Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 283: 282 Lei Daochang's "White Moonlight" (two-in-one

Chapter 283 282. "White Moonlight" by Taoist Lei (two chapters in one)

No matter what Master Jiasheng’s original plan was, he and the Buddhist community in the Western Regions now need to make a statement.

Hence, the group of Buddhist disciples who came to the Southern Wilderness, in addition to searching for the whereabouts of the descendants of the Blood River Sect, also began to search for people from the human world.

 As far as the human world is concerned, Fu Dongsen disappeared after a sudden appearance.

Regarding the current scene of a gathering of heroes and a meeting of rebels, Shangguan Yunbo and Xiang Wang Zhang Luo, on the one hand, began to try to contact the people in the Nanhuang Wumen, and on the other hand, they made further detailed reports to the Tang court.

 In the past, exchanges between Datang and Nanhuang were limited due to various reasons.

 Even sometimes, the people of the Southern Wilderness may also become a threat to the Tang Dynasty in the south.

However, there have been less conflicts between the two sides in recent years. Previously, because of Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Faction, there was a slight feeling of fighting side by side.

Now that Jiuli has returned, the Tang imperial family has begun to win over and divide the major witchcraft holy places in Nanhuang, and there is no lack of plans to use Nanhuang to balance Jiuli.

 In terms of inheritance, Nanhuang Wumen is similar to the people of Jiuli.

However, the current attitude shown by the people of Jiuli is also aggressive towards the people of Nanhuang.

 The people of Jiuli who have just returned to the world are full of hostility.

If we say that Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Sect treat every possible head equally, even above personal grudges.

Then these Jiuli people who have returned to the world now hate every Xuanyuan people under the sun equally.

 Similar situations may change in the future.

As for the Tang Dynasty imperial family, they wanted to take advantage of the current situation where the people of Jiuli were threatening various places in the Southern Wilderness, and take advantage of the situation to add weight to themselves.

As far as Yuan Mobai is concerned, his attention is naturally still on tracing the Dao Kingdom in the human world.

 Now that the Celestial Master's robe has been found "whereabouts", Elder Yuan naturally has to show his attention.

He immediately expressed his stance to the Tang Dynasty imperial family and the Buddhists in the Western Regions. Someone from the Tianshi Mansion would also come south to help, and together they would pursue and suppress the rebels from the Taoist Kingdom in the human world.

 One thing does not bother two masters.

The representative is of course another high-gong elder, Lei Jun and Lei Chongyun.

 The two masters and disciples naturally knew the true situation of the so-called reappearance of the Heavenly Master's robe.

However, it is a rare opportunity to have so many people working together to search for clues about the human world.

 So Lei Jun followed the trend and agreed.

 For the Tianshi Mansion, this human kingdom is always a potential threat.

Even if it cannot be eradicated in a short time, Lei Jun is determined to obtain as many relevant clues as possible to prepare for the future.

At the Shanmen Ancestral Courtyard, brothers Wang Guiyuan and Chu Kun cooperated to create the illusion that Lei Jun had just come out of the mountain.

With the few arrangements Lei Jun left earlier, it is not difficult to deceive others with a false appearance.

For Wang Guiyuan and Chu Kun, what was difficult was that a certain heavenly master began to think deeply again, and it was even more troublesome for them to persuade her to give up her thoughts.

 Lei Jun later appeared publicly in the Southern Wilderness.

 A large number of masters from other places in the Tang Dynasty also went south.

In addition to the supporting officers and soldiers of the Shence Army, there are also experts from the Shushan faction who have received news from Fu Dongsen and the Human World.

However, the identity of the people coming from Shushan this time and the high-ranking elders leading the team are somewhat subtle.

 Zhang Dongyuan, who was born in the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty, needless to say.

 Another person, Lei Jun also dealt with him.

Ye Dongming, an elder from Shushan who was born in the Ye clan of Jinzhou.

 Zhang Dongyuan did not bring the Qingming Sword with him when he went out this time.

After the Battle of Shushan, the foundation of the Shushan Sect was greatly damaged and is now quite weak. Therefore, Qingming Sword and Nanming Lihuo Cauldron were left behind at the top of the mountain gate, guarding the mountain gate together with Xu Duan and Zhang Taigang, two eighth-level monks of the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect.

 After the war, the Shushan Sect has yet to decide on a new leader.

 However, various signs indicate that Zhang Taigang is most likely to shoulder this burden.

It’s just that Zhang Taigang had previously placed more emphasis on cultivation. If he wanted to run up and down Shushan, he still needed to learn and experience.

In addition to the Shushan Sect, Chunyang Palace also has Lu Jinduan, the Suzaku elder who is at the eighth level of the Taoist Danding Sect, coming south together with some of his disciples.

 After experiencing the chaos caused by Rong Guangchen previously, Chunyang Palace is still in turmoil.

 It is rumored that Huang Laozhen was forced to step down as director.

Despite this, there was news from the Kingdom of Humanity, and Chunyang Palace still forced out people to come.

On the other hand, there were others who came to join Shangguan Yunbo and Zhang Luo, which was a little unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

 They are all from aristocratic families.

 Especially the Fang tribe in Jingxiang and the Chu tribe in Suzhou.

As for Jingxiang, the Eighth Heavenly Confucian Fangdu personally led the team.

The Suzhou Chu people's team was also led by Chu Peng, a great scholar in the eighth heaven.

 The rest, the Qingzhou Ye Clan, Cangzhou Ye Clan, and Youzhou Lin Clan also have representatives.

Due to various reasons, the famous family is currently trying to repair the relationship with the Tang Dynasty imperial family while keeping a low profile, so they went on an expedition to the Southern Wilderness together this time.

Whether he or she will fight tooth and nail is another matter, but at least he will show his attitude.

  Everyone is currently standing together under the banner of the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, there will be no conflict on the big screen, but they will appear to be united as one to overcome the difficulties together.

Although Elder Lei of Tianshi Mansion is not as kind as his mentor, Elder Yuan, and seems to have a somewhat cold temperament, he does not show any unfriendly expression and interacts with others calmly and politely.

 But if you want to ask Lei Jun what he really thinks in his heart, that is...

 There is a hint of regret.

 He rarely has similar emotions.

But now facing his true heart, Lei Jun had to admit that if some things were waited and looked at more, the results might be better.

For example, Buddhism in the Western Region already has the Blood River Sect and the Great Demon of the Southern Wilderness as its opponents.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to leave the country of this world to others.

Lei Jun looked at a middle-aged scribe in the crowd who was greeting General Shangguan Yunbo from a distance.

The other party’s surname is Ye, and his given name is Ye Liang.

The original head of the Ye clan in Jinzhou is, of course, now the Ye clan in Cangzhou.

Although there is no eighth-level Confucian to lead the team, Ye Liang, as a seventh-level Confucian, is also one of the core senior leaders of the Cangzhou Ye Clan.

 On the one hand, he is a direct descendant of the Ye Clan, and on the other hand, because he has outstanding abilities in all aspects, he often represents the Ye Clan when traveling abroad.

Elder Lei looked away and slightly raised his head to look at the sky.

 Since when did you start to like the new and hate the old?

  It is obvious that the Jinzhou Ye Clan...wrong, cross it out, it is obvious that the Cangzhou Ye Clan was the target that I focused on before.

  Even now, it is the white moonlight that he often misses.

Lei Jun believes that although the Cangzhou Ye Clan has been keeping a low profile recently, they must still have Tianshi Mansion and Lei Jun in their hearts.

As a result, he ignored the feelings of the Ye people in Cangzhou and gave the Taoist kingdom of the human world to the Buddhists of the Western Regions.

 He is ashamed!

 Elder Lei’s face remained calm.

  But he has begun to seriously consider how to "compensate" the Cangzhou Ye Clan.

 Fortunately, we have a long time to come, so don’t rush for a while, and you can slowly look for opportunities in the future... Lei Jun nodded slightly.

Reinforcements continued, and Shangguan Yunbo and Xiang Wang Zhang Luo suddenly felt relieved.

 The main goals of the three holy places of Taoism and Buddhism in the Western Regions are the Taoist kingdom in the human world.

The Tang Dynasty imperial family had no intention of forcibly changing the situation, and simply handed over most of the White Lotus Sect, Blood River Sect, and Human World Dao Kingdom to Jiasheng Master Yuan Mobai and the others, while Shangguan Yunbo commanded most of the Shence Army officers and focused their attention. Turn to Jiuli.

The black fog that grew up at the entrance of Jiuli Secret Realm and Youning Lake persisted for a long time, like two nails piercing the southern wilderness.

From a geographical point of view, the two are just sandwiched between Gepo Mountain, the holy land of the Wumen Divine Dance in the Southern Wilderness.

 Shangguan Yunbo personally went to Gepo Mountain to contact and negotiate with Gepo Mountain, and hoped to use this as an opportunity to influence other holy places in the Southern Wilderness.

Most of the attention of the Tang Dynasty imperial family turned to Jiuli, but there was still Zhang Luo, King of Xiang, and a small number of people, who coordinated the Buddhist and Taoist sects and some children of Confucian families.

Of course it is impossible for everyone to completely abandon their previous differences and become united.

 At the same time as they dispersed the search for and suppressed the human Dao Kingdom, Blood River Sect and other anti-thief forces, many people were also secretly wary of each other.

 At this time, it was necessary for Zhang Luo and other court representatives to intervene.

Lei Jun and his master Yuan Mo and Bai Bing divided into two groups and wandered around the mountains of the Southern Wilderness to search.

The person traveling with him was a general of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty named Lu Fang, who came here with several personal guards.

The Lu family was one of the founding nobles of the Tang Dynasty, basically second only to the Shangguan family, and was quite influential in the military.

Lu Fang was ordered to go south to support, and Shangguan Yunbo ordered him to act together with Xiang Wang Zhang Luo, keeping an eye on the Human World Dao Kingdom, the Blood River Sect, and the White Lotus Sect.

Lei Jun went with him to search for relevant traces left by people in the human world.

As a result, after searching for it, I discovered that there was a sea of ​​blood hidden in a remote valley.

The vicious aura among them would not be missed even by Lu Fang, a martial arts monk who was not very good at perceiving and observing the outside world.

What’s even more surprising to Lei Jun and Lu Fang is that there are a few monks from the Human World Dao Kingdom active in the valley.

 “This is strange.” Lu Fang immediately approached.

 The masters of the Blood River Sect hiding in the sea of ​​​​blood were quickly alerted to the surging waves of blood and intended to evacuate.

"Tao Zhun, where are you running?" Lu Fang recognized the other party and shouted loudly. At the same time, a spear appeared in his hand and he stabbed it directly into the sea of ​​blood.

Lei Jun was observing from the sidelines. After a few glances, he understood.

This should be an elder of a certain Blood River Sect who has colluded with the Dao Kingdom of the Human World. As a local snake in the southern wasteland, he lent his hidden cave to the Tao Kingdom of the Human World for temporary use.

 It’s just not clear whether it is his personal behavior or whether it is related to Wei Ancheng or others.

The monks from the Human Realm in the valley also wanted to escape, but with Lei Jun around, no matter how much they did, it would be in vain.

He did not kill them directly. After restraining these people, he handed them over to the custody of Lu Fang's personal guards.

Lei Jun himself turned his attention to Lu Fang and Tao Zhun, the elder of the Blood River Sect.

 One of the martial arts soldiers on both sides has a seventh-level heaven cultivation level, and the other Wumen Blood River has a seventh-level heaven cultivation level.

 The battle started, giving Lei Jun a somewhat familiar sense of déjà vu.

 He recalled that he had seen the fight between Shangguan Peng and Tu Dong, the elder of the Blood River Sect, in his early years.

 The scene is somewhat similar to what we saw before, one fierce attack and the other slow consumption.

In particular, Tao Zhun, like Tu Dong, is a monk of the Blood River Sect who pays attention to the blood sea method. After refining a large amount of blood rivers and converging into a blood sea, it infects and engulfs the opponent. He mainly relies on the blood river to pollute the opponent's mana and erode the opponent's flesh and blood. The advantage lies in the area. It is vast and varied, and the lethality of simply targeting one point is not as good as that of the Blood River monks who practice **** warfare and use their blood blades to fight at close range.

However, even the Blood River monks who practice the **** battle method dare not say that they can beat the powerful warriors in attack and killing.

 After all, the advantages of martial arts monks in this area are too obvious.

In terms of attacks aimed at one point, he is basically the strongest in the world, especially those who attack warriors with weapons. Their killing power is even more sharp than that of body-refining warriors.

 Generally speaking, except for Taoist flying swords and Confucian magic shots that accumulate for a long time before attacking, no one can beat the warriors in single-point attacks.

 In terms of speed, in terms of average level, the warrior is unparalleled in the world.

 After arriving at Lu Fang, the monk who had been waiting for three days moved within a visible distance, suddenly advancing and retreating, almost teleporting, making it difficult for the naked eye to capture his figure.

This even makes it difficult to say that they have a disadvantage in terms of attack distance.

As for defense, when the energy and blood are intact and there is no injury, it is comparable to Taoist Danding and Buddhist Zen martial arts, and second only to Buddhist precepts. In this aspect, body-refining warriors have a slight advantage over military attacks.

Although his active detection and external perception and insight capabilities are not outstanding, his vigilance towards himself is extremely strong, making it difficult for enemies with similar cultivation levels to successfully attack by surprise.

The spirit is less aggressive, but extremely tough. In the words of Lei Jun who played games in his previous life, the spirit resistance is close to full, and he is basically immune to illusions and various negative effects.

    Rather than being a warrior, he is more like an assassin with strong offensive and defensive abilities.

 With amazing explosive power, endurance is relatively average.

 At Lu Fang's level, what is really lacking compared to the attack distance may be the attack range.

So when facing Tao Zhun, who manifested a large sea of ​​blood, the situation was similar to when Shangguan Peng faced Tu Dong.

Strictly speaking, Lu Fang's strength is slightly inferior to Shangguanpeng, but Tao Zhun is even worse than Tu Dong.

 When Shangguan Peng faced off against Tu Dong, the battle was not going well, but now Lu Fang has the upper hand against Tao Zhun.

 In a short period of time, Lu Fang could directly penetrate Tao Zhun's blood sea, but he could not completely kill him.

If Tao Zhun wants to fight Lu Fang to the death, he can use his self-healing ability and the corrosive power of the blood river to slowly fight Lu Fang to see who can't hold on first.

 But with more than one opponent in front of him, Tao Zhun naturally wanted to give up and just wanted to try his best to escape from this place.

So after being torn apart by Lu Fang, Tao Zhun took the initiative to split the blood sea into pieces, and instantly turned into hundreds of blood shadows, scattered and flying out together. Some blood shadows flew into the distance, and some blood shadows dived into the ground, each scattering and looking for a way out.

Lei Jun is now well-known, and Tao Zhun has heard about it and knows that he is very powerful, but his magical powers are based on practicing the life star **** and taking the physical life skills.

 To a large extent, he can be regarded as a martial arts master.

If he had to fight hard, Tao Zhun would definitely not be able to fight.

 Escape for his life, two opponents like this may not be able to keep him alive...


As soon as Elder Tao of the Blood River Sect turned his thoughts to this point, his vision suddenly went dark.

Silently, a large number of black mysterious thunders appeared, turning into a sea of ​​black thunder, surrounding them from all directions, and actually covering the entire valley.

Xuan Lei is gloomy and quiet, but when it explodes, it is no less powerful than the bright Yang Lei.

 Blood Shadow has strong corrosive power and is good at contaminating other people's mana.

However, when encountering these mysterious thunders at this moment, they were unable to break them. Instead, they were blown up by the mysterious thunders in large numbers.

At the same time, Xuan Lei is like a gangrene attached to the bone, not letting go of the traces of blood after it breaks apart, but continues to entangle it.

Tao Zhun was shocked and had no choice but to unite again and form a sea of ​​blood in order to fight against the black sea of ​​thunder.

However, at this moment, the black thunder sea changed again.

 In the sea of ​​thunder, five huge talismans formed a black talisman array and moved silently.

So from the black ocean, a black dragon rushed out with its head raised and roared silently.

Seeing the black dragon, not only Tao Zhun was shocked, but also Lu Fang, who was about to attack the sea of ​​blood again, couldn't help but slow down when he saw it.

He was slow, but Lei Jun was not slow.

The black thunder dragon roared silently, but shocked all directions, and rushed into the sea of ​​​​blood.

 The sea of ​​blood surged, and the thunder dragon rolled.

The blood river's corrosive power is indeed powerful, constantly chipping away at the black "scales" on the Brontosaurus' body.

 But when the mysterious thunder exploded, the black thunder dragon continued to grow, making up for the lack.

The black "scales" that were cut off by the blood remained scattered in the sea of ​​blood for a long time. Instead, they turned into black threads and continued to expand. Under the control of the black thunder dragon, they began to form a restraint on the invisible and vast sea of ​​​​blood.

 In the end, the blood sea became increasingly difficult to spread.

Tao Zhun was even horrified to find that it was becoming difficult for him to re-differentiate his blood shadow.

If divided, each blood shadow will be entangled with a large number of mysterious thunders that look like silk ribbons.

This is the Yin Thunder Dragon... Lu Fang looked at this scene. While his heart was shocked, he actually felt a sense of enlightenment.

He was familiar with Shangguan Sheng, and he heard Shangguan Sheng describe in person that in the previous battle in the sea near Qingshi Island, Lei Jun had manifested the black thunder method when he killed Qi Shuo, the high-ranking elder of Huang Tiandao.

 Looking at it now, Lei Jun's Xuan Lei is obviously more mature.

He is clearly like Tang Xiaotang, condensing his own original thunder method into a brand new Taoist method!

He is really another amazing talent in Tianshi Mansion.

 In the realm of the seventh heaven, one has two major dharma phenomena at the same time!

 It should be because of his special constitution... Lu Fang lamented.

This trip was really a coincidence.

If it weren't for an opponent like Tao Zhun, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to force out Elder Lei's second dharma image.

Lu Fang was even a little impatient and contacted Shangguan Sheng to inform him of today's amazing discovery.

However, Lu Fang was a veteran in the army after all. He was surprised at first, but after seeing clearly what Lei Jun was capable of, he immediately stepped forward to help Lei Jun again.

Lei Jun's Yin Thunder Dragon was so magical that Lu Fang also had a sense of proportion in his actions. Instead of insisting on killing Tao Zhun, he instead captured the Blood River elder alive.

Tao Zhenzhen was helpless to the point of despair.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't even use the method of Nirvana in the Sea of ​​Blood.

 In the end, Tao Zhun was captured alive by Lei Jun and Lu Fang!

“Taoist Master Lei is very secretive and good at cultivation. Lu admires him.” Lu Fang sighed with emotion.

Lei Jun: "This is a small trick, but there are still many shortcomings, which made General Lu laugh."

 Lu Fang: "How dare you, how dare you."

 He hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Taoist Master Lei, I wonder what that was just now?"

Lei Jun: "Lei Fatian's calligraphy urn has been lost for many years, and everyone in our school deeply regrets it.

Fortunately, the head senior sister has created her own Pure Yang Immortal Thunder. She is poor in talent and is far inferior to the head senior sister. However, inspired by this, she also hopes to contribute to the sect's magical power.

Slightly incidental, imitating the head of the head, named Xuanlei Xuanxiao Xianlei, which achieved magical powers and called Yinlei Dragon.

I just hope that I can attract jade and attract the Yang Thunder Dragon of Nine Heavens Divine Thunder to return to the ancestral court of dragon and tiger as soon as possible. "

“Daochang Lei is extremely talented and has a noble character, which is really admirable.” Lu Fangyan said.

Lei Jun: "General Lu thanks you for the award."

Lu Fang looked at the indifferent and unfazed Lei Jun, and secretly thought that in addition to his talent, compared to Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang, the high Taoist priest in front of him might be a more suitable heavenly master.

 If his cultivation reaches a higher level...

Lu Fang felt similar words in his heart, but turned back to the current topic on his face: "These anti-thief demons from the human world are mixed with the blood river demons. I don't know what their plans are. You must carefully examine them."

 Lei Jun: “This is natural.”

Lu Fang: "Lu is determined to **** them back to His Highness King Xiang. What does Taoist Lei mean?"

In addition, Lei Jun’s new Dharma image must also be informed to the King of Xiang, Zhang Luo, and passed back to the Tang Dynasty.

Lei Jun: "In this case, General Laolu will **** them back for interrogation. Pindao will wander around again to see if there are more nests of theirs."

Lu Fang cupped his fists in salute: "This is the best thing, Mr. Lei Daoxin."

Lei Jun: "No, General Lu is too polite."

 Lei Jun did not leave the valley after seeing the other party off.

Although he had gone through a great war, sensing the direction of the aura of heaven and earth here, he vaguely felt that this place was not just a temporary foothold for people from Tao Zhun to borrow from Tao Zhun, but that it might have played a more important role.

After pondering for a while, Lei Jun waved his hand.

His magic power turned into a stream of light, which was outlined in the valley, and a lifelike dojo altar was built directly out of thin air.

 No other changes were seen initially.

 But after a while, little bits of light and dust began to gather in the sky above the altar.

 Finally, it gradually formed the shape of a incomplete talisman.

 “They used to perform rituals here.”

Lei Jun understood clearly: "Looking at it, it is a ritual used to find something."

Tianshipao was framed by Lei Jun.

 What Fu Dongsen and others are looking for is not the Heavenly Master's robe, at least not the current ritual.

 They came to the troubled waters even though they knew that Jiuli had reappeared. They had other goals.

Lei Jun continued to use the altar to worship the half-broken talisman.

 So the Tao Yun continued to flow and began to appear in front of Lei Jun.

Lei Jun combined the direction of the earth's spiritual energy here and calculated it, and gradually he had a good idea.

 In the direction of Zichaling?

The current situation may be one step too late for the people in the world. I don’t know if it’s still too late... Lei Jun thought in his heart.

Just as he was thinking of this, he suddenly saw a ball of light flashing in his mind, and words appeared:

                                                ple into ground), 鿥曰? 】

 Then, from the ball of light, three fortunes flew out:

  【Winning the lottery, go to Purple Tea Ridge before midnight, there is a chance to get a third-grade chance, there will be some wind and waves, there will be no danger, and then there may be entanglements of cause and effect, so act with caution, good luck. 】

【Winning the lottery, before midnight, go to the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain, there is a chance to get a fourth-grade chance, there will be some wind and waves, there will be no danger, and then there may be entanglements of cause and effect, so act with caution, good luck. 】

  【Winning the lottery, after midnight, go to the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain, there is a chance to get a chance to get a sixth-grade chance. There are many dangers, so be careful, because it is fierce. 】

Lei Jun carefully read the words that appeared on the light ball and the three fortune-telling words.

 It is naturally good to get a double hit.

Although the fortunes are not so peaceful and need to be handled with caution, a third-grade opportunity and a fourth-grade opportunity are both very good.

 The top number in the first article reveals that there is a third-grade opportunity on the Purple Tea Ridge, which means that it is still too late.

 The people in the human world have not succeeded.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the current high pressure created by multiple forces such as Buddhism in the Western Regions, Taoist Holy Lands, and the Tang Dynasty Imperial Family that people in the Human Tao Kingdom do not dare to make any big moves after finding a place in order to avoid exposing their whereabouts. So that it slowed down.

 It is an unexpected opportunity that the top sign in the second article mentions the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain.

 The key point involved here is time.

 Before midnight and after midnight.

 The same location at the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain involves two completely different shipments.

 Get there before midnight, it will be less difficult and more likely.

  Going late will directly reverse good and bad luck.

Something might happen there at midnight.

Lei Jun frowned slightly, and then looked at the four words "The disaster reappeared" that appeared on the light ball, and he muttered for a moment.

Recalling it carefully, the wording of this lottery seems to be very similar to the wording of the lottery about Youning Lake when I sought good luck and avoided disaster last time.

 Could it be that at the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain, there is a Jiuli master who wants to come again after midnight?

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Lei Jun contacted his master Yuan Mobai and told him that after he and Lu Fang captured Tao Zhun, a monk from the Human World Dao Kingdom and an elder from the Blood River here, they discovered some clues left by the people from the Human World Dao Kingdom:

“Master, there are two places, let’s give it a try.”

After Yuan Mobai heard this, he said: "My master is closer to Zicha Ridge, and your place is closer to the northern foot of Zuiqing Mountain. Let's go and see it separately."

Lei Jun: "Yes, Master."

But later, Yuan Mobai sent him another message:

“Chongyun, you still have to be careful at the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain and don’t get close to it in a short period of time.”

Lei Jun: "Oh?"

"There may be Jiuli masters there. The specific situation is unknown, but you need to pay attention." Yuan Mo Bai said.

The source of the news is Sun Li, the elder of Samsara Yuan.

 After he learned the relevant news, he immediately warned Yuan Mobai, and Yuan Mobai also reminded his apprentice Lei Jun.

Lei Jun was originally wary of visiting the northern foot of Qingshan Mountain after midnight.

This time Yuan Mobai gave a warning, and the two-phase confirmation confirmed some of his previous guesses.

There should be a Jiuli master who is causing trouble again.

“Master, don’t worry, the disciple will pay attention.”

Even though Lei Jun said this, his words and deeds had to be different this time.

 He looked at the sky and sped up towards the northern foot of Zuiqing Mountain.

Lei Jun, as always, paid attention to hiding his figure while rushing on the road, and at the same time carefully observed the surrounding situation.

As a result of this observation, before arriving at Zuiqingshan, I asked Taoist Master Lei to find someone else.

 A middle-aged scribe was also in a hurry, passing by here.

Suddenly it is Ye Liang, the elder of the Ye clan in Cangzhou.

 I really don’t know whether I should say I am lucky or you are lucky... Lei Jun sighed with emotion.

 He took the initiative to remove most of the methods of concealing his whereabouts, and continued on his way without stopping.

Ye Liang is a Confucian monk in the lineage of divine archers, with extraordinary insight in the same realm.

He suddenly noticed something and found that Lei Jun was alone in Tianshi Mansion and walking in a hurry.

 Ye Liang's steps suddenly stopped.

 He hesitated slightly.

 It’s just that Lei Jun walked very fast and was gone in an instant.

Ye Liang took a deep breath, and when he started again, he quietly turned to keep up.

   PS1:7k chapters

PS2: Sad, I actually finished writing a chapter today. I just wanted to check the plot. After checking, I wanted to make changes. I couldn’t stop the thought and rewrote almost half a chapter. It’s now here again. Seriously? A dirty word is lingering in my throat and I really want to say it...



 (End of this chapter)

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