Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 289: 288 Elder Lei’s Taoist Name (Two in One

Chapter 289 Chapter 288. Elder Lei’s Taoist name (two chapters in one)

  It is said that one needs to become more familiar with the rules and regulations, but whether it is Lei Jun or other high-level masters, they are already extremely familiar with the relevant regulations.

For Lei Jun, what makes him a little emotional is that he has been in this world for thirty years.

Thirty years ago, when he first arrived, he went to the Taoist Children’s Courtyard at the foot of the mountain to listen to a lecture.

It was at that time that I first came into contact with the rules and rituals related to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 At that time, the goal of the Taoist boys of the same period, including him, was to become official disciples of the Tianshi Mansion through transmission.

 Today, thirty years later, it is him who will preside over a new transmission ceremony.

 Help him develop new magical powers in the future.

 Her cultivation strength is no better than Lu Fang's.

However, to the outside world, Chu Kun is more reclusive than Lei Jun. He rarely leaves the mountain and rarely fights with others.

 The leader of Chunyang Palace this time is also the elder Lu Jinduan of the eighth heaven realm.

The main representative of Shushan stationed in Longhu Mountain is Lei Jun's old acquaintance Ji Chuan.

In this way, it can be regarded as a predestined method.

Lu Fang finally moved his eyes away from Lei Jun: "Speaking of which, are there any outstanding talents among the new disciples participating in the transmission of the Tianshi Mansion?"

 Lv Jinduan: "Now it depends on when he can reach the eighth level of heaven."

Chu Kun is responsible for helping them resettle.

For example, Yuan Mobai called himself Taoist Yu Li, also known as Yu Li.

 Therefore, Shangguan Sheng and Lu Fang calmly watched Xu Duan and Lu Jinduan come to Longhu Mountain in person.

He Dongxing and Master Ji Chuan have always traveled a lot with the Tianshi Mansion, so this time they sent Ji Chuan to Longhu Mountain.

 “Lei Taoist Master.”

Generally speaking, with Ji Chuan's level of cultivation and talent, at the current stage, he is mostly concentrating on his own cultivation and working hard to reach the seventh heaven.

 She likes to be called Celestial Master.

 Shangguan Sheng: “Looking at it at the moment, it won’t happen.”

What’s more, there is still Buddhism in the Western Regions, which has been seeking to spread its influence to the Central Plains and the Tang Dynasty in recent years.

 At this point, the delivery ceremony hosted by him for the first time came to a successful conclusion.

Chu Kun and his senior brother Lei Jun are about ten years apart in age, and they are still less than forty years old this year.

“You got the qualification to be transferred in two years?” Lu Fang was indeed interested: “The person who had this speed before, I remember...”

Lu Fang: "Lin Chi, Qi Shuo, and Tao Zhun are all good masters, and each has their own strengths in practice. However, they are all unable to defeat this Taoist Master Lei. With such strength, there are very few seventh-level monks in the world." Comparable.”

In terms of etiquette, Tianshi Tang Xiaotang did not want to be lazy this time, and he received the guests together with Yuan Mobai, Shangguan Ning and other elders of the Tianshi Mansion.

Lei Junze felt that as time went by, some feelings in his heart became stronger and more obvious.

 Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai and Xu Yuanzhen who practice Life Star God can also use it.

Although there is still a long way to go before the seventh heaven realm, Chu Kun's progress is so fast that the outside world has to pay attention to Tianshi Mansion again.

Only when people activate it with magical power, can light shine from it, like starlight and firelight, just like the fire in the sky and the sun burning, glowing and heating.

 Lu Fang: “What is her origin?”

   The Taoist boy who has been qualified to deliver the teachings has gone through countless changes.

Shangguan Sheng suddenly sighed.

On the other hand, senior sister Xu Yuanzhen, who often wandered outside, finally returned to the mountain.

As for Shushan, it was proposed to send representatives to each other, and all three families would send their disciples to settle in the other two holy places.

 But turn a blind eye and remain calm.

 Later, after the Tianshi Mansion transmission ceremony is over, Xu Duan and others return to Shu Mountain, while Ji Chuan will stay in Longhu Mountain.

Lei Jun was well aware that he would become the biggest focus of the ceremony.

Xu Duan: "Unless he stays in the catastrophe between the seventh and eighth heavens for too long, it should be enough within ten years."

 It’s a pity that the relevant matter has not been settled.

However, apart from the famous families, the current situation inside and outside the Tang Dynasty is extremely complicated.

 Forming an immortal seed, practicing transformation, finally releasing the outer elixir, and reaching the seventh level of heavenly cultivation are very important stages of cultivation.

It is a habit among their fellow apprentices to share what they have with each other, so they accepted the things without saying anything.

 Their current attention is always on Lei Jun, who is presiding over the ceremony.

 This is another threat that must be guarded against.

But firstly, she was still technically a Taoist child at that time, and secondly, no one was eager to entrust her with important responsibilities in the early years.

 Shangguan Sheng: “Yes, that one.”

Ji Chuan had a lot of interactions with him and was not restrained at all, but he declined with a smile: "It's better to find a cave for me in the mountains outside the main peak of Longhu Mountain."

 The specific measures have not yet been fully discussed among the three companies, but the general policy of strengthening ties with each other is clear.

To be precise, Xu Duan, Lu Jinduan and others did not intend to hide this from the court.

Like Ji Chuan, he was planning to find a suitable place to open a cave in the mountains outside the main peak of Longhu Mountain.

 Her own Shenxiao Chunyang Dharma Ribbon was named after Shenxiao, and she didn't care much about it.

 It seems to establish a closer connection with heaven and earth.

Yuan Mobai was listening, and the usual warm smile on his face became a little thicker at this moment.

 Other guests also congratulated each other.

 The thought in their minds was that compared to Tang Xiaotang, Lei Jun was indeed much more modest and steady.

 But if they were given an opportunity to attack one side with all their strength, it would be like a mountain crushing its top.

Lei Jun also smiled: "It's a pity that I was born late, but I just left a trace on my face, which does not affect my spiritual practice and hope to continue the past and the future."

Under such circumstances, the Tang imperial family, including Shangguan, Lu and other martial arts nobles, no matter what they thought in the early years, now they hope that the Tianshi Mansion can continue to maintain its current stability.

 Fu Dongsen and others were forced to leave Shushan, and the Taoist forces in the world are currently forced to keep a low profile and hide in seclusion, in order to avoid becoming the target of public criticism.

Lv Jinduan sighed: "Ten years is not that far away. Presumably by then, his Yin Thunder Dragon will be more perfect, right?"

 Lu Fang was surprised: "Oh?"

 Tonight, he is the high-level mage responsible for presiding over the ceremony.

 Even, try to estimate as high as possible.

However, there are always exceptions.

Shangguan Sheng: "Yeah, I just feel it's a pity."

“There are indeed beautiful places in the mountains outside the main peak, but the environment is never as good as here.”

Lei Jun regained his former tranquility and peace in the following days, and continued to live and practice at his own pace.

Although Xu Duan did not go to Nanhuang that year, as early as that time, there were Shushan disciples in Nanhuang who spread the news back to the mountain gate.

Xu Duan of Shushan and Lu Jinduan of Chunyang Palace, who were both senior in age, also congratulated him at this time: "Fellow Taoist Xuanxiao, in front of you, I am polite."

Just because there is a fellow senior brother Lei Jun in front of him who has gradually proved that his fighting skills are equally superior, so the outside world does not dare to look down on Chu Kun at the moment.

 In late autumn, Wang Guiyuan also returned safely.

With Lei Jun’s current cultivation level and his status as a high-ranking elder of the Tianshi Mansion, he chose a Taoist title for himself. This would have been another small grand event, and friends from the same Taoist community could be specially invited to witness it.

Taoist names are given by the disciples of Longhu Mountain by their masters when they enter the Taoist teachings.

However, the attitude of the Tang Dynasty emperor towards famous families seems to have softened, not to mention Taoist sects.

Taoist names are mostly obtained by Taoist monks who have achieved great results in their practice, and they are chosen by themselves through communion with heaven and earth, or they are praised by outsiders.

This alone is enough for Fu Dongsen, Wei Qiyue, and Hong Jie to suppress Zhang Dongyuan, Xu Duan, and Zhang Taigang who are still in Shushan.

 The process is the same as when Lei Jun participated in the transfer.

 But who knows if she will suddenly be like Rong Guangchen, rejuvenated and return to her peak state?

What is even more concerning is that the Taoist Alchemy Sect monks are just like external objects. The Taoist Weapon Refining Sect monks fight with the enemy, and their strength is mainly reflected in their magic weapons and magic weapons.

As soon as Xu Duan's eyes moved over, Tang Xiaotang immediately looked back.

 The time is gradually approaching the date of the ceremony on January 15th.

However, this matter can be left alone for now.

 The only difference is that back then he was a Taoist boy who followed the arrangements and procedures.

 This realm is called the Immortal Seed by the Taoist Weapon Refining School.

And among the six treasures that are famous all over the world in Shu Mountain, fully half have fallen into the hands of Fu Dongsen and others from the Taoist Kingdom of the Human World.

“Among the high-level masters of Tianshi Mansion who presided over the transmission ceremony, this one has become one of the few young ones in recent years.” Xu Duan looked at Lei Jun.

 In earlier years, this might not have been the case.

Even if we only consider the masters of the eighth heaven realm, there are at least five people including Rong Guangchen, Gu Han, Fu Dongsen, Hong Jie, and Wei Qiyue.

 For Lei Jun, this treasure can have another use.

But now, when everyone is watching this transmission ceremony, their attention is first focused on the tall purple-robed Taoist priest who presides over the ceremony.

 He didn’t think too much, he just realized it quietly, followed nature, and completed the ceremony process at the same time.

 The master and disciples each retreated, and Lei Jun took the list of disciples to the ancestral mausoleum in Houshan. After once again paying homage to the ancestors of all generations, he collected the list and presented it.

 He looked carefully again.

 The divine sky mentioned in the Taoist Scriptures... Lei Jun's mind is lively and agile at the moment, but his mood is still calm.

 He looked up at the sky.

  Like ashes after burning, but condensed into a spherical spiritual stone.

Shangguan Sheng sighed: "Unfortunately, this Taoist Master Lei has no intention of getting married at the moment."

 The representatives from the other two Daodao Sect Holy Lands are very important.

 There are vague signs of alliances in the three holy places of Daomen.

 The rest will be discussed and adjusted slowly.

The leader of the Shushan faction was Xu Duan, the Supreme Elder.

Among the successors of the Tianshi Mansion in recent years, excluding Tang Xiaotang, whose progress in cultivation three days ago was too frightening, only Lei Jun took nine years to go from the first level of the fourth heaven to the sixth level, which was faster than Chu Kun.

Lei Jun has no objection or mind to this, but since he created Xuan Lei on his own, it would be good to just go along with it.

The expected guests gradually arrived, and preparations for the grand ceremony inside and outside the Tianshi Mansion were becoming increasingly complete.

However, it was quite interesting for her to see Lei Jun, a newbie, taking up the post for the first time.

 She did not go back to the mountain to calm down and concentrate on practicing, but to bring back some things that interested her and then enter the cave of Shangqing Lei Mansion to study and refine some things with the help of the inner environment.

In two years' time, for Lei Jun, it will be thirty years since he passed the transmission.

 He had heard that the Tang Dynasty emperor had intended to marry a noble girl into Longhu Mountain.

Shangguan Sheng nodded slightly: "At the end of the day, just like his master, Taoist Priest Yuan, the only suspense now is how long Tianshi Tang will stay in this position."

 During the ceremony, Qin Caiwei looked excited, but remained calm and completed the ceremony meticulously.

Ji Chuan was not too pretentious and only thanked Lei Jun and Chu Kun seriously.

 Xu Duan, Lu Jinduan, Ji Chuan and other guests attending the ceremony did not sit down to watch the ceremony until this time in the evening.

 At this time, Chu Kun felt the same way that his senior brother Wang Guiyuan was helpless and passive in receiving attention from others.

Lei Jun finally decided to stay in seclusion and concentrate on practicing for a period of time.

Tang Tianshi has gradually lost interest in hosting the transmission.

 “What’s so special?” Lu Fang looked at it.

Wang Guiyuan brought back six pieces of Tianchen Chen. In addition to Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai, Xu Yuanzhen, and Chu Kun, there were even two left that could be handed over to the Zongmen Treasure Pavilion to accumulate merits.

Lü Jinduan, the Zhuque elder of Chunyang Palace, nodded lightly: "He is still under fifty years old."

 After all, the currently known power of the Dao Kingdom on earth is no small matter.

 He gestured to Lu Fang to the young girl who was breaking the ceremony with Luo Haoran at the ceremony: "That one."

Lei Jun said: "Brother Ji Dao, your current practice is at a critical moment."

Chu Kun smiled at the side and said, "Brother, leave this matter to me. Brother Ji Dao, don't worry about it."

Shangguan Sheng: "As far as I know, it has only been about two years since she was brought to Longhu Mountain to enter the Taoism."

This is still the case when Wang Dongchu, Feng Yi, and Zhou Peng died one after another earlier.

"Yes." Xu Duan nodded: "In any case, our Taoist sect has many authentic talents. The so-called Taoist country in the world cannot go against heaven."

 He is forty-nine years old.

 Lei Jun rarely goes out of his way to remember days like this.

Had the relevant secrets not been suddenly exposed and suffered successive blows, the power originally reserved by the human country would have been even stronger.

By the time Tang Xiaotang took over the position of Heavenly Master, he had gone from Taoist to Heavenly Master in one step.


 It does not enter the core area of ​​Longhu Mountain, but it is convenient for daily communication and movement.

 Xu Duan didn't need to ask, Lu Jinduan shook his head first: "Fellow Daoist Lei's immortal body may also follow the path of yin, but it is not a pure yin immortal body."

Lei Jun smiled and said: "I have a mansion in the mountains. If Brother Ji Dao doesn't mind, you can move in at any time."

Shangguan Sheng and Lu Fang looked at each other.

However, even without considering this, Lei Jun and others also recognized the judgments of Shushan Sect and Chunyang Palace.

Lu Fang nodded slightly.

Above the sky, the sky in Shangqing Lei Mansion remains unchanged, and the purple thunder wanders around.

Yuan Mobai: "One is already rare, let alone six?"

All guests are fellow members of our sect. I would like to ask you all to bear witness to Pindao today. "

The Tang Dynasty clan’s reaction to this was to turn a blind eye.

 “This Taoist Master Lei’s importance in the Tianshi Mansion has become even more important.” Lu Fang said softly.

“Although it has not been publicly announced, this fellow Taoist Lei is very likely to have the same immortal body as Tang Tianshi.” Xu Duan said.

Tang Xiaotang was naturally younger when he first reached the three-day cultivation level.

On days like this, people especially feel that time flies by and the years pass by.

 After the ceremony, he returned to the Tianshi Palace.

After thanking the two of them, Ji Chuan looked at Chu Kun and said with emotion: "I often hear the name of Taoist Fellow Chu. I have rarely had the opportunity to meet him before. I hope to visit more Taoist Fellows in the future."

He said this, Lei Jun did not force it, but he had another arrangement: "In this case, Brother Ji Dao can choose a suitable place in the mountain, and then our sect will make arrangements so that Brother Ji Dao's practice cannot be delayed. "

 “There will be a lot of trouble in the next period of time.”

 We are both sixth-level monks, but Chu Kun reached this realm at a younger age than Ji Chuan.

 There is peace between them and Daomen Holy Land at the moment, but it may be something else on the inside.

 Winter passes and spring comes, time passes.

Lu Fang nodded slightly.

 Hearing this, all the guests congratulated Lei Jun one after another.

Ji Chuan didn't say much, but looking at his expressions and movements, Chu Kun could roughly guess what the other person meant, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

At the end, Lei Jun said generously: "I would like to salute the heaven and earth and all the ancestors. I have been inspired by my body and have enlightenment in my heart. I have decided to give myself a name today.

 On the night of January 14, the ceremony began.

But he is already a monk at the sixth level of the Taoist Fulu Sect.

 Having examples like Lei Jun around him made it impossible for him to keep a low profile.

Tang Xiaotang, who is also in front of me, is an exception.

 As autumn entered, the weather gradually turned colder, and more than half a year had passed since the beginning of the year when Lei Jun presided over the transmission ceremony.

Lei Jun himself, on the other hand, has continued to practice diligently during this period, and his path to heaven has become increasingly complete.

Xu Yuanzhen has never participated in similar things.

  Business about immediate matters first.

Shangguan Sheng: "Not bad."

 Shangguan Sheng and Lu Fang quickly calmed down, their expressions returned to normal, and they all congratulated Lei Jun:

 “When Xuanxiaozi of the Shangqing Dynasty comes to my face, all the filth will disappear, which is a joy and congratulation.”

Tianshi Tang Xiaotang smiled and said: "It's okay to be called Shen Xiaozi."

The Supreme Elder of Shushan nodded in greeting. Tang Xiaotang nodded in return and then turned to look at Lei Jun and others in the ceremony place.

However, every time they meet, he will inevitably feel a little emotional.

Chukun: "Brother Ji Dao, what did you say? I am young and ill-informed, so it is my turn to ask for your advice."

 Lu Fang was surprised: "What?"

On the other hand, the Dao Kingdom of the Human World may also involve the Great Demon Qianye Butterfly King of the Nine Heavens of the East China Sea.

But this time Lei Jun seemed to see a more mysterious and grand intersection of thunder in the upper clouds.

Furthermore, Fu Dongsen, Rong Guangchen, and Hong Jie are all in the perfect realm of the eighth heaven.

 He looked to the other side.

The stone ball looks like a star sleeping or entering death, seemingly silent.

He smiled and said: "The number is not many, but fortunately it is not too small, there are six."

From the perspective of the Shushan Sect and the Chunyang Palace, the Taoist kingdom in the world may also have mastered the robe of the Heavenly Master...

As far as Ji Chuan knows, as far as Chu Kun himself is concerned, about twelve years have passed since he first cultivated the fourth heaven and formed the Yuan Fu.

"Taoist Xuanxiao, Master Xuanxiao..." Shangguan Sheng whispered.

Lei Jun: "Okay."

“Senior brother, what is this?” Chu Kun looked at what Wang Guiyuan brought back with some surprise.

Lei Jun returned the gifts one by one.

 Generally speaking, younger disciples rarely use these names.

Everything else is the same.

 “Tianjinchenskeleton.” Yuan Mobai smiled and had one in his hand.

 After all, a lot of information in the human world is not transparent, so one should be lenient to the enemy.

He has an upright Pure Yin Immortal Body Jiang Yu in Chunyang Palace, so he is quite confident in his judgment in this regard.

Tang Xiaotang, on the other hand, was very curious about what Xu Yuanzhen was busy with right now, so he went to show condolences every now and then and harassed her in every possible way, but Xu Yuanzhen would always kick him out in disgust.

 There are currently no other disturbances on Longhu Mountain.

 Xu Yuanzhen is used to going her own way, and everyone is accustomed to her actions.

But Tang Xiaotang has never chosen a Taoist title for himself.

In the Su Qi Xing Ke session, Lei Jun is responsible for worshiping Qi Bai and praying to God and the ancestors of the past generations as a preview before the official fast.

Hearing this, Xu Duan nodded, and then said: "Being able to create a brand new Dharma phenomenon shows that this fellow Taoist Lei's understanding and talent are not low."

 Shangguan Sheng nodded: "The last Taoist boy who was qualified to teach in just two years was the current Taoist Master Lei."

Lu Fang: "That's good. In the current overall situation, it is better for Tianshi Mansion to be stable." This generation of monks from Longhu Mountain is so amazing and talented. In addition to Xu Yuanzhen and Tang Xiaotang, there are also Lei Jun and Chu Kun who are rising rapidly.

 Hence, although Chu Kun made rapid progress, his reputation was somewhat frivolous.

 For Chu Kun, who carries the Holy Body of the Stars, this is undoubtedly a treasure.

Lei Jun didn’t make this arrangement specifically, so he simply made the announcement himself after the ceremony.

Lei Jun has reached the sixth level of the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect, not to mention the three-day cultivation level. Ji Chuan, who is very talented, has also reached the sixth level.

At this moment, I am presiding over the transmission ceremony and praying to heaven. I feel connected with heaven and earth and have more understanding in my heart.

Yuan Mobai smiled and said: "Brother He Dao and Brother Ji Dao are too polite. Please give Pindao my regards."

 Regardless of whether he can take over the position of Heavenly Master in the future, Lei Jun is already a more worthy investment target than Li Zhengxuan back then.

 On the opposite side, Lu Fang also focused on Lei Jun.

 When she presided over the transmission ceremony for the first time, she was already a heavenly master.

 He greeted Xu Duan, leaving Ji Chuan to Lei Jun.

 Lv Jinduan agreed with the other party's judgment.

 Being sympathetic to heaven and earth did not distract Lei Jun, but asked him to preside over the ceremony, which made him feel blessed and in harmony with nature and people.

Even though it senses the divine sky, it reaches the sky pivot, but it should not take all of it, so it takes half a step back and calls it Xuanxiao.

 As for where Wang Guiyuan got such a big deal, Lei Jun and Chu Kun didn't ask much.

 Lv Jinduan: "Brother Dao is right."

Ji Chuan himself, as a guest, paid a temporary visit to Lei Jun. If he stayed in the cave for a short time, he would not be polite to Lei Jun.

 The reason why Xu Duan and Lu Jinduan visited in person is that in order to cope with the existence of the Tao Kingdom in the world, the three holy places of Tao Sect intend to strengthen their connections with each other.

Although they are both members of the Taoist sect and are currently increasing their contacts, they are from different sects after all.

After the first offering, second offering, and final offering are completed, and the formal ceremony is basically over, Lei Jun, as the high-level master who presides over the ceremony, steadily proceeds with the process of sending off the gods, accepting officials, re-inventing the furnace, and leaving the hall. Finally, he worships the ancestors of all generations and expresses his thanks. Teacher's resignation.

Lu Fang thought for a while, recalled the roster he had seen before, and matched the name with the girl's: "Remember, it's Qin Caiwei?"

It's just that his actions are more pleasing to the eyes of Xu Duan and Lu Jinduan, who are getting older.

The two of them couldn't help but think that from Lei Jun's display of Xuan Lei in the East China Sea to the appearance of his Xuan Xiao Lei Zu Dharma Elephant in the Southern Wilderness, it was the two of them who had witnessed it all the way.

In the distance, Lu Fang, the general of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty who witnessed the appearance of Lei Jun Xuanxiao and Lei Ancestor, is now there, also as a guest, watching the Tianshi Mansion's transmission ceremony.

He saluted Yuan Mobai and said, "My master and my father cannot come to Longhu Mountain this time. I specifically ask this junior to greet Tang Tianshi, Elder Yuan and other seniors of your sect."

There, the contemporary Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang was watching the ceremony with great interest.

 But he will stay here for a long time and his return date has not yet been determined, so it is not easy for him to stay at the gate of Longhu Mountain.

 He came here with his uncle Xu Duan.

"Brother Xu Dao must have heard about it, right?" Lu Jinduan said: "This Fellow Daoist Lei from the Tianshi Mansion once showed a second dharma image besides the dharma image of the Dou Mu Star God when he was in the Southern Wilderness. "

On the fifteenth day of the first month of the next day, sing Taoist praises, go to the altar, enter the house, ascend to the heaven gate, put incense from ten directions, burn the summoning talisman, put the incense in place, read out the mantra, and then personally hold the incense burner and go to the furnace. All etiquette and other procedures were presided over by Lei Jun.

Although only Fu Dongsen is in his prime among them, Rong Guangchen was blessed by the mysterious talisman and "returned to youth". In fact, he is still a master of the Taoist Alchemy Sect's eighth-level heavenly infant transformation into the fourth-level perfection.

 The founder of Yingdao Sect in Shenxiao is often found in Taoist scriptures.

 This was noticed by all the emperors of the Tang Dynasty.

It’s just that at this time, Taoist Master Chu completely forgot about Taoist Master Wang’s helplessness. His third junior brother also had a share of the credit.

 The gathering of these forces cannot be underestimated.

Sitting aside, the person who came to watch the ceremony with him as a representative of the Tang Dynasty was Shangguan Sheng.

 Hong Jie showed signs of aging during the Battle of Shushan.

In this way, we can communicate with each other, and if there is chaos in the world, we can communicate more quickly, and even go one step further to help each other.

 It is not until evening that the real ceremony of setting up a memorial ceremony for the ceremony begins.

“Thank you, senior brother.” Lei Jun also held a stone ball in his hand.

"This generation of Tianshi Mansion is really full of talents." Xu Duan's eyes continued to move, and finally fell in other directions.

Ji Chuan smiled and looked at Lei Jun first, then at Chu Kun: "Fellow Daoist Chu is so polite."

Wang Guiyuan: "This disciple is very lucky. It's a bit of a chance. I didn't come back empty-handed."

Lu Fang looked at Qin Caiwei: "Reach to the sky in one step!"

 This speed has shocked the attention of countless people.

In addition to Shushan sect Ji Chuan, there is also a representative from Chunyang Palace left, named Long Tao, who is one of the elders of Chunyang Palace. Like Ji Chuan and Chu Kun, he is at the sixth level of cultivation.

Other guests mostly thought of Lei Jun’s self-created Xuanxiao Five Thunder Dharma Ribbon and Xuanxiao Leizu Dharma Image.

He suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly: "Maybe it was because I refused to believe in my heart at the time that this Taoist Master Lei was stronger than expected, so much stronger."

 Before and after the New Year Ceremony, the preparations for this passing ceremony are also carried out as usual.

"There is nothing we can do about this kind of thing. Apart from Taoist Lei, aren't Taoist Xu and Tianshi Tang also available?" Lu Fangyan said.

 After the New Year, guests from all walks of life began to arrive at Longhu Mountain.

Shangguan Sheng: "The news I have received so far is that he comes from a common family."

 Xu Duan nodded: "I have heard of it."

 It is natural for the host and the guest to enjoy themselves.

There, Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang was entertaining the guests after the ceremony.

 He didn’t say much, but looking at Chu Kun now, he remembered Lei Jun from before.

 Lei Jun also came to answer the gift.

Generally speaking, the focus of the guests watching the ceremony is on the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion who participated in the transmission, to see what outstanding talents have emerged in the Tianshi Mansion in recent years.

 After that, most of the guests left one after another, the ceremony on Longhu Mountain ended, and it gradually became quiet.

Lu Fang’s voice was softer: “The two of them are too close in age, will they fight over this?”

Even if the three holy places of Taoism are currently united, the spearhead will first be directed at the Taoist kingdom in the world.

"Xuan Xiao Lei Ancestor Dharma Elephant, Yin Thunder Dragon..." Shangguan Sheng recalled the Xuan Lei he had seen in the East China Sea, and murmured to himself: "At that time, I should have thought of it, but after all, I still underestimated this I’m a Taoist Thunder Chief.”

 The time has come when things will fall into place.

 The final sprint can begin.

 (End of this chapter)

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