Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 3 Chapter 13: help me!

Inside the house.

Yi Xiao looked at the woman in purple in front of Gu Pan, and looked at her appearance. Yi Xiao couldn't help but said, "You, are you the Lord of Fengli County in Zhongli?"

"You still know me." The woman in purple was smiling.

Yi Xiao is very clear.

The Zhongli Family in Luzhou and the Yi Family in Kunlun Prefecture ... This is a family of several thousand years, all of which were named by the court as kings of different names.

And it can be named 'Wufeng County Lord' because this woman in purple is the biological daughter of Zhong Li's ancestor, so she can become the County Lord. An ordinary Zhongli woman is not eligible to be called a county owner.

"What is the relationship between you and my dad?" Yi Xiao looked at Yi Caishi aside, and looked at the woman in purple in front of her.

"Hurry up, don't ask," Yi Caishi scolded anxiously.

The host of Wufeng County laughed: "Little girl, you can rest assured that I can't give birth to a daughter like yours. Only your mother-in-law can give birth."

Yi Xiao's face suddenly changed.

"San Niang." Yi Caishi next to him, "Let Xiaoer go, I promised you that I would not see her in the future, I will do it. This time she also came by herself."

"I can't control this, you see her, and it's still in front of me." The host of Fengfeng County laughed, "Go, get me her."


There were sounds all around the inner courtyard.

Bang Rong ~~~~ There are bursts around the inner courtyard. Wufeng County is playing the world. Everywhere you live, there is a set of arrays. The security is almost as good as that of the county guard.

The master of Wufeng County also stepped back and looked at Xiaosheng with a smile.

"Woohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh." There are five congenital Xudan practitioners around the inner courtyard, including the humpbacked elders, and they are manipulating the formation to perform combined attacks! As soon as the golden ropes flew in the inner courtyard, one of the ropes trapped the Yi Caishi and dragged the Yi Caishi to the main body of Wufeng County.

Subsequently, the many golden ropes covered Yi Xiao.

Yi Xiao turned it over.

"Thunder comes!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Five gray storms flew out of the palm in succession and bombarded in five directions around each other. They were also the five places where Yi Xiaoyin felt that the formation was operating. She also felt bad: "The powerful formation in this house is actually isolated from the world. Power! I can only guide part of the power of heaven and earth in the courtyard. "

This is the Lei Fa that Yi Xiao is now majoring in—the congenital spirit of God!

This can be compared with the innate energy and thunderous power exhibited by the fake Neidan and Daofu, which were used to deal with the monster of the water god. If you have cultivated the congenital spirit lightning to the full extent, you will be qualified to practice the most powerful lightning method of the entire Shenxiao Gate-Shenxiao Thunder Method.

"It's an innate breath of thunder."

"Five turns."

The five congenital Xu Danjing practitioners were calm and confident.

They are all named disciples under the ancestors of Zhongli's ancestors, and their practice traditions are also extraordinary. The five joints are normal and not inferior to ordinary congenial realms. Not to mention the formation of alliances!

I saw the golden ropes spinning round and round, bombarded by the inborn spirit of Lei Weiwei, all the golden ropes took the initiative to stop them, and they also fully withstood. And there are golden ropes that want to be bound.

"Huh?" Yi Xiao held Daofu in one hand, cast Daofu in one hand, and performed Rafa in one hand!

She looked like a ghost.

It is a pity that if she is trapped in the formation, how can she only stay in this small courtyard and cannot get a step! Just a little wider ... these golden ropes are all over the place, Yi Xiao Ben is not good at melee.

"It's kind of able to struggle." The host of Wufeng County looked at it with a smile. "On the strength, it can be compared to Congenital Realm, but unfortunately, she can't escape if she falls into the formation."

"Well, after struggling again, I was eventually captured." A white old man smiled.

"San Niang, let her go." Yi Caishi pleaded.

"In your face, I won't treat her like that, just a small punishment." The host of Fengfeng County glanced at Yi Caishi. "If you let me be too disappointed, don't blame me for being cruel."

Yi Caishi was anxious and helpless.

On the other hand, the old man laughed and said, "Sister Wu Feng, can I take a shot? This Yi Xiao seems to have a lot of life-saving means, and it can support it."

"It's okay." The host of Wufeng County chuckled, "Look at it, it's quite lively, isn't it? Right, the outside world can't sense it. The Yinhai Temple's" Hai Shengda Monk "is now a guest at Junshoufu, before we He also visited him at the county guard. It would be bad if he stepped in. "

"Rest assured, many arrays isolate induction and isolate all fluctuations. Even outside our courtyard, we can not detect a trace of fluctuations." Bai Laozi said.

"That's fine." The Lord of Maple County nodded.

Between conversations.

Yi Xiao tried his best to even cast a magic weapon, but because of falling into the formation, he was finally **** by a golden rope. Whirly, she was completely **** on a post.

"Her mana has been banned." Wu Fengjun commanded.

But Yi Xiao knew it bad at the moment.

Faced with the golden ropes that surround the sky, she finally failed to block them. But before being tied up, she was also rumored to Qin Yun through the treasure of carrying information. I!"


Immediately after asking for help, a turbulent mana cast a forbidden spell directly through the golden rope, completely sealing her mana!

Yi Xiao's residence, outside the courtyard.

Qin Yun is still waiting here.

"Why don't you come?" Qin Yun was anxiously confused, "Yi Xiao won't do this for no reason."

"Grandson Qin, wait a minute, my lady may be delaying something," said the next girl.

Qin Yun's face suddenly changed slightly, and a sky survey appeared in his hands.

The practitioners with sufficient strength generally have the treasures of communication. Like the original Gongye Bing, Yi Xiao was also granted by the God Xiaomen after entering the innate, Qin Yun's "Sky Survey" can be used for communication. The relationship between him and Yi Shao now naturally leaves a mark on each other in the treasures of communication, so that they can communicate with each other.

"Chengdong Yudaihe, inside a house, save me!"

Inside the cyan sky survey, some small characters emerged.

Qin Yun's face changed when he saw it.

"help me?"

Yi Xiao is asking for help!

Asking for help!

"Who dares to deal with Yi Xiao!" Qin Yun's eyes suddenly turned red, and the silver flying sword appeared to become three feet long. Qin Yun stepped on the flying sword.


Instantly turned into a streamer, across the sky, straight to the east of the city.

Although the east and west of the city are far away, but Qin Yunduo is too fast, only a breath time has reached the east of Yudai River.


Standing on the air with a flying sword, overlooking the surroundings.

Surrounded by a wealthy businessmen's gate similar to Xiaojing Lake, a house courtyard is well-ordered along the Yudai River, and there are many pedestrians on the road, and everything is peaceful and quiet. Qin Yun looked down ... I couldn't see any fighting or special movement at all.

The unity of heaven and man is not even aware of the slightest fluctuation!

"Where is it? Where is Yi Xiao?" Qin Yun was anxious.

"Yes, check." Qin Yun responded instantly, "I now have a range of two hundred feet with my destiny flying sword with my decentralized range! The area around Yudaihe is so big!"

Qin Yun immediately conducted a carpet search.

The Yudai River is only a few miles long.

Instinct Feijian can cover about two miles, but Yudaihe is ribbon-shaped. Qin Yun flies along the Yudaihe, searches everywhere, and passes three more breathing times.

"Huh?" Qin Yun immediately turned his head and looked down at one of the homes below. "My induction can't penetrate that home! There must be a ban on it!"

Powerful formations, such as the formations of Junshoufu, can generally be isolated from induction.

"In addition to the county guard house and my Qin family, there is another place in Guangling County that can isolate the sensor? Yi Xiao must be there!"


Qin Yun immediately manipulated the flying sword.

Along with the booming bang, Destiny Feijian came down from the sky with horror, and directly bombarded the house below, while he himself followed down with a black Feijian.


Inside this house.

Yi Xiao was tied to the post, and the host of Fengfeng County came to Xiaoyingying, and walked in front of Yi Xiao, and gently picked Yi Xiao's chin: "A beautiful woman, I am jealous of being pretty. The **** is also very beautiful, so she can seduce the quarry, and leave from me. "Then she looked at Yi Caishi aside.

Yi Caishi's face was complicated, and he even said, "San Niang, let Xiaoer go. Everything we had at the time has nothing to do with Xiaoer."

"I can't find that bitch, I can't get out of this bad breath." The master of Fengfeng County looked at Yi Xiao, "and the mother debt child should also be paid."

"I want to let you feel what I suffered in the first place." The host of Wufeng County has a cold madness. "You are so beautiful, you must have pursued you so much, maybe they already have good ones." ? "

Yi Xiao stared at her.


For the first time, she heard some news from her mother.

"You said, who chased you, or even your good friend. Now that you have become ugly, will they still be infatuated with you?" The master of Fengfeng County turned out a knife and said, "Brother , Prepare some poison powder. I will sprinkle her wounds later, I want her wounds, it will never heal. "

Speaking of the knife, he scratched on Yi Xiao's face.

Yi Xiaohong stared at her, and also looked at his father, Yi Caishi.

"San Niang." Yi Caishi rushed over and was about to stop.

The master of Wufeng County waved.


So I Caishi swept over and fell to the distance. Yi Caishi fell on the ground and looked up at the distance. More golden ropes flew out and tied him. Yi Caishi watched the owner of Wufeng County to stroke his daughter. Face, suddenly heartache and sorrow, shouted: "San Niang, Xiao Er, she is innocent."

"That's why I just made her ugly." Wu Fengjun's master had already slashed, and Yi Xiao's face was dripping with blood, but she didn't say a word and looked at Yi Caishi in the distance.

Her father really let her down.

"I'm ugly, will Qin Yun still like me?" Yi Xiao was very confused at the moment, and she looked at her father in the distance, disappointed and upset that she could not help crying.

"Crying, crying, crying beauty is really distressing, but you will not be a beauty in the future." Wu Fengjun's master cut Yi Xiao's face again and again. "This bite hurts, it is easy for spiritual practitioners to recover. It ’s very, but some rare and special poison powder penetrates into it, and the wound is ugly and ugly, and it ’s much harder to heal. By the way, your old ancestors of Yi ’s ancestors can use the sky. If he paid the price, he would be able to cure it. .But you, a Yi junior, can make the ancestors save you with great effort? "

As the Lord of Maple County put down the **** knife, he commanded: "Send her to my house, not only her face, but I will cut the wounds on her body, making her ugly all over! Sprinkle poison Fan ... Look at the young people who chase you, will they chase you again? Abandoned taste, you can taste it! "

"Hurry up, put her in my house! I'm going to strip her clothes and cover the wound." Wu Fengjun's eyes were crazy. "I'm very kind. I didn't let men strip your clothes, and I didn't ruin your innocence, yes How good you are. "

Suddenly a practitioner came forward with a sneer and grabbed Yi Xiao, and then escorted him to the room.


"Not good!" All five congenital Xu Danjing practitioners who were in control of the formation changed their faces.


A wave of terror has come!

The array of powers can explode layer by layer, but under this power, they are shattered and torn apart. It is a horrible flying sword that forcibly breaks everything, and Qin Yun in the high sky is swooping down from the air to break the array. At the time of law, he also sensed all the scenes in the house today. I saw Yi Xiao with **** wounds on his face at this moment.

"Yi Xiao!" Qin Yun's eyes suddenly turned red.


The fate sword that was killed below completely exploded ~ ~, the body of the practitioner who escorted Yi Xiao instantly burst into powder.

"No good, retreat!" The old man next to him grabbed the master of Wufeng County, and the fish-like shields were stacked in front of him, but he was still crushed by the horror of the flying sword that swept the four sides. Husband.


Qin Yun had rushed down in the air and hugged Yi Xiao at once.

"Qin Yun, you are here." Yi Xiao looked at Qin Yun.

"Yi Xiao, I'm here." Qin Yun couldn't help but have tears in his eyes and red eyes.

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