Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 270: 269 ​​Third-grade opportunity, ancient times

Chapter 270 269. Third-grade opportunity, ancient chapter table

The winning lottery was drawn at Xuelong Mountain, but it was not a pure draw with nothing to gain and nothing to lose, but a coexistence of opportunity and risk... Lei Jun read the lottery carefully, thoughtfully.

Although it is not a dangerous situation like ten or nine deaths, but with his current cultivation level, the four words "containing risks" are already quite significant.

It seems that Chu Yu, Wei Qiyue, Yue Xiling, and Zhang Jingzhen’s trip to the southwest is indeed not peaceful.

 Nanzhao Stone Forest and Xuelong Mountain are located in the southwest, both of which are famous.

 For monks with low and medium levels of cultivation, it can be said that they are two dangerous places that they dare not set foot on easily.

The Nanzhao Stone Forest contains illusions. It requires a person with an extremely strong soul, or a warrior with a high level of cultivation to concentrate on not being disturbed by the illusions, in order to find a path in it with difficulty.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is chaotic, and blocked by wind and snow, it is difficult for her to detect the opponent's attack in advance, but once the Tao Sect Flying Sword flies out, it will arrive in an instant.

Although Wei Qiyue and Chu Yu are only two people, if they encounter variables, they can advance and retreat relatively freely.

 After searching around, Lei Jun also didn't get any valuable clues.

Yue Xiling, Zhang Jingzhen and others also came to this area.


It's just that Gu Han came to the Snow Dragon Mountain area in the form of Yuanying's flying escape. He just used the Yuanying soul secret technique to attack Chu Yu and the two.

With this delay, Chu Yu had time to avoid the Taoist flying sword that seemed to split the world and shatter the earth.

Just in the past two years, he has successfully taken the last step, passed through the catastrophe between the sixth and seventh heavens, and successfully cultivated to the upper third level. He is the second person among the younger generation of disciples in Shushan after Zhang Taigang.

They are a Taoist weapon-refining sect who is in the eighth-level heavenly realm of immortal travel, and the other is a Confucian divine shooter who is in the eighth-level heavenly realm of opening up borders. They are both agile and observant.

Like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, the sword light flew into the sky, almost ignoring time and space, and was in front of Chu Yu in an instant.

 But when the golden palace shook, the chapters that were about to come together were separated again!

Zhang Jingzhen and Chen Yi refused to give in to each other. One had a stronger cultivation level, while the other had a mysterious and strange golden palace that could exert influence on the ancient chapter table.

However, the opponent is still at the third level of cultivation. Even with the help of Mo Chen and others, it is difficult to match Zhang Jing's power of three days.

The sword light was so sharp that it poked several huge holes in the sword net in the blink of an eye.

 She could not find anything related to Chen Donglou.

The stone forest is missing, so the other troops are waiting outside, only vaguely forming to surround the stone forest and check the scope.

 After searching all the way and not seeing any results for a long time, Zhang Jing sighed sincerely, but she was not too anxious.

Chu Yu deserted the Chu people in Suzhou and joined the imperial court, which made her attract a lot of attention and was always in the storm.

Light arrows are everywhere, and the fog quickly dissipates.

 Zhang Jingzhen, the high-ranking elder of the Xinke Tianshi Mansion who has always been dignified, elegant and refined, looks unusually embarrassed at this moment. His Taoist crown cracked directly, and his black hair fell down.

 She will go to Nanzhao Stone Forest together with Yue Xiling, Shangguan Sheng and Liao Jie, a disciple of Shushan Sect.

 While being wary of possible enemies from the previous three days, Zhang Jingzhen still took action.

Under the influence of the turbulent flow of spiritual energy in Snow Dragon Mountain, the ice and snow rose into the sky, turning into an endless ice and snow storm. It also posed a huge threat to those who practice Taoism. One careless step may lead to being buried in the wind and snow.

“I may be more than one step late.” Lei Jun came down from the top of the stone pillar and walked in the stone forest again.

“Senior nephew Chen, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Is this how you greet me?” Wei Qiyue’s face was as dark as water, and there was anger in her tone.

Nanzhao Stone Forest, Chen Donglou may have really been there and left some traces.

The hall is grand, but a little bleak. The hall looks empty, with only a few things displayed irregularly.

“Be careful, it’s Chen Donglou’s Seven Star Sword!” Wei Qiyue reminded.

The sword net circled around, assisting Chu Yu in blocking the shocking sword lights.

 To a certain extent, it’s like Lei Jun used the secret side of the Book of Heaven to deal with the aftermath after doing many things.

 The two walked through the wind and snow. While resisting the wind and snow, they also carefully observed their surroundings.

Chu Yu had spiritual light flickering on his body, and a jade pendant shone brightly, manifesting into a jasper-like city.

  Over Snow Dragon Mountain, wind and snow swept across.

Sure enough, Chu Yu flipped his palm, and a huge long bow appeared in his palm. But before he could open his bow and set an arrow to counterattack, the second and third sword lights flew out from the Snow Dragon Mountain. The wind and snow above were temporarily cleared.

Wei Qiyue's sword net suddenly shook and fell back.

Liao Jie is a rising star among the younger generation of Shushan School, second only to Zhang Taigang.

Chen Donglou may be hostile to Tianshi Mansion and even the current Shushan Sect, or he may have some unknown grudges and disputes with Chunyang Palace.

Among the three-day monks who came in with Zhang Jingzhen on this trip, someone was protecting Chen Yi, Mo Chen and others!

Zhang Jingzhen would have had a hard time finding Chen Yi if it weren't for the connection between the incomplete chapter list and the chapter list.

Chu Yu shot an arrow at the same time.

Since it has been cleaned up in this way, it is impossible for some young people of the younger generation to accidentally enter this place and get the opportunity of their predecessor Chen Donglou.

Both of them noticed that there was an expert quietly approaching in the wind and snow behind them. It seemed that there was no one else at the moment, but the light in their eyes soared, and they both saw a figure, which seemed to be invisible in the wind and snow.

Some dim and fuzzy light rose into the air, taking on the shape of a mysterious mirror. The light from the mirror seemed to be there but it quickly shone in the direction of Zhang Jingzhen.

Chu Yu was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.

Nanzhao Stone Forest is such a chaotic and confusing place. If you want to carry out a "spring cleaning" here, it is not something that just anyone can do.

However, Lei Jun carefully read the text that appeared on the light ball and compared it with the fortune, guessing that the threat was more likely to come from a man-made disaster rather than a natural disaster.

The three-day monks among them in the stone forest are already at risk of falling into an illusion. At this moment, they are also facing the search by a group of three-day monks.

 A golden palace!

Lei Jun was walking when a sound that sounded like a fire explosion or a tiger's roar suddenly came from the distance.

Either at that time, or on their second trip afterwards, they had thoroughly cleaned up the place, so that it was now completely empty, and Lei Jun and other latecomers found nothing.

Lei Junren stood on the top of a stone pillar, overlooking the stone forest in front of him, his eyes flickering.

The two incomplete chapters also went their separate ways, separated again, and flew into the distance.

Lei Jun had heard of the other party's name a few years ago, and when chatting with Ji Chuan of Shushan School, he also heard him mention Liao Jie's name.

But the flying sword that just flew out now changed its violent attitude from before. It moved dexterously and was both offensive and defensive. While continuing to attack Chu Yu, it could also intercept Chu Yu's arrows.

 “Gu Han!”

The former true disciple of Tianshi Mansion actually still wears a Taoist robe today, but it is no longer the apricot yellow Taoist robe that is used to teach disciples of Tianshi Mansion, but a self-made white Taoist robe.

 The two incomplete chapters seemed to be united in mid-air.

 But after Gu Han's Qinglong Mengzhang lineage's unpredictable and most covert soul technique failed to make a sneak attack, he directly switched to the white tiger supervisor's lineage's more deadly and powerful soul technique.

It is the Seven-Star Sword that Chen Donglou used to amaze people in the past.

His appearance is clearly that of the former Xuanwu elder of Chunyang Palace, Gu Han.

 Even exceeded the expectations of the elders in the Tianshi Mansion for him.

The green Yin Fire Tiger roared, and the Jiuyuan True Fire suddenly turned the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

Lei Jun walked through the stone forest and looked at the huge stone pillars standing here, with inspiration constantly bursting out in his mind.

 In the mountainous area below, a sword light suddenly flashed.

Chu Yu and Wei Qiyue worked together to block the opponent's swift and fierce first wave of ambush, and Chu Yu finally had the chance to fight back with arrows.

It seemed that everything had disappeared, but Chu Yu and Wei Qiyue said in unison:

 One person is wearing cloth clothes and linen shoes, and a female crown. The clothes are simple, but the aura is vaguely fierce. The appearance seems to be middle-aged.

 Perhaps it should be said that Huangtian pays off.

 Chen Yi.

Mo Chen and others saw him at the side, and their eyes also burst out with astonishing expression.

 The environment there is complex and relatively dangerous, and there may be more unknown variables.

However, Zhang Jingzhen was wary.

“I have long heard that Taoist Master Chen Donglou likes to hone his cultivation in places with dangerous environments. It’s just that seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times. Now that I experience it in person, I can truly understand it.” Chu Yu left the wind and snow and said to Wei Qiyue.


 Two figures in the distance approach.

 Some people searched extensively here first, and then erased the traces.

 Nanzhao Stone Forest.

Wei Qiyue said: "Only after we find him can we know the truth."

 Chen Donglou, there should be no need to do this, right?

Whether it is according to the Shushan Sect or according to Chen Donglou's past temperament, he is not a person who cleans up his own traces and hides his head and tail.

 He gathered his thoughts first and planned to study it slowly later.

Chu Yu and Wei Qiyue lost the opportunity and were attacked and were at a disadvantage. As time went by, the situation became worse and worse.    …


Except for Yue Xiling, the possibility of anyone else discovering Lei Jun is extremely slim. Lei Jun still acts alone in secret.

Wanting to hide from others may mean...

 But what was even more astonishing was that Chen Yi was pushed to the limit, and in the depths of his eyes, another light suddenly flashed.

In the eyes of Wei Qiyue and others, it is obvious that Nanzhao Stone Forest is safer than Xuelong Mountain.

 It's up to you to find this place for you, but..."

Taoist Flying Sword and Confucian Divine Shooting, if they are given time to accumulate, both the attack distance and power will be further improved, reaching a terrifying level.

 He was quietly hiding in a corner of the stone forest.

Chu Yu took a closer look, and sure enough he saw seven rays of sword light, arranged in the shape of seven stars over Snow Dragon Mountain, and kept moving. While they were sharp and sharp, they also contained the wonder of the movement of stars.

 Everyone seems to have lost everything together...

 The final result is a loud "boom"!

  There seemed to be a circle of golden ripples spreading out in the stone forest, spreading in all directions.

 Four masters at the eighth level of heaven are fighting in the sky above Snow Dragon Mountain, making this already famous dangerous land even more dangerous for strangers to keep away, like a dead zone.

“The leader and the poor man also don’t understand. The only thing that is certain is that he must have entanglements with these people.”

Lei Jun flicked his fingers.

With a quick glance, Zhang Jingzhen recognized the middle-aged Taoist priest who was in the sixth heaven realm among them. He was Mo Chen, the traitor who had been wanted by the Chunyang Palace like Zhou Peng and Wang Jingfang and had fled.

 It is just a difficult search, even if some monks from the Seventh Heaven are trapped in it, there is still a possibility of getting lost, and it will take a lot of effort to escape from this natural illusion created by nature.

In the depths of his pupils, the brilliance of heaven and earth is flowing, and light and dark are changing rhythmically.

 Who is Zhang Jingzhen fighting?

 Zhang Jingzhen’s goal is mainly to target the half of the chapter list owned by Chen Yi.

"Why did you come here? I know it in my heart, and you know it even better. Wei Qiyue, to this day, what else can we say?"

With him, there were several other Taoist priests. Their Taoist robes were black on the outside and white on the inside. They were all dressed as true disciples of Chunyang Palace.

 She did succeed in eliciting half of Chen Yi's chapter list.

Wei Qiyue waved her sleeves, and a magic sword flew out.

Just when she was almost ready to give up and rush to join Yue Xiling, Shangguan Sheng, and Liao Jie, the half of the chapter list suddenly changed and reacted.

But he was convinced that someone had been to this stone forest in recent years and made a lot of noise. Afterwards, they tried their best to clean up the aftermath and cover up their activities to avoid being known to later generations.

 But she found the people and things she was looking for.

  That's strange.

With Lei Jun's insight, it would be difficult to find any clues in a short period of time. It was the dark side of the book that noticed something was wrong.

Wei Qiyue's magic weapon Chensi Sword and Sword Net Chensi, in addition to various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, are also refined with a large amount of red dust smoke and smoke. The sword net is spread out with both reality and reality, so it can not only fight against the Seven Star Sword, but also intercept Gu. Han tends to the invisible and formless art of soul.

It is none other than the senior high-ranking core member of the Shushan Sect, the previous generation Su Laowei Qiyue.

Chen Donglou's name as Shu Madman refers to his temperament, but as the most amazing genius descendant of the Shushan Sect in the past few hundred years, his swordsmanship is the true inheritance of Shushan. He is good at both large and small openings and subtle changes.

The city is crystal clear and looks as fragile as a work of art, but its defensive power is quite astonishing.

 He didn’t feel discouraged, he just kept thinking quietly.

Moreover, it is close to the snow-covered plateau, and snow monsters may be active at any time, adding to the danger.

 It's just that the environment of Snow Dragon Mountain is very harsh. Chu Yu and his two men's insight and exploration of the outside world are currently limited to a limited distance, making it difficult to have a panoramic view of the inside and outside of the Snow Dragon Mountain.

The other party lived in seclusion in the past few years, rarely leaving the top of the mountain gate of the Shushan sect, and spent most of his time quietly cultivating.

 Creation changes, often going back and forth between chaos and order.

 Therefore, Zhang Jingzhen, Liao Jie, and Shangguan Sheng who came here are all in the seventh heaven realm.

He stopped and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lei Jun really did not find any clues about the whereabouts of Director Chen Donglou.

Chu Yu lost the opportunity for a moment. Her opponent was already prepared, and terrifying sword lights flew up. She had no choice but to dodge them as best she could, leaving her with no chance to fight back.

The more experienced Shushan Supreme Elder Wei Qiyue and Chu Yu went to Snow Dragon Mountain together.

 But since then, other people have searched here and swept away all these clues.

 Everyone spread out to check, but found nothing in a short period of time.

Lei Jun is not worried about his safety, but is more curious about the situation on the north side of Snow Dragon Mountain.

As for himself, he naturally chose to go to Nanzhao Stone Forest.

It is true that this is a place of great danger, but it also contains a lot of principles of heaven and earth.

She glanced at the snowy Snow Dragon Mountain in front of her: "In terms of cultivation talent and personal strength, Donglou is indeed a rare and unrivaled talent, but unfortunately, his temperament has always been..."

 But as the silk wadding fluttered, the sword net quickly made up for it and returned to its original state.

 A strange scene appeared in her mind.


 Chen Yi and Zhang Jingzhen both suffered severe physical shocks.

The dark side of the Book of Heaven has a mysterious aura that makes things chaotic and disorderly.

 At the area covered by the sword net, a large amount of mist suddenly surged up, trying to pass through the sword net, but was constantly strangled by the contraction and expansion of the silk wadding that made up the mesh of the sword net.

Even though he knew that Chen Yi had half a chapter list, Zhang Jing was really surprised by the speed of his opponent's progress.

But it is hard to imagine that a person who was straight-forward and arrogant in the early years is now connecting with Feng Yi, Zhou Peng, Qi Shuo, Liu Dongzhuo and other abandoned disciples of the Daoist Holy Land to plan something secretly.

The other young woman is tall, wearing a hunting suit and has a heroic appearance. She is Chu Yu.

While the two were talking, they came to the northern foot of Xuelong Mountain.

 The stone forest is distributed among them, as if the heaven and earth have set up a maze here. After seeing it, Lei Jun felt a lot in his heart.

 For now, focus on other things.

On the other side, the seven flying swords are like the Big Dipper flying across the sky. The sword light is condensed and destructive with astonishing power. At the same time, it interprets the mystery of the stars and the stars, constantly shuttling in mid-air, attacking from both sides.

Zhang Jingzhen’s crown on her head collapsed, her black hair was scattered, and her body was frozen in place, unable to move. She was in an unusually embarrassed state.

 Zhang Jingzhen went to find him immediately.

 Chen Yi and others dare to hide here, which seems quite unusual.

The abandoned disciple of the Tianshi Mansion in front of me has actually increased his cultivation level again and again, and his progress rate is extremely outstanding, far exceeding that of ordinary people.

She followed the inspiration from her half-ancient seal and chose the direction of Nanzhao Stone Forest.

Zhang Jingzhen did not choose to go to Snow Dragon Mountain.

 In the Snow Dragon Mountain, a man’s voice rang out:

The magic sword shook in mid-air, the sword light kept twitching, and gradually turned into a silk-like sword net that filled the sky, and did not dissipate in the wind and snow.

Yue Xiling, the only one who has reached the eighth level of heavenly cultivation, has also recently made a breakthrough, and is currently at the first level of the Danding Sect.

But his behavior tends to be cautious, he seldom catches others, and he behaves freely without showing off.

 All of this, in turn, is what Nanzhao Shilin has experienced before.

Wei Qiyue nodded slightly: "Donglou believes that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, so he has been searching for strange and dangerous places in the world all year round. In the early days, he often used the river to hone his flying sword."

 Chen Yi's progress in cultivation once again surprised Zhang Jingzhen.

Yue Xiling, Zhang Jingzhen, Shangguan Sheng, and Liao Jie, four monks at the third-level level, went deep into the stone forest.

 But the final result surprised Zhang Jing even more.

Zhang Jingzhen’s eyes were dazzled and her mind was shaken.

As for Snow Dragon Mountain, it is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth there is unstable, and turbulent spiritual energy often breaks out.

Chu Yu: "Since Daochang Chen's temperament has not changed for many years, it seems that there may be something hidden in the current situation?"

The two sides were facing each other at this moment. Zhang Jingzhen, who had been cultivating for three days, knew that the other half of the chapter table she wanted was in Chen Yi without asking.

 Chen Yi was even shaken and flew out, with blood splattering in the sky.

PS1: 5k chapters

PS2: I just said that I have been in a bad state for the past two days. I have been writing so slowly. My throat started to get inflamed before I realized what I was doing and took my temperature. Sure enough, the fever started again, but it was okay. It was less than 38 degrees. I took medicine immediately. I didn’t give it. I hope the chance of it getting serious will be over soon.


 (End of this chapter)

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