Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 273: 272 Things return to their original owners, debts repay life (two-in-one

Chapter 273 272. Return the property to its original owner and pay back the debt (two chapters in one)

Lei Jun shattered Wang Dongchu's immortal soul with one blow, and the remaining three swords of Tianquan, Yuheng, and Yaoguang, which were still waiting to fight back, fell silent at this time.

Under the attack of the Shangqing Yuchen Fairy Bamboo, the purple and gold brilliance flashed, and the divine power was inherent, as if it had the authority to interrupt and stop the changes of other Taoist aggregates and spiritual energy.

Therefore, the four swords of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, and Kaiyang all stopped in mid-air. After Wang Dongchu's immortal soul received a blow, not only his magic power was stagnant, but even his thoughts seemed to have been cut off by Lei Jun's blow.

Lei Jun added another word, and immediately dispersed his immortal soul.

This old man at the eighth level of the Shushan Sect, the tenacity of his immortal soul and spiritual consciousness is far beyond that of ordinary people. Although his immortal soul was dispersed, his immortal soul is still floating in the air and will not completely dissipate for a while.

 Under normal circumstances, although the severe injury was painful, Wang Dongchu was still able to reassemble his immortal soul in order to escape.

But after being struck by Lei Jun's Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo, those immortal souls scattered and floated, like colorful bubbles, all fixed in the air, neither advancing nor retreating.

Give Wang Dongchu more time, and when the spiritual power of Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo dissipates, he can still try to reunite the immortal soul.

Lei Jun waved his hand again at this time, and the mysterious thunder surrounded him, swallowing up all the colorful "bubbles".

Xuan Lei, who had been under the control of Lei Jun for a long time, was as calm as water at this moment, and did not hurt those "bubbles", but only suppressed them all, preventing them from being reunited.

Lei Jun looked at the Seven Star Sword again.

Wang Dongchu had initially refined this magic weapon before, but now he lost his control and connection, and the seven flying swords trembled slightly in mid-air, clearly showing some wildness.

 Their original foundation and style are always closer to their original owner and their original creator, Chen Donglou.

At this moment without Wang Dongchu, the Seven Star Sword suddenly returned to its old state.

Having captured Wang Dongchu, Lei Jun put away his Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo.

He looked at the seven flying swords quietly, and then gave a Taoist call: "Elder Chen, Lei Jun, the descendant of Longhu Mountain, borrowed the magic sword and immortal seed today. I will offend him in the future. Please forgive me. One day The poor Taoist has found the Ziwei sword of the noble sect and should send it back to Shushan. Don't be rude."

Where his thoughts moved, black mysterious thunder gathered, and the Xuanxiao Five Thunder Magic Barrel reappeared, unfolding into a five-element talisman array in mid-air.

Lei Jun squeezes the magic formula with his hand and pokes his finger a little higher in the air.

 The second five-thunder and five-element talisman formation also appeared.

 The two talisman arrays are combined up and down to include all the Seven Star Swords and store them temporarily.

  The closed magic circle quickly shrank, then turned into a shadow and flew into Lei Jun's palm.

Lei Jun looked at the purple light fairy seed again at this time, and it was like an illusory purple sword light, hanging motionless in mid-air.

 He first raised his hand to touch it and collected it with himself.

 The slender purple light suddenly shrank again, reappeared like a seed, returned to one point, and finally disappeared in Lei Jun's palm.

Lei Jun flipped the palm of his other hand, and the aura and artistic conception of the dark side of the Book of Heaven appeared without any warning, wiping the surrounding area and erasing all traces.

At the same time, as the Purple Light Fairy Seed was put away again, there was a heavy smoke barrier in front of the eyes, as if there was an outlet for catharsis, quickly gathered here, and submerged under the Ancient God Tree.

Lei Jun's figure was flying, quickly away from the ancient sacred tree, and left the southern foot of Gumu Mountain.

 As a large amount of smoke and confusion came under the ancient **** tree, the huge ancient tree seemed to be shaking gently.

Over Gumu Mountain, the sky gradually began to see the sky again.

The northern foothills of the mountain range were turned into a smoke screen due to the silent burning of a large number of trees. Now they reappear before the eyes of the world, and the mountains and forests are completely bare.

Led by the ancient sacred tree, the forests at the southern foot are much more lush.

  Things must turn against each other at the extreme. The ferocious aura that previously entangled Chen Donglou's immortal soul, after this back and forth, turned into a pure aura that nurtured life and nourished many forests in the southern foothills.

The smoke barrier has not completely dissipated, and when most of it has disappeared, a figure flashes several times in succession.

 When he was waiting for the figure to appear again, he had already arrived under the ancient **** tree.

It was Shangguan Yunbo who was holding the Dangkou Jinge.

His eyes were like a torch, and he scanned the surroundings, but found no trace of Wang Dongchu.

On the other hand, in the distant mountains, the figures of Shen Qubing, Lei Jun, and Shangguan Sheng appeared one after another, scattered everywhere.

After Shangguan Yunbo glanced at the three of them, he began to look for Wang Dongchu again.

In order to find someone, the commander-in-chief of the Tang Shence Army dug more than three feet into the ground. Almost the entire Gumushan Mountains were turned over.

 Lei Jun and three other people assisted from the side.

 But in the end the group gained nothing.

"Did he finally take advantage of the confusion and escape?" Shangguan Sheng was helpless.

Shangguan Yunbo frowned: "Strange...could there be some hidden ingenuity in it?"

He looked left and right, nodded slightly to Lei Jun, and then said: "Expand the scope of the search and look around again. If there are any traces of him, report it to me immediately!"

Lei Jun and the three others agreed.

 Everyone immediately dispersed and continued searching.

Lei Jun looked calm, pretending to look for Wang Dongchu, who had actually been pinned down by him in the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

Until, news suddenly came from the north, interrupting their search:

 Shushan, a war broke out!

 A war larger than the previous civil strife in Shushan suddenly broke out.

Shangguan Yunbo, who remained calm despite the landslide, was increasingly shocked by the news that came one after another.

 He had to recall Lei Jun and others.

“Elder Wei, is he one of the important officials of the Tao Kingdom in the world?”

The first thing Shangguan Yunbo said surprised Shen Qubing.

Lei Jun was standing by, listening quietly.

In Wei Qiyue, the superior of Shushan faction was Su Lao, and his seniority was higher than that of Chen Donglou, Wang Dongchu and others.

 Corresponding to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, he is of the same generation as Li Song and others.

He is also one of the few eighth-level elders in Shushan. To the Shushan sect, he plays an important role regardless of his seniority or strength.

Now it seems that she has other plans in mind.

Shangguan Sheng: "Then at Snow Dragon Mountain, didn't the Chushe people face Wang Dongchu, Wei Qiyue and Gu Han from the Danding sect at the same time?"

“At that time, they wanted to divert the trouble to the east, put the blame on Chen Donglou, and shift the focus of the court’s arrest, thereby minimizing the major issue. However, when I arrived at Xuelong Mountain, their wishful thinking failed.”

 At that time, Chu Yu had doubts about Wei Qiyue who was traveling with him.

It's just that she kept it secret and only communicated the matter secretly with Shangguan Yunbo at that time.

After escorting Liao Jie and Mo Chen back to the north, after further confirmation, it was confirmed that Shushan Taishang Elder Wei Qiyue was a core member of the Human World Dao Kingdom like Wang Dongchu.

This discovery also convinced Chu Yu that the situation in Shushan was more serious than expected.

 So, before reaching Shushan, we launched an early attack and captured Lieutenant Qiyue.

Although Shangguan Yunbo pursued Wang Dongchu deep into the southwest, Chu Yu secretly contacted other masters and teamed up to ambush Wei Qiyue.

In the land of Xiaoxiang, there is a lineage of King Xiang, one of the descendants of the founding ancestor of the Tang Dynasty. The contemporary King of Xiang, Zhang Luo, personally went out to meet him. In addition, Zhang Dongyuan, who came out of Shushan in advance with the Qingming Sword, joined Chu Yu and ran He captured Wei Qiyue alive and left.

 But then, the situation became completely chaotic.

 The good news is that Wei Qiyue's weight is much heavier than Liao Jie, and even heavier than Wang Dongchu, implicating the real big fish.

More than one.

 The bad news is, the big fish are really big.

 Fu Dongsen.

 The contemporary leader of Shushan!

It was under his leadership that the Shushan Sect began to communicate more with the outside world, join the world more, and even have more contact with the Tang imperial family.

The large-scale civil war that year also started because of this.

It now appears that the real purpose of that civil war was to eliminate dissidents and at the same time arrange for some party members to move into the dark so that they could be active outside all year round.

 Hong Jie.

To many young monks today, this name is already very unfamiliar. Within the Shushan Sect, it is also a legendary ancestor.

That is the current senior Su Lao of the Shushan Sect, a generation higher than Wei Qiyue and Xu Duan.

 Fu Dongsen, Zhang Dongyuan and others should call each other "Master-uncle".

 Zhang Taigang, Liao Jie, Ji Chuan and others should be called Taishi's uncles.

Because she is getting older, Hong Jie has been living in seclusion in recent years and has not been seen in the world for a long time. She has been living in Qingxiao Mansion underground in Shushan all year round and has almost no involvement in foreign affairs.

 She did not participate in the civil war that year. She was a reclusive old man like Lin Jian and Lin Zhan of the Lin clan in Jiangzhou.

Looking back now, it seems that Hong and Jie did not help each other during the civil war, which seems to have different meanings.


"Hong Jie, Wei Qiyue, Fu Dongsen, Wang Dongchu, Liao Jie..." Lei Jun was speechless for a moment.

Without considering anything else, these few names alone cover the people with the highest status and seniority in Shushan, including the old, middle and young generations.

Apart from the fact that the vision of the Human World is not easy to publicize directly to the outside world, it seems that they are more representative of the mainstream opinions in Shushan today?

It’s hard to say who is the insider behind the development of the Taoist Kingdom in Shushan, right?

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call Zhang Dongyuan, Xu Duan, Zhang Taigang, He Dongxing, Ji Dongquan and others pro-Tang people within the Shushan School?

Shen Qubing and Shangguan Sheng were equally shocked.

“General, how is the situation now?” Shen Qubing asked urgently.

Shangguan Yunbo: "We will return north immediately. Wang Dongchu, the thief, has to be released for the time being."

While on the road, he continued: "Hong Jie originally occupied Qingxiao Mansion, and Fu Dongsen, as the head of Shushan, directly took charge of Taiyi Xiantian Tower. Pretending to be prepared, he took over the Beiming Divine Spear and Nanming Li Huoding even injured Taoist Xu Duanxu."

 Except for the lost Ziwei Sword, among the six greatest treasures in Shushan, only the Qingming Sword is in the hands of Zhang Dongyuan.

 The news also mentioned that Gu Han and other monks from the Danding Sect also rushed to Shushan.

"Your Majesty is in Guanzhong, will he drive south? I don't know if the time will..." Shangguan Sheng frowned.

 Shangguan Yunbo’s face was expressionless, but his tone fluctuated slightly:

“Before I go south on this trip, Your Majesty has made corresponding arrangements to prevent the situation in Shu from getting out of control... The leader of the Jingxiang Fang clan has left the country.”

Shangguan Sheng suddenly fell silent.

Shen Qubing looked surprised.

 Lei Junze was thoughtful.

Shangguan Yunbo added: "The leader of the Fang clan studied hard behind closed doors for many years. He crossed the catastrophe between the eighth and ninth heavens and successfully reached the ninth heaven realm of Confucianism. Before that, he secretly went to Guanzhong to meet the saint... Several other clans , and each has his own representative."

Shen Qubing was very surprised: "The sun rises in the west?"

Shangguan Yunbo: "At this time, at that time, things are unpredictable."

 Shen Qubing couldn’t understand even more.

It’s not just because of the heavy losses suffered by the North and South Erlin and the Jinzhou Ye Clan before... Lei Jun thought to himself.

 Another huge change was the appearance of the Sumeru Vajra tribe in the Western Region.

According to rumors, the Sumeru Vajra Division changed its previous low-key style of the Vajra Temple and became extremely aggressive and contacted the Tang Dynasty emperor.

While his attitude is respectful and enthusiastic, he also has a tough attitude and is extremely fanatical about preaching and enlightenment.

  Although the aggression has not yet been clearly shown, the major Confucian families have a keen sense of smell and immediately became vigilant.

Now there is an existence like the Dao Kingdom in the human world, which is also opposed to several major families who have established Confucian heirlooms in different areas.

At the moment, several major clans are in urgent need of recuperation, and they have quickly adjusted their policies. At least, the Jingxiang Fang clan has made a clear statement first.

 In the past, he secretly funded Dakong Temple, Bailian Sect, and Huang Tiandao.

 Now, he is repairing the relationship with the Tang Dynasty emperor.

 It is certainly unrealistic to expect them to dedicate everything to the Tang Dynasty and do whatever the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty says.

 The so-called game and exchange are inherently dynamic and have always existed.

Fang Jingsheng, the leader of the clan who had been in seclusion for many years, finally succeeded in breaking through to the Nine Heavens realm.

 Then, the first attack was directed at the Shushan Sect.

But this time Clan Leader Fang is not suppressing the Taoist sect.

 But to quell the rebellion according to the order.

Fu Dongsen is sitting on the important gate of Xiaoding Mountain of Shushan Sect. Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion are combined. Even Fang Jingsheng can hold on when facing the realm of Nine Heavens.

 But their persistence was meaningless.

 The affairs related to the Dao Kingdom in the Human World were exposed, and the Shushan Sect was in chaos.

Even though Fu Dongsen and others are powerful enough, it still takes a long time to unite the entire Shu Mountain.

 Now, they no longer have this chance.

Even if Fang Jingsheng, Chu Yu, and Zhang Dongyuan cannot pull out the nail in the sky, once Queen Zhang Wantong frees up her hands to enter Shu personally, Shushan will still be unable to hold it.

Years of experience from Huang Tiandao, White Lotus Sect, and Dakong Temple tell everyone that forces like this can have a foundation, but they must not be discovered by the outside world.

 Otherwise, you will be hit immediately.

 The first wave is not fair, but more enemies will continue to surround you later.

At this moment, Shangguan Yunbo led the bandit Jinge and traveled north to Shuzhong at night.

 But obviously, Fu Dongsen and others also understand this truth.

 So they did not stick to the top of the mountain gate, but broke out as soon as possible.

The way to break out of the encirclement is... "The top of the sky sinks, and the Taiyi Xiantian Tower, together with the Qingxiao Mansion, borrows the power of the earth's veins to move away from the ground..."

 Shangguan Yunbo, who had just set foot in Shu and was still far away from the top of the sky, received the news and looked down at the ground beneath his feet.

The Xiantian Pagoda above and the Qingxiao Mansion below are the treasures of Shushan Mountain. They have never left the mountain before.

Now they actually run away together.

 I really don’t know whether I should say that Shushan’s orthodoxy is in the Tao Kingdom... Lei Jun holds his forehead.

Shangguan Sheng glanced at the silent Shangguan Yunbo and did not dare to ask anything. He quietly contacted Chu Yu and others at Xiaoding to ask for details.

The final result of this battle in Shushan was that a total of four monks in the seventh heaven realm, including Liao Jie who tried to escape but failed, died, and the number of casualties in the middle three days and the lower three days was even greater.

On the opposite side, Wei Qiyue was injured, but managed to escape into Qingxiao Mansion, and evacuated with Fu Dongsen, Hong Jie and some Shushan monks.

In addition to Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion, Beiming Divine Spear was also successfully taken away from Shushan by Fu Dongsen.

The Lihuo Cauldron of Nanming was knocked down.

Xu Duan and Zhang Dongyuan, the high-ranking elders of Shushan, were both injured.

Compared to the last civil war, the Shushan sect was completely split in this war, and the losses were heavy, which can no longer be described as a serious loss of vitality.

Although the Qingming Sword and the Nanming Lihuo Cauldron are still there, the Qingxiao Mansion, which is located under the top of the sky and is connected to the Shushan Mountains, was moved, causing the entire Lingshan to sink and almost collapse.

The mountain gate guarding the top of Shushan Mountain is almost scrapped. Without Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion, I don’t know how much energy and time it will take to restore the old view.

Zhang Dongyuan and others are currently staying in Xiaoding. No matter how desperate they are to cry, they can only calm down, comfort the panicked and confused disciples, and prepare for reconstruction.

Fang Jingsheng went directly deep into the cracks in the earth's veins and continued to pursue the escaping Fu Dongsen and others.

But this trip is already the limit for him. Expecting him to fight to the end for the Tang Dynasty and Shushan is impossible even with his knees.

 Lei Jun and others got back on the road and continued to the top of Shushan Mountain.

When he arrived at the place, Lei Jun couldn't help but sigh that he had been famous for a long time. Today he finally visited for the first time. All he could see in front of him was a tragic post-war scene.

There is no trace of the wonderful fairyland, only the chaotic aura of heaven and earth and the debris of the mountain.

Zhang Jingzhen, who had come here with Chu Yu and others earlier, saw Lei Jun again. The two looked at each other and were speechless for a moment.

 They all recalled the days of their Tianshi Mansion.

Before this war, the Shushan sect had been recuperating and trading with the outside world in recent years, and had continuously accumulated itself. It had gradually repaired the losses caused by the civil war, and even had a significant upward trend.

 There were more than twenty monks in the last three days.

 Excluding Chen Donglou, who had not been heard from before and was assumed to be dead by many people, there were seven eighth-level monks.

 Hong Jie.

 Xu Duan, Wei Qiyue.

 Fu Dongsen, Zhang Dongyuan, Wang Dongchu.

 Coupled with Zhang Taigang, who has made new breakthroughs in recent years.

In addition, Ye Dongming, who Lei Jun once had a relationship with, is said to be preparing for the catastrophe between the seventh and eighth heavens. If successful, Shushan will have eight eighth-level Taoist weapon refining sects at the same time. Immortal wandering monk.

 But after today's battle, excluding Ye Dongming who is still in the seventh heaven, the Shushan sect now only has three eighth-level high-gong elders, Xu Duan, Zhang Dongyuan and Zhang Taigang.

With such power, looking at the current world, there is no doubt that it can still be called a holy land sect, but compared to its former self and compared to some of the looming behemoths around it, the situation is simply bleak.

 Just like the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 Strictly speaking, until now, this tone has not completely calmed down.

The previous majestic attack on the North and South Erlin and Jinzhou Ye Clan was due to Xu Yuanzhen's breakthrough to the Nine Heavens realm, and there were many special factors.

 A major change may once again interrupt the revival of Tianshi Mansion.

 Earlier, Chunyang Palace and the Shushan Sect in front of me were all like this.

 “By the way, there’s one thing.”

Zhang Jing said in truth: "According to what Chu Zhaizhu said, Taiyi Xiantian Tower may not be the first time it has left the top of Shushan Mountain!"

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "How do you say that?"

 Zhang Jingzhen: “We are still checking the location of the original pagoda on the top of the sky, but according to Elder Zhang Dongyuan, the Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda may have moved more than once. He also found it incredible because there had never been any related movement before.”

Although it is not as closely connected to Xiaoding as Qingxiao Mansion and is almost a part of Shushan Mountain, Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda is also closely related to the gate of Shushan Sect. If such a treasure leaves Shushan Mountain, it will be difficult to remain silent.

Especially within the Shushan family, monks such as Zhang Dongyuan and other three-day monks will probably be able to sense it.

Lei Jun fell into deep thought when he heard the news.

After Shangguan Yunbo met and talked with Chu Yu, Yue Xiling, Zhang Dongyuan and others, he also entered the earth and also went to trace the escaped Qingxiao Mansion.

Chu Yu temporarily stayed in Bashu, representing the Tang Dynasty imperial family and liaising with all parties to help stabilize the situation in Shushan in a short time.

Chu Yu valued Zhang Jingzhen's half of the Tiangong seal, but did not collect it directly. He only asked Zhang Jingzhen to go there in person and take the treasure to Chang'an, the old capital of Guanzhong, to be sanctified by the queen herself.

Lei Junze stated that this matter was far more important than expected and that he needed to express his feelings to his master in person. After visiting Ji Chuan, He Dongxing, Ji Dongquan and other acquaintances, he said goodbye and left Bashu, returning to Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou.

Yuan Mobai and Shangguan Ning had been summoned by Lei Jun and Zhang Jingzhen earlier. Now they heard Lei Jun explain the situation in person, and their faces were quite serious.

"Human Dao Kingdom...were they preparing for this by weakening our sect and supporting Huang Tiandao before?" Yuan Mobai pondered, and the rare smile disappeared from his face.

Shangguan Ning's expression became more serious: "The master is locked up and cannot come out. Yuan Zhen's nephew is overseas, but the matter is very important, so we still need to try our best to convey the message to them."

Yuan Mobai nodded: "What the senior sister said is true."

Lei Jun later went to find his junior sister Tang Xiaotang, but the other party was indeed in a state of seclusion. Unless he felt threatened, he would not be alerted. Lei Jun did not want to alert the other party in a similar way. Tang Xiaotang must be practicing at a critical moment. .

 It was the overseas senior sister Xu Yuanzhen, whom Lei Jun successfully contacted during this trip.

 “I’ve seen Changjie Island.”

Xu Yuanzhen said casually: "It looks different from the one in Daheishan in Northern Xinjiang, but it's actually very different."

 She went to the other side of the "door".

There, there is also a broken world.

 Just like the Yuhang land in the world where Lei Jun currently lives.

Then wenhua was also trampled on by the iron-blooded wilderness.

Moreover, what I saw and heard during this trip seemed to have happened not long ago.

 Xu Yuanzhen even discovered others.

 Although he is already dead.

 Lin Jinsong.

Like the other victims here, their bones have been buried in the grass.

 But the killer has long disappeared.

The once prosperous scene was shattered into pieces, leaving only desolation.

“There should have been a larger-scale fierce battle earlier, leading to the birth of this fragmented world.”

Xu Yuanzhen’s tone sounded a bit interested:

“After the world was shattered, the war here was finally coming to an end, and Lin Jinsong happened to run into it and lost his life.

However, those warriors did not come to Changjie Island through the realm's 'portal'. I don't know why?

It's a pity that I didn't come across it, otherwise I could have checked it carefully, but now I don't know where to look. "

Then she listened to Lei Jun's introduction to various matters related to the Tao Kingdom in the human world. She did not interrupt the whole process and just listened quietly. Finally, after Lei Jun finished speaking, she suddenly asked: "Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda has left earlier. Over the top of the sky?"

 The focus seems to be a bit biased.

Lei Jun had long been accustomed to the other party's speaking style, and replied in the usual tone: "I was suspicious before, and the elders of Shushan were checking. I contacted them again after returning to the mountain. They mentioned that they were sure that it was true. They said I am also extremely shocked.”

 Xu Yuanzhen: "Is that so..."

Lei Jun: "Sister, do you suspect that it is related to Qianye Butterfly King?"

 Xu Yuanzhen: “It’s too early to say anything.”

She suddenly laughed: "A Taoist country on earth? Does anyone still care about this?"

Lei Jun: "There may be some opportunity to facilitate it."

 Xu Yuanzhen: “Very good.”

What a good idea, she didn't say much, only said that after leaving Changjie Island later, she would also go to Bashu to have a look.

After Lei Jun ended the call with Xu Yuanzhen, he took the Tiangong Zhang table he had obtained from Chen Yi to see his master Yuan Mobai.

Yuan Mobai pointed out: "Don't disturb the memorial tablets of the ancestors, go to the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar and give it a try first.

Jingzhen, my nephew, has gone through this before, but Chongyun, you may gain something different. "

Lei Jun accepted the promise and went to the Wanfa Zong altar with his seal to offer sacrifices.

The shining chapter list was completely blank with no writing at all.

 But in front of Lei Jun, there is a vague road to the sky, rising all the way to the sky.

Through the refining of his own mind and body, Lei Jun now feels that he is more in tune with the principles of heaven and earth, and his practice and understanding are smoother.

 To a certain extent, it is equivalent to improving one's own understanding... Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 Chen Yi and Zhang Jingzhen have benefited from similar functions before.

Lei Jun has a higher level of understanding. At this moment, he is more deeply integrated with the chapter table. He leaves traces on the chapter table and feeds back to the world through the chapter table.

 As we come and go, man, nature, heaven and earth seem to merge into one.

 But Lei Jun was a little disappointed.

 He did not sense the so-called heavenly palace.

 Lei Jun does not yearn for the so-called heavenly palace.

To be precise, he is not interested in a hierarchical and step-by-step existence.

But others are interested and want to make it a reality, so Lei Jun will study it even if he can't help it.

“It seems that we have to wait until Senior Sister Zhang brings back half of the chapter list and try them together again.” Lei Jun guessed.

 He put away the Shangquetian Palace seal list obtained from Chen Yi and left the altar of Wanfa Zong.

In the following days, apart from conducting examinations and teaching his disciples, Lei Jun’s personal practice was temporarily focused on the magic weapon.

 But it’s not his own magic weapon, but the newly obtained set of seven-star swords.

 In the quiet room, Lei Jun sat cross-legged.

 His soul, at this moment, rarely separated from his body, temporarily suspended in the sky above his head.

 Seven flying swords formed a ring and floated around his body.

 It is the Seven Star Sword.

 After a long time, Lei Jun's spirit returned to his body.

The seven flying swords were hanging in mid-air and did not fall, but they gradually gathered together and formed a row.

Lei Jun said: "Tianshu."

 A sword sounded across the air.


 The second sword sound sounded.

 "Tianji... Tianquan... Yuheng... Kaiyang... Yaoguang."

As Lei Jun chanted softly, the sound of swords sounded one after another.

 Seven flying swords flew across the sky together and were arranged in the direction of the Big Dipper.

Lei Jun nodded, waved again, and the seven flying swords flew into the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

 Then Lei Jun quietly left Longhu Mountain.

He went southwest, instead of going directly to Nanzhao, he looked for a suitable place in the Qianshan Mountains.

 Sparsely populated.

 But not completely missing.

 After checking the surrounding area, there was no one around at the moment. Lei Jun waved his hand, and the weak and remnant souls that he had suppressed with Xuan Lei flew out.

Although the remnant souls are weak, without the mysterious thunder surrounding them, these remnant souls immediately condense and reorganize into a weak fairy soul.

 It is none other than the former Shushan elder, Wang Dongchu.

Elder Wang had just come back to his senses when suddenly seven sword lights fell from the sky in front of him, nailing him to the mountains!

 The terrifying sword light shattered the mountains and completely destroyed Wang Dongchu’s soul!

“Elder Chen, let me lend you your magic weapon and reputation. Don’t be rude. I’ll make up for it later.”

Lei Jun put away the Seven-Star Sword and gave a Taoist sign to the sword mark below.

ˆWords and tone habits, he has recently studied some of Chen Donglou’s life stories.

 Handwriting does not need to be imitated deliberately, the same sword intention will automatically leave the same traces.

 Eight big characters:

  Objects return to their original owners, and debts must be repaid with life.

 Sign in fine print:

 Chen Donglou beheaded Wang Dongchu in Qianshan.

PS: Chapter 7k2


 (End of this chapter)

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