucian monks, directly trapping the Eightfold Heavenly Confucianism.

Although I haven't seen it in Youzhou, Beidi, I still have to be on guard.

Furthermore, we must also be alert to whether the other party will use other new methods in the future.

"Brother, there is one more thing..." Ye Yan said slowly: "The current chaos is caused by our failure to recognize the enemy, but on the other hand, it is... internal unrest!"

 Ye Moquan nodded.

Ye Yan: "I'm sorry for bothering you from the north. I'll go to Beijing with King Huayang and others to meet the Holy Spirit, and at the same time investigate this leak."

 Ye Moquan: "Chiyuan, be careful in everything you do."

 After watching the leader of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou leave, the old man withdrew his gaze and stood alone in the wind and snow.

His grandson Ye Feishan came from afar and brought a big cloak to put on his grandfather.

“Heavenly Master’s Mansion has a newly added high-level master of the seventh heaven realm, who is less than forty years old.” Ye Moquan said.

Ye Feishan: "Yes, my name is Lei Jun. He has not been practicing for a long time. He has improved rapidly, surpassing Li Zhengxuan at the beginning and chasing Xu Yuanzhen. He is only slower than Tang Xiaotang, but his upward momentum seems to be getting faster and faster."

Ye Moquan smiled: "The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is surging. Now is the age of young people. Feishan, the future depends on you."

“Yes, grandfather.” Ye Feishan said solemnly.

Ye Moquan turned his eyes to the distance and his smile faded: "This should have been the best of times, but at the same time, there are dangers hidden in the good times."

 Ye Feishan lowered his head.

Grandfather is facing south, looking in the direction of Longhu Mountain, but he is not only inspired by Longhu Mountain.

 Famous families may also produce dandy children, but most of them work hard to cultivate outstanding talents from an early age in order to inherit the family reputation.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy of the world is surging, which is conducive to the practice of monks, and Confucian monks are naturally among them.

Jinzhou Ye Clan has recently had outstanding young disciples at the sixth heaven realm, who are ready to challenge the catastrophe of the natural chasm leading to the seventh heaven.

As far as Ye Feishan knows, the situation of other major families is similar.

 Those who reach the three-day realm within a hundred years of age are generally regarded as the younger generation with outstanding talents.

 But even if we count the potential seedlings that Liuzhongtian is preparing for, each family only has two or three people at this point in time.

 And over there at Longhu Mountain…

After Xu Yuanzhen, there was Tang Xiaotang, and after Tang Xiaotang, now there is Lei Jun and Lei Chongyun.

If you include the earlier Li Zhengxuan, then the Longhushan generation has produced four Shangsantian monks under the age of 100 so far!

 Among them, Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang have reached the ninth and eighth heaven realms respectively.

Lei Jun is also gaining momentum now.

This does not include Zhang Jingzhen who is in retreat waiting to take the final step.

 At the moment, only the Longhushan Tianshi Mansion is so strong.

 But what next?

 The spiritual energy of heaven and earth surges, which is conducive to monks' practice.

With the expansion of the base, monastic holy places such as Tianshi Mansion, to a certain extent, have an advantage over a family with one surname...

Although clans like the Ye Clan in Jinzhou are constantly spreading their branches and absorbing new blood through in-laws and other methods, in the current era, the selection of candidates is still somewhat narrow compared to sects such as Tianshi Mansion.

 The general environment continues to be like this, and this trend may become more obvious...

"His Royal Highness King Zhao, have you received the news?" Ye Moquan suddenly broke the silence.

Ye Feishan responded: "Yes, after the Youzhou Lin clan stabilized the situation, they immediately sent people to Prince Zhao's Mansion."

Ye Moquan nodded: "I'm going to send a greeting card to His Highness on my behalf. Later, I want to go to His Highness King Zhao's house."

“Yes, grandfather.” Ye Feishan stepped back.



 The old clan leader Chu Xiuyuan and all the senior leaders of the Chu clan are returning to their ancestral homeland in Suzhou at this moment.

As soon as Chu Xiuyuan came back, he entered the back house. Only his third son, Chu Zhe, followed him. The rest of the Chu clan stayed in the courtyard.

 “Jiangzhou, we lost too quickly!” someone sighed.

Another person next to him said softly: "We, together with the Jingxiang Fang Clan, went too far in suppressing the Jiangzhou Lin Clan earlier..."

 The former smiled bitterly.

The three famous families in the south, lined up along both sides of the river, the Fang Clan in Jingxiang and the Chu Clan in Suzhou often united and had many in-laws, and they jointly suppressed the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou in the middle reaches.

Even before, they had traveled a lot with the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, and they were happy to have one more nail on the side of the Jiangzhou Lin clan's sleeping pile.

With the Tianshi Mansion experiencing continuous civil strife, if there is another powerful foreign enemy, the situation will only be worse than the current situation.

It’s just that neither the Jingxiang Fang Clan nor the Suzhou Chu Clan expected that the Jiangzhou War would have such an outcome.

It is said that the young generation of Longhushan Tianshi Mansion has amazing potential, but it is still beyond everyone's expectations.

The current situation makes people unable to help but wonder, if the Tianshi Mansion had not had so many internal conflicts in the past one or two hundred years, what would it be like now?

However, things in the world are unpredictable and people’s hearts are ever-changing.

If the Tianshi Mansion is really united and has such a rapid upward momentum, then maybe the situation will be that the Fang, Lin, and Chu tribes will jointly encircle the Xinzhou Longhu Mountain, instead of the previous siege of the Jiangzhou Lin tribe...

 Huang Tiandao has been able to support it to this day. Is it not because someone secretly provided assistance and hoped for its continued development?

“Youzhou Forest is stronger than Jiangzhou Forest, but the result is not much better.”

An elder of the Chu family shook his head: "Even if Lin Yujing has reached the ninth level of heaven, he will still suffer the consequences this time without knowing it beforehand!"

Under normal circumstances, guarding the ancestral land, starting the grand sacrificial ceremony, and holding the Shuofeng Sword, the treasure of the clan, in her hand, although Lin Huan did not cross the chasm between the eighth and ninth heavens, she was not afraid of the enemies from the ninth heaven.

What’s more, the number of masters in the ancestral land of the Youzhou Lin Clan is greater than that of the Jiangzhou Lin Clan.

 Lin Huan held the Shuofeng Sword to resist the pressure head-on, while the others relied on the help of the ancestral land to influence the battle situation from the side.

Who would have thought that the most reliable link in the ancestral land of Youzhou would not only fail to serve as a barrier, but would also trap everyone, including Lin Huan.

"On behalf of my father, I would like to visit Tianlong Temple." In the back hall, the old man from Chu State was calm.

  Chu Zhe: “Yes, father.”

Xu Yuanzhen emerged from the blue, surpassed his master and the former Celestial Master Li Qingfeng, reached the realm of the Nine Heavens, and reappeared as a Mahayana monk in the Taoist Fulu Sect.

The influence of the entire Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion will rise accordingly.

The Tianshi Mansion is currently a bit thin.

However, Xu Yuanzhen, Tang Xiaotang, and Lei Jun appeared one after another, and the situation of dead wood blooming with spring has become real.

 The threat of "barbarians" continues unabated, and the ruins of Jiangzhou still exist, making it difficult for other major families to act rashly at the moment.

 However, things in the world are always multi-faceted.

 Xu Yuanzhen's cultivation has greatly improved, and together with Huang Xuanpu, the head of Chunyang Palace, Taoism has two Nine Heavens monks at the same time.

 Jiangzhou, Youzhou and the north and south attacked together, which not only severely dampened the spirit of Confucianism, but also put pressure on Buddhism...

 Taoism and Buddhism were previously supported by the Tang imperial family, and the major holy land sects were vaguely united to fight against the Confucian heirlooms of the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes.

 But it is not necessarily true that Buddhism and Taoism can live in harmony.

 Previously there were common threats and opponents.

 At present, the five surnames and the seven hopes have suffered setbacks one after another, and they are no longer as arrogant as before.

 On the contrary, Taoism is becoming more and more powerful.

While the Buddhist sect lacks powerful men from the Nine Heavens to take charge, the Bodhi Temple, one of the four previous holy places, was almost wiped out and suffered heavy losses.

 Buddhism, are you willing to live by the Taoism?

 Of course, their relationship with the aristocratic family is more tense.

  However, there is still the possibility of easing and repairing the relationship.

 Even if it is just a delaying tactic.

Without the huge pressure brought by the Chu people in Suzhou, Tianlong Temple will be much more comfortable than before.

 It is also easier for Bodhi South Sect to gain a foothold.

As for the Xuantian Temple, the Jinzhou Ye clan has been running it for a long time.

As for the Jingang Temple, their long-standing evil neighbor is the Xiao clan outside Longwai, and among the four holy places of Buddhism, they have the most distant relationship with the Tang imperial family.

  It’s just that they are equally alienated from each other from the same family.

Chu Xiuyuan once had a conversation with Ye Moquan.

 Both parties have some doubts about the Vajra Temple.

It’s always low-key there, but it seems like there’s something else going on there.

“Over at Dakong Temple, my father will talk to them personally.”

An old saying from the state of Chu said: "After hearing that the new abbot of Vajra Temple received the initiation, he has grown rapidly in these years."

 The aristocratic family has a soothing relationship with Buddhism. But Dakong Temple and Buddhism are mortal enemies.

 Fortunately, Buddhism is not monolithic.

Suke Daikonji’s eyes moved from Tenryuji Temple to Kongo Temple, and he could also see what secrets Kongo Temple hid.

“Perhaps we can also contact Fu Dongsen, the head of Shushan Mountain.”

Chu Zhe said softly: "Both the Danding and Fulu sects have Mahayana monks, and Shushan's attitude may not be the same as before. Moreover, the sect is gaining momentum, and the Shangguan clan and other nobles..."

Ch Guolao shook his head gently: "Leave it to other families. Our whole family cannot take care of everything in this world."

  Chu Zhe: “Yes, father.”

 “Xu Yuanzhen himself has extraordinary talent and strength, and his eyesight is also extraordinary.”

After talking about business, Chu Xiuyuan smiled: "As far as my father knows, she has brought two people back to Longhu Mountain, one is Tang Xiaotang and the other is Lei Jun."

Chu Zhe nodded: "Yes."

“I remember it took Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang about twelve years to go from the seventh heaven to the eighth heaven.” Chu Guolao smiled: “I wonder how long it will take Lei Jun?”

Chu Zhe: "His path is somewhat similar to Xu Yuanzhen's. Compared with the lack of talent when they were young, I think it is more likely that they have improved their abilities and understanding talents..."

Similar things are extremely rare, but they are not without precedent in history.

 It’s just that they appeared so concentratedly in the same sect within a similar period of time, which is a bit unbelievable.

 “It’s a pity that such an astonishing talent cannot enter Suzhou.” The old man of Chu State sighed long and long.


 Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou.

 Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang returned from Jiangzhou.

 Next, Shangguan Ning came out to coordinate with the imperial court on the subsequent aftermath of Jiangzhou.

Although Shangguan Ning did not object to Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang's decision before, he never expected that the battle would end up like this.

 Later, Xu Yuanzhen also returned to the ancestral court of Shanmen.

 It had been seven or eight years since she left the mountain.

Xu Yuanzhen himself didn't mind at all, walking in the mountains without noticing anything.

 “That guy showed up again?” She was more interested in the mysterious man who came to Longhu Mountain again.

Yuan Mobai nodded slightly.

Then he frowned slightly again: "However, it seems to be a little different from before, so I can't be completely sure."

 Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang on the side were both interested: "Oh? How do you say it?"

Yuan Mobai: "This person did not actually step into the mountain guarding formation of our sect, nor did he directly fight with him, so I am not sure. I just have a vague feeling. However, according to Senior Brother Yao, this was provided to him at the beginning. There is no doubt that the person with the Yin Yue Soul Stone."

Tang Xiaotang puffed up his cheeks when he heard this.

It is self-evident who the Yin Yue Soul Stone is used to deal with.

After Xu Yuanzhen listened to Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun's master and apprentice roughly explain the cause and effect, he asked obediently: "What about the fourth uncle now?"

Yuan Mobai: "Senior Brother Yao has confined himself to his own confinement and is waiting for the leader to come back."

Tang Xiaotang held his chin with his fingers: "How do you say that? Elder Yao can be said to have stepped back from the brink, but this matter..."

Yao Yuan originally assassinated the younger descendants of the Li family in order to further intensify the conflict between Li and his family.

Although he was a disciple of the Li family, he was also a disciple of Tianshi Mansion at that time.

 The government has its own rituals and rules. Disciples should respect their teachers, and teachers should also care for their students.

The elders secretly kill the younger ones, which is quite bad in nature, not to mention the original starting point is to harbor evil intentions.

It’s just that Yao Yuan woke up in time and stepped back from the cliff. This time he also cooperated with Yuan Mobai and others, hoping to dig out the mysterious man.

 He himself is currently very calm and has a clear attitude:

 Must be punished, no matter what the result, be happy with it.

Although few people know the inside story at the moment, bad examples cannot be set.

 If you know you have made a mistake, you should correct it, and if you have made a mistake, you should be punished. Otherwise, you will encourage people to make mistakes.

  Small mistakes may be corrected and remedied, but if they turn into big mistakes that are difficult to recover from, it will be too late to regret them.

"In that case, let's punish Elder Yao to go to the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral mausoleum in Houshan to think about it." Tang Xiaotang made the decision.

 Still somewhat emotional.

However, neither Xu Yuanzhen nor Yuan Mobai objected.

 After a few final discussions, it was decided not to disclose the detailed reasons for Yao Yuan's punishment.

“Next time if there is any news about that guy, remember to let me know.” Xu Yuanzhen said casually.

Tang Xiaotang: "Senior sister, you should concentrate on preparing for the war with that old fox in Jinzhou. Leave the rest to me."

 Just looking at the content of the words, it seems like you care about the other person.

However, the tone sounds like a child who doesn’t want to be robbed of his toys.

“I’m really looking forward to what new things that old fox can come up with.” Xu Yuanzhen said calmly.

Tang Xiaotang stared at her for a long time and suddenly said: "Senior sister, after you fight that old fox in Jinzhou, how about we also have a showdown?"

The speech sounded a bit scary, but Master and Disciple Lei Jun were not surprised at all.

Tang Tianshi was worried about three things when he was a boy:

 Become a direct descendant of the Heavenly Master.

 Become the direct descendant of the most powerful Heavenly Master.

 Become the new Heavenly Master.

By some strange combination of circumstances, she skipped the first two things and skipped to the third thing in one step, and she got it done.

 She no longer cared about the first thing.

 But the second thing has never been forgotten.

 Translated, the target is Xu Yuanzhen in front of me!

"I don't care, but you should work harder." Xu Yuanzhen said indifferently: "Even if I reach the eighth level of cultivation to fight you, I have walked some roads, and I will still be different from you."

Tang Xiaotang snorted: "We'll see!"

Xu Yuanzhen turned to look at Lei Jun: "I heard you mentioned before that a lot of Xuanwu heavy iron was collected from Jiangzhou this time?"

  Lei Jun: “The amount is indeed quite large. It should be accumulated by the Jiangzhou Lin clan over many years.”

 Xu Yuanzhen nodded: “Give it to me, I’ll practice something.”

Lei Jun is confident and even has some expectations.

Although unlike Tang Xiaotang, who almost never refines magic weapons and magic weapons, Xu Yuanzhen rarely takes any action in this regard. It is rare that she seems to have some ideas this time.

"I don't like it!" Tang Tianshi was a little unhappy.

  Lei Jun: "Later, I will take a look at the starry sky in the Heavenly Book Universe. I may be able to use the things on hand to trade with others in exchange for the spiritual items you need, little senior sister."

Tang Xiaotang didn’t have high hopes, but still waved his hand: “You might as well try your luck.”

Yuan Mobai on the side smiled and said: "Chongyun has successfully reached the upper three-day level, I am very happy and congratulated."

Lei Jun: "It's all thanks to Master's past teachings and good luck this time. I got the honor of Senior Sister."

I had previously considered that if I went to Northern Xinjiang on this trip and came back late, it might delay the delivery ceremony on January 15th next year.

However, the situation was turbulent after that. Because of Xu Yuanzhen's two "barbarians", the war ended quickly and unexpectedly beyond everyone's expectations.

Now Lei Jun and others are back to the mountain in time for the New Year.

 On the first day of the first lunar month of the new year, there will also be a large-scale celebration in Tianshi Mansion.

And as Lei Jun reaches the seventh level of heavenly cultivation, it also marks the addition of a new high-gong mage to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 The word "high merit" will be added before his title of elder.

 From then on, Elder Lei will also become one of the core senior leaders of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 The investiture ceremony will also be arranged in the New Year.

 After that, on January 15th, he will participate in the transmission ceremony again.

Thanks to his master's hard work, when a certain Gungun officially becomes a master, he will change from the elder's direct disciple to the high-gong elder's direct disciple.

 Coming out of Tianshi Palace and returning to his mansion, Lei Jun looked at the familiar place and felt a little emotional for a moment.

More than twenty years passed in a blink of an eye.

 I have also walked a journey that I never imagined before traveling through it.

 On the long road of construction, this is just a fleeting moment.

  I have just started on my journey.

Lei Jun smiled slightly and sat cross-legged in his house, breathing in and out.

 Since he has openly participated in the battle of Jiangzhou, he simply does not restrain himself at this moment.

While sitting cross-legged in meditation, there is a magnificent beam of light rising into the sky, passing through the roof without any obstruction, leading to the sky, intersecting with the mighty thunderclouds above the top of Longhu Mountain.

There are also a lot of gossips circulating in Tianshi Mansion about matters related to the Battle of Jiangzhou.

At this moment, the aura of heaven-reaching light appears in Lei Jun's mansion, which is equivalent to revealing his current cultivation level.

 The seventh level of the Taoist Fulu sect.

 The realm of heaven!

Since the previous Tang Xiaotang, the Tianshi Mansion has added another Taoist master who has reached the three-day level.

 Seeing the spiritual light, all the disciples in the mansion understood it.

Most people are filled with admiration and admiration.

 A few people have slightly complicated moods, but most are mentally prepared.

Basically no one doubts that Elder Lei will be able to achieve the seventh heaven one day, and that day is not far away.

However, Lei Jun's rapid progress still shocked the inside and outside of Tianshi Mansion.

Many people are speculating that Zhang Jingzhen, who is in seclusion, will be faster.

 In the end, it was Lei Jun.

 Those who are familiar with him are even more filled with emotion.

When Lei Jun first came to Longhu Mountain with Xu Yuanzhen in the past, Zhang Jingzhen had already achieved the sixth level of the Heavenly Seal.

Who would have thought that Zhang Jingzhen is still a Taoist seal, but Lei Jun has taken the last step first, leading to the upper three days.

 It’s not that Zhang Jing is really too slow.

 But Lei Jun is too fast!

 When practicing Buddhism, there is a huge gap between ordinary people and geniuses.

 But among geniuses there are even more genius monsters.

 The gap is so big that it is difficult to even feel jealous, only admiration and yearning remain.

After Lei Jun's initial emotion calmed down, his mood returned to normal.

 Public cultivation is more to facilitate the aftermath of the Jiangzhou battle.

 The aura of the sky will converge later.

 Lei Jun’s life has completely returned to the past.

 He has not yet handed over the burden of being the elder on duty at the Imperial Book Pavilion.

 Go on patrol as usual during the day.

The disciples who were on duty in the Imperial Book Pavilion were also affected by the calm Lei Jun after their initial anxiety, and everyone regained their composure.

 In the evening, Lei Jun continued his own practice.

His current arrangement is to organize and summarize again, and then sublimate what he has learned previously.

As Lei Jun's cultivation level was promoted to the seventh heaven realm, the original three natal skills and three methods were reborn and changed.

 The magic talisman of the past has been turned into a magic talisman from today on.

There is no need to say more about how the heavenly general's talisman was elevated to a spiritual official urn.

The sky sees and the earth listens to the talismans, and it is sublimated into a dharma instrument that connects the sky and the earth.

While sorting out this natal method, Lei Jun personally made some adjustments.

His eyebrows, which had been smoothed and healed before, were now slightly visible.

Lei Jun responded calmly, and combined the former magic weapon Celestial Eyepiece with the Tian Tong Di Che Dharma Ribbon, supplemented by the newly obtained Xingluo Liushuang from the Jiangzhou Lin clan's ancestral land, and slowly refined them together.

 Finally, there was a little flash of light between his eyebrows. After a little flicker, it disappeared, and his skin became smooth, and nothing strange could be seen anymore.

 And in the depths of Lei Jun's pupils, there was light flowing, and the talisman loomed.

“It’s not bad. I’ll continue to improve slowly in the future.” Lei Jun smiled, the light in his eyes flashed away, the talisman disappeared, and his pupils returned to normal.

 It was almost the New Year, so Lei Jun stopped temporarily.

His mind gathered at this moment and sank into the cave of the True One Dharma Altar derived from the Celestial Master's Seal.

 In the dojo, a page of the Heavenly Book and the dark side of the Heavenly Book are closely connected and seem to not interfere with each other, suspended in mid-air.

Lei Jun’s mind was plunged into the starry sky universe derived from the dark side of the Book of Heaven, and all he saw was a vast expanse of white.

The dark "stars" like ink stains in the middle are more dense.

 As Lei Jun's cultivation reached a higher level, huge changes occurred here.

In addition to the dark "big sun", a new moon with a similar but completely different style has been added.

 A dark "moon".

 The person opposite to the dazzling sun is Rahu.

 Those who are opposite to the lunar yin are Jidu.

"I now have two Dark Stars available?" Lei Jun said with great interest.

Earlier, because his cultivation level was at the level of the middle three days, even though there was a dark "big sun", Lei Jun restrained the idea of ​​giving it a try and stayed put for the time being, waiting for his cultivation level to improve.

 Now that the realm of cultivation has reached the seventh heaven, in addition to the dark "big sun", there is also a dark "moon".

 In this case, let’s try it now... Lei Jun made up his mind.

 Under his control, the two dark stars turned into two shadows and separated from the dark side of the Book of Heaven.

However, as he felt in his heart, not just anyone could be combined with him.

 “Waiting for the right person.” Lei Jun smiled.

 Then, he threw two shadows into the river of earth energy.

Watching the shadow move away with the flowing earth energy, Lei Jun stopped worrying and just waited for the response.

 He returned to his residence on Longhu Mountain to make final arrangements.

 The new year arrives on January 1st.

 The mountain celebration was officially held.

 An important process is to congratulate Elder Lei and bless him for his outstanding achievements.

Longhu Mountain teaches the true biography of the urn, and if one's cultivation reaches the seventh heaven level, the fourth urn can be added.

 The fourth time to add a urn, "Shangqing Three Cave Sutra Urn" was added, referred to as "Three Cave and Five Thunder Urns", and the second-level legal office could be conferred.

From then on, he officially became a high-functioning elder of Longhu Mountain.

  The most significant change in appearance characteristics is the change from dark red robes to purple robes.

 This time the burial was not held in the previous burial courtyard.

Lei Jun will enter the world of Wanfa Zong.

The contemporary heavenly master will personally confer the nun on him.

As Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang entered the Wanfa Zong altar together, the brilliance in the altar condensed and turned into a huge spiritual light pillar, rising into the sky.

 A large number of talismans and Tao Yun appeared around the entire ancestral altar.

All the disciples in the mansion watched the ceremony. At this moment, everyone looked at the beam of light that shot into the sky after the Wanfa Zong altar was opened, and they felt more admiration and emotion in their hearts.

 Even to joy.

His Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain has experienced ups and downs in recent years, and has suffered many disasters.

 Now, there are finally signs of success.

Around the ancestral altar, forty-nine dharma lanterns are always lit, and nine Taoist flags are flying together.

 In the light pillar, the figures of Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang emerged together.

Lei Jun, who had changed into a purple robe, took the magic urn from Tang Xiaotang.

All the disciples and elders of the Tianshi Mansion outside the altar all bowed their Taoist heads and saluted Lei Jun inside the pillar of light:

 “Congratulations to Elder Lei for achieving great perfection and achieving great success.”

PS: 9k chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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