Seeking Immortals

Chapter 188: Sword Shadow

  Chapter 188 The Vast Sword Shadow

   Over the mountains.

   It took more than eight months to wait until the monster ants broke through, Li Qing was quite distressed.

  A small effort, long-term hopeless.

  Li Qing's contribution, beheading a few weak monster ants, helping all the brothers break through the Nine Mountains Lock and Secluded Formation with profound weapons, and protecting the reserve base are not enough for a small achievement.

  In the conquest of the ant tribe, the sect only determined one great achievement, which belonged to Quan Xuanyi, and the eight disciples split up the whole way, so they could guarantee a small achievement without any major mistakes.

  If there are too many deaths and injuries among disciples of a sect, the major disciples in charge of this sect will lower their minor merit ratings. This is why Wei Changxing takes care of weak cultivators.

  Other disciples, all rely on their ability to fight for credit.

"Now the blue cloud flying boats from all walks of life have approached the Chongku Mountains, and the final decisive battle is coming, and it is even more difficult to go up to join. Although I have a nine-fold secluded pool to protect me, I am not afraid of the Nascent Soul's frontal attack, but the chaotic battle is far better than a Nascent Soul. Big threat."

   "It's not enough to make a small contribution this time, so I can only grab a few small spirit points for the sect when the heaven and earth spirit points are born next time..."

   Half a month later.

  An unexpected news came to Fanshanling.

  Tang Min, who was ranked sixth among the nine disciples and led the Cangyun Juzhou on the East Road, died in the Ziwu Gorge half a day ago due to a plan by the Ant Department.

   At the same time, there were two Jindan sects and fifteen Foundation Establishments who fell at the same time.

  The traces of the scene were cleaned up very cleanly. There was no body, not even a drop of blood.

  Far across the mountains, many sect disciples were terrified when they heard the news.

  Tang Min is even more powerful than Wei Changxing, and he is the only real master who has the status of a big disciple in the current generation.

That night.

  Affected by the news of Tang Min's death, Luo Fang and Ke Zi did not go out for inspection for the first time.

  Luo Fang was puzzled: "How could this be so? Senior Brother Tang is very capable. He has cultivated into one yuan and started again. He has a very strong life-saving ability. No one can kill Senior Brother Tang."

  Ke Zi is extremely sad, her cousin Ke Daoyan is also a true biography of the current generation, Ke Daoyan and Tang Min are friends, and Tang Min is her half master.

  Li Qing, however, smelled a conspiracy, and thought: "Of the nine disciples, only Senior Brother Wei is not from the true lineage, and the other eight true lineages, only Senior Brother Tang is from the current line, but their strength is not the weakest, but extremely strong."

   "Even if the Ant Department wants to make a move, it is easier to deal with Senior Brother Wei than Senior Brother Tang."

   "The Ant Department's attack on Brother Tang, did it come exclusively for my current generation?"

  The true biography of the current generation, each of which is precious, especially the true biography with the status of a big disciple, once killed and placed in the hostile camp, it is worth a small amount of merit.

   "It's possible." Luo Fang responded immediately: "Brother Li, as a true descendant of the current generation, should be more careful, remember not to leave the base, and never intercept the mission of killing demon ants."

  Li Qing: "..."

   "From my point of view, under the central dispatch of all the senior brothers, the Ant Department does not have the strength to encircle and kill Senior Brother Tang, and it is even more impossible to clean up the scene quickly."

  Ignoring Luo Fang's careful thinking, Ke Zi was seriously analyzing, and she suddenly thought: "Could it be that Huang Quanzong secretly contributed and helped the Ant Department?"

"Very likely!" Luo Fang suddenly raised his head. This time, he didn't think about the matter of grabbing credit, but said in a deep voice: "Shuizhu Yaoguo has never participated in the matter of the Yellow Spring Sect and the five great immortal sects. The traces of the battle in the Ziwu Gorge have been cleaned up." Gotta clean it up."

   "The Ant Department must be covering up the cooperation with Huang Quanzong!"

   Huang Quanzong... Li Qing closed his eyes and thought about it, if Huang Quanzong secretly assists the ant tribe and conquers the ant tribe, there will be many variables.

   "Assuming that Huang Quanzong is really helping the Ant Department secretly, is it possible for him to attack Fanshanling?" Li Qing asked suddenly.

   "It's possible." Luo Fang and Ke Zi replied at the same time.

  Without him, although Li Qing's reputation is not obvious, he is indeed a true descendant of the current generation.

   "But Brother Li doesn't need to worry," Ke Zi added. This place is different from Ziwu Gorge. Brother Tang Min was ambushed because he was away from home. There is a large guard here, which cannot be broken for a while. "

   "If the ant tribe comes in by surprise, the number will never be large, otherwise they will be noticed by all senior brothers."

   "A few monster ants are coming, we just need to send a message for help, and our sect brother will come to rescue, the ant department will not do such a stupid act."

  The three of them discussed and decided that the chance of the Ants attacking and climbing over the mountain was extremely low, and even if it did attack, it would not be a big problem.

  Li Qing thought more about it, no matter how small the chance was, it was just a chance, and dealt with it as an inevitable thing.

  He has the Liuying Vajra Pestle to break the formation, but the Netherworld Sect may not have it.

  Of the five great formation-breaking profound weapons, the other four are in the Netherworld Sect. Of course, those four profound weapons are in the hands of the senior officials of the Netherworld Sect, so it is not easy to get them out.

  It is well known that the five great immortal sects are good at forming formations, and basically every disciple can study formations. Li Qing got the Bailian Bohu inheritance and Penghu inheritance back then, and they all gained the secrets of formations.

   Huangquanzong naturally also studies arrays, which is more powerful than the five great immortal sects.

  One Yellow Spring Pill can sleep for eight hundred years, but if you want to use one Yellow Spring Pill to sleep for four thousand years, you have to use the means of battle.

  At the beginning, the ancient tombs of Lancang Mountain were deeper, and there was a terrifying formation. Wang Ruhai, a group of monks who refined Qi and built foundations, were able to sleep for more than two thousand years with the help of Huangquan Dan, because they were affected by the remaining power of the formation of Huangquanzong.

   "There are restrictions on breaking the formation with profound weapons, and you can't break the formation without limit in a short time."

   "I can set up a few more formations, and at the same time use the hidden original number solution to remove my own cultivation base and energy mechanism. If the Nascent Soul does not come out, don't expect to find me in the mountains. If the Nascent Soul comes out, I will go directly to the Jiuzhong Youchi."

   With a mission in hand, it is impossible to leave Fanshanling, unless Li Qing doesn't want to hang out in Bailian Xianzong in this life.

  After this night, Li Qing secretly arranged multiple formations over the mountains, but he himself never appeared again, as if he disappeared.

  The foundation-building disciples of the Zongmen realized that Li Qing was hiding himself, and he couldn't help sighing: "Brother Li is good at everything else, gentle and elegant, answering every question, never hiding his secrets, it is strength and courage..."

  At about the same time, Quan Xuanyi was in the Azure Cloud Juzhou, also considering the possibility of the Netherworld Sect helping the Ants, and had sent an inquiry to the real person of the sect.

  Zongmen Daoist replied that it is impossible for the ancestor of Anthill to cooperate with Huangquanzong. If he can find a trace of evidence of Yaoant and Huangquanzong's cooperation, he can act according to the opportunity and do not show mercy.


   Time flies, and another month passes in a blink of an eye.

  The eight-way Cangyun giant boat officially arrived at the Chongkuu Mountains and surrounded the headquarters of the Ant Department. Quan Xuanyi also joined all the juniors, and the general attack on the Ant Department officially began.

  The time of the battle at Worm Skull Mountain.

  Huqiu Mountain, Ant Yuan and two triple monster ants came out of a cave.

Yi Yuan looked in the direction of Chongku Mountain, and said quietly: "Wei Changxing is really a pickpocket. He has to dig three feet to find my demon ants when he passes by a place. If it wasn't for my cave and hidden means, he would have almost been caught by others." found."

  A month and a half ago, Yi Yuan and Yin Wumian agreed to sneak attack Fanshanling, but the White Lotus Immortal Sect has a large number of secret sentries in various places, and if they act rashly, they will be noticed.

   Wait until Wei Changxing has attacked Huqiu Mountain before we can move.

  A moment later, Yin Wumian also appeared with the Yin wind, and said with a smile: "Master Ant Mountain will join the Netherworld Sect in the future, and learn from my Netherworld Sect's methods. I am not afraid of the blockade of the White Lotus Sect, and I am free to come and go."

   "Huang Quanzong is very calculating. I didn't expect you to be able to kill Tang Min. You have made a lot of contributions this time." Yi Yuan said lightly.

   "Hey," Yin Wumian sighed, "I couldn't participate in Tang Min's death. It was all planned by senior brother Yin in the sect. I couldn't do anything about it. I can only steal some weak Bailian disciples."

   "So, my elder brother Yi Qian has also joined the Netherworld Sect?" Yi Yuan frowned.

   "It is extremely."

  Yin Faceless Corpse danced the banner, and said with a smile: "Let's go, although the true biography of turning mountains is not comparable to Tang Min, it is not bad, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat."

   "Let's act quickly, it's too late to wait until the Worm Skull Mountain is breached."

   Needless to say, Yin Wumian and the three monsters of Yiyuan rushed straight to Fanshanling.

Yin Wumian was holding a corpse banner, and from time to time, he found the disciple Bailian who was secretly in charge of monitoring, raised the corpse banner, put it into the banner, and said from time to time: "Okay, well, it's more useful to keep such living cultivation for returning to the sect." .”

  When Yin Wumian arrived at Fanshanling, most of the secret whistles of the White Lotus Sect along the way were collected by him.

   It was night, the moon was dim, and it was a good day for a sneak attack.

  Yin Faceless stood in the hidden jungle, looking at the mountains in the distance.

  A large array of thin light surrounded the mountains and mountains, making it impossible to find any flaws.

   "Although the formation is good, there is still a mountain higher."

  Yin Wumian chuckled, chose a hidden location, and began to place the Huang Quming array disk.

  In the ancient formation method, it is easy to set up the formation, but it is difficult to carve the formation board. There is a ready-made formation board, which is very good for formation.

  During the breath, Yin Wumian had already covered the formation of Huangqu inscriptions, and the formation plate emitted an invisible force, which spread out to the surroundings, and the formation that was swept by the invisible force instantly became invalid.

  Huang Quming's formation can cover the formation with formations, and it is also a defensive formation with the ability to block in two directions.

  The covered formation is temporarily invalid, but internally, on the surface, the formation is still there. If you don't touch the formation, you can't see it for a while.


  Yin Wumian and Yiyuan three monsters stepped into Fanshan Mountain, they were discovered by Luo Fang.

   These days, Luo Fang can be said to stay up all night. During the battle on the Worm Skull Mountain, there must be demon ants fleeing, so he must not miss the credit for killing demon ants.

  Under such circumstances, Luo Fang immediately discovered the Yin Wumian and the three monsters of Yiyuan who were attacking, and said in surprise; "Yiyuan! Huangquan sect!"

  A call for help was instantly triggered by Luo Fang.

   "Enemy attack!" Luo Fang roared, his voice resounding across the mountains.

  Ke Zi rushed out of the cave in an instant, with a sword glow on her back, she is a sword repairer.

  Bailian Foundation Establishment disciples also rushed out one after another.

   "Spotted? Not bad alertness."

  Yi Yuan said coldly: "Since that's the case, the battle should be resolved quickly, and the battle should be over within a quarter of an hour, otherwise the White Lotus Golden Pill will definitely come to help."

  Yin Wumian shouted: "Catch alive if you can, and leave a whole body if you can't."

  The war is about to break out.

  Ant Yuan appeared in the body of a giant golden ant, and flew towards Luo Fang with two tentacles.

  Luo Fang was not an opponent of Ant Yuan. He wanted to abandon the base and flee, but there were many foundation-building juniors in the base. If he escaped, his juniors would lose their lives in vain.

  He couldn't help shouting angrily: "Junior Sister Zi, fight for the glory of the sect!"

  Luo Fang raised the five-color real water from his back, rushing towards the ant yuan.

  Keep the tentacles of the ant yuan, regard the five-color real water as nothing, and directly sweep Luo Fang away. Luo Fang's eyes turned white, he fainted directly, and was seconded again.

  On the other side, Ke Zi sacrificed a sword pill, split into twelve sword lights, and cut towards Yin Wumian.

  Yin has no face and doesn't care, he just let the two demon ants block the sword light, he raised the corpse banner, and collected all the Bailian Foundation Establishment disciples who had killed or fled into the banner.

   After receiving the miscellaneous soldiers, Yin Wumian waved the corpse banner again, only to see a big Yin demon coming out of the banner, screaming horribly.

   "True Spirit Attack!"

  Ke Zi only felt a bursting headache, and could no longer concentrate on controlling the sword, thinking that her life was over.

  The sword pill was broken, and the two demon ants came to the front in an instant.

  Yin Wumian shouted: "Don't hurt the life of the little lady, capture her alive."

  The two demon ants paused for a moment, and one demon kicked Ke Zi's abdomen. Ke Zi vomited blood, his consciousness was muddled, and he only tried to shout:

   "Senior brother Li, you can't stay here for long, run away and send a message to all the senior brothers, saying that the Ant Department and the Netherworld Sect are in collusion, and the sect will avenge us!"

  When Ke Zi was in a coma, she heard countless sword sounds in a trance, rising from the deep valley. She is a sword repairer and is extremely sensitive to swords.

  What kind of swordsmanship is this? When she closed her eyes, she could only vaguely see countless high-grade spiritual weapons flying swords, flying around her all over the sky, and the demon ants dared not take a step closer to her.

  Li Qing walked out from a certain corner of the mountain, surrounded by sword shadows.

He thought that dozens of big monsters were attacking or Nascent Soul was coming to attack, but he didn't think that there would be three monsters alone. Among the three monsters, one was seriously injured by Wei Changxing ten months ago and had not recovered from his injuries. In the early days, it was not worth mentioning.

  The only thing to pay attention to is that it is the old way of the shady corpse.

  (end of this chapter)

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