Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 3 Chapter 9: Magic Robes

Qin Yun returned to Guangling County, and as a local, he naturally entertained Long Xiaolian.

In March, Guangling was really beautiful. When Qin Yun and Yi Xiao were with Long Xiaolian, sometimes they were on the lake together with the boat, sometimes they were listening to the local songs of Guangling, or they were eating some food with a long history. While accompanying Long Xiaolian, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also naturally got closer.

"My mother is anxious to call me back, I will not continue to play, sister, brother Qin Yun, you don't have to send me." Long Xiaolian touched his belly, "I feel like eating fat in Guangling for half a month Now. "

"Guang Ling is also very close to the East China Sea. If you want to come, you can come at any time." Qin Yun smiled.

"That's it." Long Xiaolian's eyes brightened.

Long Xiaolian smiled suddenly: "Brother Qin Yun, when can I call your brother-in-law directly without being scolded by my sister."

"Walk, walk, walk." Long Xiaolian walked away after speaking, and under the leadership of the old tortoise, he drove away directly.

"Finally gone, these days her ears are full of voices." Qin Yun laughed.

Yi Xiao glanced at him a little and nodded: "Well, I also feel that these days are too slack, and I haven't really practiced the Taoism properly. I will go back to my residence and practice quietly for a while."

"This method of practice can not be buried in one person, but also has to learn from each other and discuss each other before they can improve faster." Qin Yun said, can not let Yi Xiao retreat practice, who knows how long this retreat?

Yi Xiao smiled slightly and nodded slightly: "Okay, three days later, we will fight each other."

"I'm still thinking about the Shenxiaomen method." Qin Yun said.

Yi Xiao then turned his head and left.

No matter how she is, she won't live directly in Qin Yun's house now, but her house is also around Xiaojing Lake, only a mile away from Qin Fu.

Qin Yun looked at Yi Xiao's back, but had expectations.

Since that time when he was forced to flee to the East China Sea, when he felt that there was no hope with Yi Xiao, Qin Yun knew his heart. But he didn't want to take it too fast, for fear of scaring Yi Xiao away.


The following days.

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also resumed normal practice, but they also discussed on three days and one fight on five days. In addition to Taoist fighting methods, they will also taste the Guangling cuisine.

Or a small restaurant with a humble corner, or a luxury restaurant, or Tengyun driving to the river to eat some fresh Jiangjiang freshly salvaged from the Lanyang River. Sometimes they catch fish in the river themselves and let the chef do it ...

"Uncle Tian."

Yi Xiao was in a quiet room one day and contacted his friends through a magic weapon of communication. The scene appeared in the air. It was a fat old man with gray on his face and a huge stove next to him.

"Yi Xiao?" The fat old man laughed. "Why did you suddenly find me?"

"I want a magic suit of eight grades," Yi Xiao said.

"Are there any requirements?" The fat old man asked, "requiring lightning and other means?"

"No, it's not what I want." Yi Xiao hesitated. "It's a man's magic robe."

"Man?" The fat old man was surprised.

"Well, the robe is for a sword fairy, I hope the guard is better, the other is nothing." Yi Xiao said.

The fat old man was surprised: "Nie Xiaoyi, niece, do you want to buy a magic sword robe for a male sword fairy? Or come to my God Craftsman's Workshop? Tell me, what is your relationship with this male sword fairy?"

Shenfangfang is the world's first refining sect.

The magic weapon they shot was absolutely fine.

"Don't ask so much, do it as soon as possible and send it to Guangling." Yi Xiao said.

"Guang Ling? Male Sword Fairy?" The fat old man glared, his mouth smiling round, "I think I guessed it."

Yi Xiao's face flushed slightly, and he stopped the subpoena.


June 15 is Qin Yun's birthday.

In the morning, mother Chang Lan personally cooked a longevity noodles, and put eggs in the longevity noodles. This is the habit of celebrating birthday as a child. Qin Yun took a large bowl of noodles and drank the soup.

After eating and drinking, Qin Yun returned to his place.

Today's Qin Mansion ... is much bigger than when Jun Shou gave to Qin Yun, because Qin Yun is more powerful now, and he needs special quiet rooms, places for retreats, places for exercises, and places for meeting friends. Therefore, in the case of paying a `` premium '', he bought several houses around at a high price. After all of them were opened, half of the entire Qin Mansion now belongs to Qin Yun alone. He has arranged the entire array of the Qin Mansion.

"Huh?" Qin Yun came to the back garden and saw Yi Xiao in a light red robe sitting on a stone not far away and looking at Xiaojing Lake.

"Yi Xiao." Qin Yun was a little surprised. "Don't tell me."

Yi Xiao picked up the robe beside him and handed it to Qin Yun: "I know your birthday today, this is for you."

Qin Yun's eyes brightened when he looked.

This set of robes has exquisite patterns, and it also contains heavy rune patterns in it, and the faint marks that can be seen inside the robes surprised Qin Yun: "God's Workshop?"

Qin Yun looked at Yi Xiao holding his robe in his hands.

"What do you want to see? If you don't accept it, let me hold it?" Yi Xiao's face was reddish.

"Oh." Qin Yun connected, but after receiving it, he immediately determined that it was an eight-pin magic robe.

"It's too expensive, here, this ..." Qin Yun continued, "this is the eight-pin magic robe, or Shenfangfang."

"Don't you give me a **** before, that's the magic of eight products," Yi Xiao said.

"But it's just a mule. This is a whole set of robes, which are much more expensive than the ordinary seven-grade magic weapon." Qin Yun even said that he was not willing to buy it himself. At the time, the treasure left by Gongye C was rising his sword. After Liupin. After purchasing many formations arranged in Qinfu, the remaining magic weapon Feijian, he bought all eight items.

This suit is nearly twice as expensive as his eight-pin three-handed magic sword.

"Why don't you say that the black buffalo horns of the water **** big devil were the magic of the sixth grade?" Yi Xiao said, "and ... if you really don't want it, I will take it back."

"Yes, yes," Qin Yun said.

Yi Shao's robes.

When a woman handed her robes, Qin Yun also felt Yi Xiao's heart at this moment, which made him full of joy.

"Huh." As soon as the magic robes were refined ~ ~, Xun covered them all, and people depended on clothes, and Qin Yun was suddenly more handsome.

Of course, as a magic weapon, this robe can be large or small, the colors can be changed, and the style can be slightly changed.

Qin Yun slightly sensed ... This robe is indeed suitable for use by the sword fairy. After the sword fairy's mana has been urged, after the sword fairy's pure and sharp mana has been transformed by the magic treasure robe, it seems like numerous threads are entangled to form a protective layer covering the body. .

"Great." Qin Yun showed joy.

Yi Xiao was on the side, watching Qin Yun's appearance after changing into the magic robe, and watching the light on the surface of the urging magic robe, could not help saying: "Don't show it up, and think about it slowly later."

"Okay." Qin Yun continued, and his robes returned to normal, like ordinary robes.

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