He Ping studied "Invisible Secrets" for several years. Gradually, he noticed a strange thing, that is, his physical condition was getting worse and worse.

In fact, the techniques in "The Invisible Secret" have drawbacks, and practitioners are most wary of being impatient.

Because according to the methods of the Immortal Puppet Sect, you need to consume your own essence and blood when making or controlling puppets. In addition, some of the techniques you practice are too destructive, and you lose a lot of life during practice.

On the other hand, in the past few years, he has not been able to dream of a worry-free life, nor can he ask this "yin master" for help.

Moreover, at this point, He Ping also realized that there were serious shortcomings in the techniques uploaded from "Invisible Secret".

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to wake up.

Due to excessive wear and tear on his own constitution, his lifespan is only a few years away.

He Ping was naturally unwilling to give in. He thought of many remedies, such as searching for strange people and practitioners, but he still found nothing;

He secretly found many famous doctors to treat him, but the conclusions he came to were all pessimistic.

A famous doctor told him that his body was suffering from "blood dryness". There seemed to be a funnel in his body, and all the essence and blood were sucked into this funnel. No matter what good prescriptions and techniques were used, they could not cure this disease. A terminal illness.

Later, He Ping secretly asked someone to inquire about the "Xianpuppet Sect", and was surprised to find that this Xianpuppet Sect was a secret sect that had disappeared for nearly a hundred years. It was a cult that was strictly prohibited by the government. It was said that the government sent a large army to annihilate it. .

After receiving this information, He Ping did not dare to leak any information about his own affairs, for fear of attracting government repercussions.

Even if the He family has some power in Sui'an City, it cannot be compared with the government of Dayou Dynasty. If the news leaks out, it will be troublesome for the government to arrest them as a cultist.

"Wuyousheng may be a descendant of the Immortal Puppet Sect. It's really strange. If he really has such ability, why did he end up like this?"

He Ping was extremely confused about what happened to Wuyousheng later. At the same time, he also felt confused and uneasy about his future.

"Is it possible that I can only choose the forbidden secret method in the last chapter of "The Invisible Secret"? If I want to survive, I can only use the puppet technique to transform myself, replace all my own flesh and blood, and become a living puppet?"

He turned to the last page of the "Invisible Secret" in his hand. The volume recorded an extraordinary secret method. Through this secret method, which was labeled "taboo", he could become an immortal living puppet.

A living puppet is a puppet transformed from a human. It is necessary to use magic to replace the flesh and blood with the puppet's limbs. Even the internal organs and other bits and pieces must be replaced. There are advantages to this, firstly because the main body is a puppet, which is equivalent to immortality;

The second is that no matter what kind of injury you suffer later, as long as you replace the injured part, it will have no effect.

"If this secret method is successful, I will no longer be a human being, but an inhuman existence. I will become a living puppet, and I will never be able to enjoy some of the happiness in the world." He Ping sighed in his heart.

However, he also knows that he does not have many choices, and this taboo may be his last way.

“If you don’t be a human being, you won’t be a human being!”

He secretly made up his mind.

"After all, I have learned from my short life that there are limits to human abilities...unless they transcend humanity."

——Yes, this is a wise saying!

However, you must be fully prepared to practice taboo law.

The Immortal Puppet Sect's method of refining puppets is particularly time-consuming, financial and material-intensive.

In the past two years, he spent a lot of manpower and material resources to find this kind of thousand-year-old camphor wood that is only found in southern Xinjiang, and made this "Nine Deaths Witch Doll" to prepare for this matter.

"But before that, there's something I have to figure out."

He Ping thought again of the old man named "Wuyousheng" who taught him the "Invisible Secret". Now that he recalled what happened back then, he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

"Maybe there is something fishy about my contact with Wuyousheng and what happened in the mountain temple?"

He felt that he needed to go to the mountain temple again to figure out the mystery hidden in this matter.

"Dig, dig for me quickly, work harder!!"

He Fusheng, the housekeeper of the He family, shouted loudly.

"You haven't eaten yet, please use some strength on your hands and feet!"

At night, there are no stars or moon. There was a barren tomb not far from the mountain temple. The guards hired by the He family in black attire held torches and surrounded the barren tomb.

Dozens of He family servants in civilian clothes were holding hoes and working hard to dig a big hole in front of a grave.

He Ping was sitting in front of a temporary bamboo shed nearby. His complexion was slightly sickly, and he was wearing a white fox fur without a trace of color. He was holding a cup of ginseng tea in both hands, with a hint of indifference on his face.

After a while, the housekeeper He Fusheng ran over excitedly holding a lantern.

"Master, the coffin has been dug out. Do you want to take it out or go see it in person?"

Upon hearing He Fusheng's words, He Ping's eyes lit up.

"I'll see it myself."

"Okay, young master, please be careful where you step," the butler He Fusheng picked up the lantern and led him to the dug pit.

He Ping approached this lonely grave. A deep pit was dug in front of the grave. He stood in front of the pit and saw a thin coffin three inches thick.

This thin coffin is made of cypress wood and is the first choice for poor people. It is a cheap coffin. There is a common name of "dog butt head", which means that if it encounters a wild dog looking for food in a mass grave, it can be smashed through with a few headbutts.


He stood outside the pit and gave instructions, and several servants pried open the lid of the coffin. The moment the coffin lid was opened, a musty smell of corruption floated into the air, and everyone subconsciously stepped back.

At this moment, He Ping jumped down. He was holding a lantern in one hand and covering his mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in potion with the other hand, closing the distance.

Surprisingly, there was no corpse turned into bones in the coffin, but the corpse of an old man with ragged hair.

"...Worry-free life."

He Ping stared at the incorruptible corpse with deep eyes.

He loosened the piece of cloth covering his mouth and nose, stretched out his right hand, groped for the old man's body, and pressed his chest. He found that the skin was soft and the bones seemed strong, as if he had just died.

"I see."

He grabbed a hand and folded it hard at the joint. With a "click", the arm of the little hand broke.

He Ping raised the lantern, picked up the severed hand, stared at the broken part, and couldn't help laughing.

"The human bones are forged from Solo ghost wood, and the muscles and skin are also made from shark skin and gum. Wuyousheng, Wuyousheng, you really deceived me..."

He knew very well that the opportunity ten years ago and the "Yin Master's Teaching" were all a carefully designed scam.

——The old man who died of freezing in the mountain temple was nothing more than a fake corpse. In fact, I should have thought long ago that if Wuyousheng had really mastered the strange people in "The Invisible Secret", how could he have fallen to that level with his ability.

"Maybe this is a trap. I was set up from the beginning."

The more He Ping thought about it, the more he felt chilled and frightened.

"Is it possible that my body is deteriorating by design? The other party's ultimate goal is to let me practice the taboo method in the last chapter. Is it possible that I will sacrifice myself into a living puppet?"

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and his heart suddenly sank.

After He Ping conducted an investigation through various means, he discovered that the Xianpuppet Sect was a force listed as an evil sect by the Dayou court. This cult was good at making all kinds of strange puppets.

I don’t know why, but this evil sect offended the government, so the Dayou Dynasty sent a large army to annihilate it.

"The court, the court in this world is not simple. Logically speaking, the inheritance method of the Immortal Puppet Sect is not weak. How did the Great You Court destroy the Immortal Puppet Sect?"

He Ping also discovered that ordinary people in this world have very little understanding of supernatural intelligence. The government seems to be secretly controlling and supervising information, and strictly prohibits ordinary people from exploring this information. As for management methods, they almost start from the simplest books.

The government of the Dayou Dynasty blocked papermaking and printing technology, regulated and controlled all kinds of books circulated among the people, and most of the historical documents related to the previous dynasty were confiscated.

Under this background, it is a crime for ordinary people to collect books privately. The government has explicitly prohibited private individuals from engraving books privately. Books such as Yingtu Gua, prophecy, divination, and Fang Ji are all banned books and are not allowed to be passed down to the world. And because of the ban on books, the imperial court also issued several edicts to open prisons, arrested many people, and beheaded many people.

As a time traveler, He Ping had a unique perspective. Coupled with his delicate mind, he noticed something abnormal. His feeling was that the government seemed to be deliberately pursuing a policy of obscuring the people in order to prevent the development of knowledge. circulation.

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