Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Patrol angel ‘Qin Yun’

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Qin Yun and the host of the Yuanfu Palace chatted while chatting. Only half an hour later, they saw the continuous Xianjia Palace above the clouds. % 乐% 文% Novel www. し

"The Sky Survey is here." Yuan Fugong host laughed.


"Tiangong, it is Tiangong." Both the nephew and niece's two children shouted excitedly in the arms of their parents.

Qin Yun looked at it from a distance, and was also shocked. A palace above the clouds and fog was surrounded by mist, everything seemed like a fairyland.

Stowing the golden flying boat, the host of Yuanfu Palace drove the clouds to the Sky Survey League.

"Yuanfu seniors." There are some small Taoist priests in the Sky Survey League, whose strengths are very weak, most of them are seven or eight layers of gas refining, and they have not opened the immortal gate. But here is some work.

A gray robe man opened the door of Xianmen came over, quite respectful.

The Yuanfu Gongzhu commanded: "Yan Fu."

"Yuanfu senior." The man in the gray robe respectfully said.

"You arrange for someone to take care of Qin Yun's family." Yuan Fugong commanded him, and then he and Qin Yun said, "Qin Yun, your family and rest aside, let's get to work."

"OK." Qin Yun nodded.

"Should be, should be." Qin Liehu even said, coming to the Sky Survey, the Qin Liehu couple and others were in shock. This is simply the legendary fairyland and heavenly palace!

The gray robe man immediately led Qin Liehu and others with enthusiasm.

The three masters of Yuanfu Palace took Qin Yun with them: "We arrived at the Sky Survey, and some Daotongs immediately reported to us, and we will arrange for you to wait for the angel survey. I will take you to see first. "Sky Survey", it has a life-saving grace for you. "

"Can you see?" Qin Yun was surprised.

"Haha, even these Dao boys can watch." Yan Tao, who laughed, said, "Walk, just ahead."


Leading the way.

Soon I came to a seemingly ordinary hall of the Sky Survey League. This hall was very quiet. As soon as I went in, I saw a huge bronze ball floating in the mountains and the earth looming on the bronze ball. , Lakes and rivers ...

"Predecessor Yuan Fu." The two men and women who are in charge of the inborn Xu Danjing who are in charge of this duty stand up respectfully, and they all smile when they see Qin Yun.

"When you and Gongye Bing were in the first battle, they were on duty." Yuan Fu Gong Zhu smiled and pointed at the two.

Qin Yun continued: "Thank you two Taoists."

"Don't thank, don't thank, we all didn't know you were hunted down. We knew that we would go and ask the Yuanfu Palace Lord in the middle of the night." One of the female practitioners said.

"It's okay later." Qin Yun smiled, no matter what, his family did not lose.

Qin Yun's eyes fell on the huge bronze big ball, the mountains, the earth, the lakes and rivers on the big ball ... After all, Qin Yun traveled all over the world. Once he saw the trend of the mountains and water veins, he immediately understood that the whole thing reflected on it Earth. Occasionally, some areas of this bronze ball glowed, or the great practitioners were studying, or the big demon was practicing ...

"No matter how powerful the sky survey, it is impossible to monitor everyone in the world." Yuan Fugong said, "Only when the fluctuation reaches the set limit, the sky survey can be followed. Only the sky survey is not omnipotent. For example, the Taoist Holy Land In some special places, the Sky Survey cannot be monitored. "

Qin Yun nodded: "There must be very few who can resist the survey of the Sky Survey. Most places in the world are unstoppable. With this Sky Survey, we can know the movement of the big demon and prevail."

"Big demon? Many of them are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. They are cunning." Yuanfu Palace said, "Let's go, let's go out."

Qin Yun, led by the master of the Yuan Fu Palace, walked inside the Sky Survey Alliance, listening and introducing everywhere.

The Sky Survey Alliance is actually an alliance between Taoism, Buddhism, and the imperial court. They can better unite their powers and deal with demons!

"There are two types of angel patrols, one is Qingling patrol angels. The other is Ziling patrol angels." The next Yan Taoist explained enthusiastically. He has killed the great demon in the congenital realm. Becoming a young angel, can be a demon who can kill the congenital realm. Or he has accumulated a deep congenital realm of realm, and his strength has been recognized by the alliance. "

"Recognized by the Sky Survey League?" Qin Yun wondered, "Can't you become a Sky Surveyor?"


Aside, Wu Yueguan said, "The congenital Jindan Realm is undoubted. Each one is the top inheritance of spiritual practice and has a high level of understanding of the Tao. Therefore, it is logical for Chengzi to make the tour angel. But the congenital real Dan realm is different. Some are just second-class heritages, the true elements are not pure enough, and they are the ultimate in the real world of instinct. They are not strong enough, and naturally cannot be recognized. Like me, a casual practitioner still integrates witchcraft and Taoism. After being united, it was not recognized for 80 years after Cheng Tianshi Dan Realm was named. He was named an Angel of Green Order. "

"You are different." Yan Taoren smiled and said, "You are the demon who killed Congenital Realm, and beheaded, there is no doubt about the strength. As long as it is not a human traitor, you can be named a green angel. See Do you want to? "

"Don't you want to?" Asked Yuan Fugong.

"Naturally willing."

Qin Yun nodded.

He's seen too many things, and naturally he won't retreat when he kills demons.

A few people walked, and soon came to a towering hall.

There are already some practitioners standing on either side of the main hall, all of them have extraordinary breath, and some are even comparable to the dollar sign palace master.

"Here comes the metacharacter."

"This is Qin Yun from your practice in Jiangzhou?"

"Extremely, at the age of twenty-one, can I perform the flying sword technique of the sword Guanghuahong?" Each of the practitioners looked at Qin Yun with a smile.

The Yuanfu Palace host asked: "You stand here, and you will be the protagonist today." After talking, he walked to the old friends for a chat.

Qin Yun stood in the center and waited silently.

On both sides are Ziling angels and Qingling angels watching the ceremony.

"Elders are here!" A Taoist exclaimed.

A bearded old man came out from the back of the hall. The bearded old man looked ordinary, as if a mortal, and looked at Qin Yun with a smile.

"Elders." The Yuanfu Palace Master and others all respectfully saluted.

Qin Yun was startled and saluted: "Elder."

"It's impertinent," the bearded old man groaned.

Qin Yun first saw the other person as if he were an ordinary person, but suddenly felt that the bearded old man's faint power appeared around him, that kind of palpitative power seemed to represent heaven and the earth.

"Huh?" The bearded old man frowned slightly, and the invisible light diffused, quickly suppressing the power that made Qin Yun's heart tremble. After the suppression, the bearded old man returned to ordinary.

"Elders." Several people, including Yuanfu Gongzhu, were a little worried.

"It's okay, the heaven punishment is just a little trouble, and forbearance will pass." The bearded old man looked at Qin Yun with a smile, "Your name is Qin Yun?"

Qin Yun continued: "Yes."

"You're good. The North Abyss Gate resisted the evil, and the water ape who killed Guangling removed another demon spy." The bearded old man nodded, "At the age of twenty-one, he has mastered the sword Guanghuahong and so on. The sword art is amazing. I do n’t know which disciple you are from? I ’ve never heard of such a disciple before. ”

"The junior Qin Yun was a casual practitioner. When he was young, he happened to be inherited by the sword fairy, and then he set foot on the path of practice." Qin Yun respectfully said.

There is no need to hide his strength now.

Not to mention the fact that there are only a few sects inherited from the sword fairy world.


The other patrolling angels watching the ceremony inside the hall were surprised.

"Qin Yun's friend, do you say that you are a casual practitioner? You practiced alone and opened the immortal gate?" A middle-aged man suddenly said.

"Yes." Qin Yun nodded.

The middle-aged person suddenly said: "I Jiange screened disciples, entry disciples, true disciples ... a lot of experience, a lot of cultivation, can open the Xianmen before the age of 20 to become a sword fairy, there are few pitiful! This This ... practice alone without the help of the elders in the door, just open the door to the fairy? "

The bearded old man listened with a big laugh: "Okay, good! Only one inheritance, without the elders of the door, can practice to such a degree at the age of 21, a rare! Rare! I have talents from generation to generation!"

Qin Yun bowed and listened humblely ~ ~ Okay, Qin Yun, let me ask you, would you like to be an angel patrolling from here, guarding this side of the world and protecting my people! The bearded old man spoke loudly, his voice echoed in the hall, and the other patrolling angels watching the ceremony were also quiet.

Qin Yun said solemnly: "I, Qin Yun, would like to guard the world of my people, protect my people, and die without regrets!"

He had this awareness on the battlefield north of the border.

"What a hundred dead without regrets!" The bearded old man's eyes lit up, "Qin Yun, Qin Xuan angel! Take orders!"

Said a cyan token flew out, flying to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun respectfully took it with both hands.

The bearded old man and the many patrol angels watching the ceremony also watched this scene, and his heart was ups and downs.

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