Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 264: 263 I am happy for my senior brother from the bottom of my heart (two in one

Chapter 264 263. I am happy for my senior brother from the bottom of my heart (two chapters in one)

Taoist Priest Wang Guiyuan is now quite famous.

If there were some rumors with the rebellious King Wu earlier, now it is because of the surrounding environment and the people around him.

It doesn't matter if he is just Yuan Mobai's personal disciple.

It is true that a famous teacher has a good disciple, but it does not mean that a famous teacher will definitely have a good disciple. Similar precedents have existed since ancient times, so it is not surprising.

But Elder Yuan had a total of three apprentices, two of whom were famous all over the world, and Lei Jun attracted a lot of attention.

 In this case, the only exception stands out.

With Lei Jun’s secret support and cultivation, coupled with Kang Ming’s own dedicated cultivation, a few years later, he finally had the possibility of overtaking in a corner.

“I have been in seclusion for a long time and cannot assist the master in handling affairs in the mansion. I hope the master will forgive me.” Lei Jun confessed to Yuan Mobai.

  Naturally, there is no need for "the emperor to guard the country's gates".

With her coming back and working with Shangguan Ning to assist Yuan Mobai in handling the affairs of the mansion, the real Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang and Elder Lei have been able to rest assured in seclusion in the past few years and not be involved in foreign affairs.

He himself was like this, and his mentor did not fall into the hands of the monks of the Tianshi Mansion or the imperial court's encirclement and suppression, but died when he was practicing his own way to overcome the catastrophe.

 It was rare for Lei Jun to meditate for such a long time since he embarked on the path of cultivating the road.

 Lei Jun: “So, this is a gang?”

“Has the Queen been away from Beijing for so long?” Lei Jun raised his eyebrows.

 After the initial surprise, no one was particularly shocked.

 The border areas of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty seemed to have calmed down in a short period of time.

 But by simply watching the battle, he will not return empty-handed, and it will definitely be beneficial. "

 At present, there has been peace and quiet in the Tang Dynasty in Central China for a few years, but the battles between the demon clans in the northern border continue.

 Fortunately, the Vajra Realm has never expanded again.

 The Great Demon of the Southern Wilderness has returned from the snowy plateau, and Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Sect may return to the world again.

Yuan Mobai continued: "At present, there will not be a situation where two suns are competing for glory. Political affairs in the capital, large and small, are mainly handled by the political affairs hall, and they are constantly reported to Chang'an. If there are big and difficult matters, they are also reported to His Majesty's Holy Judgment today. ."

 After she left Longhu Mountain, she first went to Wushan.

 Earlier they joined forces to go south, and together they attacked Chunyang Palace, trampled on Zhongnan Mountain, and wreaked havoc in Guanzhong.

Wang Guiyuan has now completed the three-story altar.

 In the past two hundred years, a lot of grievances can be accumulated.

Although both sides have suffered losses, it is rumored that some top demons who are equivalent to the eighth or even ninth heaven of human monks are still alive.

Although his background and backing are currently not as good as those of Chen Ziyang and Han Wuyou, Huang Tiandao's current environment is limited, and the birth of a new Shangsantian Gaogong elder is crucial.

Although the Snow Bear King escaped with his life and returned to northern Xinjiang, his crisis was not resolved. His own weakness caused his former ally Changtian Canglang to directly turn against him.

 He seemed completely unaware of the attention paid to him by outsiders.

 Strictly speaking, the family was never really wiped out at any time.

 He completed the rituals, received the urn plate and the dharma mandate, received the third volume of the "Zhengfa Zhenyi Dao Jing" and the Advanced Talisman Sutra, and changed into a crimson Taoist robe.

 Just create some seemingly accidental opportunities for Kang Ming.

Wang Guiyuan, on the other hand, kept his eyes straight, his face was as usual, with a modest and indifferent smile, and he attended the ceremony with other disciples in a serious manner.

The two masters and apprentices chatted for a while, and Lei Jun followed Yuan Mobai to familiarize themselves with the current affairs of the mansion.

These seeds may have the possibility of blooming into different kinds of flowers.

  But from a topographical point of view, all four wars destroyed the foundations of local giants.

 And if the mountain gate and the ancestral land are breached and completely destroyed, the ground will inevitably be shaken.

Although there are few people like Kang Ming, they do not exist.

 “Chongyun, just go ahead and do it.” Yuan Mobai said with a smile.

“When Wei Ancheng was expelled, both the Blood River Sect and Jincheng Village suffered losses, but the other major sects of the Southern Wilderness Witch Sect also suffered losses.”

“Over in Luoyang, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is ordered to supervise the country, but most of the time, he just listens and watches quietly, saying that his experience and talents are shallow, so he focuses on studying.”

In this case, Lei Jun, a good Taoist priest of the Tang Dynasty, would naturally not forget to report to the official.

“There has been no more movement on the Changjie Island in the East China Sea. Although there are monsters raging along the coast from time to time, the two monsters, Sea King Ju and Qianye Butterfly King, have not appeared in recent years.”

On the contrary, it is the southwest area of ​​the Tang Dynasty.

As for the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty, they hoped that Xu Yuanzhen could go to Changjie Island in the East China Sea to investigate the whereabouts of Lin Jian and Lin Jinsong on the one hand, and on the other hand to study the strange void portal that leads to an unknown direction.

In the following days, Lei Jun also focused on his own practice and teaching his disciples.

  It’s just that Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang are too dazzling, and they feel a little out of place in the forest.

 After he was lost for a moment, he asked Lei Jun: "Chongyun, what do you think?"

  Xu Yuanzhen: “The more someone hides his or her secrets, the more I want to uncover them.”

Several aristocratic families care about this Buddhist holy place today and infiltrate that Taoist holy place tomorrow. They always plan ahead and make arrangements in advance, but no one can penetrate the Vajra Temple.

Of course, everyone’s specific thoughts and guesses vary.

Yuan Mobai said: "It may take some time, or other major changes, before it can be completely stabilized."

 Hands of time are unknown in the mountains.

Even if Master Jiasheng leaves Chang'an and returns to the Vajra Realm, there will be no more changes in the Vajra Realm.

A fierce battle broke out between the two top monsters in the North, the Bear King of the Snow Kingdom and the Changtian Canglang.

 With such changes both internally and externally, the situation in Southern Wilderness is indeed delicate and unpredictable.

Being able to find the Huang Tiandao sect altar most likely means that the core figures of Huang Tiandao such as Taiping Taoist can also be found.

As for the expansion of the Academy, it was due to the setbacks of several prominent families in the past few years.

So, with the earnest help and expectations of Elder Lei of the Tianshi Mansion, Master Huang Tiandaokang's cultivation level advanced and speeded up again.

Tang Xiaotang: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

“After the Nan Zonglin clan surrendered to the imperial court, the academy began to expand.”

Rather, it is because Her Majesty the Queen has been stationed in the old capital of Chang'an for more than three years, and she seems to have no intention of returning to the imperial capital of Luoyang in the short term.

Huang Tiandao was founded by the rebels of Tianshi Mansion and was the old enemy of Tianshi Mansion.

 Now, this stationary point has been expanded again.

Lei Jun came out of seclusion to help share some affairs, so Yuan Mobai, Shangguan Ning, and Zhang Jingzhen could feel a lot more relaxed.

Xu Yuanzhen was currently meditating in a cave in Wushan. He heard the news about Huang Tianzong Altar from Lei Jun, and said with all his heart, "Then let's go together. We will be overseas, just in time, after settling the matter of Huang Tiandao." , I will take a look at Changjie Island in the East China Sea."

 Lei Jun had already figured out these situations when he secretly funded the cultivation of Kangming a few years ago.

"Perhaps, the location of the dragon's head is still wandering, swinging between Chang'an and Luoyang."

As a result, not only the Tianshi Mansion, but also other families sent additional manpower and set up a foothold in Chang'an to keep an eye on the changes in the situation of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Xiaotang shook his head: "I'm not sure, but something feels wrong."

Kang Ming, that's the case.

Xu Yuanzhen: "It's not impossible. I will continue to investigate later. Now I will go to the Western Regions."

In the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun nodded to his master Yuan Mobai: "Go to sea, overseas."

Lei Jun asked: "Didn't Senior Brother enter the Cave of Shangqing Lei Mansion?"

Hearing this, Lei Jun touched his chin and did not continue the topic.

 It will cause the country to overturn, but it will not happen.

The Lin clan in Jiangzhou was basically completely crippled. Even now, the remaining descendants of the Lin clan in Nanzong are being sheltered by the imperial court just like the Xiao clan in Longwai.

Lei Jun: "The Li family has become history. If there is a chance to solve the historical problem of Huang Tiandao, I think it is best to solve it. In our Taoist Fulu Sect, everything should open a new chapter. As for how to deal with it specifically, the disciple's The idea is, it varies from person to person.”

Lei Jun bowed to his master and then stepped back.

Lei Jun: "Since senior sister has this feeling, I will conduct more inspections inside and outside the house."

Lei Jun: "Who are you saying is weird, little senior sister?"

 According to the standards of the next three days of monks, he has passed the golden window period that is most conducive to practice and has entered the prime of life.

 Lei Jun nodded.

He couldn't help but think of the damaged foreign world opposite the "gateway" above the Daheishan Mountains. He remembered that the appearance and terrain of that world were very similar to the Zhongzhou in the human world where he currently lived, but there was nothing strange about the Zhongzhou in the human world.

 On the other side of Chang'an, another Fuzhong Su Lao who is in the realm of the Sixth Heaven will be stationed permanently.

Zhang Jingzhen has returned from Guanzhong to Longhu Mountain south of the river.

In the Battle of Jinzhou, Wei Ancheng, the leader of the Blood River Sect, failed to assassinate the old man Jingge.

On the other side, after the ceremony, Tang Xiaotang, who was the supervising master of this conferment, muttered.

Now after the Battle of Jinju, it is exactly this kind of environment that has been created.

“The so-called Sumeru Vajra Buddhism has a complicated origin, and it never comes from one place.”

If Prince Zhang Huizhen reaches the level of three-day cultivation, there may be a new scene.

However, from a certain perspective, the current leading figures in Tianshi Mansion are outstanding, but the overall situation is still weak, especially the new disciples, who still need time to grow up, so the whole team feels top-heavy.

 At the same time, he was also a traitor that the Tang Dynasty court explicitly wanted to arrest.

“Did the Tang Dynasty have to move its capital again, and then move it back to the old capital Chang’an?” Lei Jun was curious.

 There are rumors that some eminent monks from the Vajra Tribe have established close personal relationships with members of the Tang Dynasty clan.

However, the capital was later moved, and most of the corresponding personnel went to Luoyang together.

Jiangzhou, Youzhou, Jinzhou, and Guanlong, where Chunyang Palace is located, had experienced four huge changes in just about half a year.

Lei Jun arranged everything at his own pace, practiced seriously, and taught his disciples seriously.

Although if he had come to this world two hundred years earlier, Lei Jun would have chosen to enter Huang Tiandao according to his own thoughts.

 As far as Lei Jun is concerned, he has no intention of driving Huang Tiandao away.

 But it also gave rise to more than one generation.

 As time goes by, people seem to have gradually become accustomed to the appearance of Sumeru Vajra Division in this world.

 Especially the disciples of Huang Tiandao who were born later and are relatively young.

  But there is news that the war between demon clans on the Snowy Plateau has come to an end for the time being in the past two years.

 In this case, we must first break the Huangtian Sect altar and deal with Taiping Taoists and others.

Most of them were influenced by the head of the division and their own living environment. They had deep grievances with the ancestral court of Longhu Mountain and fought with each other.

 Time flies and the seasons change.

Chang'an is the old capital of the Tang Dynasty, and the Tianshi Mansion has a dedicated Taoist temple there.

Limited that only one person from Huang Tiandao can go to Huang Tian Zongtan for three days of meditation at a time. Kang Ming and others are working hard to gain this opportunity.

 Earlier, Fang Yue was appointed as the Secretary of the Academy and took charge of most of the matters related to the Academy, while Xiao Chunhui joined the Political Affairs Hall to participate in government affairs.

Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang are both famous all over the world, and they will inevitably become the focus of the world, and the reputation of Tianshi Mansion will also rise.

Yuan Mobai: "Shortly after you retreated, you returned to retreat and meditated."

“This gentleman has stayed here earlier, purifying the evil atmosphere of the Qianye Butterfly King’s remnants, and also offering sacrifices to the things nearby.”

Given their situation, missing this time does not mean that they will never have another chance in the future, but the future is not that stable.

To put it bluntly, each other’s hands are stained with the blood of the other’s classmates.

 Lei Jun: "Really? I laugh from the bottom of my heart because I am happy for my senior brother."

 Especially in the southern wilderness.

As long as there is a ray of incense and love that can be retained, he will try his best to keep it, even if the two parties did not know each other before.

He has completely completed his accumulation and summary of the realm of the Sixth Heavenly Dao Seal. The Dao Seal is completely perfect, and he is only one final step away from the three days of cultivation.

“I’m not in a hurry, I want to see Zhang Wantong interact with them more.” Xu Yuanzhen’s tone was clear with a hint of smile.

 But as the Bear King of the Snow Country was jointly injured by Xiao Xueting and Master Jiasheng, the situation was completely different.

 Perhaps an epiphany may occur overnight, and it may become clear in the blink of an eye.

 Lei Jun already knows the other party's whereabouts.

 So this matter immediately attracted the attention of human monks inside and outside the Tang Dynasty.

 “Senior brother, what’s wrong?” Lei Jun asked.


However, there are actually differences between Huang Tian Taoist disciples.

Yuan Mobai: "The level of cultivation has progressed very quickly. In the past two years, there were rumors that he had reached the sixth level of heaven."

Tang Xiaotang: "That's not true. It doesn't seem like someone with ulterior motives has sneaked in. It just feels like something is not natural."

Therefore, moving the capital, or even moving the capital more than once in the same dynasty, is not completely incomprehensible. There are even examples of the imperial capital changing hands back and forth between the two places and undergoing thousands of years of changes.

If some people had previously speculated that the Queen's departure from Beijing was to lure snakes out of their holes and see which characters would take the initiative to jump on the stage she vacated, then almost no one thinks so now.

The only pity is that there are not many seeds like Kang Ming, and they do not occupy a dominant position.

Although the Youzhou Lin Clan and Jinzhou Ye Clan are not as serious as the Jiangzhou Lin Clan, their vitality is also severely damaged.

 However, Jiangzhou, Youzhou, Jinzhou, and Guanzhong were all in chaos in a short period of time, which would eventually affect the fate of the country in the mountains and rivers of Datang.

In this way, it is no longer surprising that Queen Zhang Wantong has stayed in Chang'an in recent years.

The Bear King of the Snow Country was seriously injured and was unable to defeat him. He had no choice but to escape, but was constantly pursued by the Changtian Canglang.

Yuan Mobai nodded lightly.

The two forests in the north and south suffered heavy losses, and the Ye clan of Jinzhou was also deprived of their ancestral land. The arrogance of the Confucian family of the Tang Dynasty suffered a heavy setback.

 In terms of Tianshi Mansion, you can save carefully and quietly.

Lei Jun: "Master, do you want to go and see it?"

 A fight suddenly broke out between the two monsters in the North.

Following what she had gained from the Qianye Butterfly King, she successfully made discoveries in Wushan.

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

So among the disciples who participated in the ceremony, Wang Guiyuan did not stand out very much, but he still became the most eye-catching handsome boy in the crowd.

“It’s different from the previous style of the Vajra Temple.” Lei Jun and other interested people noticed the difference.

Yuan Mobai said: "A second academy has been built in Chang'an. Master Xiao Chunhui has resigned from the position of offering wine in the academy, and his successor is Mr. Yongshan of the Fang clan in Jingxiang."

 But there are also a small number of people who rarely interact with the Longhu Mountain ancestral court because of their quiet cultivation.

 It’s a bit like the simple painting you drew for Senior Sister earlier, the one you named “Funny”, with a squinting smile...

The Tang Dynasty emperor heard that there were clues in the Tianshi Mansion. They were surprised and took action immediately.

This is naturally not the case that Tianshi Mansion, the Holy Land of the Fulu Sect, is going north on a large scale, taking the opportunity to put pressure on Chunyang Palace, the Holy Land of the Danding Sect, which has been seriously injured.

 The current situation in the Western Region is relatively peaceful, unlike the earlier violent situation when demonic chaos broke out in the Western Region.

Although Bodhi Temple, Xuantian Temple, and Tianlong Temple are also known as the four major Buddhist holy places, even without considering the differences in Buddhist scriptures, it can be seen at a glance that there are considerable differences between Kongang Temple and the other three temples, and at the same time, they lack The tacit understanding and trust of truly advancing and retreating together.

The result was this, but in terms of the original intention, there are two things to say about how much Xu Yuanzhen respected the Tang Emperor, not to mention the so-called loyalty.

To a certain extent, that means that another or even more than one major influence has suffered.

 Before you turn 100, you can reach the middle three days and extend your life. There will be opportunities in the future, but the earlier the better.

Lei Jun nodded: "That's the Huang Tiandao disciple I told you before, Kang Ming."

 According to his own statement, he is already over fifty.

Yuan Mobai: "What do you think of Yuan Zhen's nephew?"

Especially, Chunyang Palace, the former No. 1 holy land of Taoism, suffered a catastrophe, which further highlighted the Tianshi Mansion.

 In addition to Master Jiasheng, there are often other Tantric monks who travel between the Western Regions and Chang'an, the old capital of the Tang Dynasty.

 In the three battles of Jiangzhou, Youzhou, and Jinzhou, Tianshi Mansion not only solved the threats it faced, but also shared the worries of the Tang imperial family.

 At this point, the three disciples of Yuan Mobai's sect have all passed the ceremony.

The only seemingly exception is senior sister Xu Yuanzhen.

In the past, objectively, she helped Tang Emperor Zhang Wantong catch the sword, but now she has the conditions to do so. Of course, she is also happy to watch the excitement of the Tang Dynasty imperial family.

 But now, the Vajra Division that emerged from Sumeru is obviously more proactive than the Vajra Temple, attacking everywhere.

 “It feels a little strange.”

 The great changes in the Western Region were beyond the expectations of many people, so everyone temporarily calmed down and observed.

 It's just that their eyes moved back and forth between Wang Guiyuan, Yuan Mobai, Lei Jun, and Chu Kun from time to time.

She left, turning her back to Lei Jun and waving goodbye: "This year's ceremony has ended, and I will go into seclusion next."

 In this way, nearly three years have passed.

 In this case, Wei Ancheng might find an opportunity to fight back to the Southern Wilderness.

 The court’s current attention is also directed inland.

 He raised his head and looked towards the south: "It seems to be related to Jiuli."

 Wang Guiyuan: “…Thank you.”

 It may also accumulate slowly, constantly eliminating the bad and retaining the good.

“Recently, there has indeed been talk of relocating the capital from the court.” Yuan Mobai nodded lightly.

Although Gaogong Pavilion has become history, with the current Tianshi Tang Xiaotang secluding himself from foreign affairs, the situation of joint discussion among Gaogong elders has naturally re-formed.

They are busy digesting Jiangzhou, busy digesting Jinzhou, busy encircling and suppressing the remnants of Dakong Temple, and even more busy keeping an eye on the King Kong Realm in the Western Region.

This is not a subjective conjecture, but an objective fact.

The title of the first holy land of Dao Sect, after two hundred years, seems to have a chance to return to the possession of Tianshi Mansion.

Lei Jun was thoughtful when he heard the words: "Is that so..."

After his disciple Zhuo Baojie's practice gradually got on the right track, Lei Jun finally decided to retreat for a period of time and continue to accumulate what he had learned.

At present, the competition between Kang Ming and Huang Tiandao's other two rising stars, Chen Ziyang and Han Wuyou, is very fierce and is getting increasingly fierce.

 Zhang Jingzhen, who is currently stationed in Chang'an, sent back the news that the Vajra Division was actively expanding its influence, especially seeking alliance and recognition with the Tang Dynasty imperial family.

 After the ceremony, Wang Guiyuan’s top priority was nothing else but meditation.

 With the previous foreshadowing, he no longer has to go through the dark side of the Book of Heaven to help Kang Ming.

Only when facing his fellow disciple Lei Jun, who was the master of the ceremony, Wang Guiyuan could not hold back...

Wang Guiyuan: "It's okay... No, actually it's still there. Although it's not a big deal, my junior brother, your smile is a little strange."

 After the guests watching the ceremony glanced at the disciples lined up in the Tianshi Mansion, their eyes finally focused on Wang Guiyuan.

The cave that the mysterious man had secretly opened was now directly occupied by Xu Yuanzhen, and she was temporarily living there.

 The Queen left Zhongzhou for a long time and stayed in Guanzhong, which was beyond the expectations of many people.

It is true that the Li family has become history, but the battle between Tianshi Mansion and Huang Tiandao, as old enemies, was too fierce and there were many casualties.

  Earlier, the Vajra Temple was located in a remote location in the Western Region. It was relatively mysterious and closed, with little contact with the outside world.

This is the reason why the Nan Zonglin tribe defected to the imperial court and did not even trigger a north-south attack from Qingzhou and Suzhou in the first place.

As for the fact that the Tang Dynasty may once again change its old capital into a new capital, the reason is naturally the previous series of wars.

Of course, as long as they are given another period of time to recuperate, this situation can be improved.

 At this stage, not to mention giving up hope for improvement, but the improvement of spiritual practice will begin to slow down, and it does not depend on whether the monk is diligent in his own practice.

"You go with them, I will act alone." Xu Yuanzhen said calmly: "You know the place anyway."

This eminent monk often went to sea and was familiar with the environment of the East China Sea, so he accompanied the experts of the imperial court to act together.

 Other demon clans in Northern Xinjiang were also swept into the vortex of the battle between these two behemoths.

Now it depends on whether the disaster in the natural chasm between the third and fourth heavens will block him.

In addition to Chu Yu who was in the eighth heaven realm and a Shence Army general who was in the seventh heaven realm, he was also traveling with Elder Miaoyi, an eminent Buddhist monk from the Tianlong Temple in Suzhou.

The smile on the face of the young man in purple is still as relaxing as the spring breeze: "My hands are a little nervous, but Chongyun, you practice seriously and your magic power becomes more refined. For this sect, it is naturally a good thing."

 The final location of the imperial capital, Dijing, is not set in stone.

Chang'an, because it is near the Chunyang Palace, the holy land of the Danding Sect, so the Tianshi Mansion does not send more manpower, but simply keeps a station.

With his understanding raised to the level of tranquility and his cultivation to the realm of the upper three realms, Lei Jun only felt that he had new insights into the practice of Taoism every day, which made him reluctant to leave.

Throughout history, there are not only precedents for similar situations, but also many precedents. There are almost similar rumors in all dynasties. Because in today's world, the national destiny of a dynasty is not only closely related to the unity of people's hearts, but also closely related to the spirit of mountains and rivers.

 As Xu Yuanzhen said herself, after going to the Western Regions, she returned to Wushan.

Lei Jun himself had no intention of slacking off, but he had other work.

Yuan Mobai said eloquently: "On the other hand, there are some disturbances in other places."

 Once a high-level monk goes into seclusion, the time is difficult to determine.

 However, under the great changes, if you want to regain control of the country's destiny, you need the Tang Dynasty imperial family to adapt accordingly.

After a trip to the Western Regions, Xu Yuanzhen made a judgment: "These descendants of Buddhism are not all descendants of Sumeru. They must be people from other worlds. In addition to our current human world, Sumeru also leads to other worlds."

So, after some thoughtful people speculated, another bolder guess began to surface.

 Her next trip to the Western Regions will not cause as much of a stir as Tang Xiaotang did.

 When Lei Jun leaves seclusion this time, he will be forty-four years old.

 “Master, how are you doing, senior brother?” Lei Jun changed the subject.

Lei Jun: "Is there anyone with evil intentions at the ceremony?"

However, this situation did not last long.

  Lei Jun: “I have contacted the senior sister and she said she would go together.”

The Void Portal on Changjie Island has not shown any changes, so the Tang Dynasty emperor only sent a special person to guard and monitor it, to guard against any abnormal movement of the "portal", and to prohibit others from approaching it.

When asked by Lei Jun, Xu Yuanzhen simply said: "However, this place has been abandoned for a long time. No more traces can be found at present. What is certain is that more than one person came in and out here before."

 If you want to influence the destiny of the country, you cannot just make any random move.

More than three years have passed now. Xiao Chunhui has resigned, Fang Yue has been promoted to full-time position, and everything has gone smoothly.

 "Huang Tiandao..." Yuan Mobai pondered slightly.

 But these two hundred years were too late. Even the Taoist disciples of Huang Tian who he had killed by his hands were not just one or two.

 The next three-day monks who are over 50 years old and under 100 years old are in the most embarrassing but also the most critical situation in this regard.

However, Xu Yuanzhen did not agree directly. She only said that she would go and have a look when she had time. She remained the same and continued to stay in the cave in Wushan.

Although there is no official big move yet, it seems that the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Imperial Capital, is likely to return to the land of Guanlong and Chang'an.

On the one hand, the Jingang Temple itself is closed, and on the other hand, it is such a Buddhist holy place that there are fewer opportunities for conflicts with famous families in the Middle Kingdom. At best, the Longwai Xiao Clan had a fight with the Jingang Temple in the early years, and after the Longwai Xiao Clan In fact, the only real enemies of Kongo Temple are the White Lotus Sect and the Daekong Temple, two Buddhist laymen.

So Kang Ming still managed to stand out, and Zhao Zongjie notified him of the arrangements, and he got the opportunity to go to Huangtian Zongtan!

 “It is finished.”

 Hence, the survival of the dynasty should be based on the appropriateness of the place and the trends.

 Previously, a fierce conflict broke out between the monster clan on the snowy plateau and the big monster in the southern wilderness.

 The battle between demons allowed the Tang Dynasty and the various factions of the Southern Wilderness Witch Sect to temporarily enjoy some peace and quiet, so that they would not be enemies on all sides.

Yuan Mobai smiled as usual: "I've already gone in once."

 Lei Jun: "It's rare that you, senior sister, are so persistent in one thing."

 “Huang Tiandao?” The smile on Yuan Mo’s white face remained unchanged, but his expression was slightly more serious than before: “Huang Tianzongtan?”

 Lei Jun will not show mercy when he wants to take action.

 Time is really too long.

 Fortunately, the Vajra Temple has done a huge job on the west side, so that all the attention of the world is now focused on it.

Lei Jun: "His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, is still raising a child. Although he is an adult, he is still a little young compared to the present His Majesty."

Yuan Mo Bai said: "In the past few years, we have been recovering our strength, but recently there has been some instability in the Southern Wilderness."

Yuan Mobai shook his head: "The current situation is delicate, if you are greedy for too much, it will only mess up your mind.

  Thank you, Senior Sister, for putting on the hat of an intelligence source.

 “Yes, senior sister.” Lei Jun responded.

PS: 7k4 chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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