Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Assassination

Qin Liehu was drinking hot tea with his friends and son, and eating some snacks.

The maidservants delivered the well-prepared snacks, and Xu Lie ate with a big mouthful.

"Slow down." Xu Dahan couldn't help but stare.

"Haha, eat more if you like." Qin Liehu laughed.

烈 Xu Lie nodded.

Seeing this, Xu Dahan shook his head and smiled with emotion: "Liehu, we were a group of old brothers. Now you are the most amazing. Even practitioners have guarded your home, and senior officials such as the county guard are your guests." . "

"Where it is because of me, because of Yuner." Qin Liehu said.

"Qin Gongzi is kind and willing to help my boy." Xu Dahan said, "I know it is also in the face of the fierce tiger. I can only remember this in my heart. The gift I gave you, your Qin family is afraid. It's not in my eyes anymore. "

"Why do you say these things?" Qin Liehu even said, "After all, you and I have a life-long friendship, and this time when I entered Jingshan, I was just a registered disciple. What can I do in the future?

Xu Dahan also turned to look at his son.

With a bulging mouth in Xu Lie's mouth, he nodded.

"Say some gas!" Xu Dahan said.

Xu Lie swallowed the snack, and said, "Relax, Dad."

"The road is right in front of you, so go ahead." Xu Dahan is also full of expectations. It is difficult for those families who have more power than him to send their children to Jingshan School. Now his son Xu Lie has taken a step ahead of many big family children.

Uh ...

The Hong family.

"Brother, no one can come to disturb me without my permission." Hong Jiu ordered.

"Relax." Hong Dashao answered.


Xi Hongjiu turned around without entering the retreat's quiet room, rumbling, and the stone door closed directly.

闭 This closed retreat is specially constructed, with traps and matrix operations, it is almost impossible to break into the congenital area.

"At the beginning of the tiger's mouth extraction, from the face of the Black Demon King's son, he just snatched the treasures left by his predecessors." Hong Jiu was sitting in a quiet room, sitting cross-legged on a futon. The first is to repair my baby, and the second is to enter the innate. By then, my strength will also leap forward. "

"I am also qualified to visit the Fairy Cave Mansion." Hong Jiu secretly said, "But if I blend in, the foundation is still thin, it is best to pull in a companion? Qin Yun's strength is extremely powerful. The king saved my life, and he was very credible, but he was suitable to participate. "

一切 "Everything, let's talk after the breakthrough."

Wu Hongjiu no longer thought about it, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Every day goes by.

Wu Qinyun and Yi Xiao are still thinking, Zhong Lishi will have some revenge! But they never waited. In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and they all started to winter.

Chao Chaoyang rises and the sun is excellent.

Qi Qinyun and Yi Xiao also walked on the street in the sunshine.

"Where are you going to eat?" Yi Xiao asked with a smile.

"I haven't come out for a few days. Otherwise, go to Yunlou. I want to eat the oil-stained noodles of Yunlou. The whole Guangling has the unique local taste of Qinzhou made by them. Since traveling to Qinzhou that year, That's it. "

Jinyun Tower is quite luxurious, but many dishes are really authentic.

Yi Yi Xiao couldn't help laughing, "Look at you, what you say is drooling."

"When I think of it, I really want to drool." Qin Yun laughed.

"Okay, I'll listen to you and go to Yunlou." Yi Xiao nodded.

The two were walking on the street, and the street was also very lively. There were vendors on both sides, and the people bargained in front of the street stall.

不 Not far ahead, there is a stall for repairing umbrellas.

The man who repaired the umbrella was an old man wearing a thick cotton jacket. There were patches on the jacket. He had a messy white beard. There he repaired the umbrella. Don't look at him because he is old, but his hands are very good. After fixing it, he smiled and handed the umbrella to the woman in front of her: "The umbrella is fixed."

The daughter-in-law took the umbrella, opened it, closed it, repeated it several times, and looked at it carefully before she smiled and nodded, and took out the two big money from the lotus bag and handed it over: "No, close it."

The old man reached out with some black hands, connected, and smiled.

The daughter-in-law turned away.

The old man sat down again and continued to repair the umbrellas that other guests put here. He sometimes raised his head and the sun shone on him, and he felt very comfortable. Look at the ordinary people on the street, eyes are simple and enthusiastic.

When Qin Yun and Yi Xiao came from a distance, he also glimpsed the old man who repaired the umbrella. Judging from Qin Yun's eyes, he determined at a glance that ... this is an old craftsman.

Even now, without the help of Feijian, Qin Yun can sense the 30-foot range around him. Within this range, he will instinctively judge that pure brokenness is subconscious.


When the old man Xiu Xiu saw Qin Yun and Yi Xiao, he even smiled humblely.

In the face of those who saw the rich lady of your grandson, these ordinary craftsmen were also very humble. Following him, they lowered their heads to continue their work, picked up an umbrella, and looked carefully. When Qin Yun and Yi Xiao passed by the umbrella repairing man's booth, the attention of the umbrella repairing man was completely on the umbrella. When he pressed the card slot of the umbrella, he opened the umbrella and took a closer look.

This pushes the card slot, and opens the umbrella——

"Boom !!!"

The dazzling red streamer burst out of the umbrella in his hand, which was more terrifying than any demon crossbow or star crossbow.

At this moment, the distance between him and Qin Yun Yi Xiao is just one foot away!

A distance!

The Umbrella suddenly emits red light, the speed is far faster than the sound, and even the speed is even as fast as Qin Yun's Fei Jian. At this distance, congenital Shidan practitioners may not be able to react! Even if the consciousness reacts, the body has no time to fight back.

Variety of poisonous 叟, the best thing is organ mechanics!

The structure of some umbrellas is more complicated. A special umbrella is enough for practitioners to be unaware of the special.

"Let's die."

"If it ’s a distance of one or two miles, a sword of immortality, and a flying sword can easily kill me. I ca n’t help you if I ’m far away. But now it ’s close at hand. Forbidden surgery, humming, ordinary soldiers can threaten the practitioners with the star-crossing crossbow. And my special umbrella ... has killed the Congenital Realm before, and the other party finally reacted, but it was too late. The old man repairing the umbrella was full of excitement at the moment.

Uh ...

The red light from the umbrella is nine! Each one is extremely fast and extremely fierce! Most importantly, the distance is too close!

Qi Qinyun's eyes noticed that there was a cold color in his eyes.


Invisible fluctuations enveloped the surroundings instantly.

The area around Liuzhang instantly fell into a dead silence, isolated from the inside and outside, outside Liuzhang ... People couldn't see the scene inside Liuzhang around Qin Yun. The old man who repaired the umbrella saw the surroundings become dark, but his face changed slightly, but Still looking forward to staring at the six red lights.

的 The nine red lights shot at high speed, but invisible will cover them.

"The sword was accidentally dropped, it became its own field!"

Different from when he first broke through, Qin Yun's realm of swordsmanship now really covers the surrounding six feet.

Wu Jianyi directly covered the nine red lights, which drastically reduced the speed of the nine red lights! They had the power to do so with the help of organs. Under the hindrance of the sword, their speed continued to decrease sharply, and they finally stopped an inch before Qin Yun. Here are nine black steel needles, which turned into red light ... It was caused by flying too fast.

He changed his eyes wide and looked at Qin Yun in horror.

The scene just shocked him completely!

Without the flying sword ~ ​​ ~, the nine black steel needles finally stopped! He knew very well that the pure power of heaven and earth hindered ... Within a foot of a foot, the fear of weakening the steel needle was less than one percent.

"The realm of artistic conception? How is it possible that the realm of artistic conception in the legend ... The whole Jiangzhou counts as the court and the Taoist Buddhist shrine is here. In total, there are six congenital golden danjing lords. People are afraid that most of them have only mastered the artistic conception. Qin Yun has even reached the level of artistic conception field? "

At the same time that he was shocked, he even hurriedly transmitted a voice, "Don't kill me, I'm a poisonous maggot, I'm good at organ mechanics, I practice my body to become a holy method, I'm the best at changing, I ..."

He wants to live! Naturally show your role!

Wu Chuanying is not over.


The broken umbrella in his hand flew up with a piece of cloth, carrying the meaning of a sword, penetrating his heart, causing Variety's poisonous eyes to fall to the ground, his eyes twisted, his body twisted into that fierce The skinny little old man looks like that.

In the realm of swords and swords, everything can be hidden in swords and turned into a magic weapon.

Wu Qinyun looked at this scene: "I made a breakthrough with swordsmanship, and I and Yi Xiao knew that, you know, it's better to die."

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