Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 293: 292 Lei Jun has a sword in his hand, Cardinal Shenxiao Yin and Yang (2

Chapter 293 292. Lei Jun has a sword in his hand, Cardinal Shenxiao Yin and Yang (two-in-one chapter)

 As for the changes in the East China Sea, most people in the human world had expected it.

Even if you don’t know the specific details, you still know that there will be chaos there.

 As early as some time ago, the great demon of the East China Sea, Qianye Butterfly King, was alert.

 Fu Dongsen and others also quietly approached for inspection, and everyone judged that they were close.

 Hence why we talked about the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain before and waited for the opportunity.

However, at the northwest border on land, the so-called Lone Eagle Khanate suddenly appeared, and horses trampled the mountains and rivers, which was also beyond the expectations of everyone in the human world.

We all know that the Tang Dynasty has been experiencing turmoil and drastic changes both inside and outside the country in recent years.

 But the situation is changing, and enemies and friends are unpredictable.

The country in the world, which already has many enemies, has always been cautious and unwilling to act rashly until the situation is clear.

Hong Jie nodded slowly: "I have received an edict from the emperor. I am a poor Taoist who has made a deep impression on me and sincerely accepts it."

“The emperor has an order, and he will go to Longhu Mountain in person today.” Rong Guangchen finally said.

 Their goals have been clear for a long time.

She is not as old as Hong Jie, but under normal circumstances it would be difficult to treat such a serious injury, which may last for many years and may even shorten her lifespan.

In the battle that broke out the Shushan faction, both Wei Qiyue and Hong Jie were seriously injured.


Hong Jie herself often has ups and downs in her mood every time she thinks about this incident and compares it with her current state of recovery.

Over his head, there was a pale blue light flashing.

After receiving the talisman edict, Hong Jie can be like Rong Guangchen, as if she has returned to her old age.

Tang Xiaotang is away from the mountain.

"Since Fellow Daoist Hong has recovered, let's accept the talisman issued by the emperor today." Rong Guangchen said.

You Qiyue's injury made it almost impossible to maintain the immortal soul.

 Above the altar, light gradually shimmered in the void, and a mysterious talisman emerged from it.

Gu Han, the former elder of Chunyang Palace, looked at Hong Jie and Wei Qiyue from Shushan: "How are you two fellow Taoists doing now?"

 Later, during the turmoil in the Southern Wilderness, Wei Qiyue did not appear.

 If this is the case, then seize it decisively.

 Fu Dongsen holds the formula with both hands. The formula changes continuously and stands in front of his chest.

In the Qingxiao Mansion below, Fu Dongsen looked at Rong Guangchen, Wei Qiyue and Gu Han and said:

"In this case, everything will proceed according to the established plan. Let's set off first. Uncle Hong received the Fu Zhao and evacuated the younger disciples in the mansion. He brought the Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda and Qingxiao Mansion to join the Butterfly King."

 Xu Yuanzhen went to the East China Sea.

 Fu Dongsen, Wei Qiyue, and Gu Han nodded.

The four people around, Fu Dongsen, Rong Guangchen, Wei Qiyue and Gu Han, all congratulated Hong Jie.

Although Hong Jie's earlier injuries were slightly less serious than Wei Qiyue's, she was older and her condition had already begun to decline uncontrollably.

Wei Qiyue: "Fortunately, the emperor took care of me and gave me the elixir, so I am no longer in serious trouble."

The Buddhists of the Western Regions also started a war in the Southern Wilderness with the Four-Eyed Python Emperor and other Southern Wilderness monsters.

 Inside the pagoda, three levels of altars have been erected.

Hong Jie took a bath and changed clothes, burned incense and prayed to heaven, and climbed to the top of the altar.

 But now that she has received external help, she is surprisingly fine. Except for some loss of vitality, she can be said to have recovered overall.

 A serious injury in this case would make recovery difficult, almost permanent, and would further weaken her.

Although the lifespan will not increase, the soul, body, mind, and cultivation strength will return to their peak.

 But now that the opportunity has come, they also need to make a prompt decision to prevent the fleeting opportunity from slipping away.

Longhushan Tianshi Mansion was relatively empty before.

Hong Jie looked calm on the side. Although she still showed signs of old age, her old wounds had also been healed.

Now the opportunity has finally arrived. After the initial fluctuations in my mind, I have now calmed down and have a plan in mind. Everything can be done as planned.

 So she has been recuperating in the past few years.

Now the Lone Eagle Khanate is approaching fiercely, and its troops are pressing down on Guanzhong in the northwest, which is causing the Tang emperor to focus on the frontier instead of the Longhu Mountain in the south of the Yangtze River in the interior.

 This alone has exceeded the expectations of countless people outside.

After returning the gifts one by one, Hong Jie left Qingxiao Mansion and went straight into the Taiyi Xiantian Tower above the cave mansion that seemed to be integrated into one body.

To a certain extent, her recovery speed was even more incredible than that of Wei Qiyue.

But not to mention other forces such as Buddhism in the Western Regions, the existence of Emperor Zhang Wantong of the Tang Dynasty forced the Taoist countries in the world to think twice before acting.

"I sincerely obey the emperor's order." Fu Dongsen and others bowed to the void.

Although the overall situation is still not stable, for the world, this is a rare opportunity in recent years.

 Like a sea of ​​ice.

In the sea of ​​ice, a spear flashing with ice-blue light slowly emerged.

It is the Beiming Divine Spear, one of the six treasures of Shushan.

 As a weapon-like magic weapon, it is sharp in killing and can compete with other magical weapons such as Tianshi Sword, Ziwei Sword, Qingming Sword, Dangkou Jinge, and Shanhe Sword.

 Fu Dongsen and Wei Qiyue both saluted the Beiming Divine Spear.

Then the magic gun turned into ice blue light and merged into Fu Dongsen's body.

 Four masters of the human Taoist realm at the eighth level of heaven then left the Qingxiao Mansion together.

The other monks from the Human World Dao Kingdom who received the order from all over the house took action, and under the command and coordination of the remaining elders, began various preparations.


 Southern wilderness.

 The people of Jiuli have not made any big moves in recent years.

However, they are firmly guarding several areas where the black mist of Jiuli has spread, making it impossible for human monks to eliminate it in a short time.

 The two sides often collided and fought, each suffering casualties, but neither could make decisive progress.

Shangguan Yunbo, Ye Merong, Zhang Luo and other Tang masters, as well as the Nanhuang Wumen monks, are still stranded in Nanhuang.

 Shangguan Yunbo has received the urgent report from the East China Sea and the Northwest, but there is no imperial order to summon him back.

“What’s going on with the Sumeru Vajra tribe?” Shangguan Yunbo asked the general.

The general replied: "Just the day before yesterday, Master Jiasheng had a battle with the Four-Eyed Python King. Other masters of the Sumeru Vajra Division helped, and the Four-Eyed Python King temporarily retreated.

However, other demon clans in the Southern Wilderness took action together and gathered with the Four-Eyed Python King, intending to fight the Sumeru Vajra Tribe again. "

Nanhuang is equivalent to the two top demons of the Nine Heavens Realm masters of the human race, one tree and one snake.

 The former prefers silence to movement and has less contact with the outside world.

The latter is not only powerful, but also gradually gathers the remaining demon tribes in the Southern Wilderness under its command, forming a huge force as a whole.

  After the early battle with the snowfield monsters commanded by the Snowy Condor, most of the Southern Wilderness monsters were recuperating.

Now that the Four-Eyed Python Emperor is taking the lead, the group of demons are showing signs of moving together.

 For the great demon, human monks, especially those with high cultivation levels, are both a supreme delicacy and a great tonic.

 In this respect, they are worse than the Wumen Blood River lineage.

Master Jiasheng’s understanding of Nanhuang was limited to the introduction by the monks of Jingang Temple.

  But he knows the demon clan very well.

At present, a group of monsters are gathering in the Southern Wilderness. Apart from reminding his fellow disciples to be vigilant, he has no intention of being afraid and remains as calm as before.

  Comparatively speaking, Master Jiasheng was more concerned about the changes in Mingzhou in the east and Yuanzhou in the north.

 “Is it natural?” Master Jiasheng asked.

Beside him, the eminent monk Zongcuo of the Eighth Heaven Vajra Division, who is also from Sumeru, replied: "It has been confirmed that it is the law of heaven."

Master Jiasheng nodded: "That side of Yuanzhou is the Lone Eagle Khanate?"

Master Zongcuo responded: "Yes."

Master Jiasheng said: "Send it back to Sumeru and let them decide. Let both of us avoid dealing with it for now."

Master Zongcuo: "It is still possible for the Lone Eagle Khanate and Tianli to get news from us."

Master Jiasheng: "There will be no serious problems in a short period of time, and it will not affect the overall layout of Xumi."

Master Zongcuo put his palms together and said, "Yes, senior brother."

 After a pause, he said: "The Tang court has issued a decree."

Master Jiasheng: "Just let Suo Yang go."

Although Suoyang is not very old, he was the former abbot of Vajra Temple.

Now that the Sumeru Vajra Tribe has arrived, Suoyang is still one of the key training targets of the Vajra Tribe. His status is not low, and he can be the representative of the Vajra Tribe to deal with the Tang Dynasty emperor.

As for Master Jiasheng of the Nine Heavens, even if he can get away now, he will become unable to get away.

In the case of other opponents, even the people of Jiuli, if they can get strong support from the Tang Dynasty, then Master Jiasheng and other Buddhist masters in the Western Regions can help the Tang Dynasty.

Just like how he rushed to Guanlong to help quell the demon chaos, he later fought against the Blood River sect Wei Ancheng and the Four-Eyed Python Emperor in the Southern Wasteland.

 But Tianli and Lone Eagle Khanate are relatively special.

 Involving Xumi's more profound arrangements, it is better to avoid contact for now.

“The two major chaos in Mingzhou Overseas and Yuanzhou Mountains and Rivers are bound to be widely involved, and many situations may be changed.” Master Zongcuo said softly.

Master Jiasheng: "The major aristocratic families in Qingzhou, Suzhou, Cangzhou, Youzhou, and Jingxiang may not take much action. If there is any change, it depends on Jiuli, the so-called Human World Dao Kingdom, and the White Lotus Sect."

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again: "Please ask Senior Brother Renzhu to go out of the Western Region and act in secret so that we can respond."

"Yes." Master Zongcuo thought for a while and asked softly: "Not to mention the White Lotus heretics, if the Taoist state in the world takes action, will it be against the Tang Dynasty or the three authentic Taoist sects?"

Master Jiasheng said: "If they target the Tang Dynasty to cause chaos, we can wait for an opportunity to help the Tang Dynasty quell the chaos and gain the support of more people in the Tang Dynasty. If they target the three holy places of Taoism, we don't need to rush for a while. Please do everything." Senior Brother Renzhu can take advantage of the opportunity."

Master Zongcuo nodded gently, understanding.


 Longhu Mountain, in the Tianshi Mansion.

Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun, masters and apprentices, were sitting opposite each other, browsing various news reports.

At the same time that Shangguan Ning went to Yuhang, Zhang Jingzhen had also set out for Guanzhong to meet the saint.

On the one hand, it represented Tianshi Mansion’s support for Tang Ting and acted as an intermediate support liaison.

On the other hand, when the northwest experienced a sudden change and the northwest border of the Tang Dynasty was shaken, Chunyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain, located in Guanlong, was also under threat.

 Earlier, the three holy places of Taoism made an agreement to exchange what they had and what they had, and to send representatives to each other.

 At present, although Chunyang Palace is not threatened by the Tao Kingdom in the human world, Tianshi Mansion also needs to express its views.

Of course, because no one from the Dao Kingdom on earth has appeared, Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai and others are temporarily unmoved, and only Zhang Jingzhen, a high-gong elder in the seventh heaven realm, can be the representative.

“Master Huang from Chunyang Palace will stay at Zhongnan Mountain during this trip.”

Yuan Mobai looked at the news and said, "Elders Guan and Lu have already gone to the Yuanzhou area."

 Lei Jun was thoughtful when he heard the words.

He thought for a while and then raised his head: "Master, I heard that His Majesty intends to go north in person?"

 Yuan Mobai: "There are related rumors."

Lei Jun picked up another newspaper, browsed it and asked softly: "Master, how sincere do you think Jingxiang and Cangzhou are?"

 According to the latest news, the entire Tang Dynasty is basically in motion.

 The three frontiers of Nanhuang, East China Sea and Northwest were in trouble at the same time, and they joined forces to test the Tang Dynasty.

In addition to the masters of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, several famous families who have recently begun to repair relations with the imperial family have also expressed their opinions.

Fang Jingsheng, the leader of the Jingxiang Fang tribe who had previously rushed to the aid of Bashu on the emperor's order, personally set off north this time to the old capital of Chang'an to meet the saint.

As for the Cangzhou Ye Clan, although Ye Moquan said that he was old and frail, and the old wounds he sustained during the First World War in Jinzhou had not healed, so he did not go to the west in person. However, the contemporary patriarch Ye Wei, together with some elders of the clan, went to Chang'an as a memorial. Take a stand.

At the same time, Ye Jiong, the military representative of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou and a great scholar in the realm of marksmanship at the pinnacle of the eighth heaven, led the elite of his direct lineage to the northwest.

Ye Yan, the leader of the Ye clan in Qingzhou, also left Qingzhou and went south to the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas. He joined Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu clan in Suzhou, and the imperial envoys to jointly deal with the storm caused by the arrival of Tianli in the East China Sea.

Only the Youzhou Lin tribe made smaller movements.

However, they stated that they would obey the orders of His Royal Highness King Zhao and guard the northern border to prevent further changes in the north and east.

“There must be sincerity, but it is still impossible to sacrifice life and death.”

Yuan Mobai said: "In the north, there are rumors that the people in the Lone Eagle Khanate are cruel and violent, like wind and fire, and those who come are not good."

 Yuanzhou was quickly wiped out by them.

These outsiders are used to scouting and riding around, and they are fierce and flexible at the same time.

After they occupied Yuanzhou, they did not go southward from Xiaoguan Mountain, but turned northward and then set foot in Lingzhou.

Even without taking into account the advantage over Confucianism, the people from the Lone Eagle Khanate are still very powerful against monks from other traditions.

After ten years of polishing and improvement, the famous Confucian school of the Tang Dynasty is no longer so obviously restrained by the other party's martial arts, but if it really sacrifices one's life for a head-on confrontation, the losses will be incalculable. But as Yuan Mobai said, under the current situation, they are somewhat sincere.

 At least it will not hold back the Tang imperial family.

 “It’s a little hard to talk about Senior Sister in the East...” Lei Jun frowned slightly.

Yuan Mobai: "It's mainly about the situation on the other side of the Void Portal. We have limited knowledge."

The Lone Eagle Khanate invaded the northwest territory of the Tang Dynasty, causing devastation to all living beings.

However, since it is the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it is convenient for the court to obtain all kinds of information.

On the other side of the East China Sea, the current competition is more about the void portal from heaven to the human world.

 Even because of Xu Yuanzhen, there has been a backlash within Tianli.

 And to a certain extent, this is an away game, so there is a lack of information in all aspects.

  The situation is more likely to undergo unexpected changes.

“Have the instructions to the disciples in the mansion to avoid going out of the mountain as much as possible in the near future been passed on?” Yuan Mobai asked at the end.

Lei Jun: "Master, don't worry, it has been passed on. Fellow disciples on the mountain will go out less often. And those who are currently traveling do not need to rush back to the mountain gate and go to other branches to spread the teaching and practice temporarily."

Yuan Mobai nodded lightly: "I hope we are worrying too much."

Lei Jun suddenly stopped talking.

 In the depths of his pupils, the heavenly and earthly penetrating Dharma vessel emerges, flashing with brilliance.

When Yuan Mobai saw this, he also stopped making any sound, and his expression became more solemn.

In the depths of Lei Jun's pupils, the brilliance of the Heavenly and Earthly Principle Dharma Ribbon flashed brighter and brighter.

 The ones who established contact with it were some heavenly sight, earth and hearing talismans that he had previously scattered in the surrounding areas outside Longhu Mountain.

These talismans are usually hidden in the mountains and fields, as if without a trace, and are used by Lei Jun as a warning at critical moments.

At this moment, he noticed some faint shadows that were quietly approaching the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 The relevant touch is extremely subtle.

Even with Lei Jun’s ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth, he could only detect a few clues.

The traces are so subtle and ethereal that people may even think it is an illusion.

  But precisely because of this, it is even more threatening.

 Because these faint shadows originated from the work of Qianye Butterfly King, they are one of the things Lei Jun is most wary of.

When he first obtained the leaves left by the Chiba Butterfly King from Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun carefully studied them.

If not, he might have been deceived now.

 At least it is impossible to be vigilant at a relatively long distance.

 Because those who come are all extremely talented.

In this case, with the help of Qianye Butterfly King's supernatural power and artistic conception, it would be extremely difficult for others to notice.

 There are only advantages and disadvantages. It is precisely because Lei Jun is specifically wary of similar methods and has done some research, so he is immediately alert at this moment.

However, at this moment, the ball of light flashed in Lei Jun’s mind, and words appeared:

  【Ancient and modern talismans gather together dragons and tigers, and the three sects unite to flow the wind and clouds. 】

 Four fortunes then flew out together, and Lei Jun read them carefully:

  【Win the lottery, leave the mountain immediately from directions other than the northwest or southeast, you can avoid the wind and waves for a while, no extra gain or loss, it is flat. 】

  【Winning the lottery, sticking to the mountains, the wind is high and the waves are strong, there are certain risks, there are opportunities for three-level opportunities, and subsequent cause-and-effect entanglements, you should deal with it with caution, and be calm. 】

  【Win the lottery, leave the mountain from the northwest, and be in deep trouble. There is a chance to get a fourth-grade opportunity, but there are many dangers, so be careful, it is fierce. 】

  【If you are in the middle of the lottery and leave the mountain from the southeast, you may encounter a huge crisis, and the danger is deep, so you should be cautious, because it is bad. 】

Judging from the luck, the Taoist kingdom of the world is indeed coming with a lot of force this time.

 Same, either don’t do anything.

 When you strike, you must be as powerful as thunder, and you will hit with one strike.

As for the Taoist kingdom in the human world, at least on the surface, there are five Taoist masters in the eighth heaven realm, Fu Dongsen, Rong Guangchen, Hong Jie, Wei Qiyue and Gu Han.

At the same time, they have three great treasures: Taiyi Xiantian Tower, Qingxiao Mansion and Beiming Divine Spear.

Even though the main function of Qingxiao Mansion is not reflected in fighting skills, Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Beiming Divine Spear are powerful magic weapons comparable to Tianshi Seal and Tianshi Sword.

 The former has the reputation of being the number one treasure in Shushan, while the latter is a magic weapon that can attack and kill fiercely.

In addition, there is the great demon Qianye Butterfly King who is equivalent to a master in the Nine Heavens Realm of the human race, and may be involved in the human world.

 Plus the mysterious emperor...

Lei Jun did some calculations and found that if the Dao Kingdom of Humanity came all-in in a wave, the corresponding lottery should not be a winning one.

 However, winning the lottery may provide two third-grade opportunities, and the corresponding risks will not be low.

 The two winning numbers may have been their work.

 They had other arrangements, indicating that the goal was not simply to attack the Tianshi Mansion, but that they might have other plans.

Wanfa Zongtan, does it still have the earlier Tiangong Zhangbiao and Chuyang Yuzhang? Lei Jun guessed.

 He was in a calm mood.

If the law of the east comes, the other party may still be patient.

With the emergence of the Lone Eagle Khanate in the northwest, which further attracted and tore apart the power of the Taoist community in the Tang Dynasty, the Taoist kingdoms in the world took the opportunity to cause chaos. To a certain extent, Lei Jun and others had a premonition in their minds.

 “The Tao Kingdom in the human world.” He said to his master Yuan Mo Bai.

Yuan Mo was calm and calm, and his movements were not sloppy at all. He nodded and his figure disappeared on the spot.

Lei Junze went to the mountains to interrogate Xu Yuanzhen, Tang Xiaotang, Shangguan Ning and Zhang Jingzhen respectively.

On Longhu Mountain, a strong light soon condensed, turning into a huge light pillar and shooting straight into the sky. Thousands of talismans in the light pillar flew around, as graceful as the stars in the universe.

Yuan Mobai was sitting in the Wanfa Zong altar, holding the magic formula in front of his chest, his expression calm.

The ancestral altar opened, and thousands of brilliant lights shot straight into the sky. At the same time, the entire Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion's mountain guarding formation also started to move.

The grand formation unfolds, with infinite graceful radiance, intertwined together to form many mysterious formations, layer upon layer, and built together, as if together they form an extremely huge three-story altar that reaches the sky and the earth.

This altar covers the entire Longhu Mountain, isolating the inside and outside.

In the cave sky of Shangqing Lei Mansion, purple nine-day divine thunder also fell from it, and was connected with the giant altar. The surface of the altar shone with lightning, integrating offense and defense.

As soon as the Longhu Mountain Formation was opened, the brilliance soared into the sky and illuminated all directions.

 In the distance, several dark shadows gradually emerged under the light.

 Seeing this, the visitor no longer hid and simply showed his body.

 Three men and one woman.

 Two of them wore black Taoist robes, while the other two wore linen robes.

 Made the traditional attire of Chunyang Palace and Shushan monks respectively.

A monk from Chunyang Palace with white hair and childish face was the Supreme Elder with the highest seniority in Chunyang Palace earlier, Rong Guangchen.

 Taoist Danding Sect’s eight-level Heavenly Infant transforms into four-level perfect cultivation.

 A middle-aged Taoist monk from Chunyang Palace is the former Xuanwu elder of Chunyang Palace, Gu Han.

Taoist Danding Sect’s eighth-level Heavenly Infant transforms into a first-level cultivation level.

A monk of the Shushan sect who is graceful and peaceful even though he is dressed in sackcloth is none other than the former head of the Shushan sect, Fu Dongsen.

 The eighth-level immortal of the Taoist weapon-refining sect traveled around the world and perfected his cultivation.

A Shushan female crowned woman with a calm aura but sharp eyes is the former Shushan Supreme Elder, Wei Qiyue.

 The eighth-level immortal of the Taoist weapon-refining sect traveled across the two seas to cultivate.

Seeing the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder shining on the giant altar and Longhu Mountain being shrouded inside the altar, Fu Dongsen and others knew that their whereabouts had been exposed.

Although their whereabouts were exposed and the raid failed, the four masters of the Human World Dao Kingdom who came here had no intention of retreating.

 If the surprise attack fails, then just attack by force.

Fu Dongsen said nothing, holding the magic formula with both hands in front of his chest.

Then an icy blue light appeared from above his head, and the Bei Ming Divine Spear appeared.

  It is both ice cold and frontal cold.

  A deep chill spreads.

The surrounding mountains, rivers and vegetation below were all frozen immediately, and in the spring of Jiangnan, when birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, a capped ice field appeared.

The Beiming Divine Spear appeared above Fu Dongsen's head, like a signal to launch an attack.

 The one who took action first was Rong Guangchen, the oldest among everyone present.

A large amount of platinum flames began to appear on the body of this Supreme Elder of Chunyang Palace.

These platinum flames spread out to both sides, and for a moment it looked like a divine bird spreading its wings.

Rong Guangchen walked forward step by step.

 with the white-gold Pure Yang True Fire, passed down from the Chunyang Palace lineage, gradually manifested into the shape of a Suzaku at this moment.

 Then it condenses and shrinks.

As Rong Guangchen moved forward step by step, the white-gold Suzaku seemed to be completely integrated into his body.

his steps became more and more nimble, but his power became more and more powerful.

At this moment, Rong Guangchen did not look old and frail at all.

He seemed to be as powerful as a monk at the peak of the eighth level of the Heavenly Infant Transformation Realm of the Taoist Alchemy Sect in his prime.

Facing the huge three-story altar that covers the entire main peak of Longhu Mountain, Rong Guangchen walked closer without haste, then raised his hand, which was shaped like a bird's beak, and dropped it with a chisel motion.

The purple Nine Heavens God Thunder and the platinum Pure Yang True Fire suddenly collided violently.

At the next moment, the cold ice-blue light condensed into an extremely terrifying ice-blue light pillar, flying towards Longhu Mountain.

 The reason why Rong Guangchen made the first move was because Fu Dongsen controlled the Beiming Divine Spear and did not fly out immediately, but instead concentrated on mana savings.

At this moment, the Beiming Divine Spear flew from a distance, and the attack became more powerful.

Rong Guangchen tentatively triggered the Longhu Mountain defensive formation first, and then Fu Dongsen's more powerful blows followed in an instant, and then came the truly threatening attack.

 At the Wanfa Sect altar, thunder suddenly shook.

 Fu Dongsen's men kept coming, and Beiming's magic spears were fired continuously.

 Concentrate on one point and continuously pierce and chisel.

Yuan Mobai was in the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar and in charge of the Longhu Mountain Guarding Formation. In addition to noticing the sharp edge of the Beiming Divine Spear, he also discovered that there was a strong cold energy coming from this powerful magic weapon.

The power of extreme cold continues to accumulate, and it seems that even the masculine flames and thunder can be frozen together.

The masculine divine thunder counterattacked and broke through the heavy ice.

But at the same time, Rong Guangchen pressed his palms on the altar, and his whole body's strength and artistic conception were transformed at a rapid speed.

 The platinum flame disappeared.

 The red bird flapping its wings and about to fly disappeared.

 The replacement is Xuanwu.

 And the pure yang turns sharply downward, accumulating the power of yin and cold, and the yang pole generates yin.

This power is combined with Fu Dongsen's Beiming Divine Spear.

 The two sides joined forces and began to freeze the thunder on the surface of the three-story huge altar.

 But at this moment, the purple thunder light gathered on the surface of the Longhu Mountain Formation suddenly became more concentrated.

 Then he also concentrated on one point, turned into an unparalleled sharp purple thunder sword light, directly counterattacked, and flew out from the three-story altar!

The sword light first beheaded Rong Guangchen, forcing Rong Guangchen to release his golden elixir immediately, and gathered all his strength to protect himself.

The sword flashed again, ignoring the attacking Beiming Divine Spear, and directly cut through the sky and the earth, pointing directly at Fu Dongsen himself in the distance.

 Fu Dongsen summoned the Beiming Divine Spear to resist the blow.

 But at the same time as this strike was struck, black lightning unexpectedly emerged from the purple lightning, intertwining and circling.

Purple and black thunder light alternately regenerates, conveying the artistic conception of the harmony of yin and yang, which is more mysterious than the previous single power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

 The thunder of the divine sky, Cardinal Yin and Yang!

 With one sword strike, the Beiming Divine Spear was split open and pointed at Fu Dongsen.

 Another magic weapon appeared on Fu Dongsen's body to protect him from this disaster.

 But the magic weapon was directly split in half by the purple and black sword light!

 The magic weapon then split into two halves and exploded even more violently.

Fu Dongsen looked intently and saw a tall purple-robed Taoist priest standing on the three-story altar that was higher than the mountain.

It is Lei Jun.

The huge black Xuanxiao Five Thunder Dharma Ribbon hangs above Lei Jun's head.

 From the urn, a black thunder dragon poked its head out and roared silently.

 A path of Daoxuan thunder wrapped around Lei Jun's body with blessing, and then converged on his right hand.

In his right hand, he held a magic sword. The magic sword appeared on the blade, and the purple thunder was densely covered. At this moment, it was intertwined with the black thunder.

At this moment, the Tianshi Sword of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain was in Lei Jun’s hand, and the sword pointed at the enemies outside the mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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