Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 306: 305 does not sign for shipment, it may also deceive people (two-in-one

  Chapter 306 305. Without sign-in, people may be killed (two-in-one chapter)

The black Yin Thunder Dragon raged silently, swallowing Huang Tian in one gulp.

Very brave.

But I feel that he seems to be a bit brave... Lei Jun withdrew his gaze and looked again at the pair of Fan Qi Xian Gourds that were gradually taking shape.

He was now so skilled that he didn't need to change his mind. After taking action, the power of the dark side of the Book of Heaven began to work automatically, cleaning up the traces related to Huang Tian on the island.

Lei Jun's current attention is partly on the Brahma Qi Immortal Gourd, and the other part is looking at the sea area near Xiaozhou Island with the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror.

 Fortunately, no one else was found approaching here.

And the Brahma Qi Immortal Gourd was nourished by the intersection of the spiritual energy of the East China Sea and the heaven and earth and Lei Jun's yin and yang thunder, and the flashing spiritual light finally began to condense into its true form.

 Among a pair of gourds, first one is completely solidified and transformed into a tangible and qualitative existence.

This gourd is red in color and flashes a light purple light.

While the Brahma Qi has not dispersed, it has been deeply concentrated in the gourd. At this moment, the magic cannot be seen at first glance.

But Lei Jun had a vague sense and knew that there was a secret in this gourd.

 After the first gourd solidified, the second gourd gradually began to have a concrete image and manifested itself under the condensed light.

In contrast, the gourd vine began to dim and showed signs of withering again.

We have to wait a little longer... Lei Jun nodded thoughtfully.

 He was not impatient, he just wanted to consolidate the coverage of Xiaozhou Island after the Taiqing Eight Scenic Spots were deployed.

 When this magic weapon changes, it seems to turn into a huge screen with eight sides, covering all directions in an octagonal shape, with light clouds and mist above and below.

 Under Lei Jun's special arrangement, the magic weapon is currently closed to the outside world.

The wind, sea, and rain formed by the intersection of spiritual energy outside are still unblocked and beat against the small boat island.

 Hence, from the outside, this island is no more special or different than other places.

However, the spiritual light flowing inside the island and the thunder roaring did not spread outside the island.

While Lei Jun was waiting for the second Brahma Qi Immortal Gourd to mature, he turned around the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror and scanned the surroundings to observe the surrounding situation.

 The overall situation of the previous battle has been decided, and the troops on the Tianli side were defeated and cut off.

 After midnight, Datang has begun to harvest the results of the battle, and it depends on how much the final harvest will be.

Lei Jun’s Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror scanned the four directions for a period of time, then he thought thoughtfully:

 On this trip, there was no trace of the Blood River Sect masters.

 Generally speaking, even if the masters of the Blood River Sect did not cause a war like this, they would often come upon the news like bloodthirsty sharks.

Even if they don’t do it themselves, just being around can be helpful.

But now, not to mention Wei Ancheng, the leader of the Blood River, not even the other Blood River masters have seen any big fish show up.

 …Well, speaking of it, there is currently not only a war in the East China Sea within and outside the Tang Dynasty.

In the Southern Wilderness, the monks of the Tang Dynasty and the people of Jiuli often had conflicts, and war was always on the verge of breaking out.

 It was precisely because war had already started in the northwest and east China seas that Shangguan Yunbo, Zhang Luo and others there exercised restraint to a certain extent, and the southern wilderness did not become a river of blood again.

But we were both in the Southern Wilderness, and I heard that the Buddhist sect in the Western Regions was encircling and suppressing the Four-Eyed Python Emperor and other Southern Wilderness monsters.

That was also a big war.

There are still some grievances between Wei Ancheng and the Buddhists in the Western Regions.

If everyone in the Southern Wasteland is a little more careful to be wary of the people in the Blood River, then maybe Wei Ancheng and the others can go to the northwest?

From what Lei Jun has heard so far, the intensity of the war in the northwest is even worse than that in the East China Sea.

 The people of the Lone Eagle Khanate are more tyrannical and cruel, and they often fight to the death without retreating.

Datang fought with them, and both sides shed a lot of blood.

 Counting it this way, the current time is simply a happy time that the Blood River Sect monks dream of.

It was like entering a melon field, with melons everywhere. For a moment, I even felt like I was spoiled for choice and could eat them everywhere.

Lei Jun's Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror scanned the circle and found no other people related to the Blood River Sect except Chen Yi who he saw once earlier.

 He turned to the Shanmen Ancestral Court.

The spiritual energy in this sea area is intertwined and chaotic, making it difficult for the monks to communicate with each other.

Even though Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan could see each other in person, the communication distance and accuracy were limited, especially long-distance communication.

Lei Junze may be the only person currently who can cross the oceans and mountains and directly communicate with Longhu Mountain in a single line.

He chatted with his master Yuan Mobai about the current events, and Yuan Mobai also shared with Lei Jun some of the recent news on the mountain.

 One of them explained Lei Jun’s question.

 Xun of the Blood River Sect has not been happy recently.

Although the land is full of melons, they have recently had internal problems.

  Previously, the rise of Xing Feng, a new generation of strong men from the Blood River Sect, had caused an impact on Wei An City.

With his stronger cultivation and the support of more people in the sect, Wei Ancheng was able to control the situation after all.

 But the situation has gotten out of control recently.

It is said that Li Tianqing, who had fled from Gepo Mountain due to his life background, disappeared for a period of time and then reappeared in the Southern Wilderness, but he was traveling with the Xingfeng of the Blood River Sect.

“Li Tianqing had escaped pursuit before, and many people speculated that someone would pick him up. But at that time, there were more speculations that he had returned to Jiuli.”

Yuan Mo Bai said: "Now we know that Xingfeng from the Blood River Sect secretly helped."

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

In the past few decades, the most prominent among the young generation of geniuses in the Southern Wilderness Wumen were none other than Li Tianqing of Geposhan and Xingfeng of the Blood River Sect.

Both of them reached the eighth level of heaven before the age of fifty, and they can be called the two prides of this generation in the Southern Wilderness. They have always been with Xu Yuanzhen, Tang Xiaotang, Lei Jun of the Tianshi Mansion, the future Maitreya of the White Lotus Sect, and Yuan Mi, the abbot of the Dakong Temple. The talents of the world are comparable.

Being in a place where there are constant battles and **** battles like the Southern Wilderness Wumen, the two of them not only progressed rapidly in cultivation, but their actual combat skills were also far more powerful than most monks in the same realm.

After all, in the Southern Wilderness, it is not enough for a young monk to improve his cultivation quickly. If he is not good at fighting, it is easy for him to die before he can realize his talent and potential.

 Due to one or the other reasons, Lun Samsara Yuan and Jinchengzhai did not have any rising stars who could compete with Li and Xing in a short period of time.

The Yinshan Cave, the holy land of witchcraft and Gu, originally had Tian Cheng, the beautiful girl of heaven, but she was seriously injured in the early battle against the Blood River Sect and Jinchengzhai's attack on the mountain. In recent years, although it is said that she has recovered and is concentrating on practicing, she has begun to lag behind. Yu Li Tianqing and Xing Feng.

More than ten years have passed since Lei Jun first arrived in the Southern Wilderness.

Li Tianqing and Xingfeng are not monks who have newly achieved the eighth level of heaven. With continuous experience and progress, their strength has become more and more powerful.

 Before the destruction of Gepo Mountain, there were rumors that Li Tianqing's strength had gradually surpassed that of Holy Lord Sang Lu, becoming the number one master of Gepo Mountain at that time.

It's a pity that things are unpredictable. In a great chaos caused by Jiuli, Gepo Mountain was destroyed, Sang Lu died, and Li Tianqing fled with his reputation ruined.

But regardless of Li Tianqing's current reputation, no one in Nanhuang can ignore him. He is already a powerful witch sect who is at least as good as Feng Gui, the Holy Lord of Samsara Yuan, and Hu Hengyuan, the Holy Lord of Yinshan Cave.

With only Xingfeng alone, Wei Ancheng can handle it with ease.

  The situation will start to get out of shape if Li Tianqing is added too much.

Wei Ancheng himself is very strong, so he is not afraid of fear, but it is not that easy to deal with Li Tianqing and Xingfeng.

With these two thorns stuck all the time, it would be difficult for Wei Ancheng to let go and do other things.

 “As for Buddhism in the Western Regions…”

Yuan Mobai said: "Master Renzhu has also arrived in the Southern Wilderness. The latest news is that he joined forces with Master Jiasheng to severely injure the Four-Eyed Python Emperor. He is currently leading other Buddhist masters from the Western Regions to continue to hunt down the Four-Eyed Python Emperor. , I will kill him."

Lei Jun pondered: "It can be considered as a combination of hardness and softness, both soft and hard."

In the battle at Longhu Mountain, Master Renzhu did not get close, but he still exposed his hiding place.

He then simply acted boldly and went to the Southern Wilderness, where he and Master Jiasheng encircled and suppressed the big demon of the Southern Wilderness.

Two Buddhist Mahamudra masters at the ninth level of heaven attacked together, and the Four-Eyed Python Emperor couldn't resist it.

 Western Region Buddhism, or Sumeru Vajra Buddhism, has once again shown its muscles to a certain extent.

What caught the attention of Master Lei Jun and his disciples was that Master Renzhu did not return to the Vajra Monastery in the Western Regions after his exposure.

 Previously, the northwest was at war with the Lone Eagle Khanate, and the Vajra Temple was also under threat.

Since most of the masters of the Sumeru Vajra Tribe are in the Southern Wilderness, so when the temple seems empty, it is a blessing to be able to secure the gate of one's own mountain.

So except for Suoyang, the abbot of Jingang Temple, who went to Chang'an as a representative to show his attention, no one else from the Buddhist community in the Western Regions participated in the great war in the northwest.

 But do they really leave their hometown so empty?

Lei Jun and Yuan Mobai currently have no more clues, but they inevitably have some doubts in their hearts.

 As for Lei Jun, he was thinking more at the same time.

If the Sumeru Vajra tribe is really full of experts, where does their population base come from?

 Lejun thought that in addition to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, there was also a human world outside the Tang Dynasty.

"Except for some of the troops from the Lone Eagle Khanate who invaded the Tang Dynasty and fled to Mobei, most of the rest have been wiped out. Between the Xiaoguan Mountains in Yuanzhou, work has begun to seal the Void Portal, which is in its final stages." Yuan Mobai Finally said.

Lei Jun: "On the East China Sea side, seeing Chu Shuling's intention, they have no plans to counterattack Tianli again. They only want to kill a large number of the opponent's active forces, and then seal the void portal that connects Tianli to the human world."

Yuan Mobai: "There are current turmoils inside and outside the Tang Dynasty. It is not difficult to understand that the court has made such a decision."

Not to mention that the wars in the Tang Dynasty in recent years have caused huge losses, but that even if the entrance to the northwest and the east sea is blocked, there will still be Jiuli in the south.

What’s more…

To be honest, Buddhists in the Western Regions are forced to show off their muscles, not out of their will.

Now, of course, it is to demonstrate one's own strength and let other places respond solemnly, but at the same time, one can't help but secretly murmur in his heart.

Especially the Tang Dynasty imperial family, they are now very comforted by this behemoth that is still stable.

Before thoroughly figuring out the details of Buddhism in the Western Regions, the imperial court obviously had no intention of attacking everywhere and completely exposed its back to the great monks in the west.

“Master, has Senior Sister returned to the mountain?” Lei Jun asked, “Where is Young Senior Sister?”

Yuan Mobai: "Yuan Zhen's nephew has not returned to the mountain yet. There is no news at the moment. The master is practicing in seclusion."

Lei Jun understood. After chatting with the master for a few more words, he ended the call.

Outside Xiaozhou Island, after the victory was decided, it was now time for the Tang Dynasty to harvest the results of the war.

Lei Jun did not participate and stayed quietly on the desert island, waiting for the second Fan Qi Immortal Gourd to mature.

After all, the gourd vine has withered and regained its vitality under the storm. However, it is obviously more difficult and slower to breed the second Brahma Qi Immortal Gourd than the first one.

If Lei Jun hadn't been watching from the side, the gourd vine would have been unsustainable at the moment.

While Lei Jun used the thunder of yin and yang to stimulate the growth of the gourd vine, he continued to test and figure out his own Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror.

Hmm, overall, it doesn’t consume a lot of mana, and the accuracy is very good... Lei Jun nodded slightly.

Of course, there are currently no shortcomings.

In addition to the fact that the coverage is still limited and can only see objects but not receive sound, another problem is that the penetration effect is not good for the obstruction of real objects such as mountains, rivers and oceans.

 It can be used to observe Chu Xiuyuan, Ye Yanna and other Nine Heavenly Powerhouses.

 But it is best when the opponent has other objects of attention and is focused on the opponent's natural master.

If the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror was so focused on observing the powerful person in the Nine Heavens during his free time on weekdays, it would still be possible for him to be noticed by the other party.

Especially those who are strong in martial arts or monks who are extremely sensitive and known for their perceptive abilities.

If the powerful men of the Nine Heavens are very good at hiding and converging their whereabouts, and deliberately conceal them, then it will be equally difficult for the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror to discover their traces.

Well, these are all areas that can be improved in the future... Lei Jun thought about it and wrote it down silently.

If combined with Lei Jun's own Heavenly and Earthly Perforating Falu or Heavenly Vision and Earthly Listening Talisman, you can obtain vision and sound at a longer distance, more covertly and clearly, at the same time.

Lei Jun had previously dispersed some heaven-seeing and earth-listening talismans.

Most of them were scattered with the waves or even destroyed by the turbulent flow of spiritual energy. Only a few are left now.

At this moment, he used the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror to connect these scattered heavenly sight, earthly hearing talismans.

 Some talismans have no one around them.

 Some people are active within a certain range around some talismans.

 The sound of their conversation reached Lei Jun's ears intermittently:

“To the west and north of Daheng Island, there are a large number of puppet and Ming rebellion troops who are stubbornly resisting. Quickly gather and eliminate them!”

The light of Lei Jun's Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror turned around, and sure enough, he saw a sea area with the remnants of a large-scale battle that was rare in the current situation.

 A considerable number of Tianli monks have not been scattered and are holding together to defend.

 Therefore, a large number of monks from the Tang Dynasty were also attracted at this moment to carry out the final siege and suppression.

Lei Jun took a glance and found that most of them were martial arts monks and Confucian scholars of the Confucian sage lineage.

 In my impression, they were charging forward as vanguards.

One of the armored generals who had been practicing for three days, Lei Jun looked familiar, like Qin Wu he had seen before.

Compared with his humility in front of Gu Hai, this martial arts master of the Bingshou lineage was currently surrounded by a heavy siege. Instead, he was brave and led his soldiers to resist tenaciously.

The number of martial arts paths is different from that of the warriors of the Tang Dynasty. It is not like the warriors of the Tang Dynasty who advance and retreat as fast as lightning. Instead, they fight more slowly and secure their own territory first.

Looks more like a Buddhist Zen martial artist or a Taoist monk from the Danding sect. Lei Jun took a rough look and found that this was not Qin Wu's consideration of maintaining the overall formation.

 The Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers under his command were similar to him in terms of physical training and military attack. It seems that the overall situation is the same.

 Different histories and different eras eventually developed. In addition to the new Confucian Neo-Confucianism, other moral traditions in the Ming Dynasty also evolved.

In today's era, the martial arts of the Ming Dynasty looks similar to Confucian Neo-Confucianism. It looks very strict and orderly. All the monks are not only taught by the same master, but also look like they come from the same school.

  There is change and development.

 However, changes and developments are becoming more and more fixed.

 Even if there are new changes by chance, we will continue to explore them vertically, basically not involving breadth.

At present, all the soldiers of Tianli are in uniform order, and their performance in such a large-scale battle is quite impressive.

 But with only one remnant army and no internal or external support, the outcome is already doomed.

Even because Qin Wu and the others had a relatively large target here, which attracted the Tang Dynasty to dispatch troops and generals to encircle and suppress them, some other Tianli monks were scattered and were driven away.

Lei Jun saw Zi Yin, the principal of the clan and county who was with Chu Yu before, on the Tang Dynasty side.

 Zhang Ziyin began to persuade Qin Wu and others to surrender.

The Ming army officers and soldiers were shaken.

Lei Jun listened briefly and found out that they did not stay here voluntarily to attract the attention of Tang monks, but were abandoned by Shangguan.

The other party did not join forces with them to break out as promised, but instead sent them as abandoned sons to attract the Tang army.

 “…” Lei Jun was speechless.

 Zhang Ziyin’s recruitment did not go smoothly.

Those Tianli monks have different ideas.

 Some people were angry with Shangguan.

Some people have similar thoughts to Nie Fang, because this is another world, and in the true sense, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so their thoughts are vivid.

But there were also people who were loyal to Emperor Ming of Tianli and glared at those who wanted to surrender.

Some people are concerned about their relatives who are still on the side of heaven.

The people's determination to fight to the death as a group has been completely shaken and collapsed.

 No matter what they choose next, it will not change the final outcome of this battle.

Lei Jun shook his head slightly and moved away the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror.

 He glanced elsewhere.

 As his vision shifted, Lei Jun's heart suddenly moved.

 He almost thought he had seen it wrong.

 The brilliance of the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror quietly circulated and moved back again.

 A relatively hidden figure appeared in Lei Jun's field of vision.

That was a young-looking monk, wearing a black cassock, with a handsome face but sharp and unruly eyes.

Although Lei Jun has never met this person in person, he is already familiar with his portrait.

 It is surprisingly the young abbot of Dakong Temple, Yuan Mie.

Nearly ten years ago, the other party was so high-spirited that he kicked the gate of Vajra Temple.

 As a result, Sumeru came again, and a large number of masters led by Master Jiasheng of the Vajra Division came to the human world and asked Yuan Mie to kick an iron plate.

After the setback, before the monks of Dakong Temple came to their senses, they were led by Shangguan Yunbo and Xiao Xueting who carried the Dang Kou Jinge and the Shanhe Sword to clear them out.

  Many masters of the Dakong Temple, including Yuan Mie’s mentor, the previous abbot of Dakong Temple, Jixiang Dharma King, were almost completely wiped out. Yuan Mie himself only escaped with his own body and escaped with injuries.

 Dakong Temple, which had just shown signs of a comeback, was severely beaten again and had to cease its activities.

According to rumors, Yuan Mie took the remaining people of Dakong Temple and others back overseas.

Since then, they have not set foot in Middle-earth again for many years.

  Time has passed and Yuan Mie seems to be no big deal.

They are already active at sea. At this moment, there is such a large-scale turmoil in the East China Sea, and it is understandable to attract the attention of Dakong Temple.

Especially, there are descendants of the authentic Buddhism Tenryu Temple in the East China Sea.

 Including Abbot Miaoxin, quite a few key members of Tianlong Temple are at sea at the moment.

Yuan Mie did not choose monk Faming and others as prey.

 He was clearly eyeing Miaoxin, the abbot of Tianlong Temple.

However, after hitting a wall at the gate of Kongang Temple, Yuan Mie became much gloomier than before.

 He did not immediately take action against Abbot Miaoxin, but rather stayed on the sidelines and observed.

 Lei Jun's Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror's brilliance circulated, and he also found Abbot Miaoxin.

The old monk and several of his disciples are pursuing a Tianli monk.

“This person’s name is Jiang Zhiming, and he is already a great Confucian who has cultivated to the seventh level of heaven. If he is not allowed to return to heaven and stay in the Tang Dynasty, the consequences will be unpredictable.”

Abbot Miaoxin told the disciples around him: "At least, you need to confirm his whereabouts and rush back to Tianli. But when you search, don't act rashly. If you notice any clues, just report back to me quickly."

Everyone agreed and searched everywhere.

 Later, someone came to report: "Abbott, on a desert island to the east, there seems to be traces of a great scholar of Neo-Confucianism, who may be the benefactor Jiang."

Abbot Miaoxin nodded: "You guys stay on guard outside and I'll go take a look."

All the disciples agreed.

Lei Jun frowned at this time.

Because he discovered that when the golden Buddha light around Abbot Miaoxin separated from the wind and rain on the sea and headed eastward, Abbot Yuanmi of Dakong Temple looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

Although he didn't say anything, the smile on his face was so clear when shown by the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror.

 Full of contentment.

Then, Yuan Mie followed quietly and headed towards the deserted island.

Lei Jun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this.

 So, over there is the trap set by Yuan Mie?

If the disciples of Tianlong Temple colluded with the demon monk of Dakong Temple, the Qi induction would probably not be able to hide it from Abbot Miaoxin.

So, Yuan Mie colluded with the Tianli monk named Jiang Zhiming and set up an ambush together?

Or is it that Jiang Zhiming didn’t have much trouble, and Yuan Mi used some special means from beginning to end to trick the disciples of Tianlong Temple into taking the bait, thus misleading Abbot Miaoxin?

 On the island to the east, there may be some arrangement for the Dakon Temple.

Yuan Mie has made a plan and wants to give Abbot Miaoxin a hard blow.

 At that time, he himself suddenly became violent again.

 Lei Jun's eyes followed the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror to Abbot Miaoxin.

 He remembered that he had had some conversations with his senior brother Wang Guiyuan before.

Although Lei Jun had no intention of exploring the details of his senior brother, he had to deal with the monks of Tianlong Temple on this trip to the East China Sea, so Lei Jun asked Wang Guiyuan to find out the situation.

 There is a sentence in it that Lei Jun still remembers:

“If it weren’t for the abbot’s pressure, some situations in the temple would be more serious and widespread.”

Although Wang Guiyuan was vague about his words, his evaluation of Abbot Miaoxin was generally positive and he felt friendly towards him.

So after Lei Jun thought for a while, he made a magic formula in front of himself with one hand.

 In his eyes, heaven and earth were flowing through the Dharma, as if there was a sudden pause.

With this pause, in the sea area where Abbot Miaoxin and Yuan Mie were, a spiritual talisman that was originally unnoticed and drifted with the current suddenly glowed with spiritual energy.

 Then, burn.

 The spiritual talisman burned and instantly turned into spiritual light, spreading in the sea.

Although the sea is turbulent and the storm is turbulent, the spiritual energy is chaotic and interferes with the monk's perception.

But Miaoxin Abbot and Yuan Mie are both at the eighth level of heaven cultivation and have keen perception.

 They immediately noticed the changes in the sea.

Abbot Miaoxin became vigilant.

He put his palms together to seal the Dharma and chanted the name of the Buddha. The Dharma seal of the Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon became the Dharma sign of the Mighty Heavenly Dragon. Immediately, the golden dragon surrounded his body and shone in all directions.

Abbot Miaoxin was alert and looked for it with all his heart. This time he noticed that Yuan Mie had quietly followed him.

 As Yuan Mie approached, he was careful to restrain himself.

Unexpectedly, there was sudden movement in the surrounding sea area.

Yuan Michu was also shocked at the beginning, thinking that he was ambushed by others.

 But the shocking aura in the sea was fleeting, and Yuan Mie found nothing more.

And he couldn't care less about searching carefully at the moment.

 As he got closer, there was no way to avoid him, and he had already been discovered by Abbot Miaoxin.

“My Buddha is merciful, it turns out it’s you, the evil demon and heretic.”

Abbot Miaoxin, who had always been peaceful, looked solemn at this moment: "Are you colluding with Tianli Jiang Zhiming?"

Yuan Mie has a strong and unruly temperament. Just because he was frustrated before, he took it as a warning to force himself not to be careless again.

But his original temperament has not completely changed. Sneak attacks and ambushes are not his strength. Seeing that he was exposed at this time, he stopped talking and black energy intertwined around his body, turning into a **** Buddha in mid-air.

It's a pity that I spent so much time and effort on setting up on the island over there. It's all wasted right now, but it doesn't matter... Yuan Mie casually glanced at the deserted island in the distance and then withdrew his gaze.

 Now such a head-on fight is more to his liking!

He opened his palms and took the initiative to grab Abbot Miaoxin: "Let's see if I surrender you!"

Abbot Miaoxin has a majestic treasure appearance, and the golden dragons circling around his body immediately fly up to fight against the black Buddha who has become the incarnation of Yuan Mie.

 The two sides started a fierce battle directly on the sea.

As for Taoist Lei’s Heaven Seeing and Earth Listening Talisman that has vanished into thin air, neither Abbot Miaoxin nor Yuan Mie have time to study it carefully.

It was already a stormy sea, and now the two of them were fighting again.

 There is no need to use the power of the dark side of the Book of Heaven to cleanse the bottom, and all traces will no longer exist.

If you wait for them to be destroyed and then search again at the same place if you have the opportunity, you will not gain anything.

Lei Jun saw this and stopped looking further.

There is only one person to destroy, and there is no special ambush. If Abbot Miaoxin is aware of it, there will not be a big problem.


Just as he was thinking this, Lei Jun was about to move the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror, but suddenly he caught another person approaching in the distance.

 The vision of the Great Zhou Tian Dharma Mirror was focused on the past, and the person who came was actually an acquaintance.

 Mr. Yangchao, Chu Taoyuan.

This old man from the Chu clan in Suzhou who once went to Longhu Mountain in a private capacity to assist Li Song in boxing had a sword in his hand and was coming from the other direction.

 He looked injured and was about to find a stable place to rest for a while.


Mr. Chu fell in love with the island.

Abbot Miaoxin gradually moved away from the island after fighting with Yuan Mie.

With the chaotic spiritual energy of the wind, sea and rain, the fighting between the two sides, although loud, gradually faded away.

 There are only isolated islands left in the sea, which are beaten by wind, rain and waves.

 Until Chu Taoyuan landed on the island.

Lei Jun looked at this scene: "Well..."

This time, it really has nothing to do with me.

 I had no idea that this old man would appear here.

As for the fact that he stepped on the trap that Abbot Miaoxin should have stepped on, he should talk to the people of Dakong Temple himself.

Okay, maybe we can't negotiate... Lei Jun looked through the Great Zhoutian Dharma Mirror and watched quietly as a huge black lotus suddenly bloomed on the island, surrounding the entire island.

PS: 7k chapters, I am writing relatively smoothly today, I will continue to write, and I will try to give you another chapter in the evening, but the time is not sure, so I will try my best to write first.



 (End of this chapter)

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