Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 280: 279 Eminent monks from the Western Regions, China is a land of etiquette.

Chapter 280 279. Eminent monks from the Western Regions, China is a land of etiquette (two chapters in one)

 “A series of disasters…”

Lei Jun carefully studied the words of the fortune-teller, thoughtfully.

  It actually corresponds to the phrase "a group of evil people dancing wildly" when the light ball appeared at the beginning.

In addition, it also mentioned that "the secret of compassion can bring good and bad luck to oneself", which reminded Lei Jun that it was related to Buddhism, but he was not sure which party it specifically pointed to.

 For reference, there are three key places, namely Haneda Cave, Youning Lake and Zhuanjiang Valley.

Lei Jun recalled what he had learned when he came to Southern Wasteland earlier, and a rough map of the vast Southern Wasteland came to mind.

There is relatively little information about Haneda Cave and Chaojiang Valley, but Youning Lake seems to be closer to the Jiuli Secret Realm among these places...

 You Ning Lake is mentioned in the lower lot. Could it be that the problem lies with the people of Jiuli who have returned to the world?

Lei Jun had many conjectures in his mind.

However, conjectures are conjectures. Whether it is Youning Lake mentioned in the lottery or Chaojiang Valley mentioned in the lottery, Taoist Master Lei would not consider taking the initiative to get into trouble.

His attention fell on the two winning lots.

 There is nothing much to say about the first one. Avoid Haneda Cave, Youning Lake, and Chaojiang Valley.

Although there is no extra gain, there is nothing to lose. As the saying goes, if you do less, you will make fewer mistakes. If you do nothing, it is good. Although it is dull, it is truly calm.

 Heda Cave, mentioned in Article 2, was drawn in a draw because there may be opportunities but also wind and waves, and the two sides are roughly equal.

However, according to the shipping description, although there are some risks, it should not be fatal.

 The opportunity of the fifth grade, whether it is high or low, Lei Jun is somewhat interested in it, but it is not mandatory.

Thinking of reminding his master Yuan Mobai to avoid danger, Lei Jun suppressed his curiosity about Haneda Cave.

The current situation in the Southern Wilderness is complicated, so you might as well keep a low profile and observe the situation further.

Thinking of this, Lei Jun contacted Yuan Mobai again.

Lei Junyan mentioned that he had received intelligence from Qiyao, suggesting that the situation in the Gaowu Mountain area may have changed and become complex and unpredictable, especially in Youning Lake and Chaos River Valley, which may be more dangerous.

“In that case, let’s meet somewhere else.” Yuan Mo Bai said.

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 It is better to say there are three related places, rather than four.

And the destination of their trip is Gaowu Mountain.

 But that was just the meeting place agreed by Lei Jun’s master and apprentice, not how important Gaowu Mountain itself was.

Although going to Gaowei Mountain does not necessarily require passing through Haneda Cave, Youning Lake, and Chaojiang Valley, similarly, Lei Jun and his two men do not have to meet at Gaowei Mountain...

 In this case, let’s make an appointment at another location.

However, the master and apprentice did not relax their vigilance because of the change of meeting place.

 Everything in the world is unpredictable, especially in this southern wilderness. Danger and variables can be seen everywhere. If you hide in one place, you may be closer to the second place.

  Such things are common, so even if they choose another place to meet, Master Lei Jun and his disciples still pay attention to each other on the way.

As expected, Lei Jun received another summons from Yuan Mobai later in the evening.

 He encountered some unexpected situations on the way.

 Fortunately, there was no danger.

Jiuli's black mist suddenly spread, just in time for Yuan Mobai to encounter it.

 He had a head-on interaction with the people of Jiuli who appeared next.

The incident happened suddenly and the other party was caught off guard.

The two sides came into contact briefly, and a big battle broke out. Yuan Mobai took the initiative to break away from the battle, staying away from the black mist, and reminded Lei Jun to pay attention.

“As described in ancient books, the people of Jiuli are very different from the people of the world.”

Yuan Mobai briefly introduced the situation to Lei Jun: "Generally speaking, what the people of Jiuli practice is similar to the inheritance of Nanhuang Wumen, but there are also differences."

Just like the difference between the ancient Fu Lu Sect and the current Taoist Fu Lu Sect, there are obvious connections between the two sides, and there are even some similarities, but there are also many huge differences.

According to Yuan Mobai, the most obvious point is that these people of Jiuli who practice the ancient witchcraft inheritance are very physically strong.

 This point is not entirely absent among the five lineage monks of Nanhuang Wumen today, but it has never been the mainstream.

Among the five lines of Wumen inheritance, the Gushu lineage and the Ghost Dao lineage mainly cultivate the divine soul. The Shenwu lineage and the Curse and Zhu lineage are not so extreme, but they also mainly practice the divine soul.

There are many methods of flesh and blood transformation in the Blood River lineage, which involve the cultivation of the physical body. They are more characterized by strange transformations, sharp killings, and many methods of self-healing and even resurrection.

 But as for how strong, tough and tough their bodies are, that is also not their strong point.

Among the many Taoist traditions of the Southern Wilderness Witch Sect, if anyone is good at physical frontal combat and offensive and defensive confrontations, judging from the average level, the walking corpses refined by the monks of Jinchengzhai, the holy land of the Ghost Dao lineage, are the first.

 But there is no doubt that the monks of the Ghost Path lineage are not good at their physical bodies.

 The people of Jiuli practice witchcraft that focuses on the soul, and at the same time have a strong body, which will make them powerful and comprehensive.

“However, I don’t know if it’s because they live in the darkness of the Earth Sea all year round. Although these people of Jiuli yearn for the world on the ground, they currently prefer darkness and avoid light. They will even feel pain when exposed to light, and their souls and bodies will be burned together.”

Yuan Mo Bai said: "So most of the time, they are in the black mist and will not leave the black mist rashly."

 The black mist spreading from the Jiuli secret realm condensed but never dispersed.

 It was previously limited to a limited scope, but as time goes by, it has gradually begun to expand recently.

“Master, don’t worry, this disciple will pay attention.” Lei Jun responded.

 Ending the communication with Yuan Mobai, Lei Jun continued on his way.

 The master and apprentice no longer met at Gaowu Mountain, and the newly agreed meeting place was changed to Qingguodong.

As usual, Lei Jun used the changes in the Yin movement of his Tianxinglu and the mirror light of the Xuanxu Mirror as the main means to hide his whereabouts, covering his tracks as if he was integrated with the southern wasteland landscape, but at the same time he was extremely fast. march.

While walking halfway, in the depths of Lei Jun's eyes, a faint brilliance suddenly appeared from the Heavenly and Earthly Principle Dharma Ribbon.

His speed immediately slowed down, and the Xi soil flag appeared. The dim yellow spiritual light transformed into earth and stone to cover it at fixed points, allowing him to become one with the local mountains and rivers, as if he had become a part of the mountains.

At the same time, the Xuanxu Mirror faintly emerges, and the mirror light turns from darkness to light. The darkness and brightness are constantly changing. Pay attention to concealing yourself and exploring the outside world.

 He vaguely noticed that there were other monks from the previous three days appearing nearby.

 Looking carefully, I found some clues.

 The first thing that enters the eyes are some tiny poisonous insects.

These Gu insects are not used for attacking, or they are searching for Lei Jun after discovering his whereabouts.

  The poisonous insects spread out, mostly to act as a warning.

If someone approaches rashly, they will be discovered by these hidden Gu insects, thus warning the owner.

The Wumen Gu art tradition, like the Taoist weapon refining sect, pays attention to the cultivation of the soul.

 Correspondingly, external perception is also above average.

 It's just that Lei Jun is superior in this aspect and can detect the opponent first.

In addition to the Dark Guard Gu used for warning on the periphery, the visitor also blessed himself with the Latent Shadow Gu to hide his body.

However, Lei Jun has a heavenly and earthly penetrating dharma vessel inside, and a mysterious mirror outside. Using both methods, his insight is amazing. In the end, he can clearly see his opponents who are also in the seventh heaven.

Seeing the old man's figure clearly, Lei Jun secretly said that it was a good time.

 To a certain extent, I and the other person can be considered old acquaintances.

It turned out to be Tian Linlong, the elder of Yinshan Cave, a sacred place of witchcraft in the Southern Wilderness.

In the early years, the Tianshi Mansion went to war with the Jiangzhou Lin Clan and Huang Tiandao. In addition to the people from the Blood River Sect who rushed over after smelling the blood, Tian Linlong also went to join in the fun.

 Subsequently, the Battle of Li Wai broke out in Tianshi Mansion, and Tian Linlong also intervened.

Lei Jun also once killed Tian Linlong's direct disciple, the Gu magician Zhao Sen.

Later, in the Southern Wilderness War caused by Wei Ancheng and Yang Yuqi, Tian Linlong seemed to have a weak sense of presence. Yinshan Cave even fought against the Blood River Sect together with Samsara Yuan and Ge Po Mountain. However, Tian Linlong himself secretly collaborated with the former Sui clan Yang Yuqi has secret contacts.

After the war, as Wei Ancheng and Yang Yuqi were defeated and fled, although Tian Linlong was the elder of Yinshandong, he did not dare to engage in high-profile activities. Over the years, he also hid in Tibet, lived in seclusion, and tried his best to hide his whereabouts.

Lei Jun did not expect that he would meet the elder Tian here again.

He made a general observation and found that Tian Linlong was in a slightly sluggish state, with a gloomy expression, and was walking in a hurry.

Looking at the direction in which it came and went, it seemed that it came from the place where Yuan Mobai mentioned before that he bumped into Jiuli Zhongren.

This made Lei Jun pay more attention.

 I saw Tian Linlong walking in a hurry, but suddenly stopped.

 He did not find Lei Jun.

 But the ground in front of me suddenly turned over.

 Then a small insect emerged from the ground.

Tian Linlong opened his palms, and the insects flew up and landed on his palms.

The body of the Gu insect vibrated slightly, and a human voice came out from it:

"what happen?"

Lei Jun has the power to penetrate heaven and earth, so even though they are not close to each other, he can still hear Tian Linlong's conversation with him intermittently:

“Unfortunately, the black mist of Jiuli expanded, and the monks fought for three days, destroying one of Lao Chan’s caves, and Lao Chan had to find another place.”

The Gu insect used for sound transmission asked: "What is the specific situation?"

Tian Linlong: "To avoid hearing and seeing, I didn't get close. From a distance, it looked like a Taoist Fulu sect monk fighting with a Jiuli master. The statue of the Fulu sect monk seemed to be the life star god."

“What happened at Haneda Cave earlier?” the other party asked again.

Lei Jun heard the voice and thought it sounded familiar.

He carefully identified and recalled it, and felt that it was somewhat like Yang Yuqi, the former direct descendant of the Sui Dynasty, the prince of Shengkang.

“There are people from the Tang court who are fighting with the future Maitreya of the White Lotus Sect.” Tian Linlong replied.

Yang Yuqi: "Elder Xinxintian, please continue to pay attention to similar news."

Tian Linlong agreed.

After the two chatted for a few more words, the conversation ended. The little insect did not crawl back into the ground, but turned into fly ash directly in Tian Linlong's palm.

The great Gu magician stood there and did not set off again immediately, but pondered slightly.

 There was latent shadow Gu, so he wasn't worried about exposing his secrets.

Lei Jun was on the side, feeling a little emotional.

According to the time and direction, Tian Linlong had previously encountered a Taoist Fulu sect monk fighting with a Jiuli master. The Fulu sect monk who used the Ming Star God should be Yuan Mobai.

Tian Linlong had earlier gone to the Haneda Cave area mentioned in the lottery, and then returned to his own hidden cave.

Yuan Mobai stopped going to Gaowu Mountain and headed to Qingguodong. On the way, he happened to encounter a Jiuli master. The battle between the two sides affected Tian Linlong's secluded place. In order not to expose his hiding place, Tian Linlong was forced to leave and hide in another place. place.

 In the end, just after avoiding Yuan Mobai, he ran into Lei Jun again.

Such a fate made Lei Jun sigh with emotion.

 In this case, let’s not have a next time.

Lei Jun calmly raised his hand, and the two Liangyi Tianyuan magic pots intertwined and rotated above his head, and the power of Yuan magnetism quickly gathered.

Then, a black gold sword pill seemed to extend into a sword light, flashed in mid-air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As if ignoring the distance, when the light reappeared, it was directly in front of Tian Linlong.

As if the latent shadow Gu did not exist, it was destroyed by the sword light on the spot.

The attack came so fast. Tian Linlong just noticed that there seemed to be an unusually powerful surge in the distance, and his body was already shaking violently!


Amidst the thunder and fire, Tian Linlong's fragile body was directly blown to pieces on the spot.

However, when his remaining body dissipated and his flesh and blood flew everywhere, a bright purple and red seemed to spread from his body.

Innumerable Gu insects flew away in all directions.

However, the thunder and fire were fierce and the heat wave was exhausted, which immediately burned and destroyed a large number of Gu insects.

 The landslide and the ground were torn apart, and the place was scorched black.

Although the Xuanjin Jianwan's attack power is not as good as the magic weapon Seven Star Sword, Lei Jun does not have the power of the dark side of the Heavenly Book attached to him this time.

 Hence, the magnetism and the thunder fire spread together, sweeping in all directions.

The large number of Gu insects that flew out after Tian Linlong's body was shattered were also burned.

However, the Dark Guard Gu that he originally used for warning in the distance survived because of the distance.

These secret guard Gu immediately scattered in all directions, as if they were running away after losing control of their masters.

In the depths of Lei Jun's pupils, there was a heavenly and earthly penetrating law flickering. At the same time, the Xuanxu Mirror hung above his head. At this time, a bright mirror light appeared, pointing at an escaping dark guard Gu in the distance.

"Tongsheng Gu..." He nodded slightly, his figure flashed, the yin movement of the sky changed into the yang movement, running at full speed, and caught up behind the dark guard Gu in a blink of an eye.

 Lei Jun knows best the advantages and disadvantages of his Yuanci "sword-controlling skills".

  It is more like a "cannon" than a sword. It is difficult to operate with precision after being released, but it has exceptional range and attack power.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't hit. As long as he hits, most monks in the same realm can't even withstand a single blow from him.

However, in addition to costing a lot of mana, the rate of fire of the continuous fire is not outstanding enough and the coverage area is limited.

Therefore, while it is suitable for a single-point attack to kill decisively, attacking a Gu magician like Tian Linlong may actually leave a glimmer of hope for the opponent.

One of the natal Gu practiced by Tian Linlong is called Tongsheng Gu. Its biggest function is to disperse the Gu insects, thereby leaving more escape routes for himself.

He is a great Gu magician at the third-day level. His natal Gu is constantly improving, and his self-healing and escaping ability far exceeds that of his apprentice Zhao Sen, a three-day monk.

It's just that Lei Jun had just killed most of his Gu insects with one shot, but Elder Tian could hardly breathe.

 Lei Jun was already prepared and focused on the key points immediately.

 Some Gu insects gathered and dispersed, and suddenly condensed and manifested into Tian Linlong's soul in mid-air.

Aware that Lei Jun was chasing behind him, Tian Linlong's soul was shaken and he fought to the death.

I saw his soul change color, suddenly reappearing in brilliant colors, and even dyeing the surrounding things.

The nearby mountains, rivers and vegetation are all dyed in colorful colors at this moment, and they will continue to expand outward to surround Lei Jun.

This is the natal magical power of Tian Linlong, the seventh-level great Gu master.

It is called clear and turbid Gu.

 Colorful colors seem to have nothing to do with purity and turbidity, but they are the most famous poisonous poison in the Yinshandong lineage.

 Those that are clear and turbid will change into two phases.

All poisons in the world can turn turbid into pure, becoming part of the magical power of Tianlin's dragon poison, boosting its magical power.

Once the clear and turbid Gu comes out, it turns clear into turbid, and can turn all things in the world, including mountains, rivers, grass and trees, whether alive or not, into extremely poisonous things, and it will continue to spread.

This is called endless poison, and the bare ground is thousands of miles away.

 Tian Linlong was seriously injured, and most of the Gu was destroyed. His soul was extremely weak, and the Pure and Turbid Gu might even bite him back.

 But now he releases the pure and turbid Gu to relieve his own pressure. At the same time, he pollutes the surrounding world with the smallest effort, forming the most poison as quickly as possible, and counterattacks to stop Lei Jun.

When Lei Jun first came to this world, in that mountain range, in addition to Xu Yuanzhen, there were also Nanhuang Gu magicians active.

At that time, the two Gu magicians were descendants of Tian Linlong's lineage. They were being hunted down by monks from the Tang Dynasty because of their poisonous poison that massacred the village.

If the poison in Lei Jun's body had not been purified by the Heavenly Master's Seal, and he had encountered those southern wilderness Gu magicians, his subsequent fate would have been completely different.

At this moment, facing the large amount of poison caused by Tian Linlong, Lei Jun's mind was as good as ever. Xuan Lei spread silently.

 The monotonous black suddenly covered the colorful colors.

Tian Linlong's clear and turbid poison is extremely poisonous and can infiltrate all things. If it is the thunder method passed down by the three or three days in the Tianshi Mansion, even the thunder may be contaminated by the clear and turbid poison.

But facing Lei Jun's Xuan Lei, the poison was immediately washed away and purified silently.

Tian Linlong was shocked and angry, but what was more in his heart at the moment was fear.

Though Tian Linlong, who killed his apprentice Zhao Sen, Lei Jun and Tian Linlong, has kept a low profile over the years, how could he not pay attention to it?

Just by hearing that Jiangzhou Lin Chi and Huang Tiandao Qishuo had died in the hands of this young Taoist priest, Tian Linlong knew that he would be difficult to deal with.

 But when they met face to face, they found that this person was much stronger than the rumors said.

It’s also much cloudier!

Your arrogant style and methods are more sinister and vicious than the people in the Southern Wilderness Witch Clan!

In Elder Tian’s heart, resentment arose spontaneously in his heart as he accused the young people from the moral high ground.

 But none of these can help him.

Tian Linlong has no idea of ​​​​confronting Lei Jun at the moment. He only hopes to escape with his life by relying on witchcraft and trickery.

 …expose him.

 This must expose him!

As long as we can escape today, we must reveal the true face of Lei Jun to everyone in the world!

Tian Linlong’s soul disintegrated again and scattered into many Gu insects, each of them took their own way to escape.

But before all the Gu insects dispersed, Lei Jun suddenly had a seven-section green bamboo staff in his hand.

With a wave of the bamboo stick, the purple and gold lights flashed alternately, instantly fixing all the Gu insects in mid-air.

It also fixed Tian Linlong's soul in mid-air.

Lei Jun took another swipe and immediately dispersed the spirit of the great Gu magician.

It was completely different from Tian Linlong who took the initiative to disintegrate the soul after being broken up by his hands.

 Seeing that after his soul was shattered, many Gu insects were wiped out together.

Neither the poison nor the poison can work at this moment, completely cutting off any possibility of Tian Linlong's remaining struggle.

He was directly beaten to death by Qing Yuchen Xianzhu, who was above Lei Jun, with a stick on the spot!

 “It’s like settling down a part of the past.” Lei Jun calmly put away his magic weapon.

Tian Linlong's vitality was completely cut off. Those Gu insects destroyed his body and turned into ashes, scattering some hidden things.

He gave up the cave where he originally lived in seclusion and looked for another place, so he brought a lot of things with him when he came out.

However, the first thing that caught Lei Jun's attention was a treasure that surprised him.

 A string of Buddhist rosary beads.

The Buddha beads flash with a faint golden light, and the pure and compassionate true meaning is revealed. It is the most orthodox Buddhist magical instrument, and it is not a witchcraft magical instrument pretending to have a similar appearance.

When Lei Jun came into contact with the magical weapon, a name came to his mind:

  【Secret Rosary】

Lei Jun suddenly thought of the previous lottery that mentioned Haneda Cave.

Tian Linlong returned from Haneda Cave.

But I don’t know if this secret rosary is the fifth-grade chance mentioned in the lottery.

 The chance level is indeed not high.

But this does not mean that the value of this secret rosary is small. It is probably because it is not suitable for Lei Jun, a Taoist monk, so it is judged to be fifth grade.

 The world is indeed unpredictable.

 Lei Jun did not go to Haneda Cave.

If he still chooses another direction to go to Gaowu Mountain, Tian Linlong may keep the secret rosary safely, and Lei Jun will miss it.

 But Lei Jun and Yuan Mobai both changed their route to Qingguodong.

Yuan Mobai happened to meet a Jiuli master. The battle between the two sides alarmed Tian Linlong and forced him to leave.

As a result, Tian Linlong went round and round and fell back into Lei Jun's bowl.

The fate is really wonderful.

 As for this secret rosary…

 “Suffering and motionless like the earth, silent and deep like a secret.”

Lei Jun tried to figure out the Zen meaning in it, and felt something in his heart.

He shook his head slightly and put the things away as usual, and will study them carefully when he has free time in the future.

Lei Jun unfolded the dark side of the Book of Heaven, skillfully cleaned up the traces on the scene, blessed himself with the Xuanxu Mirror and the Tianxing Rui again, concealed his figure, and left this place.


Shortly after Lei Jun left.

This place is empty and turbulent.

 Beautiful white lotuses floated out from it.

 Surrounded by white lotuses, a young monk with a solemn appearance and a handsome face emerged from it.

He looked around and frowned slightly: "Are you a little late? Which direction are you going?"

The monk closed his eyes and meditated, and a faint Buddha light surged up and down his body, shining in all directions.

 But soon his Buddha light was restrained.

 It was not that his search had yielded results, but that an extremely tall middle-aged man wearing armor appeared in another direction.

The middle-aged man's blood and heat were surging all over his body, as if the sun had set on the human world.

In his hand was a long spear, and his whole body was black and flashed with a faint golden light, exuding a heart-stopping murderous aura.

Suddenly it was Shangguan Yunbo, the commander-in-chief of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty.

"The traitor shall die." After he appeared, he didn't say much, and with the Kojin Ge in his hand, he struck at the young monk surrounded by white lotus.

The young monk targeted by Shangguan Yunbo is the future Holy Master of the White Lotus Sect, the future Maitreya.

Shortly after getting rid of Shangguan Yunbo, the opponent caught up with him again, and Maitreya sighed silently in the future.

The White Lotus Sect's most precious treasure, the pure white Nine-Rank Lotus Platform, appeared, holding the young monk up and flying up to avoid Shangguan Yunbo's attack.

 Looking for the Buddha treasure, after a slight delay, I got entangled again, but...

The young monk glanced around and noticed that in addition to Shangguan Yunbo, other generals of the Tang Dynasty Shence Army appeared and surrounded him from other directions.


 Near Qingguodong, two red-clad monks from the Western Regions stood in the mountains and looked into the distance.

The old-looking Master Long Jia said: "When the warriors of the Tang Dynasty catch up with the people of the White Lotus Sect, the identity of the other party is very important."

Venerable Sangye, who looks young in appearance, stares into the distance.

Although the battlefield where Maitreya and Shangguan Yunbo will fight in the future cannot be seen from here, it still attracts the attention of two Buddhist masters from the Western Regions.

 After a moment, Master Sanjie withdrew his gaze: "There is nothing wrong with them facing each other."

 After a slight pause, Master Sanjie's expression turned serious: "Is there any more news about the Buddha that appeared in Yutian Cave earlier?"

 The treasure that would attract the attention of the future Maitreya and come to the Southern Wilderness to look for it was certainly extraordinary, and it also attracted the attention of Master Sangye.

"There is no further news at the moment. I only heard that it was collected by people from the Nanhuang Wumen." Master Longjia replied.

Venerable Sangye: “Be more careful.”

Master Longjia nodded, and then asked: "I originally wanted to see if the people in the Tang court came into contact with the people of Jiuli and tested the reality of Jiuli, but now the attention of the people in the Tang court fell on the white lotus heretic. In this way, Jiuli's side ?”

 They naturally do not want to directly conflict with Jiuli unless they have to.

 Even though the two sides will be rivals in the long run, there is no need for that at the moment.

On the contrary, the best result would be if the human Taoist country or some other forces come into direct contact with Jiuli.

 Unfortunately, most people have the same idea.

“What do you think of Yuan Mobai in Tianshi Mansion?” Master Sanjie asked.

Master Longjia: "A gentle and humble person should not be underestimated."

He looked at the other party: "Trick him into going to the Youning Lake area? Yuan Mobai is a Shanbihua man, and there is some causal entanglement between him and Jiuli."

 And it may not produce good results.

Previously, he was injured by Tang Xiaotang. At this moment, the upper face of Sang Jie looked as usual and did not see the color of grievances, and his tone was calm: "Is there a chance?"

Master Longjia: "The matter has been discussed at the beginning, but the Tianshi Mansion must still have a grudge against our temple and be wary of it. It will be difficult to lure him to Youning Lake. However, as long as his intentions are not revealed and Yuan Mobai is a person, it is also possible. He won’t argue with us face to face.”

Master Sangye: "I heard that the Tianshi Mansion is looking for the lost treasure in Luoli?"

Master Longjia: "Using it as bait to reveal traces is worse than saying that there are traces of people from the human world and even the Huang Tiandao sect, and invite them to investigate."

Master Sangye: "It's so helpful, brother. If I don't show up, he will be less wary. I will pick you up in secret later."

 The old monk made a handprint on his chest and promised.


Lei Jun arrived in the Qingguodong area, but received a message from his master Yuan Mobai, mentioning that he met Master Longjia of the Vajra Temple on the way.

 The two sides had the embarrassment of competing for the Celestial Master Seal earlier.

But Master Sanjie had already been beaten by Tang Xiaotang.

 Under the mediation of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, everyone was able to put the matter aside for the time being.

  Master Longjia was very polite and apologized repeatedly.

In addition to the affairs of the Dao Kingdom and the people of Jiuli, there are also famous families such as the Cangzhou Ye clan who are hiding in secret, and the situation in the Tang Dynasty is complicated.

Since he didn't plan to break up with the Western Region Buddhism now, Yuan Mobai was equally polite and courteous to Master Longjia, as if he had completely ignored the past grudges, which was like a breath of fresh air.

However, hearing the other party mention the suspicious traces of Daoguo in the world and Huang Tiandao, Yuan Mobai remained calm on his face, but he was suspicious in his heart.

 What others don’t know, he knows it all too well.

Disciple Lei Jun has long since discovered that Huang Tian’s new ancestral altar is in western Sichuan.

Lei Jun has been in and out of that place countless times. He is probably more familiar with it than Fu Dongsen, Rong Guangchen and others...

I was so wary of the Buddhist Buddhist gate. Yuan Mobai listened to the Shanglong people at this moment, and I woke up more in my heart.

 But he did not show it, but agreed immediately.

 Secretly, he got in touch with Lei Jun.

Without further ado, Lei Jun nodded slightly when he heard Youning Lake.

Lei Jun didn’t know what exactly Master Longjia wanted to do, how much he knew about Youning Lake, or even the specific details of Youning Lake.

But he knew that Youning Lake was a place that contained huge dangers.

 There is something wrong with the relationship between Buddhism in the Western Regions and the Celestial Master's Mansion in the Western Regions.

 As for where the other people from the Dao Kingdom in the Human World are, Lei Jun doesn’t know.

He knows very well where the Huangtian Zongtan is.


 “It’s a disaster.” Lei Jun said calmly.

  The disaster does not refer to Master Longjia alone.

 But the entire Western Region Buddhism.

 Dealing with Master Long Jia is not much more complicated than dealing with Tian Linlong.

However, he alone may not be able to rely on him alone to deal with Yuan Mobai, whose cultivation strength is already above him.

 There should be other Buddhist monks from the Western Regions involved in Anhui.

As Yuan Mobai thought, the current relationship between the Tianshi Mansion and the Buddhist sect in the Western Regions was completely at odds, which would save the Tang Dynasty emperor, the major Confucian aristocratic families, and even the Taoist countries in the world trouble.

 Why should we give them the thunder for nothing?

 As for now, it’s simple.

 You give your master a sixth-grade opportunity produced in Youning Lake.

Pindao responded with a fifth-grade opportunity produced in the Chaos River Valley.

 This is called a land of etiquette, where there are comings and goings.

 Several great monks, please accept me.

Yuan Mobai was already on guard, so Lei Jun felt relieved.

 He calmly took out the secret rosary.

Although it is not a Buddhist method, the artistic conception contained in this rosary is enough for Lei Jun to realize its value.

 The rosary itself is impressive, but what is more important is its origin.

This is a magical instrument inherited from the Buddhist orthodox Ksitigarbha.

There is no direct lineage of the Great Wish Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the human world. Although Tianlong Temple in Suzhou is a holy place of the wish-making lineage and has some connections with it, it is not a direct lineage.

But the Ksitigarbha inheritance is directly related to the legendary Infinity in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

 The appearance of people from the White Lotus Sect in Haneda Cave was most likely attracted by this.

Lei Jun is not sure what the original intention of the Buddhists from the Western Regions was.

And whether they are interested in this Infinite Buddha Treasure can now be verified.


Yuan Mo didn’t seem to be interested in Youning Lake on his face, but he showed his caring attitude in the details.

It's just that he acted extremely cautiously, allowing Master Long Jia to secretly figure out the plan. At the same time, he couldn't act too eagerly, so he only walked slowly with Yuan Mobai.

On the other side, Master Sangye was surprised to find that there were clues about the Buddhist treasure that caught his attention earlier.

 That inexhaustible treasure!

 It is precisely because they are related to Sumeru that they pay more attention to Saha and Wujian.

Seeing that Yuan Mobai was cautious, Master Sanjie was not in a hurry. He privately asked Master Long Jia to be patient and slowly dispel Yuan Mobai's caution.

 He himself went to look for the Infinite Buddha Treasure first.

The Bailian Sect is currently entangled with the Tang Dynasty imperial family and has no time to separate. For him, Sangjie, this is an opportunity.

Master Sanjie searched carefully and found some clues, which seemed to come from the witchcraft of the Southern Wilderness.

 He nodded secretly and followed carefully.

 Close to Chaojiang Valley.

 (End of this chapter)

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