Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 304: 303's character explodes, and the series is signed! (2-in-1

  Chapter 304 303. The character explodes, and the series is signed! (Two in one chapter)

Above the sky, the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror adheres to the characteristics of the Xuanxu Mirror. It is invisible in the void as if it were transparent, and because it is extremely far away from the East China Sea below, it is difficult to be discovered by the monks in the human world below.

 As the mirror light circulated, the scene in a large area of ​​the East China Sea appeared in Lei Jun's field of vision.

 The current scope of visits is still limited to an area of ​​the East China Sea close to the inland.

 But this world, whether land or sea, is extremely huge.

 The area that the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror can currently cover is already extremely vast.

 At least, the vast sea area around the void portal from heaven to the human world is now within Lei Jun's field of vision.

  It should be said that this is a relationship that is more superior to that of father, son, master and apprentice.

But he is a Confucian master of marksmanship like Chu Yu.

 He is not like senior sister Xu Yuanzhen who always wants to go against everyone.

  But maybe because of this or that reason, the legal system between the emperor and his ministers may change.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth and Master.

Lei Jun observed carefully.

 They are indeed very different from other monks of the Taoist tradition... Lei Jun was thoughtful.

  【Winning the lottery, going to other places, no extra gain or loss, flat. 】

As for the position of His Majesty the Ming Emperor, although Lei Jun has not had direct contact with him, he has observed many Neo-Confucian monks now and has some guesses:

 The king is the guide for his ministers.

 The mirror light condensed, and Lei Jun's field of vision narrowed, but for this small area, the clarity of the inspection suddenly improved greatly.

According to the agreement, Ye Yi, a younger brother of the same clan, should return to the void portal now, but he has not been seen yet.

 So for this battle in the East China Sea, Lin Yuwei also arrived, and he was quite brave.

 There may be some changes.

To them, being four or five hundred years old is considered to be in the prime of life.

She looked at the spiritual light created by the ritual as a sign and hurried to the west side, closer to the sea.

Chu Yu: "Now that the decisive battle is approaching and I can't get away, can I trouble the princess to go to the west? If Taoist Master Xuan Xiao is free, please invite him to come to the Void Portal?"

 This ominous sign made Ye Yan frown.

 Using the power of heaven and earth, we should perform the courtesy of the king and teacher, so the power cannot be violated.

The black energy was surging, and although it was strong, it started to roll after receiving the first arrow from Zhang Ziyin.

Gu Hai: "The most important thing now is to defeat the main force of the thief army. We will put him aside for the time being, but we will search carefully and find out his whereabouts by tomorrow at the latest. After defeating the main force of the thief army, we will clear out the remaining party and we must not let the evil spirit escape." "

  【The fragrance of purple zhi is dyed in the moonlight, and the sea and sky are turned upside down and the jade is producing smoke. 】

On the surface, the monks of the Tang Dynasty were temporarily at a disadvantage when facing the monks of Tianli.

 But at present, it seems that Tianli is still dominated by Neo-Confucian monks, and monks from other legal traditions can only assist from the side.

Those who have reached a high level of cultivation are often not young in real age.

As for Mr. Huang who was just mentioned, he is a new member of the Gan Party. His surname is Huang, his given name is Tian, ​​and his courtesy name is Qingxiao.

 Ye Zhuo, the patriarch of the Ye clan in Qingzhou.

 With the Heavenly Vision and Earthly Hearing Talisman left there, Lei Jun could clearly hear the conversation between Monk Faming and Zhang Ziyin this time.

Anyway, people in the Wu Party were extremely wary of them, no less vigilant than they were against monks of the Tang Dynasty.

But the Ye clan leader is not completely free from worries.

 She herself rushed back to see Chu Yu.

There she met the monk Fa Ming who was responsible for protecting the Dharma. Zhang Ziyin could not help but be surprised and amazed when he told him what happened.

 Those with three days in the middle will have a lifespan of four hundred, and those with three days in the middle will have a lifespan of eight hundred.

Yin Thunder Dragon showed no signs of breaking out of the black ink cage. Instead, under Lei Jun's control, it held the cage up and pulled it away.

A tall, middle-aged man wearing light armor outside an official uniform appeared.

However, the Gan Party and the Chu Party also have powerful people here.

Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan met Lin Yuwei, their faces were normal and they were talking happily.

Because they were not dealing with each other face to face, Lei Jun was worried at first that he had made a mistake. Later, after carefully observing multiple subjects for a long time, he finally confirmed it.

Hmm, the emperor still has to compete and balance with his ministers. Does that sound a little frustrating?

 She was originally a Confucian monk of the same lineage as Chu Yu.

Zhang Ziyin: "Chu Shuling is too polite. I will go west now."

Chu Taoyuan and Chu Peng, the elders of the Chu people in Suzhou.

 Use the waste heat?

 After all, it was not Chu Yu who took action personally, and Zhang Ziyin's cultivation level was lower than hers.

Because the remaining four surnames and five Wang families have been focusing on recuperating and repairing relations with the Tang Dynasty emperors in recent years, Lin Yuwei and the South Branch Lin clan got a chance to breathe and were not immediately surrounded and suppressed by the two aristocratic families of Chu and Ye, one from the south and the other from the north. .

 The emperor was always strong and would overwhelm his ministers.

Those great Confucians of Neo-Confucianism are naturally ministers.

She sighed with emotion: "When the law of heaven is falsified, the internal fighting becomes quite fierce."

Chu Yu's figure floated up, passed through the waves, and returned to the sea.

 To take over the position vacated by Wang Feng and prevent it from being taken advantage of by the Chu and Gan parties, Gu Hai is the most suitable candidate to take over.

 Another woman came forward and said, "Chu Shuling."

 His vision gradually caught the figures of some familiar people.

The middle-aged official’s tone was as usual: “If we haven’t crossed the river yet, we hit the middle of the river, and vice versa. As long as we are fast enough, even if the opponent intends to set up an ambush, it will be too late. Instead, we will directly trample on them, causing them to become a mess.”

This place is unfamiliar to Qi Haowei.


Chu Yu was also emotional, but the emotion was from another side: "Taoist Master Xuan Xiaozi of Longhu Mountain not only killed an eighth-level scholar of Tianli, but also gained insight into the extremely fierce internal fighting in the pseudo-Ming Dynasty hall. It is very important for the Tang Dynasty to add another fire between Wu and Gan in the pseudo-Ming Dynasty."

As Lei Jun expected, Chu Yu was indeed at the bottom of the East China Sea.

 But the more Taoist Lei knew about the etiquette represented by him and these great Confucian scholars, the more he felt unbearable...

Even if you are old and slowly accumulate education, there is still a possibility that your daughter-in-law will become a mother-in-law.

But in this dynamic game, the emperor is not facing an individual, but a group of Neo-Confucian inheritors who together with him form a complete system that dominates the world.

If he can gain something from this expedition, it will be enough to make up for his shortcomings for his promotion.

 When she saw the woman, she smiled and said, "Princess."

Zhang Ziyin: "The sacrifices in the West maintain their aura of immortality. Previously, people with false principles of heaven and earth also used sacrifices to obstruct them, but they were broken before sunrise.

Lei Jun glanced around and saw that there were martial arts monks from Tianli, Confucian divine shooting monks, and Confucian chanting monks participating in the battle.

However, the old leader of the Chu tribe in Suzhou is not seriously injured, nor is he in need of support.

First, as Lei Jun observed previously, Tianli monks at the middle and high realms are obviously more effective in actual combat methods.

 In other words, it should be said that Neo-Confucian monks were successful at a young age, at least after two or three hundred years old.

Not only that, the magic weapon he left behind was specially designed to defend against friendly forces.

There is no one among them who has achieved success in his youth and reached the seventh heaven realm before he was a hundred years old.

 Control and suppress the world, no one dares to disobey.

 Their current attention is more on the Neo-Confucian monks of Tianli.

 Zhang Ziyin nodded.

Wang Feng, who had previously been one of the backbone figures of the Wu Party, had a deep understanding of this, but unfortunately he could no longer voice his own grievances.

Lei Jun took a look at the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror from a distance.

 But there is a problem.

 The top does not move its nest, and the bottom does not move up.

 But looking at the situation when he and Gu Hai were together, and comparing their postures and expressions, Lei Jun was thoughtful.

Once the leader of the branch of the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou, now the new leader of the South Branch Lin Clan, Lin Yuwei.

 The Neo-Confucian scholars who reached the three-day level are all at least four hundred years old, and many are even over five or six hundred years old.

 My character has exploded?

However, since they had the protection and care of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, while the Nanzhi Lin people were able to recuperate and recuperate, they also had to listen to the imperial court's orders.

 Especially the so-called king father who wants to be a father to everyone.

 A few days ago, Wang Feng, the leader of the Wu Party, died unexpectedly, which caught everyone off guard.

On the other side of Tianli, there are currently more monks coming out of the Void Portal and setting foot in the human world of the Tang Dynasty.

 Because the pace and progress of the overall breakthrough improvement have slowed down a lot, although these science monks have not declined at their advanced age, the total number of monks in the last three days has not reached an extremely exaggerated number due to the accumulation of time.

 Although due to the complicated environment, some accidents may occur, which may cause delays in travel and arrival within the agreed time. This is normal.

The visitor is Zhang Ziyin, the daughter of Zhang Junhai, the king of Changshan. She came out with Chu Yu this time and studied beside him.

 Zhang Ziyin approached and was naturally noticed by him immediately.

According to the information currently available in the Tang Dynasty, the position of chief minister of the cabinet in the Tianli court is vacant.

 For a certain minister, it may still be the authority that the king wants the minister to die and the minister has to die.

Wherever Lei Jun's thoughts moved, the light from the Great Circular Mirror above the sky began to flow automatically.

The Heavenly Vision and Earthly Listening Talisman failed to disperse, and there is currently no way to collect the sound.

 If you say so... Lei Jun raised his head and looked at the vast ocean in front of him:

 “Under the sea?”

 He only retreated on the surface, but in fact he was secretly preparing.

The middle-aged official in front of him, named Gu Hai, is the newly rising backbone of the Wu Party and a direct disciple of Song Gelao, the leader of the Wu Party.

 After the two sides talked secretly for a while, they dispersed.

The two were walking and chatting. Zhang Ziyin was curious: "Is this Qi Haowei really going to rebel?"

“The internal party struggle within the Fake News Agency is fierce, and it is crucial to grasp this information.”

 The light ball in his mind suddenly lit up, and words appeared:

 Because she was meeting someone secretly.

 Because luck covers the entire mountains and rivers, this huge system also encompasses other people.

 She came back to Lei Jun's "secretary" place. After saying hello to Monk Faming again, she immediately bent her bow and nocked an arrow. The tip of the arrow flashed with light, and the target pointed straight ahead.

While each is planning, he is also holding others back.

 A Xuanxiao Five Thunder Dharma Barrel.

 If the emperor is inherently weak, it is possible for the Holy Emperor to rule from the top, which is the most ideal state for the Confucian scholars.

 But there is hope.

 In this way, there is no doubt that young monks will have an advantage over Neo-Confucian monks in the inheritance of these legal traditions.

However, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is now disordered and communication is inconvenient. I wonder if Elder Lei and Fang Jijiu are still there. "

 Subsequently, three signs flew out again.

 But his seniority and popularity are still a little bit young.

The fierce battle between the monks of the Tang Dynasty and the monks of Tianli is still going on.

Zhang Ziyin was helpless when she saw this: "It's such a strong suppression, no wonder even Elder Lei can't escape temporarily.

There was a strong enemy fighting in front of him, and the surrounding environment was in chaos. Ye Yan could not contact Ye Yi for a while.

Zhang Ziyin had no choice but to ask Monk Faming to continue to protect the white aura, and also to protect Lei Jun who was sealed inside.

 Only the Tang Dynasty monks who had fought with them before drew some maps. Now Lei Jun compared them one by one and matched some Tianli monks with the maps.

After searching carefully for a while, he even moved his body to coordinate with the movement of the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror on the sky for further observation, but still could not find any trace of Chu Yu.

 Fang Yue who separated not long ago.

 Compared to a wealthy family that monopolizes resources through heirlooms, it doesn't matter which one is more annoying.

So, the reason why Confucian Neo-Confucianism can still gain a firm foothold in Tianli is...

 Chin Wu: “Yes, sir.”

 Shall we use culture to control military affairs?

Lei Jun looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze, and turned the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror to scan other directions.

"By the way, where is the demon that killed Wang Butang now?" Gu Hai thought of something and looked a little more serious.

 It’s just that he does not represent only himself, so he is always cautious.

Seeing that the other party was secretly busy arranging the sacrifice ceremony, Lei Jun knew that his previous guess was good. Datang was really preparing to invite you into the urn to lure the enemy deeper.

 One hundred six. Two hundred and forty-seven. One hundred and ninety-two. Two hundred and forty-one

 But how could Zhang Ziyin, Monk Faming and others know that Lei Jun had actually left long ago.

 The main theme is a man who is inferior in everything but good at reading.

So he also suppressed and even controlled other Taoist monks in the entire Tianli.

 “I’m not strong enough, I can’t move around anymore, so as not to cause trouble to Elder Lei.” Zhang Ziyin had no choice but to go back and see Chu Yu again.

"If the father is the guide for the son, and the teacher is the guide for the apprentice, then there must be..." Lei Jun's face was expressionless, and his tone was rare and cold: "...the king is the guide for the minister."

And if he is planning for the Gan Party, it will not affect the arrangements of Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan.

 But at this time, a fierce battle broke out again between the monks of the Tang Dynasty and the monks of Tianli.

 Once someone approaches, Lei Jun will sense it in advance and then observe to prevent his secret from being exposed.

 The shape of fortune-telling is exactly the same as the last time to seek good luck and avoid bad luck:

  【Sign up and arrive at Xiaozhou Island in the southwest at midnight. You will have a chance to get a second-grade opportunity. No risks and no future troubles. Good luck! 】

 But at this moment, a large number of black thunder suddenly appeared, and formed a terrifying and silent Yin Thunder Dragon.

The Tianli monks who broke into the world of the Tang Dynasty were mainly Neo-Confucian students, but they were not the only ones.

The middle-aged official nodded slightly and did not mention it further. Instead, he said: "Be careful, but we must not delay our own steps. We must capture this sea area before sunset today!" The armored general hesitated slightly: "Sir, we still need to Beware of fraud on the other side..."

He was wearing the official uniform of the third rank of the Ming Dynasty. He looked into the distance and said in a deep voice: "Brother Qingxiao is here too..."

 Until the mountains and rivers were shaken, and the dynasties changed again.

However, with the support of the national destiny of Shanhe, they and Emperor Ming formed an overall system that was stable from top to bottom.

Zhang Ziyin nodded repeatedly: "Elder Lei of Longhu Mountain really hides his secrets. To be honest, although I heard his name in the early years, I never thought that he has such great powers."

 It is even more difficult to break away from the laws of heaven.

The armored general's name was Qin Wu. Hearing this, he replied: "I haven't found his whereabouts in the past two days. He may be somewhere near a ceremony in the periphery."

 Looking through the first circle, he could not find Chu Yu, the leader of the Tang Dynasty imperial family in this battle.

  But in contrast, the average rate of progress in spiritual practice among Neo-Confucian monks as a whole is relatively slow.

Lei Jun would not comment on how other people view this, but he has no good impression of such people.

 Zhang Ziyin's second and third arrows soon followed.

 Next, the arrow that stayed on the black air was indeed involved in it, and there was no movement at all.

Although science monks value seniority, they will also train successors early.

On the other hand, the military commander named Qin Wu beside Gu Hai looked hesitant.

It’s just that he is neither a Confucian Neo-Confucian monk nor a martial arts monk.

"I really can't get away right now." After thinking for a while, Chu Yu personally gathered the aura of awe-inspiring energy and the light of the divine front, and finally turned them into three long arrows and handed them to Zhang Ziyin.

The armored warrior spoke and swallowed it back: "...Yes, sir."

 Perhaps, the emperor of Tianli is not strong now.

 The two sides should cooperate internally and externally, and it will be much easier for Lei Jun to come out.

 But currently, only Ye Yan is doing his best to support him.

 What she has to do is attack the seal with these three arrows, providing an opportunity for Lei Jun himself inside the seal.

Lei Jun believes that he was not negligent.

Although Gu Hai's real age is actually considered old compared to other Taoist monks...

Chu Yu: "It's too early to say anything, but with this step, the arrangements of Chu and Ye will be more appropriate."

 Zhang Ziyin set out for the second time.

 The Tianli monks who had the upper hand launched a new round of onslaught.

 Leave many spiritual talismans hidden in the sea.

 Zhang Ziyin, Monk Faming and others from the outside world all thought that Lei Jun had noticed that there were people outside who wanted to help him break out of the encirclement.

Although the distance between the two sides is very far on the plane level, with the help of the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror, Lei Jun can have a panoramic view of many details of people and things in this sea area.

Lei Jun circulated the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror and patrolled all sides of the sea area.

The mirror light is almost invisible, with a little bit of clues mixed in with the sunlight, as if it is part of the sunlight.

Chu Xiuyuan and others' preparations gradually took shape, which allowed Ye Yan to completely relax and help him compete with the great scholar in front of him.

As the two of them rushed to the next important location and continued their busy work, Chu Yu asked: "Taoist Master Xuan Xiaozi was previously responsible for the rituals in the west together with Duan Feng. What's going on now?"

 The higher the realm, the stronger the luck will be.

Whether they are taking credit or planning something else, only they themselves know.

As long as the fate of the country does not collapse, this stable system can continue to operate, and other traditions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, martial arts, and even witchcraft will all bow to it.

Yin Thunder Dragon did not react violently. It only propped up its own strength and cooperated with the external black energy in turn, using the black energy to isolate the outside world's sight.

Yang Thunder Dragon is naturally unable to perform such delicate and gentle operations, but Yin Thunder Dragon performs it as if the black ink cage itself becomes stronger after being attacked, fixing the three arrows, and then shooting these three arrows together. engulf.

Lei Jun's Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror was circulating and he was scanning the local battlefield details.

Behind him was an armored military general whose rank was not lower than that of a middle-aged official, but he was kneeling on one knee and respectfully replied: "Sir Huang just arrived this morning."

This time Huang Tian also came to the Tang Dynasty, and both sides were eyeing the military exploits here.

However, such a contrast will invisibly damage the foundation of Neo-Confucianism, and its talent accumulation may not be an advantage but may be at a disadvantage.

 But if he wanted to rebel, he would not only oppose the nobles but not the emperor.

 At present, those who step into the human world to preside over related matters in terms of heavenly law are mainly Wu Dang.

 But generally speaking, it conforms to two laws.

  There are no drawbacks at all. Currently, it only has images and no sound... Lei Jun thought.

 As the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror rotates, Lei Jun's face looks like a flat lake, his mood returns to calmness, and he continues to observe silently.

In terms of Tianli, the Neo-Confucian monks who entered the human world of the Tang Dynasty this time were old and young.

 He was so frustrated.

At that time, he made a decision to lead the Nanzhi Lin Clan, which was in dire straits and was in dire straits. In the end, he chose to be like the Xiao Clan in Longwai and bow to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and bow to the empress.

The main reason is that Chu Xiuyuan temporarily retreated from the front line, and Ye Yan supported it alone.

And contrary to many people's expectations, this heavenly order actually connected to the human world on the other side of the Ming Dynasty.

 The arrows all hit their targets, but were blocked by the black energy.

Lei Jun couldn't help but think.

Chu Yu smiled slightly: "I thought that Taoist Master Xuan Xiaozi was extraordinary at first, but to be honest, his talent and talent still exceeded my expectations."

 It’s just that the Nanzhilin tribe suffered too heavy losses, losing both people and land, so after nearly ten years, they still have not been able to recover.

While maintaining the operation of the entire system, the great Confucian scholars shared the same burdens with the emperor, and to a certain extent, they also assisted and even relied on the imperial power.

Lei Jun couldn't help but be slightly surprised after reading it.

Chu Yu smiled and greeted the other party: "General Qi, I have long admired your name."

 Nowadays, in the Tianli court, the government and the public can be roughly divided into three factions.

Zhang Ziyin was not sure if she expected these three arrows to break the seal.

But at the moment, he can't worry too much. He can only concentrate on fighting the Tianli monk in front of him, hoping that Ye Yi will be a good person.

Zhang Ziyin hesitated for a moment and then asked softly: "Is it a fake surrender?"

Ye Yao is the beautiful daughter of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou and one of the representatives of the younger generation.

The person who came here was named Qi Haowei. He was not from the Tang Dynasty, but a cultivator of Tianli.

 Monk Faming put his palms together and declared the Buddha's name: "My Buddha is merciful, and what the princess said is true."

Here, Lei Jun has dealt with slightly fewer people, and most of them have never met in person.

 He is about the same age as Gu Hai, and they both passed the exam at the same time. They both rose rapidly and the competition has always been fierce.

Lei Jun did not find any particularly young and high-level Neo-Confucian scholars.

 As for the second one…

 Three factions of figures are therefore eyeing him with eager eyes.

The only thing Lei Jun is not sure about is what will happen to these Neo-Confucian monks who are over 700 or even 750 years old and approaching their end?

 He had no intention of going back.

Although the practice of these successors of Taoism is somewhat different from that of similar monks in the Tang Dynasty, there is no age difference like that of Neo-Confucian monks.

 Similar placements not only depend on your own team, but also on your opponents.

 From preliminary observation, the limit of age and lifespan should be similar to that of monks from other sects.

 A middle-aged official who looks to be in his early forties. He has an elegant and handsome face, is not angry and has a good official appearance.

At this moment, in the dark cage, there is silence and emptiness.

Just like when senior sister Xu Yuanzhen once left a Yin Fire Tiger in that green mountain, although Lei Jun came out of the seal quietly this time, he also left something inside before leaving.

 Another person would probably be suffocated to death by this thick ink. That is to say, Elder Lei has a lot of magical power and is able to sustain it all the time. It looks like a seal. "

Lei Jun's Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror rotated around, and one after another monks from Tang Dynasty or Tianli appeared in his field of vision.

 Those who are six or seven hundred years old are rich in experience, highly virtuous and respected, well-informed and well-informed in the world, and have matured and maintained the country.

However, these Neo-Confucian monks seem not to be affected by age and aging, and there is no age division such as the golden stage and plateau period of practice, or even the aging period and twilight period.

The Wu Party, the Gan Party, and the Chu Party.

  【Winning the lottery, arriving at Yuxing Island in the northwest at midnight, there is a chance to get a fifth-grade opportunity. There is no risk at the moment, but there will be subsequent causal entanglements, so be careful and deal with it. 】

 Lei Jun even saw an acquaintance whom he hadn't seen for some years.

 As a result, Taoist Master Xuan Xiaozi will naturally use all his strength to rush out.

 The only suspense right now is whether Tianli will take the bait.

“Princess, be careful, if you accidentally touch the black energy, you may be involved.” Monk Faming reminded.

 At such an important moment, the other party should not leave.

But it reminds me of the current situation of my own country, the Tang Dynasty.

  The last time I sought good luck and avoided misfortune, and this time I sought good luck and avoided misfortune, the lottery was drawn twice in a row?

At that time, everyone should cooperate with each other, and there will be a possibility for Lei Jun to break through.

 Zhang Ziyin did not approach next, but opened her bow and fired three arrows in succession.

Chu Yu was originally an assistant to the Queen, with a low but powerful position. The Queen set up left and right rooms, and Chu Yu was in charge of one of them. In recent years, he was appointed as Shu Ling, further dividing the current dynasty. Chu Yu was also the Shu Ling. The authority of his brother Chu Lin.

 Because they are all annoying.

Chu Yu: "The main planners of Tianli are the so-called Wu Party, and Qi Haowei was originally from the Gan Party. The two sides are in different situations."

 Zhang Ziyin suddenly realized: "That's it."

Then the sharp arrow flew out and turned into a stream of light. In an instant, it reached directly in front of the black energy condensed into a cage.

Lei Jun shook the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror and looked at Ye Yan first, and then at Chu Xiuyuan.

 Junfu, Junfu, is a father to everyone in the world.

Lei Jun paid great attention to the black ink cage that he pretended to be trapped in.

 The current situation is more like Chu Yu hiding in hiding.

 It is a pity that as Confucian practitioners, the Shenshe lineage, like other spiritual traditions, is overridden by Confucian Neo-Confucianism.

Even if Qi Haowei was loyal to heaven and tried to fake surrender, he would never help the Wu Party carry the sedan chair.

The Tianli monks at the middle and low realms are often weaker than the Tang monks at the same realm.

Most of the three-day monks are around two or three hundred years old, and there are many who are over three hundred years old.

However, judging from how confident Gu Hai and other Tianli cultivators are, it seems likely that the plans of Ye Yan and Chu Xiuyuan in the Tang Dynasty will come true.

However, Ye Yan has a high level of cultivation and a keen sense of perception, but he feels that there is a layer of worry in his heart about his clan brother Ye Yi.

This leader of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou sees in all directions and listens in all directions.

Abbot Miaoxin of Tianlong Temple.

Lei Jun’s impression is that a similar situation has only happened once before?

Moreover, this time the top sign points to a second-grade opportunity.

PS1: 7k chapters

PS2: I was not satisfied with the writing, so I deleted a lot and wrote it several times. I finally finished this chapter and went to bed quickly.



 (End of this chapter)

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