Seeking Immortals

Chapter 596: Heavens and worlds

  Chapter 596 Heavens and Worlds

   Great catastrophe, great opportunity, trial ancient road, first-class fairy medicine, fairy vein, top inheritance, supreme real fairy opportunity...

  At the Ceremony of Conquering Foreign Lands, several deputy palace heads talked about the benefits of participating in the resistance to foreign lands.

   Entering the immortal way to pursue longevity has never been an easy task. Many creatures have honed themselves on the edge of life and death, and fought with their fellows to get to where they are today.

  Even if you come from a great sect of immortality, you still have to compete and fight for chance. Immortal contests, exploration of secret realms, exorcising demons and defending Taoism, fighting and framing within the same sect...Every Ming Dao Realm or Xu Xian has stepped on countless bones of his fellow disciples.

  No matter how difficult the road ahead is, you must live, and only by living can you make further progress.

  Three thousand records into the Ming Dao, ten thousand records into the virtual immortal, no creature can complete the virtual immortal road within a thousand years, not even the reincarnation of the Supreme True Immortal.

  Every level of improvement will greatly increase the lifespan, but the increased lifespan is often not enough for cultivation.

   "We will naturally stay in this feast of fighting for Dao. It is also the responsibility of our generation of monks to resist foreign invasions. Under the overthrow of the nest, there will be no eggs!" A large number of monks responded.

  Like Fatty, Zhong Ying and other luck geniuses who have borrowed merits in advance, they must stay. Wu Tian naturally also stays in Liangyu Mountain. He hasn't broken through Xuxian yet, but soon.

   "The situation is not clear, I don't know how intense the battle will be. Brother, we still have a short time to break through to the Immortal, so we should return to the Fengxian Sect." Li Qing sent a voice transmission to Chu Weiliang.

  In this kind of battle, Xuxian who has just broken through is at the bottom, and the danger is too great. Naturally, Li Qing has no plan to participate in the battle.

  In case of being targeted and shot by a foreign real fairy, it may fall directly.

  The so-called top-level inheritance, first-class elixir, and celestial veins are not the only ones, and they are not opportunities that Li Qing must strive for.

   These opportunities are actually available to the Immortal-level Fengxianzong.

  Even if he didn't, it wouldn't affect his cultivation to become the first transformation of Xu Xian.

   "That's exactly what I mean." Chu Weiliang nodded.

   During the dissipating period of the restrictions on the Liangyu Mountains, the passages to and from the Liangyu Mountains were unstable. Once the restrictions were all lifted, it was time for these creatures to leave.

  In the next few days, the monks who decided to stay in the Liangyu Mountains ran around telling each other and held a small puja.

   No soul invited Li Qing.

  One month later, on the eve before the ban on Liangyu Mountain was about to end, Li Qing and Chu Weiliang packed up their belongings, boarded the fairy boat, and planned to leave.

  Many souls left, filling thirty fairy boats.

  When the fairy boat rose from the twelve fairy cities, there was a trivial voice from the fairy cities: "Coward!"

   This is to leave Xu Xian.

   "Huh!" On the fairy boat, Xu Xian who left was dissatisfied: "What a coward, the old Taoist has fought in Liangyu Mountain for thousands of years, and he has made great achievements, so why can't he leave."

   "In the Twelve Heavens, the big families who enjoy the comfort and comfort do not know the ordinary."

"That's right," another Xuxian said: "The old Taoist will live for thirty thousand years this year, and he only has ten thousand years left to live. He has not completed the first transformation yet, and there is no hope of being a true immortal in this life. Now it is time to plan for the next life to seek the way." Opportunity, why waste it in Liangyu Mountain."

   There was a lot of noise on the fairy boat, but Li Qing's face remained calm. He had been a **** before, so he never cared about such gossip.

  Goodness is like water.

  Thirty flying boats soon arrived at the entrance of the Twelve Heavens. The Liangyu Mountains and the Twelve Heavens of Immortal Relics were connected by a virtual sea. The rules and atmosphere of the virtual sea were chaotic, and there were many restrictions. Only special fairy boats could pass smoothly.

  An old man with a hat stood guard at the entrance and stopped the fairy boat, and the fairy boat could enter the Void Sea only after the restrictions on the mountains in the two regions were completely dissipated.


   Over the sky of Liangyu Mountain, the forbidden solitary light kept flickering.

  Li Qing waited on the fairy boat for a while, only to hear a bang, like a needle piercing a screen window, the entire Liangyu Mountains suddenly brightened up, and the sky was spotless.

  The monk in the mountain felt a strong sense of restraint dissipate.

  A soul said: "The restrictions on Liangyu Mountain have been completely lifted, and the power of the real immortal is no longer under control!"


  In an instant, several extremely strong qi erupted from all over the Liangyu Mountains, shaking the extremely stable void.

  Terrifying Dao sounds came from several directions, and the battle of the true immortal level has begun.

   "Yang Yun, come out and have a good fight!" Li Qing heard the voice of the master of Fayi Mansion. After the restriction was lifted, the mansion master finally revealed his true cultivation, he is a true immortal.

  The Lord of the Demon Execution Hall, Yang Yun, is also a true immortal. Previously, all the cultivators thought that both of them were three-transformed imaginary immortals.

  Li Qing also heard the voice of Palace Master Shi, the tree spirit of the giant city, and Palace Master Shi seemed to have extraordinary strength.

   "I'm afraid it's not easy to defeat the thirteen palace masters in different palaces." Li Qing said leisurely.

   "Yes." On the fairy boat, many monks were amazed.

  Thinking about it carefully, it is normal for such a frontline battlefield against foreign lands to have real immortals with limited power sitting in command.

   "Fellow Daoist, the Great Immortal War has begun, let me wait to enter the Void Sea." A monk on the fairy boat cupped his hands at the old man with a cap.

   "Wait a minute," said the old man in the cap without raising his head, "There are warships crossing the sea on the other side of the Twelve Heavens. They will pass first."

   Sure enough, after a while, all the creatures on the fairy boat stood up and couldn't help but look towards the Xuhai, only to see dozens of warships coming across the Xuhai.

  Every warship was covered with flags and the drums were beating loudly.

   "A lot of virtual immortals!" The creatures of Ming Dao Realm stared at the warships and exclaimed, every warship was full of virtual immortals.

"This is the Fayi Army from the Middle Heavens. It is composed exclusively of Xuxian, and it is only to fight against the Xuxian army of foreign lands. All the cultivation resources are provided by Fayifu!" You Xuxian said in a deep voice, "This is Only the army of dead soldiers will only appear in the foreign land battlefield, the twelve heavens of the immortal legacy, and the middle four heavens have always been the main force against foreign lands!"

   "In times of peace, creatures like us are the ones who resist on the front line, fighting against foreign lands, but in times of war, the front line is to defeat foreign troops!"

   "There are several such immortal soldiers, guarding multiple fronts."

   "Hahaha!" The Xuxians in the Fayi army were all high-spirited and looked down on the world with arrogance, making the departing group of creatures tremble.

  Li Qing was puzzled and said: "Where do you choose the creatures from the Fayi Army? Not every creature has the talent to become a virtual immortal. Fayifu will not spend a lot of resources to train a person without talent to become a fairy."

  Chu Weiliang smiled and said: "The ascended people from the heavens and worlds, the lower realms, have extraordinary backgrounds, and all of them have the qualifications to become immortals, only a natural immortal seed is missing."

   "Fa Yifu provides natural immortal seeds, and those who ascend will join the Fa Yi army. It is easy to form an army."

   Seeing dozens of warships, Li Qing's mind was agitated. These monks are specially designed to fight on the battlefield, and they are proficient in the method of immortal battle formation. Together, they can exert great power.

   "You can enter the sea now." After the warship passed by, the old man in the hat said softly.

   One went and one came, two groups of monks passed by.

  Li Qing entered the Void Sea, and sailed by boat.

  The twelve heavens are also connected by the virtual sea, and there are various hidden cracks and passages. Feng Xianzong is in the first heaven. After passing through the virtual sea, he and Chu Weiliang successfully entered the first heaven, and got off the fairy boat by the way.


   After staying in Liangyu Mountain for five thousand years, Li Qing finally entered the hinterland of Xianyi.

  Xianyi is a conceptual title, it does not refer to a piece of land, but only the first heaven, which has a main continent.

  The main continent is so vast that it is difficult to know its end. It stretches for billions of miles, gathers the resources of immortality, and connects a large number of ascension platforms in the mortal world.

  The immortal resources on the main continent almost all have the main.

  The void outside the main continent is surrounded by a large number of small realms.

  These small realms were originally mortal realms among the heavens and myriad realms, but were captured by major sects and transformed into small fairy realms similar to the Taixuan Realm.

  All major clans and clans will occupy a transformed small fairyland as the location of the sect and clan; they will also establish small strongholds of the sect on the main continent to develop resources.

  The immortal resources of the main continent are unmatched by the small world.

   No true immortal sect will directly establish a sect in the main mainland.

  The main continent is too empty and not safe enough. Once there is a sect conflict, it is easy to be cut off by the roots.

Chu Weiliang introduced: "True immortals are too powerful, and they generally don't walk in the main continent. Even if conflicts arise between clans and clans, they are usually resolved in the main continent. True immortals are not involved. .”

   "No matter how weak the true immortal is, once he is cornered and lurking in the dark to retaliate, he can still cause great trouble to the powerful true immortal sect."

   "If you don't destroy the foundation of a sect, the real immortals will hardly take action. The true immortals in each sect play a deterrent effect, and they seldom actually take action."

  Li Qing nodded. In the Immortal Relics, it is extremely important to have a real fairy background. If someone is behind him, he will not be targeted by other real immortals.

  Without the backing of real immortals, once you fight for an opportunity, you will be at the mercy of others.

In addition, the main continent cannot take the path of the Supreme Law. There will be a large number of small lands floating in the void. Those lands can take the road of sympathy between heaven, earth and man, but there are not many of them that can be used, and most of them are in the hands of the real immortals. .

   "It's so peaceful. There is no atmosphere of war here at all. It seems that they don't know that foreign lands are invading the Liangyu Mountains." Li Qing walked ashore from the Void Sea to the main continent, and found that the creatures of the First Layer were all following their own path of cultivating immortals step by step.

   This is no different from creatures from the Taixuan Realm and the Star Realm.

   "That's how it is. The sky is falling, and there is a tall man to hold it up." Chu Weiliang shook his head and said, "There are only a small number of creatures who pay attention to conflicts in foreign lands."

   "As big as I am, the Fengxianzong, I was the only one in Liangyu Mountain before, and some real immortal sects, and even a disciple has not been sent to Liangyu Mountain."

  Li Qing and Chu Weiliang lived together, and Chu Weiliang kept introducing Li Qing to Yichongtian's customs and customs.

"The heavens and myriad realms are not all mortal realms. Many small realms are extraordinary. They were once transformed by Dazong in the ancient age of the immortals. Later, due to the battle between foreign lands and immortal relics, they lost contact." Chu Weiliang said: There may even be true immortals in the small world."

   "Even in the ancient years of Xiangu, all the heavens and myriad realms have not been explored. There are many special small realms that hide great opportunities, and even have the potential to become a semi-master continent."

   "Exploring the special heavens and worlds has always been the focus of immortal beings seeking immortality."

  The two flew away all the way, and Chu Weiliang stopped at a mountain, and pointed to a sea of ​​clouds in front of him and said: "This is a gathering place for ascension in the mortal world, where thousands of ascension platforms gather."

   "There are dozens of ascending platforms of this size on the main continent."

   "So many?" Li Qing was surprised, there are tens of thousands of mortal realms, and one mortal realm is equivalent to a complete star realm.

  Chu Weiliang smiled and said: "With the addition of some small ascending lands, I really don't know how many mortal realms there are. This is only the first heaven, and there are twelve heavens in the Immortal Legacy."

   "Many mortal worlds are the greatest resource of the Immortal Relics, which can provide a steady stream of low-level monks. The Immortal Relics only need to provide natural immortal seeds and immortal aura."

   "Haha, the old Taoist has successfully ascended and is about to reach the fairy world!" During the conversation between Li Qing and Chu Weiliang, he saw a Taoist rushing from the bottom of the sea of ​​clouds, as if stepping out of the void.

  (end of this chapter)

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