Seeking Immortals

Chapter 255: Void Dragon Corpse

  Chapter 255 Hollow Dragon Corpse

  After Li Qing threatened, Shi Yuan snorted and stopped talking.

   Not long after, Li Qing came to the place where the high priest and Han Qiu jointly explained the forbidden seal.

   "It is indeed a powerful restriction, the power of the Nascent Soul is unbreakable, and the aura flowing on the restriction comes from the same source as the Divine Gate Restriction." Li Qing observed slightly, and has confirmed that the Divine Gate Restriction is the banning talisman for this place.

   Not in a hurry to use the God Gate Control, Li Qing first flew away from Duan Shenyuan, he waved his hand, the Jiaxu Town Corpse Bell appeared, and a refining corpse walked out from the Town Corpse Bell.


  Li Qing handed over the God Gate Control to Lian Zong, and the bell rang, and Li Qing flew directly into Shen Shen Abyss.

   After a while, I heard a buzzing sound coming from the abyss, and then the entire God Breaking Abyss began to vibrate violently, and a terrifying aura emanated from the bottom of the abyss.

  Li Qing flies very high and far away, if the situation is not right, he will open the jade card and leave.

   "This breath..." Li Qing frowned, "I seem to smell a bit of the White Lotus Immortal Sect's head teacher."

   "The three-headed star dragon, is it at the Dongxu level?"

  Not only Li Qing, Shi Yuan was also shocked by the aura emanating from the bottom of the abyss, holding the jade tablet tightly in his hand, ready to escape at any time.

   "Lin Fusheng, what's going on here, could it be that you released a monster dragon in the cave realm?" The corpse source shouted.

  At this time, Duan Shenyuan finally stopped shaking, and a three-headed star dragon, whose body was locked by a faint yellow iron chain, was vaguely seen crawling out from the bottom of the abyss.

  Three heads, one blue, one purple and one red.

  However, the three-headed star dragon has no life, it is a dead dragon that has long decayed.

  Its ability to act is completely affected by the restraint on the body, and it is not voluntary.

   "Blue, purple, and red heads, what does this dragon have to do with the three priests?" Li Qing's eyes narrowed, and he vaguely guessed the background of the three priests.

  An inexplicable message came from the Dragon Corpse Restriction.

   Li Qing and Shi Yuan received this message at the same time. This is a test message, just like what the High Priest of Xingguo said.

  Without using the real weapon, as long as the decayed dead dragon is injured, the source of secrets in the dead dragon will be released. Any fake bottle of secrets can receive this source of secrets and can directly evolve into a bottle of real secrets.

  At the same time, driven by the source of secrets in the dragon corpse, the false secret bottles in the Duan Shenyuan area cannot be taken away, and cannot be collected in the magic weapon of space.

  One year later, if no one breaks through the defense of the three-headed star dragon, the dragon corpse will seal itself in the abyss again.

   "Sure enough, the High Priest's calculation is to prevent the fake heavenly secret bottle from leaving the Xingyan Realm after the **** gate is opened."

  The three-headed star dragon should have been a great demon in the cave sky before he was alive, but was captured by Xingyan Shenzong and locked under Duan Shenyuan.

   Now it has long since died, and its physical body has also decayed, but the strength of the decayed physical body is also unusual for Nascent Soul's late stage to break through.

  After the corpse source sensed the information, it took the lead to move, and the seven-foot-tall Dharma image suddenly appeared.

  He formed a river of Styx with Yin Qi, and gathered the river of Styx with his dharma, gathered it into a black sword, and then slashed at the three-headed star dragon.

   Hu Chi.

   The wind howled.

  The three-headed star dragon has no sparks all over its body.

   "What an evil dragon!" The source of the corpse hated him so much, he hit with all his strength, but there was nothing he could do with the dragon corpse. This time, there was obviously no other chance.

   "Try it." Shi Yuan looked at Li Qing again.

  Li Qing said casually: "I can't split this dragon. The strength of this dragon is at least equivalent to that of Daoist Dongxu's aura."

   Li Qing was actually not sure if he could split the Star Dragon, but if he tried to attack, he would definitely use the Thousand-Li Long Tu with all his strength, and it was impossible for him to use it when outsiders were around.

   "It's a pity." Shi Yuan didn't realize that Li Qing could split the three-headed star dragon. According to his calculation, breaking the three-headed star dragon would require at least the law of heaven and earth.

  Even the laws of the heavens and the earth are difficult, and it is not enough for the five immortal sects of Dacheng to attack the great supernatural powers.

  Only those Dongxu seeds who have learned the hidden technique of the sect and have achieved great supernatural powers have the chance to hurt the three-headed star dragon.

  Shi Yuan turned his gaze, and said again: "You and I, why don't we cooperate, wait for the next three priests to come, and if they carry the fake heavenly secret bottle with them, we will grab it."

  "Even if he doesn't carry it with him, capturing one alive may threaten him to make a deal."

   Unable to split the three-headed star dragon, the source of the corpse can only find another way, seeking the unity of the nine bottles.

   "That's fine." Li Qing casually replied, closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the arrival of the three priests.

  The three-headed star dragon will be re-sealed a year later, and then the false secret bottle will no longer be bound by the source of the secret, and can be taken out of the Xingyan world again.

  The high priest will not miss this opportunity, and will definitely come to break the abyss.


   At the same time, in a valley thousands of miles away, the three priests gathered together, looking at the picture in the treasure book of heaven and earth, which showed the scene where the corpse source failed to attack the three-headed star dragon.

  The blue-robed high priest chuckled: "Even if the physical body left by us in the previous life has decayed, it cannot be hurt by this life."

   "Exactly," the purple-robed high priest nodded, "Since the dragon corpse is out, the pseudo-celestial secret bottle in the hands of outside monks must not be taken away from Shenshenyuan. We take it now without delay."

  The three of them escaped from the light, and after half a day, they arrived at Duan Shen Yuan and met Li Qing and Shi Yuan.

  Seeing Li Qing, the high priest in blue robe said indifferently: "Last time you sacrificed a real weapon and escaped your life by chance, but that real weapon has been damaged, so it can no longer protect you."

   "Are you going to hand over the false secret bottle today, or let us knock you out of Xingyan Realm."

"You don't need to talk too much, if you can cut it, you can cut it, if you can't cut it, just drive it away, anyway, the fake heavenly secret bottle can't be taken away." The red robe high priest snorted softly, took the lead, and pointed his hand towards the sky, changing the color of the sky and clouds , into a cloud of fire.

  The fire cloud immediately gathered into ten giant fire men ten feet high, and the fire men stepped on the ground and rushed towards the mountain.

   "Do it!" Shi Yuan yelled angrily, shaking all over, and a river of Yin Qi flowed out from behind.

   used precisely the great supernatural power of Huang Quanzong, Huang Quan Yinhe.

  The Yin River was 10% full, and tens of thousands of great Yin demons jumped out of the river.

  Yin River of Huangquan, the source of corpses, has already been completed.

  Li Qing didn't take the initiative to attack. He raised his hand, surrounded by four hundred flying swords, forming a defensive formation.

   "This supernatural power is impressive!" The red-robed high priest saw Huangquan Yinhe, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't like Li Qing's Floating Heart Sword, it was just a small supernatural power.

  A dharma figure appeared behind the red-robed high priest, about thirty-five feet high, this is the dharma form of the earth spirit.

   "Although the supernatural powers are good, the method is too poor." The red-robed high priest ignored Li Qing and was about to remove the source of corpses that were slightly threatening. Ten giant fire men rushed towards the Yin River.

   As soon as the yin demon approached the fire man, he was burned into nothingness.

  The red-robed high priest used the supernatural powers of Xingyan Shenzong, named Qu Yan Rongbing. The level of supernatural powers may be a little lower than Huangquan Yinhe, but with the blessing of Dharma, the power is stronger than Huangquan Yinhe.

  In a hurry, the source of the corpse sacrificed three Nascent Soul refined corpses to resist.

   "It's just a small magical power of swordsmanship, I'll break it." On the other side, the purple-robed high priest suddenly moved, stretched out his hand, and held a longbow exuding Gengjin breath in his hand.

  This is the mysterious bow that seizes the pulse and shocks the sky, and it is specially used by him to cooperate with the Xingyan Shenzong's supernatural power lock arrow.

  A Dharma image was sacrificed behind the purple-robed high priest. It was more than thirty-five feet high, and it was also a Dharma image of the earth spirit.

  The spirit-locking arrow belongs to the supernatural power of attacking the virtual with the real. Once it is fired, no magic weapon can block it, and it will directly attack the true consciousness of the monk's infant spirit.

  Fa Xiang made the movement of drawing the bow and shooting the arrow, the spirit-locking arrow moved in response to the law, and regarded the flying sword as nothing, as if a bolt of lightning shot at Li Qing.

  Li Qing took a false step, leaving behind a white lotus dharma body.

   "Growing lotuses every step of the way? I didn't expect you to learn this supernatural power, but if this supernatural power is not perfect, you can't stop the spirit-locking arrow." The purple-robed high priest narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Sure enough, the spirit-locking arrow passed through Bailian's body, but did not disappear, so he continued to chase Li Qing.

  Li Qing took his time and condensed another drop of Taiyi Jiuyou Renshui to pop out. The Renshui touched the spirit-locking arrow and instantly melted it.

   Renshui itself can attack the real spirit, but it is a good way to break the lock of the spirit arrow.

  When the spirit-locking arrow was damaged, the face of the purple-robed high priest changed drastically, and his aura dropped sharply.

This spirit-locking arrow is condensed from the mana of the purple-robed high priest. It is a one-hit killing move. After killing the enemy, the spirit-locking arrow will return, and the caster will not lose much mana. If it is broken, the caster will Lost half of the mana.

  The two high priests fought, and Li Qing had roughly judged the opponent's strength. If he hadn't guessed, the remaining high priest would also have an earth spirit.

   It's not that the three of them can't marry the stars, the heavens and the earth, but because the Xingyan Realm doesn't have the spirit of the sky, at most they can only form the earth spirit.

  The foundation of the three of them may come from the three-headed star dragon of the Dongxu level, and there is no lack of background.

   "In that case, I don't have to worry too much. The number of magic powers that one person can play is limited, and purple and red are not enough to worry about." Li Qing thought.

  At this time, the blue-robed high priest finally made a move. When he rolled up his sleeves, a long river flowed out, and the long river went straight to the source of the corpses in the fierce battle.

  Yin demons melt when they meet a long river.

  Ziyuan's face changed, he was already powerless against the giant fire man, how could he block another person.

   "That's all, the three earth spirits are no match for me, and I have no chance to inherit the immortal mansion." Shi Yuan said bitterly, looked at Li Qing again, and the jade card was opened, and he left the immortal mansion.

  Seeing that the corpse source tried out the three priests' supernatural powers and then left, Li Qing finally didn't keep it anymore.

  A gigantic statue of heaven and earth rose directly from the top of his head, growing to a height of hundreds of feet in an instant.

  The laws of heaven and earth confuse the situation, and directly display magical powers.

  Fa Xiang pointed to the sky, and saw the fire cloud summoned by the red-robed high priest instantly dissipate and turn into a rain cloud.

  Rain clouds instantly enveloped the Duan Shenyuan area, and turned into a watermark covering several miles around.

   "Heaven... the law of heaven and earth!"

   "The truth is powerful!"

  The faces of the three priests changed dramatically.

  At this moment, the three priests who were about to use their supernatural powers to attack all stopped, and suddenly put away their attacking supernatural powers, and used their defensive supernatural powers one after another.

  The water seal in the Mantra Mitian seal emphasizes the use of strong magic power to suppress people.

  Watermark has a large attack range. If you take precautions in advance, pay attention to the distance, and you can dodge for a while, otherwise you can only resist hard.

  Faxiang Li Qing unreservedly pressed this watermark from the air, attacked indiscriminately, and didn't care what means the opponent used to resist.


  I saw Duanshenyuan area, along with this watermark, all the slightly raised hills were flattened.

  As the watermarks dispersed, the three priests also disappeared.

  (end of this chapter)

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