Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 5 Chapter 37: 3 years

Chapter Five Chapter Three Years

Chapter Five Chapter Three Years

I eat tomatoes: ,,,,,,,,,,

"New entrance, naturally there is unknown danger." Qin Yun didn't say much.

Hundreds of monsters, even their own Zhou Tianjianguang only broke through the brakes, and they could only escape with a few mouthfuls of flying swords. In addition, the essence of the sword-like extreme state that I have mastered is ‘protection’. Other polar realms exist. If the resistance is weaker than themselves, once surrounded by monsters, it is possible to lose their lives.

"Okay, if they want to break, I will remind them." Yi's ancestor nodded solemnly, Shen Xiaomen is also an extreme state today.

Qin Yun then went to the ancient Tianlong Palace and explored from the other twelve entrances. But as expected, the Sihailong tribe has explored for 6,000 years. I am afraid that even those who entered the realm have entered. He Qin Yun again How could it be beneficial? There are no broken magic weapons. They were all cleaned up.

Immediately after, Qin Yun returned to Guangling, Jiangzhou, and began a relatively peaceful day of practice.

Time rushed, and it was three years later.

In March, Luzhou, over Qibu Island.

Qin Yun Jiayun overlooks the distance. The two sword lights are like two dazzling dragons, each of which carries dozens of sword lights, like a whole. Two sword-light swim dragons wantonly attacked the Qibu Island below.

"Well !!!"

The formation of the island gradually exploded in the roar, causing many little demon in the formation to be terrified.


"Fast escape." Many little monsters fled in panic, rushed out of Qibu Island, and rushed into the lake. Some of them were directly affected by the aftermath of the attack and formation, and died on the spot.

On Qibu Island, there was an angry roar, and the roar shook the sky: "Sword fairy Qin Yun, do you people have a sentence, kill chickens with ox swords? You are the world's most famous polar sword fairy, and you can commit a crime against me Do the monsters in Congenital Realm work, and I'm still in Luzhou, you came from Jiangzhou many miles away just to deal with me? "

"Half a month ago, you destroyed nine villages in a row and killed tens of thousands of people to cultivate your demon magic. With the formation of Qibu Island, you really thought that no one could cure you?" Qin Yun said, "If you are To be good to my people, naturally I will not deal with you. But you will slaughter my people, I Qin Yun will kill you. Today, you cannot escape. "

As the formations burst in succession.

The old demon hiding in the island finally gritted his teeth and fled into a black wind.

"You can't escape! Suffer!" Qin Yun yelled coldly.

The two Jianguang who forcibly broke through the heavy array method caught up in an blink of an eye, easily hanged the black wind, and hanged the old man with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill in the black wind. This old man with black hair on his face was terrified, After all, the gap was too big, and he was killed without a single move. It turned into a prototype and fell down. It was a **** that turned into a monster.


The two sword lights flew back quickly, and Qin Yun waved and folded it.

"Qin Jianxian, you can do one more thing for me in Lanri County." Two practitioners flying in the distance were very excited and even saluting salute.

"I have been fighting this old demon for hundreds of years, and I can't get rid of him. Seeing that he is angry and helpless in the disaster village, fortunately Qin Jianxian is willing to shoot."

"Millions of people in Lanri County are impressed by the great grace of Qin Jianxian."

Both of them are grateful.

Qin Yun nodded and said, "But it's a small matter, the big demon has been eliminated, and I'll leave it to you."

"You cannot kill the demon, but such trivial matters are very simple."

"I'm equally willing to chase down these little monsters. Many monsters have some magic weapons." Both men even said.


Qin Yun nodded.

Immediately turned into a rainbow, across the sky, flew towards Jiangzhou in the south.

The two looked up and looked away.

"It is truly a peerless sword fairy. Qin Jianxian deserves to be the first sword fairy of the modern age. If the top practitioners in the world can be so jealous and hateful, it is a blessing to the people."

"The more powerful the practitioners are, the more they have scruples, this also makes me admire Qin Jianxian, a sword that stretches across the nineteen states, so that many demons bow their heads." Both practitioners lamented their admiration.

Like who does n’t know today.

Jiangzhou Guangling's Qin Yun Jianxian is jealous and hateful. Anyone who knows that there are demons is in trouble, even those demons who have congenital virtual realms and real realms ... of! In the past three years, Qin Yun has often done this after practicing. For the benefit of countless people, I don't know how many people set up a longevity tablet for Qin Yun.

Many ordinary practitioners admire Qin Jianxian.

Although there are two contemporary sword immortals, one is Qin Yun and the other is Cui Lianfeng. But ordinary practitioners in the world admire Qin Yun more!

"Don't worry about this one by one, but don't see countless human races suffering?" In a dazzling sword rainbow, Qin Yun was flying.

He has lived in the village since he was a child.

After seeing the suffering that the demon brought to mankind, as long as he ran hard to kill a powerful demon, the ordinary people in one place will no longer suffer that great suffering. He is naturally ashamed!

Between the world ...

There are also some innate Jindan practitioners who are jealous and hateful, and they dare to conquer a demon in one place, and generally have a strong ability to save lives. Congenital Jindan practitioners can't get rid of it.

Polar existence may be able to do it! But the world is extremely rare, and most of them are seeking for longevity.

And once the bullying is done, once it is done.

The demon side also has extremes! Bullied the little ones, and those big monsters in the extreme are afraid of revenge! Humans exist in the extreme realm, and some are from the tribe. Looking at mortals in the world like ants, they care more about their interests and their own eternal life. Others have too much scruples. Some are unwilling to make enemies too much.

Qin Yun, however, is going forward!

No curse for all evil! The world ’s big demon also has a headache for this. In the past three years, there have also been extreme monsters to deal with Qin Yun, but Qin Yun ’s Zhou Tianjian Guang has nothing to do so far.

"Unfortunately, there are still too many demons, and I can't help it." Qin Yun shook his head. "Those with such strengths as Jiushan Island Master and Baihua Niangniang, even if they are one-to-one, I can hardly kill them. Some of them have strong life-saving ability It is also difficult to remove those who are hiding in the old nest. "

"In the past three years, I have killed some terrible demon. Some well-informed people immediately fled to the great demon."

"To really get rid of the big demon, you have to wait for my enlightenment."

If you can enter the road.

Qin Yun is going to eradicate the big demon entangled in many places in the world. He doesn't care about the many enemies. As long as countless children like his childhood no longer suffer and countless female dolls like his sister are not eaten, Qin Yun feels worth it. . Qin Yun feels that compared with those practitioners who forsake their lives at the Beidiguan Pass to resist the evil, they are also very ordinary.


Guangling Qinfu, a rainbow dived down and entered Qinfu.

"Brother Yun." Yi Xiao came to greet him, and now Yi Xiao has entered the realm of inborn Shidan.

"Xiao Xiao." Qin Yun landed and smiled.

"Remove the Qibu Island Demon?" Yi Xiao asked ~ ~ Well, I killed many demon swords, I never thought he would dare to do so. Qin Yun said.

Yi Xiao laughed: "The Qibu Island demon, a demon repairing a demon, is not a demon Jiumai. So I did not receive a reminder, plus a retreat practice is probably one or two years I haven't heard of Yun Brother's behavior ... Yun Brother, you are just two or three years old, and you have begun to cut off demons and remove demons. If a few years later, the big demons in the world would all know Yun Brother you means. But this is also the cause of trouble for my Qin family. "

"I have lived for 500 years, and those big demons did not dare to provoke me." Qin Yun said, "The family has been flourishing for 500 years long enough. As for 500 years, I will try to place some back-handers. And maybe I It can also create a method of condensing the elemental gods. "

"It must be." Yi Xiao nodded.

"By the way, I plan to retreat in a few days," Qin Yun said.

"Retreat?" Yi Xiao was surprised. "Brother Yun, are you ready ..."

Qin Yun nodded: "I have accumulated enough, it is time to break through the innate Jin Dan realm."

He came out of Jingyang Xianfu, with a lot of treasures. Naturally, the quiet room built by the Qin family was excellent, and many arrays of heaven and earth aura were arranged. Practicing in the quiet room is much faster! Yi Xiao's ability to reach congenital realm is also for this reason. Of course, there are also reasons why she masters the artistic conception of heaven.

Like Qin Yun, although there is a quiet room array method to help, if it is in the level of swordsmanship, he has to reach the congenital Jindan, afraid to take ten years!

And he is at the extreme level, no matter it is the practice of flying swords or the pure sword fairy Zhenyuan, it will be a lot faster. After three years, it has reached a breakthrough.

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